
Saturday 16 November. 1929 THE LIMON SEARCHLIGHT PAGE KURO20 ΣΟΣΙΣ ΣΟΣΙΑ Reduction of Forces ARMISTICE DAY When thinking to buy a VICTROLA or RECORDS on GRAN HOTEL METROPOLI Every step is taken by the Farms also the pruning Knife This day was celebreted in San Of any kind, as well as general Merchandise you will get the best heads of Depts of the has been most drastically applied at lowest prices from Coy Northern Railway Coy. the Mandadors labourers houses Jose, by a suspension of all TrafEDWIN RAMIREZ VARGAS to retrench every dollar that can are being taken down and sold fic for two minutes at eleven o clock on Monday IIth.
one block South of Banco Costa Rica or write to Ap. 1079.
be saved.
at a sacrifice, the mules also are The Traffic Dept. has reduced being sold out cheaply, those Prize for the best written Essay The Rotary Club offered a Gran surtido de VICTROLAS DISCOS de la mejor calidad también mercancías en general, consiguirá Ud. donde several of their newly promoted farms having forty mules are The influence of Peace on Engineers back to the firemen now reduced to fifteen or twenty the peoples Civilization among EDWIN RAMIREZ VARGAS list or be dismissed, The brake the balance are sold out on easy all the Colleges of the Republic, Cien varas al Sur del Banco de Costa Rica, Apartado 1079, men are now paid by day labour terms to the Small farmers.
ΕΤΣΙ, ΟΣΟ This prize was won by the chilΟ ζοΣΗΣ so as to retrench the days on Ofcourse all these savings may dren of two Limonenses we are which these men did not actually appear not only hard but cruel proud to say. Miss Golcher daug. work but were paid for under to the persons affected, but its hter of our coworker Mr. Fedea monthly wage. So that these a natural consequence, if there rico Golcher and Mr. Daniel men would be shy of or days are no Bananas to load the ships, Reynolds, 16 year old son of our in the month its only reason to expect tirat copatriot, Mr. Daniel Reynolds In the workshops all the helps these retrench nents must come. Architect Builder of Siquirres.
When in San Jose go to no other but GRAN have been dispensed with and the The Northern Railway is also The Rotary gave them a BanHOTEL METROPOLI, in front the new Costa Rica recently employed Carpenters taking up the Rails in certain quet in honour of their succesHotel now being constructed. You have the personal helps who were employed in the sections of the Roadway where ses. This journal begs to cong.
attention of the owner.
repairs construction of new there is not sufficient Traffic but ratulate them both. Mr. Reynolds Box 1129 Rolling stock imported. In the this action is declared illegal by is being educated in the San 1st Class meals at very moderate prices fruit Dept. several Receivers the government Lawyer who is Luis Gonzaga College of Carmen have been laid off and the detailed to study and investigate tago. he has won all scholarFRENTE AL BANCO ANGLO loading of the fruit has been the Original Concession, how ships for his schooling, and is CUARTOS MUY COMODOS HIGIENICOS reduced from 10 cents per ever further developments are studying hard for his Bachelor 1000 to the loaders to 7! being watched in this direction of Arts exam.
SELECTA BIEN SURTIDA CANTINA per 1000 stem. ofcourse as APARTADO 1193 TELEFONO 2861 there are only two boats per ΝΟΣΟ ΟΣΟ 1 1ZM VICTOR DUKE week now to be loaded, it will be seen how disastrous these retrenchments are to the workers.
In the merchandise Dept. all helpers who used to work betXmas is coming, times are hard, but my Prices ween the breakfast and dinner are easy, remember there is no place in Limon to equal hour are now dismissed since the the quality of ladies dress goods as you get from business is closed for the breakfast hour and at olclock. In the Vendido en la Provincia de Limón Mrs. Jack Depass at the little Paris, as she knows how to blend your cotambién un gran surtido de conservas y laterias y di Prices of our Food lours and match your laces, as no other does.
ferentes clases de mercancías, Vinos y Licores As for Toys for the children, there is no such asSugar 24. 00 quintal.
sortment in Town, all useful lasting ones to suit Coffee in grain 1st. 74 00; 2nd.
Absolutely the best purest ground coffee to be had in Limón the times, come in and see for yourself. The rich are 68. 00, 3sd. 63. 00.
as well as all kind of groceries. the latest arrivals of Tin meats Dulce 1. 30 er atado.
delighted and the poor are satisfield.
canned Ham, Beef, tongue, fish, oysters, Petit Pois and all sorts of Beans 35 40 cents per polind.
Pickles preserves at the cofee store in front of The Banco Anglo.
Corn one colon por quartillo of 800 lbs.
Parisian Selections The best of wines, Rum, whiskey Liquers for your Xmas su C90. 00 por fanega. of 800 lbs.
pply, at Caballo Blanco recently bought out by your old friend; Rice Ist. 30. 00; 2nd. 27. 00 quintal. ΣΕ ΟΣΟ he caters for all your Banquets.
Potato per cuartillo un colon. 1st 30. 00 MIGUEL BORRAS. he trents you on the Square.
sack. 2nd. 27. 00 Lard. 100. 00 quintal or 1. 20 The Little Paris EL MEJOR CAFE BORRAS por libra.
HOTEL CENTRAL SIQUIRRES BRITISH CONSULATE FORDS The Britich Cousulate in Limon has been reduced to a Vice Consul again, and Mr. Bowden Manager of John Keithi Bank is Vice Cansul vice Mr. Danglas gone to Jamaica are the best, cheapest and most economical in fuel Shedden certainly the neatest best, when in Siquirres dont fail to book your lodgings in this most Sanitary and Commodious building: Complete assortment of wines stimulating Drinks in the Canteen.
On the premises is also located an up to date Bakery, where the best Bread, Buns Cakes can be had.
OUR OLD FRIEND SHEDDEN FRENTE AL DOCTOR SHAW CUARTOS MUY COMODOS HIGIENICOS SELECTA MUY BIEN SURTIDA CANTINA Lo mejor en Siquirres, Shedden Adrian Collado The Thinking Faculty of The Vegetarian Agent in Costa Rica La Samaritana PILES SHO ESTORE SIQUIRRES must have LADIES! It is an acknowledged fact, that if you ale not wearing PILES STYLE OF SHOES When in San José do not fail to give a Call to your old friend. Malick, who has served you in the past. and is ready to do so again with his most up to date stock of Ladies gentlemen garments and his complete assortment of Fancy dress goods, laces novelties of all kind, at the North Eastern gate of The Market.
REMEMBER THE SIGN OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN you are not dressed. His best finest Taoned uppers are bound to attract the attention of passersby for they trim your feet. His gentlemen working dressed shoes are a specialty, come in and say no if you can.
One of the impressive things revealed by the figures of agricultural statistics in California is the steady growth of the fruit and vegetable movement. Each year shows a substantial increase in shipments over the previous year.
Similar reports on the growth of the fruit and vegetable movement not only from California, but other states of the union and foreign countries as well, a palpable relation to the general grogress of civilization. Not so long ago potatoes, gravy, meat and coffee with white bread and butter were the staple diet of Anglo Saxons all the world over. Other nations had some other convenient stand by that was seldom variated. Fruits were a luxury for the very rich only Today, not only in the United States of America, but all over the world, fruits appear on the breakfast table and vegetables are a regular dish for lunch and supper.
Simultaneously democracy and scientific progress have made rapid strides. Has the modern diet enabled humanity to increase its thinking faculties?
While the fruit and vegetable movement increases, the meat packers and the hide tanners are reporting a decrease in their business per capita of population. Simultaneously the modernist movement among churches gains in momentum and the pacifists are having an influence on statesmanship that would have been regarded as treasonable only twenty years ago Can it be that with the decrease of meat consumption and the increase of the bloodless diet, the mind of man also turns its attention to better means of living amicably with his fellow men and seeks to establish pacific relations conforming to the idea of live, let live in place of kill in order to live?
For the kingdom of this world is becoming the Kingdom of our Lord, and of his Christ Pile. back of the post office Hotel Frances For the purest and best Cacao Cafe buy from CARTAGO Cartago as a Health Resort equals anywhere in the Known World and when going there advise by Telegram the Manager of Hotel Frances Cartago: the best of Associates are there, the most comfortable Rooms and cuisine especial from Panama, and fancy all this for only e 00 per day.
CARLOS LUIS ODIO San José, Costa Rica de Biblioteca Printing Office Ujuela, San Jose


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