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PAGE Tte Costa Rica Life Assurance Society ¿Qué hay de Política?
Big athletic Meeting mem Drug Store Shaw Wasz mene No.
MEMBER DEAD you 1206. 05 1266. 60 1487 00 19 00 19 20 30 509. 00 612 Eloy Truque Garcia. SHAW 132 132 1396. 85 000 José Artavia 00 27 11 18 Robos y pérdidas que sufren los pasajeros del ferrocarril al Atlántico 00 21 5 155. 00 681 Montiel 912. 50 Robberies on Train San Jose, Costa Rica Todo se ha quedado en calma, la política se reduce ahora in Limón on Dee. th.
It behoves every person man or wo the advantages that will come to your a la campaña para diputados y We are expecting the biggest time in Cycle and flat man who has a loved relative or friend, friend or family by joining This Society. esto se hace sin mayor entuevents in Costa Rica, when all cracks will meet to show Whom he or she would like to be bene which is not a commercial Society but siasmo, parece como si fuera una fitted at their death to Join this Society. a Society for Mutual help a Support in elección municipal; decimos que their mettle, you can see all the sports who intend to take part, doing their Road work in early morn.
se ha quedado en caima porque Fee and the monthly fee in case of the Law that no creditornano embargo dhe había comenzado a sonar junto The Merchants are doing their part in providing the prizes for the different events. Look out for the announber of 250, 500, 00, 00, 00, 00, and controlled by gentlemen of the con la elección de diputados la hos os cements early. So get yourself in training: dont wait for Or 00. In case of the death of ber you pay whatever that member been in existence now over 30 years is bres de candidatos, se decía que the last moment to say you are not fit. All Cyclists remember Zackie and Sprinters remember Willie Price are Cuota was not seeing youdesuota ho publishing for your thought, the is it a. 00 member dies, and following list of the Policies that have por el Partido Agrícola volveria both here, and competing.
you are a 50 member you only pay been Liquidated in the year 1928.
a aparecer don Alberto Echandi, The Commitee 50 Cand so on Thus it suits the thinque don Carlos Maria al frente king man woman particularly of the Presidente, don Ricardo Fournier del Partido Republicano lucharia poorer class to join this Society. It gives Tesorero, don Alberto Aragón you the Assurance that in your sickness Secretario, don Adan Peralta con nuevos y mayores brios, que don Tomás Soley con el nuevo your friend will take care of you because San José, Apartado 1318 Partido Renovación Nacional se if you die he or she will be recompensed for their trouble with you Any information given by The Edi había echado a la media calle The best way of convincing you of tor of this paper.
seguro de su gran popularidad, que don Arturo Volio encabeNo of Ant received zaría un nuevo bando a base del Cutla Paid in life Policy Ift 35 years experience in Tropical by family Partido Reformisa, etc. Pero resulta que unos cuantos han empeñado en sacar a don RiDeseases stands for Knowledge. Then 607 Carlos Urbina Céspedes. 794 2, 00 22 2 701. 00 1803. 75 cardo Jiménez como candidato 008 Fulgencio Villalobos 783 00 15 22 438. 00 1335. 20 be able to advise may in your 609 Patricio Ledezma Ledezma 321 00 22 26 para un tercer período y de ahí 545. 50 610 Basilio Paniagua Sandoval 105 00 31 10 393. 00 1407. 30 que se hayan acallado los brios 611 Alberto Chavarria Mora de todos los presidenciables, pues trouble. When in Siquirres consult: 31 00 31 218 791. 50 1806. 50 claro, ahora todos dicen: hay que 613 Buenaventura Hidalgo 22 00 31 10 079, 50 614 Manuel Montealegue Mora.
2009. 00 esperar el desarrollo de los acon2. 00 31 290 793, 50 015 Albino Villalobos Baquero 1807. 50 tecimientos.
398 50 25 01 26 191, 00 770. 60 616 Emilio Alpizar Alvarado 1230 50 20 24 259. 00 209. 00 770. 60 Qué pasaría si don Ricardo 617 Domingo Aymerich 250 00 3770 775. 00 160445 volviera a salir como candidato?
618 Enrique Rawson Quirós 1041 50 13 21 241. 50 762. 55 no lo sabemos; pero si podria619 Amanda de Sagot 1034 00 212. 17 521. 50 mos hacer muchas conjeturas.
224 566, 50 1306 85 1390. 85 407 621 julian Quirós Saborio 501 26 028 El Partido Repúblicano se pon467 20600 290. 00 622 Micaela de Soto 216 50 20 128 274 00 767. 25 dria en disputa entre dos jefes 767. 25 623 Fernando Murillo Rodríguez 1777 00 15 20 567. 00 1615. 25 y quien sabe cual se quedaria 624 Samuel Yalverde Madrigal.
1025 714. 50 1795. 50 con el. Los otros candidatos per625 Rafael Calvo, ap 619 00 23 5 552. 50 1207. 05 plejos no sabrían si retirarse de 026 Manuel Arrieta 2951 0000 13 11. 00 Hacemos esta denuncia a la sajero olvida su paraguas o algún 627. Tranquilino Barquero la politica o continuar en la bre Empresa o a la autoridad que paquete y cuando va a preguntar 704, 50 1316 00 20 10 183. od 1618. 90 628 Francisco de Mediola 2550 00 11 ga, siendo lo más probable que corresponda para que trate por por el ha desaparecido.
Castro Abarca 602 00 24 1001 27 705. 00 los medios que tengan a su 630 Anita de Lizano 431 00 25 27 La Empresa del Ferrocarril, 562. 00 1404. 75 caso, y al decir urf fracaso tam631 Federico Tristán 2. 00 24 7 762. 50 1809. 35 bién de una pérdida de dinero coalcance de poner término a este haría muy bien en tener un po632 Josefa Arguedas de Cruz 2496 50 10 96. 00 734. 20 perjuicio que sufren los que via licía o detective propio en los 633 Rafaela de Umaña 1525 622. 50 00 16 19 mo consecuencia, que es cosa no 1809. 35 jan con frecuencia en los trenes trenes de más concurrencia, 634 Teodoro Picado Marin. 1798 00 15 27 432. 50 1417. 50 muy simpática en estos tiempos de pasajeros. Casi no hay día beneficiaria al público y ganaria 635 Lorenzo Chaves Crádenas 1146 00 21 7 527. 00 1416. 50 Por eso se puede decir que 636 Josefa de Vindas.
1347 00 20 7 en que algún pasajero no tenga ella, por el mayor prestigio y 621. 00 1417. 50 duerme la politica, está aletarga423 00 25 226 443 567. 50 20.
638 Enrique 1497. 50 da esperando el desarrollo de los cuarterlamentar la pérdida de su buena reputación que puede Lacayo 932 00 22 15 2026. 10 acontecimientos.
639 Graciela de Carballo 2896 50 00 10 19 17. 00 543. 10 Algunas veces sucede que el pa nuestra suerte que seamos oídos.
640 Antonio Peña Velazco. 1122 50 16 0 237. 00 775. 85 641 Juan Porras Rivera. 1282 50 20 26 283. 50 775. 85 642 Gral. Luis Mena 1517 00 19 24 707. 00 1797. 90 643 Manuel Ortuño Bonilla 217 00 28 19 585. 50 1406. 26 644 Esmeralda Murillo de Meza 1013 50 21 10 25 291. 00 767. 10 Robberies and losses to tra38 deaths liquidated. 18, 969. 50 650:79165 JOHN RODGERS. TAILOR vellers on our trains are geThe naine is the hall mark for Tailoring.
tting of greater frequency every Es realmente una lástima que los mé Los sacerdotes, los maestros de edu month. last week a gentleman ritos de esta Sociedad no estén tomados cación deben imponerse la alta obligaFAR AND NEAR en cuenta por las familias Ticas; consición de aconsejar a todas sus congrecoming from Limón was picked derando los beneficios derivados para gaciones, alumnos y padres de familia lo six hundred and fifty colones in Among his clients are the most fastidious, the elite; the people that las familias dolientes. Es una necesi necesario que es vivir en este mundo know. Convince yourseelf.
his purse in the Station of San dad que las cabezas de todas las fami con la idea que han hecho todo lo José and this is of very fr de esta Sociedad. Los bueno posible, pues no es caridad solaLIMON, Box. 83.
quent occurrence between Carhijos serían socios con la idea de pro mente dar 25 céntimos al mendigo en a sus padres, en caso de ser sortago and San José.
la calle, que caridad es también velar There is a band of well dres e la hu por el porvenir de la madre, la Piense Ud. en la satisfacción na sed rogues who board the pao la esposa, procurando estrechar de un padre o de un hijo en sus úlos por el último estado entre una y otra los vínculos de familia.
ssenger Trains sometimes at timos momentos al tener el pelisa procurando estrechar la caridad a ellas.
Cartago sometimes Tres Rios miento de que se va, pero que la ma Aquí está la lista de pólizas liquidadre o la querida esposa no quedan a or San Pedro, and in the rush das por la Sociedad en el año 1928.
la merced de la caridad de este cruel Hágase Ud. socio hoy mismo y a coming out in San José, the mundo su muerte su familia no verá la miseria.
uncanny passenger gets picked.
We throw this out so that As a Commission man it is the Railroad Coy, as well as the government might cooperate hard to lick Wilson, apar by having a Policeman on Ety on the trains especiall rom tado 65 Cartago over 20 years in the stations named, in the first class Coaches for the protection Suits made to order in the Shortest notice a Com the line whatever your wants of nonsuspecting passengers trapiete stock of English, and American tweeds, sergings velling by them. Flannels always on stock, come in when in San José may be give him a Trial be see my recent arrivals.
North East Corner of Central AveVolcanic Action The Volcano Sta. Maria in nue where the Plaza Viquéz Guatemala went in eruption since Tramway starts.
Served with a dose of his own Saturday 2nd, and has caused Suits also made on the Raffle Series system come much damage to life property.
Medicine The lava entombed over 700 in and get a number.
persons, and hot ashes, stones Brooklyn, Oct. The Rev. then appealed to the white management, sand ejected therefrom has William Blackshear of Texas, rector which astounded the rector by sustaof St. Matthews Protestant Episcopal ining the head waiter and the waiters.
done damage to stock and farms Church in Brooklyn, who aroused a With flaming cheeks, the rector and in the vicinity of over a millon storm of criticism three weeks ago, when his party of five quit the restaurant, dollars. Over 25, 000 persons have of he publicly banned Negroes from his even as the Christian Negro maiden suffered damage in one form or was made to feel the sting left St. Matthews church on the previous another, it is still smoking.
funreasonable prejudice last week, when Sunday, Negro waiters in his favorite restaurant refused to serve him and a party of ASSOCIATE CORRESPONDENTS Last Sunday, according to William Bryant of 1372 Bergen street, the recin Jamaica other Islands tor who dines in the restaurant of a big apartment house on Bergen street, MANUEL SOLERA VIQUEZ entered with a party of friends. waisiness go to ter declined to serve him. So did all ATTORNEY AT LAW OF SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA the other waiters He appealed to the head waiter, who Don ANTONIO SEGURA. Jimón Handles business in the West India Islands through his corresis also a Negro and the latter upheld the pondents. Also important matters in the Courts of San Jose.
waiters, giving the rector no satisfaction.
Outraged the Rx Mr Blacksbeauet Highest References. Box 940. San Jose.
THE VOGUE lias suas The cheapest most reliable SASTRERIA GRANT Notary Public Lawyer of It you want a thoroughly honest and reliable Lawyer to do your bu

    Manuel Mora

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