
Saturday November. 1929 THE LIMON SEARCHLIGHT PAGE 30 CURRENT ITEMS GRAN HOTEL METROPOLI Union Motors Buick Cars a Current News Motor accident Our Water Supplies The Shooting Down Carmen Re The Lodges, Churches Mr. Ewen, protecThis indispensable precious flu Associations Around the Monte Cristo plattor of Jamaican Immigrants in Truck laden with goods id is calling the attention of all The Cuba went to Jamaica on the going from Kingston to Trela legislators in the known world form of the Carmen district, seem to be gaining a name for murThe Election of Officers for La Playa for a few days, way fell over a precipice on the for the supply of all Cities and The Limon Div. Will come off he reports all well among the Unity Valley Road, two miles Townships. There is no doubt ders and shooting Scraps. on Jamaican element in Cuba, but from Moneague, with the result about, it that the Governor, Mu wednesday 23rd inst Walter on Munday 11th inst. The run reccommends no further immi that one man got Killed and nicipality and the Committee Rogers, a checker of Fruit for for Presidency is between Mr.
gration there.
six others were seriously injured. appointed to see into the bet the Co. at this spot car Cunning and Mr. Smith the preterment of living conditions in stand was cruelly shot while slee sent presiding Officer. They are Limon, Messrs. indlay, Wendorf ping in his bed. The Assasin got both good men, but there is and Rees have worked day under the flooring of the house nothing like a change, and some night thinking how to cope with and shot the poor man through of the members are thinking that conditions of our water supply the flooring through the bed Mr. Cunning may be able to and the rising population of this ding. fortunately that the bu bring back some of the memTown; and indeed they are masllets having to pass all through bers who are now out of comWhen in San Jose go to no other but GRAN HOTEL METROPOLI, in front the new Costa Rica tering the situation, because our these did not have the deadly pliance.
Hotel now. being constructed. You have the personal water can be had in better flow effect they would have had ot, Gooil Samaritans attention of the owner.
and a clean drinkable fluid now, herwise three bullets however Many have been the letters formerly our water was unfit were extracted from the man received in consequence of the Box 1129 for human consumption in con body at Siquirres by Dr. Shaw publications of last week, but and he sent to Hospital; where he for want of space cannot come 1st. Class meals at very moderate prices sequence of which Camp one has claimed 50 per cent of those is progressing. This is the fourth out in this issue, but we are FRENTE AL BANCO ANGLO lying there, but now the water shooting at this spot in five assured that Stephens will not CUARTOS MUY COMODOS HIGIENICOS coming to us can be drunken months.
take any drastic steps until diwithout being boilt. Thanks prinRodgers apparently who was rected by the National Grand SELECTA BIEN SURTIDA CANTINA cipally to our Committee on well liked in the vicinity was Council. In the meantime hoAPARTADO 1193 TELEFONO 2861 Improvement works. It is of a shot by someone possibly with wever, why wont both sides get VICTOR DUKE sure that if San Jose, had put a hope of getting his job. Great or old men in the Order their improvements into the hands suspicion is cast on an intimate and talk the matter over so as of men with foreign ideas there friend of his. The Police are to resume friendly operations would not be such quarreling as watching the Trail.
Doctors differ patients die goes on there.
Mr. Garvey Election The City of Kingston is also The Golden Age. gives the thinking of an improved Water following cute account of the Much speculation in political supply. For some time now The Sanity of Examinations by some circles is being carried on as to Gleaner has been advocating New York doctors. it says the possibility of the non eligi. Well system to augment the supBernarr MacFadden sent a per bility of Mr. Marcus Garvey sit ply in dry seasons, but the City fectly sound, physician. certified ting as a Councillor in the Corporation is thinking of leading SAN JOSE healthly young man to twenty. Kingston St Andrews Cor the waters of the Ginger, Plansix highly ethical licensed phy poration Council.
tain and Iron Rivers into The Sole Agents for sicians of New York for a phy. His opponents claim among other Hermitage Water Works, which sical Examination.
things, away from his imprison will bring up the supply to The 100 per cent healthy yo ments, that he being Managing 9, 000, 000 gallons per day in the ung man came back with the Editor of the Blackman dry season and this at a cost Reports from each one. accor newspaper which advertises for of 50, 000 as is estimated by ding to them, he was suffering the Corporation and obtains Major Simms, Director of Pufrom 26 different deseases and remuneration; ofcourse these are blic Works.
The best made got from each one a prescrip matters which will have to be tion for the treatinent of their decided by an Election Petition Army Operations in Siquirres immaginary deseases.
before the Supreme Court.
tutto The annual Harvest Festival of New Language the Salvation Army of this Town What of Prohibition in Los came off on Sunday 27th octA New Language is being ober got up by Capt Leveane, propagated in Paris called The Angeles with Adjutant Wright piloting Occidental as a rival of the the programme thro.
Esperanto, its principal basis is In the last Camping out Convention in Los Angeles, The The school children recited formed of English, French, Itaand sang beautifully; as well as lian, Spanish and German Its Society of Shriners left empty RODOLFO CERVANTES SIQUIRRES the Sixette party comprizing Adjt grammar is said to be very easy bottles behind them to the amo Wright, Capt. Greaves, Lieuts. since it has no irregular verbs, unt of 104. 400 among that being MECANICO EN DENTISTERIA so no difficult conjugations, it 98 gross of gin, 63 Simpson Buckley.
gross of Candidate Wright and Capt. will be therefore easy for all Scotch Whisky, 22 gross of Leveane kept the people alive. Nationalits to understand one bottles. This shows that the Get your teeth fixed at Dr. CervanAn enjoyable time was spent another.
tes, strong work executed by him.
act is only applicable to one that will long be remembered.
International Linguists are per class of people.
On Monday 28th we againsistently at work for its perfection had a grand demostration in the Wesleyan Church kindly loaned us by The Pastor officers Murders Ear Troubles when the audience was kept laughing from start to finish.
It is the Nature of all men to Dy the Gleaner we see a man In the latest medical Statistics There will be Harvest Festival seek the best in everything.
na Leon Murdock in a Dis there are supposed to be fifteen services on Sunday 10th in the trick named Cottage Pen near million people in the United Sta: Limon Army Hall and The YoTo have the best music in your Morant Bay shot killed a tes afflicted with ear troubles ill ung People Altar Service, Spewoman named Maria Deacon, one form or another.
cial Programme. On Monday 11th homes get a VICTOR MACHINE and afterwards shot himself. They There are supposed to be there will be a Special Programme seemed to have been in concu three million children in schools al 30 entitled Harvest from binage, but the woman broke so afflicted, and to these, lip read. Home The Sixette party will off the relationship with the ing is being introduced so as assist in the Programme. Admiresult.
to counteract this inconvenience ssion 50 cents.
Died on Sea On Firday last Mr. Frank Maduro the Asst. Manager of The Do not Throw away Money Limon Trading Co. in Limon on Smokes that do not satisfy went to Cahuita Old Harbour 12 on a tour of inspection of his As the management of our Branch of trade is able to please the most fastidious smoker, especially now owing to the fact that we have Company business there on the just enlarged our work rooms on the experiencie of our many years of Launch Traco, in coming up he application to this live, we can offer tobacco in leat and cut forun in many varieties, qualities and prices brought the Agent of Police from Old Harbour whom he Especialities in cut Tobacco granulated and suitable for Cigarettes to the taste of every smoker: Cuban or Amefound very ill at that locality, but rican style rope tobacco also for plpes. the unfortunnte man died before Prelusive Agency for PALMARENO CIGARETTES the reached Limon.
When in San José do not fail to give a Call to Depot for Cigars of all sizes, torms and prices.
your old friend Malick, who has served you in The most well known brand of cigarettes kept in stock Plant of the best kinds of Tobacco from Palmares and Turrialba On Saturday of last week the the past. and is ready to do so again with his chief Steward of the Coy most up to date stock of Ladies gentlemen garOur products gained the Silver Medal in the last National Exhibition, and were honorably mentioned and awarded Gold Medal iu the Hospital, Isherwood went for Eshibitions of Limon and Heredia respectively, a stroll around Town. On reaments and his complete assortment of Fancy dress Pass by THE PALMARENO TOBACCO PLANT ching around the Market square, goods, laces novelties of all kind, at the North Nort east corner of the San José unarket Or by the Anexes he dropped dead. The body was Eastern gate of The Market.
Administered by VICTOR MANUEL HIDALGO taken to the Hospital embalmOur products sold by all shops ed waiting instructions from his REMEMBER THE SIGN OF THE family in England to be sent GOOD SAMARITAN ihomiesel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Biblioteca del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
DENTISTS OFFICE Piza Sons La Samaritana


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