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MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION 00 SINGLE COPY 25 ITHE LIMON. SEARCHLIGHT EDITOR MANAGER NATION APARTADO 123. CARTAGO PUBLISHED SATURDAYS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY 16. NOVEMBER. 1929 THESE CANAL Carta de don Carlos Orozco Amador al Licenciado don Ricardo Jiménez judiciales por salida, confiado.
es, New Custom on Trains on Exchequer SCThe Continent of America is of such an enormous length that several Water Ways are being considered to be inserted so as to make interoceanic communication more rapid.
The Panama Canal, originally the dream of the French Nation, engineered started by them but thro criminal mismanagement the effort ended in a great fracaso in which many wealthy CARLOS OROZCO AMADOR french families came to poverty.
fos a malgastar los fondos nacionales o vilegiada inteligencia, porque ésta no Experto en asuntos comunales en fiestas y banquetes, nece está alimentada solamente al calor de The great American Nation saw the necessity of safeguardsitando la provincia y la ciudad obras los códigos y las leyes frente a su esing her great stretch of Coast in both Oceans, took up the pro Limón. Costa Rica más urgentes que su presencia, donde critorio de abogado, sino al amparo del ject and profiting by the experiences of the French, completed sólo lo rodean los serviles y los intri aire puro de los campos, del ejercicio Limón, Noviembre de 1929.
this gigantic work at a cost of 275. 000, 000 dollars, and now in gantes. Por eso es que a don Ricardo matutino y del murmullo de las fuentes consequence of the great Traffic passing thro the Canal yielding Sr. Lie, don Ricardo Jiménez no le gusta venir aquí cuando ha sido cristalinas.
invitado, y cuando ha llegado es de Para Ud. dice don Santos León Hea revenue of per cent on the expenditure, is being consid entrada y otras veces ha rrera, nuestra crisis actual, seria un ju ered to erat another Lock at a cost of fifty millions of dollars Cartago.
puesto algün pretexto justificado. guete de niños; y yo digo, si estuviera to cope with the existing pressure of Traffic on this short cut.
Ahora, para probarles a los limenen hoy como ayer manejando el timón de From the year 1899 the Americans have been considering the Estimado y distinguido amigo: ses, amigos y enemigos, que Ud, sí la nave del Estado, que por sinceridad advisability of cutting another way thro Nicaragua which was reaquiere a Limón y tiene y ha tenido entregó a un viejo piloto, pero por Tly first thought of by the English, but due to their conservati Lic: Después de haber dejado Ud. el, siempre sus miradas puestas en el, ya desgracia también, inexperto usted, estimado Licenciado, ha dicho veness where the expenditure of money is concerned, the matter sillón presidencial, por segunda vez, per bastan sus palabras dichas con motivo en todos los tonos a políticos y periowas dropped, only to be seized by the Americans; surveys were mítame que le escriba estas líneas como de la crisis bananera, cuando dice Ud. distas, que no quiere ni desea ser can originally made from Brito on the Pacific coast, along thro the admirador y partidario que he sido y Me interesa más la suerte de los veinte didato a diputado ni candidato a la soy de personalidad, para felicitarlo great Lake Nicaragua 70 miles of its entire length of 103 mimil habitantes de la provincia de Limón, Presidencia; pero el sentir general una y mil veces, por sus dignas y sinque la de los pocos bananeros residentes que sea Ud. el Presidente de la Repúles, then running through the entire length of the San Juan River ceras declaraciones, llenas de verdad y en San José, que son, digo yo, los aban. blica en el próximo periodo constituthe boundary line of Costa Rica and Nicaragua for a distance de patriotismo, dadas al Diario de Costa derados del nacionalismo cional. Lo será Ud. estimado amigo, of 46 miles out into the Atlantic Ocean; but now we find that ultimo Rica en su edición del 31 de octubre Bien dice el muy ilustre diputado don para bien de la Nación y de sus instithe route is changed from the lesser lake in a straight line for Santos León Herrera, en El Debate, de tuciones y para bien del progreso y Por demás está decir, que sus declaGraytown, making a shorter route of 183 miles at an approxCartago de 31 de octubre último: Don bienestar del pueblo de Costa Rica.
raciones son el sentir general del pais Ricardo, después de haberle prestado al Por eso, cuantas veces sea Ud, don imate cost of 250 000 000 with eight locks, being, four on the y de sus hombres pensantes.
Atlantic side of the lake and four on the 17 miles strip of western país importantes servicios en dos perio Ricardo, candidato a la Presidencia, con La política exclusivista de los llamados presidenciales, es tan grande su Ud. iré al triunfo o a la derrota!
side of the lake, this is due to the fact that the lake is one hundos nacionalistas puesta en práctica, bajo prestigio, que en su vida privada comi Con protestas de mi admiración Sred feet higher than sea level, hence the waters would have to el gobierno del Lic. Cleto González Vimia siendo presidente a domicilio. respeto, créame su fiel amigo y leal be lifted to it. While this scheme is being considered which shall ha hecho daño al gobierno en su poli envejecerlo, le dan más vigor a su pri.
quez, por más que se diga, no sólo le yo digo, que sus años, lejos de parttdario. f) CARLOS AMADOR be the route, up comes Columbia with her idea of putting a Canal tica económica, sino que ha perjudicado thro the Atrato river proposing to borrow the necessary money a la Nación y desmoralizando al puefrom Uncle Sam to do the work. President Hoover has taken the blo, porque dar leyes sisternáticas por idea very seriously under the reccommendation of Admiral Chess pura patrioteria contra determinadas em HENRY FORD ter, hence it is expected we shall see within the next ten years principios temocráticos sobre los cuathree canals through this great Continent.
les descansa el The Atrato Canal will be a much cheaper one than the other así, contra sus sanas instituciones.
país. Es ir por decirlo two altho longer, from the fact it will be a sea level Canal and Hoy por hoy, amigos y enemigos having the expanse of this navigable river.
suyos reclaman de nuevo su presencia en el Gobierno de la República, y lo Ford feels that were he Chancellor of The great advantage to the vast extent of Columbian terri hacen, convencidos de su superioridad the Exchequ he would advise all gotory to be opened up by such a Waterway need no comment mental para resolver los delicados There is nowadays a new vernments not to pay interests on loans, but greater will be the advantages of trade to European nations, rios problemas nacionales que tenemos sometimes inconvenient habit because he would borrow nothing, but who would thus he put in direct communication with South frente a frente.
practised by some of the Ticket when any works of Improvements were Central American unexplored regions hence this Canal can well Aquí en este Limón, principalmente, checkers on our Trains which to be done, he would simply issue sufbe imagined as of a greater Commercial Value than either of traciones, oja yo decir a sus enemigos did, that is. they take Tickets work, and with the theore ventes from antes y después de sus dos Adminis formerly the Conductors never ficient Bills to cover the cost of the She others, we can therefore also look forward to this as a Cer sistemáticos, y me decían a mí también: tainty. Cómo es Ud. Jimenista, cuando don from the passengers two or three We wonder what our greatest statistiRicardo Jiménez es enemigo de Limón, Stations ahead, which sometician Financist don Soley Güell would y lo odia porque siempre ha sido el mes causes misunderstandings say to this. We would suggest to don fuerte del civilismo, que tan fuerte lo disputes among passengers Cleto that, instead of paying 12. 800, 000 combatió?
per Pero yo siempre dije y sigo diciendo: On 3rd inst one Mrs. Beckford Interest on 000, 000 colones at cent in twenty years, why not issue Don Ricardo no ha sido ni es enemigo took the Train al La Junta for 000. 000 colones in ten twenty coThe seventh Day Adventists them to the authorities, so as de Limón. Lo que nunca ha querido Peralta. As soon as she boar lones Bills each year for Road Conshad a day outing on Tuesday to preserve the good name of ni le ha gustado siendo Presidente, es ded the train her Ticket was truction, and withdraw them by douvenir a Limón invitado por unos cuat5th to Guápiles engineered by the District taken away by the Revisor. bling the revenue on wheel Traffic for Mr. Rodgers and in spite The train and grounds were when she arived at Las Lomas five years and increase the Rates on of the inclemency of the weashe asked someone adjacent property Tax.
how for very Kindly given by the This system if honestly and judicio ther a most enjoyable day was Co. free of cost for the occaPeralta was, who told her it usly manipulated would soon rid the spent. Our old friend Conductor sion, on account of which we was the next station, it might, Country of all its indebtednesses and Wees informed us that the are asked thro this medium ordinarily have been, so, but lack of civilizing improvements. Ofcourse conduct of the pleasure seekers the Usurers and money hoarders would The efforts of our Minister of being Sunday the train stopped squeal and show the impossilities of was most exemplary, in fact he the officers members of the been succesful in obtaining a left the train in mistake and had the Country, but the proletariaterhold to tender the Sincere thanks of Exchequer Don Rafael Arias has al Pascua, the unfortunate lady stabilizing the financial guarantees of always appreciated an outing adventists concerned to the Ad Loan of one Million Dollars in with these adventists, they ministration of CO.
to walk with her baggage to soon find it more convenient for them to live, because to have to pay twelve are always a happy loving Northern Railway as well as to National Bank of Boston: Very collected in the usual way from milons of colones interest ole bleerlisen Station to Station this would unhappy wretches at 24 miles in general for their Kindnesses great has been the anxiety in to meet this Twenty millons, whereas threw stones into the passing is helping to make such a plea governmental circles over the not have occurred.
meet Taxes would only be raised to train and damaged one lady on sant days outing a possibility.
possibility or nonpossibility of this your eight millons from yourself and train. The respectable people in loan, due to the unsettled state by reducing your importation by gre The proceeds of the days enater agricultural production, the time of diffftculty say for years would soon who such a mean scoundrel or scoundrels were and denounce new Organ for the church.
by over come and the Country again thousands of Millions of dollars prosperons.
within the past few weeks, however the Loan has been obtained althó at higher rate of interest than the government had thought of paying, they have had to Bedwards Drug Store is replete with the most upto consent to pay percent per date stock of latest Drugs. both Foreign Native annum, up to December 1930.
made This is a great relief, as away Situado 150 yards from South of the Market in front of SO AS TJ SORVE YOU EFFICIENTLY from calling a halt to all the Orange Crush factory works of Improvement going on ATLANTIC HOTEL offers to the public in gehe went for two mortos test of MICROSCOPIC in the country, there was the neral Clean confortable Rooms.
work in the Laboratorio de la Salud Pública (Pufear of a Rise in the exchange blic health Laboratory) San José passed his exaof our monetary system; the usuMeal Service to order, cakes, Ice Cream as per desire mination, thereby competent in Testing your rers financial men who control We also attend to wedding feasts, etc. etc.
Blood, excretions, sputem etc.
the bulk of gold deposits in You will therefore trust him to advise you.
our Banks were watching this Moderate Prices, all attention given to loan, with a view of demanding PERCY BEDWARD ders English french spoken. Call be con a greater Value of their gold The Bridge Siquirres.
in foreign drafts, however we Telf. 3271. Box 614. Sawa are saved that distressingoneffectie for the moment DAY OUTING Success in our Loan the locality ought to find out joyment go to assisting to get a by which the stock holders lost ADVERTISE BEDWARDS DRUG STORE SIQUIRRES Atlantic Hotel


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