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PAGE THE LIMON SEARCHLIGHT November Saturday 1929 For the purest and best The cheapest most reliable Cacao Cafe Obituary It is with feelings of keen regret that we have to record the death of Mr. Hugh Escoe who has for a number of years served the Co. at the Zent station, the gentleman went to San lose to have his teeth attented to, and apparently from the effects of the extraction, whether by Bloodpoisoning or other causes, he felt a numbness all over his body, he took the Train from San José for his home but died before he reached his destination.
He leaves a wife little children to whom this Journal tenders its sincere condolence.
buy from As a Commission man it is hard to lick Wiison, apartado 65 Cartago over 20 years in the line whatever your wants may be give him a Trial be Convinced.
CARLOS LUIS ODIO San José, Costa Rica Fate of Young Young girls in girls in large Cities Hotel Frances The following clipping will serve as Many of the girls, however, are not re is no one to report their absence a deterrent to young girls who live away found dead but clues indicate that they Perhaps months afterwards some neig.
from their parents in lives of illusion have become victims of an international hbour or acquaintance will become ment in fairyland of pleasure continually. white slave traffic which exploits pretty worried and inform the police of the Paris. What becomes of more than 2000 French women who mysteriously young girls. They are generally indu disappearance.
ced to leave France on glib promises To complicate the task of finding disappear every year from their homes of fabulous salaries as shop. girls or these some 000 women who disapin France?
mannequins in some South American pear annually, is the fact that the list That the question which members country.
of missing is ever accumulating. Every of the Surete Generale the Scotland year there are large numbers of those Yard of France are constantly seeking DIFFICULTIES FOR POLICE reported missing who are never found.
to answer. Sometimes there is no answer They must be carried over to next but often it is to be found in the bot Efforts to locate these girls are ge and be kept for reference when tom of the Seine, among the decom. nerally made difficult owing to the fact some unknown body comes to light.
posed bodies of a morgue, beneath the that frequently they tell no one of their It is estimated that every year hunsod of a lonely forest or in the depth plans, just disappearing. Many of them dreds of bodies are fished from the riof a well.
do not live with their parents and the vers of France. The Seine probably carries in its currents the secrets of more crimes than any other estuary in the country.
CARTAGO Cartago as a Health Resort equals anywhere in the Known World and when going there advise by Telegram the Manager of Hotel Frances Cartago; the best of Associates are there, the most comfortable Rooms and cuisine especial from Panama, and fancy all this for only e 00 per day.
FORDS UNSOLVED CRIME DAY Uncle Sammys prohibition agents again in trouble another Case of the m Alone by case Adrian Collado remain President Machado of Cuba seen to be indeed a Dictator OUR ROADS PINTURAS fiscation of propertich they are enFarmers working in their fields contribute largely to the finding of murare the best, cheapest and most dered women. Hunters in the forests also come across the remains of persons assassinated, perhaps years gone economical in fuel OTTAWA, Sept. 27. request that the facts as stated by Captain Mcleod, steps be taken to obtain reparation for and asking for an investigation of the The task of cataloguing the dead in the morgues of France is the most Shawnee through being shelled by the damage sustained by the motor vessel gruesome of all such work. Here the The declaration of Captain McLeod bodies are kept as long as possible on United States Coast Guard has been makes it clear that the Shawnee was stone slabs, constantly washed with direceived by the Department of Extersinfectants while pyramids of coffins nal engaged in the Liquor traffic. He states Affairs that on September 7th, he cleared from Some days ago the Department reare kept nearby to bury such victims Bermuda with a cargo of liquor which when they are identified or else given msceived a telegram from the legal rewas subsequently disposed of on the Agent in Costa Rica up as an eternal enigma.
presentatives of Captain John McLeod, high scas.
of the Shawnee protesting against the disappears are clarified and result many of these mysterious action of the United States Coast Guard.
Four days later on September 11 that in the arrest of the guilty, there always The communication received to daw about half past nine in the evening he from Halifax is elaboration of the testates that he encountered the United a large number unsolved. According to the published statement of the facts by Captain McLeod as well legram. It comprises a declaration of States coastguard vessel Number 145.
He was then he dcclared, seventeen former chief of the Surete Generale there is a crime committed every day as a request that stups be taken to ob miles distant from the nearest point of tain reparation the United States coast. When he sigin large cities like París the author of hted the 145, the latter vessel was oabut which is never discovered.
MAY FOLLOW USUAL COURSE a quarter of a mile away and aws like the Shawnee travelling without light Presumably the Department will fo. Another Ship has since been sunk in a llow the usual course of appraising the similar manner.
Canadian Minister at Washington of Washington, Sept. 18. The Senate few reports of complaints by American Foreign Relations Committee held a citizens of confiscations of property, meeting to day to receive a report from Many of the charges heard are a sub committee which has been inves aimed at President Machado, who has Brought over from page tigating charges of ill treatment of Ame only recently entered upon his second four year term, and who has been allenot continued so as avoid a repitition The charges were, that Cuba was ged to exercise a strong personal con of the November February inconveunder a virtual dictatorship and that trol over the island affairs.
niences. Limon was really the province Americans living there had suffered con The charges run all the way from of don Rafael Yglesia making, whose The Best paints or Varnishes and had not the accusation that the President conname is immortalized there; wont you enjoyed rights to trols Congress by means of the lottery, under the law.
to the allegation that he prevents freedom not also allow your name to go down are manufactured by in history in Siquirres? We note that The report was not submitted, but it of discussion and uses stern measures there is a Protest before is likely that Secretary Stimson, who in suppressing opposition.
you by the has conducted an investigation into the Banana Farmers of of the Peralta SantiaIt is reported that one of the principal causes for the enquiry was the go charges through Reuben Clarke, former Districts that the lastest Innovation Under Secretary of State, will be ca Barlow case, in which an American by the Co. is that their cutting Orders of last week reads that Fruit lled before the committee and asked citizen has complained to the State De must be cut on their own account unabout the conditions disclosed.
partment that he has been defrauded of til delivered alongside Ships, now do Thus far, it is understood the full 1, 200, 000 in property in the heart of you not see how very necesary a membership of the committee has not Havana, and that legal redress is denied.
been told of the nature of the report The Barlow case occupied the is? And if Judiciously engineered and way atten.
constructed it should not cost Agents the sub committee is preparing.
tion of the State Department several cause there is weeks ago when Barlow was arrested the original trail, of the FEW COMPLAINTS.
and bail being denied was according and there is no reason why a Spanish occupation from Matina up to to his story, thrown into prison with an So far as the State Departament is maniacs and lepers. Later he was relenot be built, without concerned, it is said there have been ased on bail and his case is still pending payers, by which means a very serions burden ro Taxcould be taken to shipping arriving in our Products Do not Throw away Money class condition in well packed Trucks as is done in Jamaica and other on Smokes that do not satisfy frist class highway accommodations.
countries that enjoy the privilege of As the management of our Branch of trade is able to please the mox fastidious smoker, especially now owing to the fact that we have We note that the Minister of Finanjust enlarged our work rooms on the experience of our many years of application to this line, we can offer tobacco in leaf and entform in many ce is on the Roadway of success varieties, qualities aud prices.
getting Million Dollar Loan and the Banco Crédito Hipotecario, is geting Especialities in cut Tobacco granulated and suitable SAN JOSE for Cigarettes to the taste of every smoker: Cuban or Ameof Limon will pray that a million colorican style rope tobacco also for plpes.
nes be alotted for a PeSole Agents for roadway from xclusive Agency for PALMARENO CIGARETTES to Limon, no matter what don Carlos is saying, Depot for Cigars of all sizes, torms and prices.
Provincial Committee will be formed to see that money The most well known brand of cigarettes kept in stock be well Plants of the best kinds of Tobacco from Palmares and Turrialba spent similar to how our Junta Saneamiento has spent what has been Our products gained the Silver Medal in the last National Exhialotted theni, we shall see that new bition, and were lumorable mentioned and awarded Gold Medal in the Districts are Exhibitions of Limon and Heredia respectively.
Citizens Asce along that Roadway into existenPass by THE PALMAREÑO TOBACCO PLANT The best made sociation shall be formed for dividing Nort east corner of the San José market Or by the Anexes selling those small settlers lots, and the Revenue shall soon pay our Loan Administered by VICTOR MANUEL HIDALGO Nacional Chambresinan Pepsperiayaqen the BPliotecas Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica Our products sold by all shops tested Province of Limon titled BERRY BROTHERS Conzalo Esquivel a Roadcost much, beroad could first Union Motors in ralta Buick Cars


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