
THE CRISIS Atlantic Hotel de Nicaragua EDITORIAL In british politics On his arrival in his seat as Prime Minister of England Mr.
Mac Donald expects to meet The Province of Limon has been struggling for an existen, some very serious questions of Situado 150 yards from South of the Market in front of State before him, one matter ce now fror a number of years due to the falling off of our Orange Crush factory that has been pressing his atBanana output caused from one thing or another, and indeed this struggling has never had any attempt at betterment by way of ATLANTIC HOTEL offers to the public in getention is that of the enormous neral Clean confortable Rooms.
amount of unemployed in Ensuggesting a remedy; we have simply been trusting to luck gland. Mr Thomas, Lord of the hoping that matters would right themselves, until now a Crisis Meal Service to order, cakes, Ice Cream as per desire has overtaken us which admitedly is so disastrous that everyone Privy Seal promises to give this is asking whats going to happen to us. When it began that the We also attend to wedding feasts, etc. etc.
week an exhaustive declaration Farmers started being ruined by Banana desease and rejections, on the question, which the whole little or no attention was paid to the squealing of that section Moderate Prices, all attention given to Boarcountry is looking forward to.
Mr. Graham, President of the of the community, large Farmers got out of Business and small ders English french spoken. Call be convinced.
labour Bureau also promises to farmers, consisting mainly of labourers who used formerly to work give a statement before the on those abandoned farms, came into prominence, but so long as Telf. 3271. Box 614. San José, house of Commons relative to the Commercial men were selling their goods, no attention was paid to the impending danger, now we find the small farmers O the hours of work of coal miners.
The king will not be present who were allowid to cultivate on these abandoned areas, content at the Ceremony around the with getting a Crop or two from these worn out lands gradually diminishing in their productions not only in quantity but quality BEDWARDS DRUG STORE SIQUIRRES Cenotaph this Armistice day, which will be the first time he until now we are at a practical standstill and the crisis IS SO is absent from the service since apparent that all eyes are directed to a way of escape, and that Bedwards Drug Store is replete with the most upto the war The Prince of Wales way also seem cut off, we must only stand and die. The merchant date stock of latest Drugs, both Foreign Native will represent him, and lay the now finds he cannot sell his goods, The Custom houses are full made wreath for the unknown dead.
to over flowing; with scores of Carloads of merchandise to be unloaded, but no space in the Bodegas to put them, the governSO AS TJ SORVE YOU EFFICIENTLY ment asking the merchants to clear their goods from th BondhouEmbezzlement he went for two morths studies of MICROSCOPIC ses, these in turn make representation to the government that the work in the Laboratorio de la Salud Pública (Pu Banks will not advance them the necessary money to meet their From the Gleaner, we learn blic health Laboratory) San José passed his exasight or time drafts, The Banks allege that all their available that the man Ivan St. Clare mination, thereby competent in Testing your Cash is tied up in loans on Urbanal as well as Rural properties, who was Deputy Clok of CoBlood, excretions, sputem etc.
the Banco Crédito Hipotecario alone being tied up in twenty You will therefore trust him to advise you.
urts for Port Maria, and appro.
millions in this respect, hence the balance. must be handled very priated some of The Funds of carefully. There is never however a calamity without its corresPERCY BEDWARD The Courts Department and ponding good. It will thus be seen that although the Province absconded to England. was capThe Bridge Siquirres.
of Limon has always been neglected by the government, possibly tured by the Police of Liverbecause it has been built up by foreigners Foreing Capital, yet pool an information of the Ja.
its prosperity has always upheld the prosperity of the Republic, maica Police Dept. and sent and now its ruin also spells the same thing for the country. Now back to Jamaica, under arrest El Canal escort of two members of the gradually been engineered by the wis heads of the United Fruit Kingston Police force who wers Coy. Years ago it was thought that this great organization was sent for him. He was expected not doing enough for the country and we are only going to Hace algunos días vienen los calma punto por punto el pro to arrive in Jamaica last week.
wait until 1930 when her Concession expires we shall give her cables informándonos de haber, blema o negociación; que nues The trial of Fielding who also no more priveleges. Alright, says the Company we shal also preen Nicaragua, un ejército de in tros eminentes viertan toda la misappropriated over 2, 000 of pare, she starts her cultivations in Honduras, Guatemalla, Panama, genieros norteamericanos prac luz de sus razones para solu The Kingston Parcel post Dept.
not forgetting her inmense acquirements of some of the best baticando los estudios necesarios cionar de una manera feliz este in Complicity with two others, nana lands in Jamaica. The only man who saw the useless game para la apertura del tan dis delicado problema, que ya está was placed for trial on 29th being played by the young blood of Costa Rica in Congress cutido segundo Canal Intero a las puertas, próximo a conHe has been indicted unders was that astute old lawyer Don Ricardo Jiménez when he told ceánico americano. También divertirse en realidad.
his Congress who were determined to veto the renewal of the cen los cables, con información concessions of the Co. see whats going to happen to my de buena procedencia, que la ME 3ΟΣ ΟΣΟ ΑΦΜ country and for the love of my country if you do not desist in gigantezca obra será principiada this foolish braggadocio which you cannot support shall quit en la actual administración del office and find the way to my home; and here, we wont say his Presidente Hoover, y dando coprophecy but his forethought has been amply proven because, mienzo práctico probablemente now he says your lands are being impoverished no new cultivaen el año venidero de 1930.
Xmas is coming, times are hard, but my Prices tions are being put in, if we do not allow the Co. to open Tales noticias nos sugieren are easy, remember there is no place in Limon to equal up the San Carlos area, what is bound to happen is the death muchas ideas respecto a tan magthe quality of ladies dress goods as you get from of our Banana Industry; and so it has occurred. Now we ask no problema; una de ellas es la de insinuar al Gobierno de nues.
Mrs. Jack Depass how can all this unhappy state of affairs be remedied? There is in our opinion only one way out of it. The majority in Congress tro país, la formación de una at the little Paris, as she knows how to blend your comust admit by this, their mistakes, and as sensible men, when Junta de cuatro o cinco nota lours and match your laces, as no other does.
one finds he has made a mistake his first thought is to correct bles, entre ellos, abogados interAs for Toys for the children, there is no such as the error. We have been living in the fools paradise by expecting nacionalistas y financieros con sortment in Town, all useful lasting ones to suit that some other Company will come to our rescue, but what can notados, para que en asocio del the times, come in and see for yourself. The rich are another Company do. The Cuyamel made it quite plain that they señor Secretario de Relaciones delighted and the poor are satisfield.
Exteriores celebren sesiones y were not coming in to plant bananas they were only coming in to buy what we have not got; what Coy can it be thought is formulen las bases de un traParisian Selections coming here to do what the Co. has done? what other Batado honroso y de bastante proζΣ ΣΟΣΟ nana Company that we know of can do for us what the Co vecho para el pais, el cual pueda a has done and can do? None that we have read of.
servir de base en cualquier moOur nearby lands have all been worn out, it needs immense mento para ser presentado a la Capital for Railroads equipments to open up new fields which consideración del Congreso; o is the only thing to save us and no other Company is going to sea cuando el Gobierno ameriTHE NEW DRUG STORE LIMON invest hundreds of thousands of Dollars without giving it enough cano se dirija nuevamente a nuestime to recoup its money; we have lived out 30 years of Contro pais pactando nuestros derecession without any damage to the Sovereignty of the country chos sobre el río San Juan.
Come in see for yourselt, the most to the contrary she has been brought into the limelight of recog.
La construcción del Canal se nition by power ful nations by those 30 years of Concession, anollevará a cabo indiscutiblemente, up to date assortment of Foreign and ther 20 years of prosperity can certainly be prophesied to mean por varias razones ya de todos a higher climb in the progress of Nationhood.
conocidas: por el inmenso tráNative Patent Medicines Drugs.
We have now as manager a man who loves this country fico que soporta el de Panamá; The only Qualified Druggist from who has been attached to the highest thoughts of cultural progress por razones políticas: defensa de Jamaica in Town. Advices given on Emmanuel Montejo. In fact if we look to the scriptural meaning of guerra, y por tener ya invertidos the name, it seems a real Godsend that he has arrived to alter this los yankes mucho capital en ese any ailment. Convince yourself.
Crisis, a man who will reason with sympathy be reasoned with empeño.
and we hope the members of Congress now assembled will re.
Teniendo Costa Rica, como Mc RAE medy their mistake and will approach him make such arrange.
tiene, sus derechos indiscutibles ments as will lead to the opening up of new Banana areas and de propiedad en el Rio San Juan, thereby slacken this Cord that by their lack of judgment they have que no podrán burlar las arti brought around us.
manas que se dice tejen en Nicaragua sobre desvío de aguas y otras historias como cambio de rutas que no podrán ser nunca más prácticas que el aprovechamiento de las aguas limitrofes en su mayor parte, tendrá que tocarse de nuevo este serio proIft 35 years experience in Tropical CARTAGO blema, y es para entonces que Deseases stands for Knowledge. Then nuestro país debe estar prepa Cartago as a Health Resort equals anywhere in the rado, teniendo los estudios del Known World and when going there advise by Te.
caso, para sacar la mejor venI may be able to advise your taja sin causarle bochorno a la legram the Manager of Hotel Frances Cartago; the Nación.
trouble. When in Siquirres consult: best of Associates are there, the most comfortable Debemos ser previsores y no esperar a última hora para re Rooms and cuisine especial from Panama, and fancy solver nuestros más trascendenall this for only 00 per day.
tales problemas, de una manera atropellada y torpe.
NacionaQue se estud estudie y resuelva sollicted ட The Little Paris Drug Store Shaw Hotel Frances you in SHAW rected Poeman


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