
Saturday November. 1929 THE LIMON SEARCHLIGHT AMONG THE LODGES Del periodismo GRAN HOTEL METROPOLI When in San Jose go to no other but CRAN HOTEL METROPOLI, in front the new Costa Rica Hotel now being constructed. You have the personal attention of the owner. Box 1129 1st. Class meals at very moderate prices FRENTE AL BANCO ANGLO CUARTOS MUY COMODOS HIGIENICOS SELECTA BIEN SURTIDA CANTINA APARTADO 1193 TELEFONO 2861 VICTOR DUKE IS JOHN RODGERS MERCHANT TAILOR LIMON The naine is the hall mark for Tailoring, FAR AWAY the best in Limón. Convince yourseelf.
Puerto Limón RODGERS tica.
Atlantic Hotel Nuevo Propietario THE SAMARITANS that they shall print their own Books and charters here and LoEn estos días fueron vendidos Confusion seem to be started calize the order; this would los derechos literarios del presin the governing section of The be a heavy loss to the English tigiado Diario de la Tarde capiSamaritan Order here. It ap Jurisdiction, as the Income de talino LA NUEVA PRENSA. Adpears that some time ago a rived from the Western Juris quirió esta propiedad el joven Governing Council was formu diction by way of Books, Char intelectual don Ricardo Fernánlated in Costa Rica for unifica ters, Capitation Fees etc.
dez Peralta por la suma según tion of all the Lodges of this enormous.
se dice de (30. 000. Con esto Order in the Territory. The He.
podrán ver los lectores lo que ads of the Order in the United vale la reputación de un perióThe Mystic Masons dico. La Nueva Prensa duranStates were brought out at a Cost of about a thousand colote su larga vida de fecunda lanes from each Lodge then forThe Ancient order of Mystic bor, ha espigado por los campos ming this Council. Åll went well Masons of Ethiopia is registered del Arte, las Industrias y todo until now a new set of Officers in Costa Rica and meetings are lo que ha sido interés general have been chosen, and this set Madre de Dios for calling in all riosa y digna del mayor elogio.
being held in Limon, Estrada del país, su vida ha sido labowith one or two exceptions seem to have been chosen from members of the Order to have Nuestros mejores deseos ahora One Lodge alone; hence the a reorganization of the Institu son, que con su nuevo propiepeculiarities start tion under Grand Master Bogle tario cobre mayor brillo este It appears that one Lodge St of The Territory. great reunion colega y centruplique su valor.
Stephens began to object as to meeting is called at Estrada on certaih manipulations, such as Sunday 3rd November, at which EL workings on Sundays instead of time representatives from all Tuesdays as provided by Regu Lodges will be present.
Con este laconico nombre lations. Protest was entered, apareció el lunes pasado un but this protest was ignored, Foresters Gala time nuevo Vespertino que viene this being ignored, the Stephens a llenar en realidad un hueco gave notice of withdrawal from the District, and asks for a refund In spite of the wave of finan que existía en la vida periodísof her share in the cost of bricial distress hovering over LiEs un Diario en forma de nging about the District. Now it mon The Foresters Court had Revista lleno de ilustraciones de is said that the District has plased a charge against the Step nual Forest day and all hunters información completa de la vida was the occasion of their An arte exquisito, con literatura e Why not have an arbitration by and they seem to have had a went out in quest of their lost, del pais e internacional.
Sus directores son nada medisinterested parties rather than nos que el distinguido periodisappealing to Civil interference. good find, as they came home rejoicing and revelled in a great ta y fino literato don Joaquin feast and dancing all night.
Vargas Coto y el General PiLocalization of Lodges There is however some disap ex Director del Diario de Cosnaud. Rene César El uno pointment in the nonacceptance It has come to our notice that of members of a Sister Chapter ta Rica y el otro Redactory the Order of Free Gardeners along the line in the great Cam Copropietario de La Tribuna bere, is having difference of opi pout, due to the fact that these Tenemos que estar de plácemes nion with the Executive Rulings Sisters were apparently Clandescon este nuevo Diario que habría in England, and it is being arran tinely initiated in a male Court de deleitarnos en las tardes con ged that if The Executive Board without the proper authority of sus amenas e importantes nuevas.
connot accept the point of view a ladies Charter; the matter is put forward by the Heads of under discussion by heads of EL NUESTRO Department in these quarters, the Society.
El primer número de nuestro Semanario, tuvo como esperába mos la mejor acogida entre la gente del Litoral Atlántico; para corresponder a ese favor no omitiremos esfuerzo para: seguir mejorando y aumentando Súits made to order in the Shortest notice a Com nuestra información en inglés y plete stock of English and American tweeds, sergiogs español sobre todo lo de más Flannels always on stock, come in when in San José importancia que afecte a la vida de nuestra Provincia y a la vida see my recent arrivals.
general del País; también seguiNorth East Corner of Central Averán encontrando nuestros lectores información sobre la vida nue where the Plaza Víquez económica e industrial de alguTramway starts.
nas de las grandes naciones.
Lea nuestros nuevos números.
Suits also made on the Raffle Series system come Anúnciese, o suscríbase si no in and get a number.
lo está. Situado 150 yards from South of the Market in front of Orange Crush factory ATLANTIC HOTEL offers to the public in general Clean confortable Rooms.
Meal Service to order, cakes, Ice Cream as per desire We also attend to wedding feasts, etc. etc.
Moderate Prices all attention given to Boarders English french spoken. Call be convinced.
Telf. 3271. Box 614. San José, BEDWARDS DRUG STORE SIQUIRRES SASTRERIA GRANT Bed Wards Drug Store is replete with the most upto date stock of latest Drugs, both Foreign Native made SO AS TU SORVE YOU EFFICIENTLY he went for two morths studies of MICROSCOPIC work in the Laboratorio de la Salud Pública (Pu blic health Laboratory) San José passed his examination, thereby competent in Testing your Blood, excretions, sputem etc.
You will therefore trust him to advise you.
PERCY BEDWARD The Bridge Siquirres.
Notary Public Lawyer Drug Store Shaw It you want a thoroughly bonest and reliable Lawyer to do your business go to Don ANTONIO SEGURA Limón Ift 35 years experience in Tropical Deseases stands for Knowledge. Then may be able to advise you in your trouble. When in Siquirres consult: SHAW THE NI.
On Tuesday inst. will be Nomination of Officers for The Limon Division All Members financial or not are invited.
Premier return Premier McDonald returned to England yesterday al 15 a. on The Duchess of York, he was met by Lord Derby a great multitude, Sport Football The Heredianos won the San Salvavador team eleven to one. Paraguay won the Uruguay team to none. Vichini of Paraguay broke his leg they had to play with ten men. PILÉS SHOE STORB SIQUIRRES THE NEW DRUG STORE LIMON LOS AFICIONADOS a las carreras de caballos DISPUTARSE. LADIES! It is an acknowledged fact, that if you are not wearing PILES STYLE OF SHOES you are not dressed. His best finest Tanned uppers are bound to attract the attention of passersby. for they trim your feet. His gentlemen working dressed shoes are a specialty, come in and say no if you can. Pile. back of the post office Come in see for yourselt, the most up to date assortment of Foreign and Native Patent Medicines Drugs.
The only Qualitied Druggist from Jamaica in Town. Advices given on any ailment. Convince yourself. Mc RAE VENDO La mejor Potranca que ha sido nacida del famoso garañón Filantrofist.
Puede alistarse para las fiestas de San José, está de 59 pulgadas y tiene 21 años. Nation quel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.
Printing Office Ujueta, San José


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