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Tte Costa Rica Life Assurance Society West Indian.
times of Sickness or dhelp a Support in Wassende PILES SHOE STORE SIQUIRRES 1266, 60 PILES STYLE OF SHOES case.
612 Eloy Truque Hidalgo 132 200 31 at their point out 604. 45 which is protected 620 José 11. 00 00 20 10 Subscribe 1794. 30630 Anita 562. 00 00 24 25 Cacao Cafe 00 15 637 Carlos 2026. 10 Mine nights practices 283. 50 ཨཏ འབལ༠ཙ ཕ གཙ འབཙ HOTEL CENTRAL SIQUIRRES San Jose, Costa Rica Crnhet oir front page. Shedden certainly the neatest best, when in It behoves every person man or wo the advantages that will come to your Siquirres dont fail to book your lodgings in this tion of research, loans for new machman who has a loved relative or friend, friend or family by joining This Society.
inery, etc. for at existing prices, even whom he or she would like to be benemost Sanitary and Commodious building, which is not a commercial Society but if the cost of production in the West fitted at their death to Join this Society.
help Complete assortment of wines stimulating Indies could be brought down to that It is so easy to only 00 entrance death, protected by Drinks in the Canteen.
prevailing iu Cuba, sugar would still Fee and the monthly fee in case of the Law that no creditor can embargo the On the premises is also located an up to date be produced in those Colonies at death of a member. You can be a memto your friend when you die, Bakery, where the best Bread, Buns Cakes can loss if the existing tariff preference were ber of 25 C, 30C, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, and controlled by gentlemen of the hig be had.
to be removed. We have been informed or 00. In case of the death of a mem hest reputation in the country having that it is use less to press for the maOUR OLD FRIEND SHEDDEN ber you pay whatever that member been in existence now over 30 years is intenance, much less the increace of cuota was, not exceeding your cuota. by publishing for your thought, the FRENTE AL DOCTOR SHAW the preference, its ultimate removal being That is if a 5. 00 member dies, and following list of the Policies that have part of you are a 50 member you only pay been Liquidated in the year 1928.
CUARTOS MUY COMODOS HIGIENICOS THE SETTLED POLICY 50 so on Thus it suits the thinPresidente, don Ricardo Fournier SELECTA MUY BIEN SURTIDA CANTINA king man woman particularly of the of the present Government. Conseto join this Society. It gives Tesorero, don Alberto Angón Lo mejor en Siquirres.
quenly we can only hope that econo you the Assurance that in your sickness Secretario, don Adan Peralta Shedden mic and financial considerations will your friend will take care of you because San José, Apartado 1318 lead to a postponement of the date on if you die he or she will be recompensed which sugar duty is ultimataly to go, for their trouble with you.
Any information given by The Edibut the British West Indian Sugar inThe best way of convincing you of for of this paper.
dustry cannot live on that hope alone Arrangements for cultivation have to ade two years ahead. ConsequenNo.
In received MEMBER DEAD Csota Pald in de tly, it it seems to us that nothing short Policy by family of a promise of subsidies on the lines to home beet, to place the West Indian sugar industry im607 Carlos Urbina Céspedes 794 00 22 2 G701. 00 1803. 75 LADIES! It is an acknowledged fact, that if you mediately in a position to compete 608 Fulgencio Villalobos 783 00 15 22 438. 00 1335. 20 are not wearing successfully in the world markets.
609 Patricio Ledezma Ledezma 321 00 22 26 545. 50 1266. 65 with the guarantee of continuity such 610 Basilio Paniagua Sandoval 105 00 31 10 393, 00 1407. 30 as competing countries rely upon so 611 Alberto Chavarria Mora 1487 00 193 509. 00 confidently would meet the and 31 00 31 18 791. 50 1806. 50 it is for this that the Members of the 22 00 31 19 979, 50 2009. 00 West India Committee reoptly pressed 614 Manuel Montealegue Mora.
are not dressed. His best finest Tapped 00 31 229 793. 50 you 1807. 50 interview with Lord Olivier. In 50 25 26 191. 00 270. 60 uppers are bound to attract the attention of pass616 Emilio Alpizar Alvarado this connection 1230 50 20 1030 2030 we might 34 24 259. 00 770. 60 ersby for they trim your feet. His gentlemen that to grant subsidies to the British 617 Domingo Aymerich 256 00 371 0 775. 00 working dressed shoes are a specialty, come in Colonial as distinct from the Dominion 618 Enrique Rawson Quirós 16411 50 17 21 241, 50 762. 55 and say no if you can.
sugar industry, is already amply 619 Amanda de Sagot 1034 00 21 17 521. 50 1396. 85 by its own Government, Artavia 224 00 27 11 18 566. 50 1396. 85 would be considerably cheaper than 621 Julián Quirós Saborio 467 50 26 28 296, 00 690. 50 Pile. back of the post office assistance by form of preference, in view 622 Micaela de Soto 216 50 20 28 274. 00 767. 25 of the fact that the preference is gran623 Fernando Murillo Rodríguez 1777 00 15 21 567. 00 1615. 25 ted to the Dominions as well as to 624 Samuel Yalverde Madrigal 1025 00 21 5 714. 50 1795, 50 the Colonies.
625 Rafael Calvo, ap.
619 00 23 5 55250 1267. 65 626 Manuel Arrieta 2951 10000313 00100 13 985. 95 627 Tranquilino Barquero 1316 704. 1618. 90 628 Francisco de Mediola 2550 005 111 155. 00 1334. 50 620 Nazario Castro Abarca 602 00 24 27 002 765. 00 For the purest and best de Lizano 431 00) 25 327 1404 75 1404. 02 631 Federico Tristán 681 762. 50 06 702. 50 632 Josefa Arguedas de Cruz.
1809. 52 50 2496 50 10 90. 00 734. 20 633 Rafaela de Umaña 1525 00 10 19 622. 50 1809. 39 634 Teodoro Picado Marin.
15 0271 1798 432. 50 1417. 50 Cradenas 1146 002107 636 Josefa de Vindas 00 210 1416. 50 527. 00 1347 100. 2007 141 50 00 20 7 621. 00 1417. 50 423 423 005 00 25 226 567. 50 1417. 50 638 Enrique Montiel Lacayo. 932 952 00 22 15 912. 50 buy from 639 Graciela de Carballo 2896 2890 50 00 10 19 17. 00 543. 10 640 Antonio Peña Velazeo 1122 50 16 0 237. 00 041 Juan Porras Rivera 1282 50 20 26 642 Gral. Luis Mena 1517 00 19 24 707. 00 1797. 90 643 Manuel Ortuño Bonilla 217 00 28 19 585. 50 1406. 26 644 Esmeralda Murillo de Meza 1013 50 21 10 25 291. 00 767. 10 San José, Costa Rica 38 deaths liquidated. 18, 969. 50 650:79165 The writer happened to be a lodger in a certain District along the lines and with disgust on one hand and sympaEs realmente una lástima que los mé. Los sacerdotes, los maestros de eduthy on the other witnessed the greatest ritos de esta Sociedad no estén tomados cación deben imponerse la alta obligaen cuenta por las familias Ticas; consi ción de aconsejar a todas sus congrelawlessness during the performances at შპს პსპ 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 derando los beneficios derivados para gaciones, alumnos y padres de familia lo this ninth night entertainment for an las familias dolientes. Es una necesi necesario que es vivir em este inundo entertainment to those who is. Is it not time that these PETGRAVES TAILORING dad las cabezas de todas las famicon la idea it certainly is han hecho que todo lo lias foolish, sean miembros de esta Sociedad. Los bueno posible, pues no es caridad sola wa done are hijos serían socios con la idea de promente dar 25 cén away with?
one who is of a thincéntimos mendigo en king turn begins to think what is the INFORMATION BUREAU la calle, que caridad es también velar dos por el último estado de la hu od el porvenir de por reason of it and where is its origin?
la hermaPiense Ud. en la satisfacción na o la esposa, procurando estrechar One has a death in SIQUIRRES the family and de en sus úl entre una y otra los vínculos de familia, from sympathy, ones friends gather timos momentos al tener el pensa procurando estrechar la caridad a ellas. with the bereaved for a around on the night in condolence Whatever be your need, see Petgrave; as an auctoneer, he is miento de que se va, pero que la maAquí está la lista de pólizas liquidaa few hours, dre o la querida esposa no quedan a the only man that knows where to sell your house or your farm.
das por la Sociedad en el año 1928 friends are constantly dropping in of la merced de la caridad de este cruel Hágase Ud. socio hoy mismo y a fering expressions of sympathy and His Legal advice never fail. The ll get you unt all your troubles.
mundo of hope as to how the future shall su muerte su familia no verá la miseria be met ete in consequence of the cat lamity that has occured, until the morW. PETGRAVE Siquirres row when the interment takes place, If this vigil was kept up on the third night, understand it, in his Resurection on the hillought but why should this gathering be on Suits made to order in the shortest notice a Com the ninth night we are still and no one has been able to answer. The plete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings memory of ones dead is sacred and Flannels always on stock, come in when in San José prayers are offered for the repose of the souls of the departed at intervals, but see my recent arrivals.
where does this manifestation of ignorance and lawlessness on the ninth night are the best, cheapest and most North East Corner of Central Avecome in one is at loss to conceive.
The authorities in Costa Rica are very nue where the Plaza Viquéz considerate economical in fuel to foreigners as to privele ging them their habits and Customs Tramway starts.
and these things are permitted to go on but if if the lower class of coloured Suits also made on the Raffle Series system come people would just begin to get away in and get a number.
lower natures they would that this scandal is not indulged in by In the the first instance it is an infringement Agent in Cos! a Rica on the rights prevented from sleeping, because it on a par with the howling of dogs at nights so hateful to us all the other hand it seems a sort of deseof the dead in question, then again, it is lawless because, the laws of no country permits any noisy meetings after ten o clock, so MERCHANT TAILOR LIMON we write this with the hope that the better informed coloured people will The name is the hall mark for Tailoring, discountenance this practice and advice their less informed friends how hideous siness go to this thing appears in the sight of other FAR AWAY peoples, so that they may desist in the Custom the best in Limón. Convince yourself.
Don ANTONIO SEGURA imón Puerto Limón RODGERS Printing Office Ujueta, San José Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas 775, 85 175, 85 CARLOS LUIS ODIO uncivilized Nowe practises de un padre un hijo more und one could SASTRERIA GRANT because asking FORDS Adrian Collado from their other race. In are of mongrel Notary Public Lawyer on cration to the JOHN RODGERS It you want a thuroughly honest and reliable Lawyer to do your bu

    Manuel Mora

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