
PAGE THE LIMON SEARCHLIGHT Saturday 16 November 1929 CONSTERNATION IN CARTAGO Panamá Lottery Information has been supplied to this government whereby it On Thursday morning when the news was spread around to her other fields of transactions nothing therefore seem to be is proven that 500 Tickets of the Cartago that the Firm of Rivera Co. had gone Bankrupt possible except by an act of charity by the Company to alle one can better imagine it that to describe.
viate the circumstances and is the Company disposed now to here weekly, the information asPanama Lottery is being sold There were hundreds of people gathered from adjacent act charitably? it can hardly be expected, such an act would seem serts that these Tickets bear a villages on foot on horseback later on as the trains came more Christlike than human; and on the other hand how sorro in there came other scores of people who had deposited their wful it is, that in a beautiful peaceful country like ours, that price of ten dollars, but are sold all in all there, or others who did business there, all anxious there are no meo of vision in our Congressional Hall, who will here for twelve and a half, thus to see whether it was true or not that the doors of Rivera legislate for the best interests of our Country, rather than with a giving better results to the sellers than ours.
Coy, had been closed; and to go back to our old story re, the spirit of irony, with a spirit of revenge, with a spirit of antagonism Consequently the prohibition most sorrowful Crisis we have seen in thirty years; to what against a Corporation which undoubtedly has been the making is going to be more rigid. If may we trace the collapse of so reputable a Firm which the of this country, are there no men in Congress who could ha calm confidence of its clients still prove? principally the failure ve foreseen that these conditions must have arisen as an effect however the directors of the of our Banana output. We have seen the expressions of don of the recent Banana Law and take the matter to the Country Lottery would give a few more Julio Peña, one of the most important factors of The Credito for a decision, as would be done in other civilized communi prizes of one two thousand Agricola (Agricultural Loan Bank) of Cartago in an interview ties? Or were they fooled? And if so by whom? Where is colones and pay for the three with a reporter of the Diario de Costa Rica and this gentl the proposition by the German Coy we heard of for developing ending numbers as does the emao we are pleased to say practically reiterates the theme laid the Tortuguero Regions, where is the prospect of the Cuyamel Panama, and be a bit more liout inthe leading article of this Jouroal of last week, that is, he (who rumour says has since sold out to the Co. and its beral with the vendors purchasers alike who take their risks, exhorts quick action by Congress now in session by an Am Cooperative Association, endment to the Banana Law to save the Country from a Is it these promises that fooled our men in Congress? if there would be no need to watch Commercial collapse; he goes on to say that every owner of a so, we can only say they lack that foresight that we gave them the Panama, and after all why put plot of land from Paraiso to Turrialba had got himself inter credit for, for how could they pick a quarrel with the F.
on the dog in the manger trick.
ested in Bananas, so every little home had planted his ten or Co, with out having a subtantial guarantee from some other does Costa Rican Tickets not go twenty roots of Bananas around bis house in betwen the coffee, Company or Companies, for it would take all the Companies to foreign countries as well?
from which every fortnight he got his fire, ten, forty to a hun.
put together that we know of trading in Fruit, to do what proposition by an anonydred dollars in gold, and all this was invested or deposited in the Co. has done or can do for Costa Rica. In thin mous letter addressed to the Mathe Banks of Cartago: in his Bank the Agricola, there came king of a Cooperative producers Association, they might have nager of our Lottery Mr. Avenin regularly a flow of forty thousand dollars in gold drafts been led to be inspired by the formation of the Jamaica Coo daño, proposing to him that he whereas today there is not ten thousand coming, therefore the perative Producers Association, but then, that Asociation had should fix it so that a certain the situation for Cartago can will be guaged: The question now an enormous guarantee behind it, it had. the special laws number would play as arises can anything be done now? Can Congress now sitting of the Jamaica Legislature, it had the British and Canadian go grand Prize by which the writer do anything to modify the condition existing?
vero ments guarateeing and subsidizing four ships each to take would get a half and the Manager As we see it, it looks impossible, for allowing that Congress all classes of Produce, not only Bananas but Sugar, Rum, a half was denounced and the lewere willing to humiliate itself and send an intermediary to ask Coffee, Coco, gioger, Annatto, Limejuice, Honey. Mangoes. tter published by Mr. Avendaño the Company to enter into negociations again, with a view of Pineapples, Oranges, Grapefruit, coconuts, tomatoes other and the proposer of such a rasgranting her whatever she may demand; what could be done? vegetables; so that if they were actuated to move toward a cally scheme is being searched nothing; like all large. Concerns a presupuesto or appropriation Cooperative system they should have studied all points of for as a pin in a hay stack.
must be voted for the Current Year, and in view of the fact cooperation and see where their guarantee of ships to export In consequence of this letter that Costa Rica had rejected the propositions put forward by the produce was coming from, and a thorough knowledge of one Mr. Joaquin Alvarado Pathe Boston Office, naturally these operations have been diverted the posibilities of our goverment declaring our existiog con. sos, has written to the charity tracts a monopoly or no, and so providing for the advent of board in charge of the lottery another Coy io the business, for otherivise every stem of fruit scheme asking them to sustain here belongs to the Co. The situation will therefore be public confidence, by bringing in seen to be most sorrowful as we have said, from more stand all the fichas to be placed in Roads, Bridges Tramway Contractor points than one, first our Banana Industry is ruined, and sight of the public, to place tha It is very much to the interest of All Tarmers, and owners of Properties worst of all is, that if any steps are to be taken as a modifi: in the barrels, to thoroughly shake needing Roads, Bridges and Tramways to Consult Contractor NATION cation of the position, it can hardly be done without great mix up these in the barrels to before lettin out work to inexperienced men in the line. 35 years experience humiliation on the part of the nation, by now begging ins public gaze, and that every prize inside ouside of the Country. An expert in Sausage Groins, wires bent and tead of dictating terms to the Company, number should be drawn by a plaited to diameter of mesh required, no tying or bonding with smaller wire Something has got to be done and that very quickly to different person, selected from Apartado 123 NATION Cartago, CR. save us from being starved out. What will the government the bystanders, especially should do to prevent nearly every merchant in the provinces of Car this be done in the big prize to Contratista en Carrocerías, Puentes y Tranvías tago and Limon from Bankrupcy in the next six months, be played on New Years Day.
and the labouring element from starvation, for we must face so as to avoid any suspicion due Tengo 35 años de experiencia en Obras Públicas dentro y fuera del país.
facts ae they are, it is indeed sorrowful.
to the published proposition.
Acepto proposiciones de Contratos y doy especificaciones y precios para Lici taciones en todo clase de trabajos.
Experto en plegar o trenzar alambre de «Sausage Groins para desviar la corriente de los rios donde sea necesario.
Apartado 123 NATION Cartago.
As a consequence of the disDo you love your family. Insure your life in tressed condition of our financial outlook of the Province due to RODOLFO CERVANTES SIQUIRRES THE NATIONAL LIFE ASSURANCE BANK the falling off of the production of our Bananas, the drop in the MECANICO EN DENTISTERIA price of our Cacao, the suspension of all works, and cutting Get your teeth fixed at Dr. Ceryandown of expenses by the United Fruit Coy. in every Dept, it tes, strong work executed by him.
is advisable that our farmers should look to the planting of SAN JOSE Minor crops. such as Canes, Yuca, Potatoes, Corn, beans, Yams vegetables of all kinds Sole Agents for for home consumption.
We again return to the thought PETGRAVES TAILORING of Sugar, there is no reason why we should not plant Canes on INFORMATION BUREAU an extensive scale in this country. In an article from the Daily SIQUIRRES Gleaner we find that the sugar The best made Industry of the West Indies is Whatever be your need, see Petgrave; as an auctoneer, he is being threatened, if the subsidy the only man that knows where to sell your house or your farm.
given to West Indian Sugar His Legal advices never fail. The ll get you out all your troubles.
withdrawn as seem to be the idea of the Labour GovernW. PETGRAVE ment of the Mothercountry with Siquirres Do not Throw away Money a view of lessening the cost of this article to the labouring man; on Smokes that do not satisfy. this industry will again dwindle As the management of our Branch of trade is able to please the to nothingness in the west Inmost fastidious suvoker, especially now owing to the fact that we have just enlarged our work rooms on the experiencie of our many years of dies; why then should Costa Rica application to this line, we can offer tobacco in leaf and cut form in many not provide for an emergeney.
THE NEW DRUG STORE LIMON varieties, qualities and prices We find that from the month Especialities in cut Tobacco granulated and suitable of July till now we have imporfor Cigarettes to the taste of every smoker: Cuban or Ame 19ted over 30. 000 tons of Sugar.
Come in see for yourselt, the most rican style rope tobacco also for plpes. Is it not regretable that with all Fxclusive Agency for PALMARENO CIGARETTES our abandoned banana areas, up to date assortment of Foreign and Depot for Cigars of all sizes, forms and prices.
which have been so well drai Native Patent Medicines Drugs.
The most well known brand of cigarettes kept in stock Plants of the best kinds of Tobacco from Palmares and Turrialba ned, no one can think of plan4 ting Canes to help in supplying The only Qualified Druggist from Our products gained the Silver Medal in the last National Exhiand were honorably mentioned and awarded Gold Medal in the enough for our Consumption, Jamaica in Town. Advices given on is of Limon and Heredia respectively 17 which is calculated at abont Pass by THE PALMARENO TOBACCO PLANT 120. 000 tons per annum? The at corner of the San José market Or by the Anexes Small farmers ought to be adviany ailment. Convince yourself.
Don ANTUred by VICTOR MANUEL HIDALGO sed to plant enough sugar Canes and all other Minor crops to Mc RAE feed themselves in this crisis by those in authority.
Our Minor Crops DENTISTS OFFICE Union Motors Buick Cars IS ir products sold by all shops ventud, Costa Rica


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