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MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION. 1. 00 SINGLE COPY 25 THE LIMON SEARCHLIGHT EDITOR MANAGER NATION PUBLISHED SATURDAYS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY NOVEMBER. 1929 The Banana question again Causes, Effects West Indian sugar Helps to agriculture again threatened wanted.
avoid Mr. Editor: doubt as to whether they are really In your well written article on the interested in the existence count Banana question you will permit me of this popular industry in this space in your much appreciated Weekly Take the present mode of serving cutto express myself in the vexed question ting notices as an example. In some The West India Committee Circuof our Bananas.
countries like Jamaica the mother of the lar of October contained the folIn the affairs of men there are two industry, the noticeman enters each Farm lowing leading article on the sugar elements which may be said to control a day or two prior to the cutting and situation: every event, these may be termed Cause actually points out the grade of fruit In recent years masses of statisties Effect, these two forces are said to be relating to the Sugar Industry have complementary, in, that every effect must Here we formerly had a man who The following clipping shows how no statistician memorandum prepared for the League been publ! shed, but be preceded by a cause, and althongh sends the notice out by the most con Farmers are protected in large Countries appears to have had the courage to it is sometimes quite difficult to det venient bearer, and now the condition by State Banks. It would he well if ducing country past production is taken publish comparative figures to show ermine the cause which has led up to is even worse, in some districts, a single the relative cost of production of our Banks would take example and aid and the present situation careful anaa certain effect, nevertheless wherever sugar notice is stuck up at some point sup. agriculture. This being entirely an agri lysis of the possibilities for the future.
in the principal sugar producing counthere is the manifestation of the former, posed to be intended for the whole of cultural country it is time that our men In Cuba for instance it is said that tries of the world, though the League we must find the latter.
that Section. Sometimes there is a change in Congress instead of worryiug them from three causes there must be a deof Nations have recently issued figures The effect gf an invention may grow in the grade of fruit required, yet the selves over how a few dollars are being cline in production of 650. 000 tons: showing the extent to which the proout of the cause necesity, or curiosity. notice remains the same, the only way on works of improvement should first on account of persistent drought ducers in ihose countries are assisted The effect of a discovery may grow the farmer gets to know of such change, interest themselves in the agricultural conditions, 2ndly from the fact that by duty concessions, by the regulations, out of the cause Spirit of Adventure. is after the pick up Train leaves his of domestic prices as is practised in pursuits of the country by seeking to there will be no old Cane to cut to The effect depreciation, may be traceable Platform, and he sees very often more formulate Agricultural Banks in all the begin grinding in January and 3rdly Australia and South Africa, and by dito the cause lack of cooperation. As than one half of the quantity cut remrect subsidies as in the case beet Provinces to aid the Farmers in plan from the general impoverishment of the stated before, there are some effects which aining on the ground, Great God! he lands resultiug in the abandonment of would puzzle the most advanced mind ting, harvesting and Marketing thier sugar in the United Kingdom. So emiexclaims why wont the Government nent an authority as Dr. Prinsen GeerCrops some fields.
to find the corresponding Cause. Take appoint Agricultural Inspectors to whom Here we find that the Government He bases his Consumption estimate lings has hesitated to lend the weight the World War, which we regard as we can complain as is done in Jamaica? institutes what is known as The Fe. on the annual rate of increased Conof his great authority to figures of cost an effect that threatened Civilization; so next come to the most demorali deral Farm Board whose business it sumption of per cent covering the of production, to the difficulties of premany theories have been advanced as zing and damaging phase Rejection. is to consult with The Committees in last paring which he has devoted many the cause, that the world seem to be still While the growers are sometimes res this case (16) of The Farmers National witing to be convinced as to the real ponsible for the number of stems dumthe only country of an increased Sugar paragraphs in his report to the Economic Committee of the League of Grain Corporation and approve or Consumption of per cent. Taking the one. Now to come to my point, right ped through lack of discretion and care Nations.
Estimates of all Sugar producing Areas here in this country we have our Ban to cut the proper grade and disapprove of Loans made on the guarantee of These Commitees who are in in the world and compare with this 4! STATISTICAL TABLE qua Industry which, according to a bruising, the fact must not be over Constant touch with all the farmers statement made in a recent edition of looked that this wholesale rejection has per cent increase of Consumption there is bound to be a rise in the prices of your Esteemed journal, shows an alarand are thoroughly acquainted with all To fill the need for this information, existed for many years, and no attempt their financial other circumstano Sugar for 1930. We now come to a which is great, Lieut Colonel Ivau Davming depreciation during the last six has ever been made to check it We requirements, instead of leaving the poor point at which we ask a question Why son has prepared a statistical table which the or seven years; the writer gave as repeat that many of the growers, thongh Bank Managers in the hands of some does Costa Rican Sagar producers not gives the general average cost of proof this very grave eftect; failure West Indians most of them from Ja. times unscrupulous Farmers who tempt increase their Crop. Bananas have di.
duction of raw sugar in the British of the United Fruit Co. to open up maica the home centre of the Indus the Valuators by friendship or mone minished fully 30 per cent during the West Indies as compared with reprenew lands to replace the banana farms try know nothing of the proper mel tary considerations to get money on last years, and with no prospects of sentative countries elsewhere in order which have since given way to aband hods of cultivating and marketing ban impoverished Acreages, why could not new plantations being made, why not of cheapness, and the value of the fiscal ostment and conversión into other indanas, hence they need help, and this such Committees be formed in every plant Sugar Canes, if we remember its Government in producing this table treatment accorded to each country by ustries. Like the world war there seem help can only be obtained through Province with one or two prominent aright it was that Commercial genius to be other causes traceable to this cooperative methods between the Go Farmers from each District, who would Mr. Lindo who shipped away Colonel Davson has boldly faced the unpleasant effects at least as it appears vernment who should appoint Agricul be in a position to vouch for any Loan, during the war several Cargoes of Sugar formidable difficulties which must conto the man on the Street. It is quite tural Inspectors in every District to on the qualifications or adaptability of without any apreciable rise locally in the front anyone attempting to reduce to admissable that where once there were advise protect the growers against each farmier in his District. The Banco price of this product why cant Costa common denomination cost of produflourishing fields of bananas owned by indiscriminate changes in the size of Agricola would thus be safeguarded by lie United Fruit Co. today there is not ships coming place of destination of Rican Farmers prepare to Export Sugar to ctiun, a term hitherto variously intersuch Committee. Impetus would in this meet the crisis instead of crying over preted, and he has, we venture to think, root visible, but it must also be remthe cargoes. The Company whose Supway be put in Agriculture and unprin the impoverishment of our Banana areas.
ambered that the areas since cultivated pgrintendents instead of being unap: cipled Farmers would either get straight rendered available information which It is contended by some that there is should prove of high value in con by small settlers, have helped to comp proachable burning Mountains should or get out of farming since it would not a sufficient per centage of saccarine nection with the enquiry which Lord sate for those of the Company which be men of The Cress, Quiros, Chitten be then the survival of the fittest. matter in our Canes on our Soil, but Olivier and his colleagues are making have ceased to produce. It might prob den type who would sympathize, advise News is now forthcoming from Sta what of our Super producion in Toninto the British West Indian sugar induably be, that where ten years ago the and educate the farmers as to the needs tistics taken by Mr. Lakin President nage of Canes. it is true that our Canes stry, and the steps which must be taken Company was directly responsible for of the Company and the intricacies of of the Cuba Sugar Corporation in his are said to be all water, but what of our to place it in a position to compete four tifths of the annnal shipment of the cultivation Bolletin entitled World Sugar Consum bye Products Rum fuel alcohol as successfully with the sugar industry of anas from this country, today the For the benefit of all concerned it is ption in 1930. in which he proves in manufactured in Cuba.
other parts of the world.
ratio may be regarded as inverse, in, hoped that these speculations will not that Sugar production in 1930 will be It is not because Mr. Jone property that small settlers have become so num be considered agitative, but that some PRODUCTION 070, 000 Tons less than Consumption. produces 20 tons to the acre aud mine within recent years.
measure of Cooperation be instituted to this will certainly result in higher prices only 15 tons that? Should throw up Sugar is being produced more che is contended that after an industry save the Industry. As we hear some of for this commodity my hands call for charity. Costa aply in the British West Indies than to function under the control of our Stalwart banana growers, now say. This report is based on statistics by Willet Rican financiers awake and open up in any of the large producing parts of bulk production by one Organization, ing it is more payable to plant Yuca, Gray in Farr Manuel of Sugar some other industry to save the sithe world with the exception of Java and becomes the common usage of a Corn other minor crops than ban Companies in Facts about Sugar a tuation.
and Cuba; which, as is well known Country, there is one element which is ana, an industry which has forged its indispensable to the life growth of way, as the second item among the enjoy exceptional adventages by reason of large scale production, aided in one that industry namely Cooperation betcommercial products of this country.
case by unique labour advantages and ween producers buyers. One would It is our wish therefore that all should Washington. Sept. 18. The first exrise to The Couse of Cooperation that tana Wheat Grower Association is in the other by similar soil conditions.
hardly be an alien to the Truth in say tension of credit to the wheat growers 100. 000.
Nevertheless, an examination of the ing that this very essential element is needs assistance, that the government of the country was announced to day may focus their eyes on the great fu by the Federal Farm Board. It appro lify for the suplemental loans which This Association is the first to quafigures makes it plain that the West made conspicuous by its absence as it India Committee appeal for an increaffect producers and buyers in the in the distance and the result or effeet ved the application of the North Da the Farm Board announced at its rease in the preference on British sugar can be nothing less than the overwhelkota Montana Wheat Grower AssoSometimes when one observes the was based on the solid grounds of cent conference in Chicago with the ming goot that shall occrue to our ciation for rejected Province.
loan of 100, 000 to su. organization committee of sixteen of necessity, it being obvious that the ingross indifference that is shown the pplement funds already obtained from the Farmer National Grain Corporadustry conld not be expected to combanana growers, both by the Company the Federal Intermediate Credit Bank of tion that it was ready to make to co opepete successfully with sugar which and government alike, there arises a THE MAN ON THE FARM St Panl.
rative grain grower associations.
though produced at a higher cost, enjoys This action is important in view of George Duis, president, presented a far greater degree of protection in the farm board attitude that its efforts the application of the North Dakotaits home market. The crux of the whole should be directed toward organizing Montana Association.
position is how the Bristish West Ina comprehensive and permanent prodian industry is to be placed in a posgramme rather than to indulge in spasition to compete successfully with sugar, modic and temporary means of relief.
receiving far greater tariff advantages With the straiténed financial condi a tide at times call it luck, predestiny By its advances to the North Dakotathan it enjoys itself, and Colonel Daytion of the Province of Limon, much planet location or what yon like that Montana group and to others which son table shows that much cannot be interest is being centered on our sister brings good or evil very forcibly befo have applications before it, the board expected from assistance in the diree.
Republic to the North of us. Uncle reus. Costa Rica time of ill changes will enable many growers and groups Sammys Engincers are working hard seem to be on us now and there is a to hold their wheat for better prices.
Continued on page on their Surveys of the Canal route as considerable movement towards Nica The board is looking for improved well as on their Railroads. The traver. ragua, there is the sight of groups conditions in the wheat market as soon ses for the location of the Railroad men travelling up and down; the reason, as the foreign demand is realized. This alongside of the Canal from Atlantic when enquired into we learn there is drafting of American wheat is expected to Pacific have been completed and the a secret agent here sending a way hun to be exceptionally heavy in view of route of the Canal is being pushed, it dreds of men to that country. This week is being changed from along through we find there are 200 being sent to POOR CROP CONDITIONS the San Juan River by which Costa Puerto Cabezas to the plantations there, Rica would be benefitted, for they its fortunate there is an opening some have it towards Blue where.
in many parts of the world, fields coming out at Monkey Point. It There is also great Roadconstruction The board statement said:también un gran surtido de conservas y laterías y diis not definitly settled yet, the final ins going on in the above named country. The Federal Farm Board to day apferentes clases mercancías, Vinos y Licores tructions are being awaited as to whe The cities of Granada Leon are to proved an application of the North ther this latter survey will be adopted be paved, and a Roadway is being surDakota Montana Wheat Growers AssoM. BORRAS or not. Ofcourse this new Route apart veyed between Masaya Tipitapa and ciation. Grand Forks. for a loan Absolutely the best purest ground coffee to be had in Limon from eliminating the arrangements of a Railroad Survey has been completed on wheat supplemental to that already as well as all kind of groceries. the latest arrivals of Tin meats compensation to Costa Rica for her between Sauce Leon. so it looks as granted by the Federa! Intermediate canned Ham, Beef, tongue, fish, oysters, Petit Pois and all sorts of rights in the San Juan River, will also if Nicaragua time of prosperity is loo Credit Bank, St. Paul, Mint. The adPickles preserves at the cofee store in front of The Banco Anglo.
hau the advantage of being a consi ming up, if the Political factions would vance by the Federal Farm Board is to The best of wines, Rum, whiskey Liquers for your Xmas suderable distance North will save just put away all differences and settle be ten cents a bushei, with a provision pply, at Caballo Blanco recently bought out by your old friend; that much mileage to the ships using down to work for the best interests of that the combined sums obtained from he caters for all your Banquets.
the Canal, as well as getting awayfrom the country she would certainly be the the Intermediate Credit Bank and the the serious Currents caused by the most prosperons of the Central AmeriFarm Board shall not exceed one MICUEL BORRAS he treats you on the soute.
large rivers coming out in that vicinican grouest documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional dollar a bushel. The maximum loan ty. In the affairs of men there comes requested by Are Not Barsanes Polliotec erous ceases About Nicaragua Advertise EL MEJOR CAFE Vendido en la Provincia de Limón surveyed

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