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To help unemployment he has really used them from a prodigal standpoint. but rather ses couple ad es being dazling she works improvements of which Tem ked Jamaica.
Our Imports and Exports In view of the cooperation given to tney: Chief Engineer, Mr. Cameron; evening there was a fancy dress dance the Jamaica Fruit Producers Association 2nd Engineer, Mr. Smith; 3td which was preceded by the Captain by the British and Canadian govern Engineer, Mr. Reed; 4th Engi dinner. The dining saloon and other Due to an article which appeared in the Diario Costa Rica, in which Don Florentino Castro ex President of the Cooperative the Gleaner.
ments we reproduce the following from neer, Mr. Hay; 5th Engineer, Mr. public rooms had been decorated by Bell; 6th Engineer, Mr. Jackson; the officers of the ship and presented Banana Association formulated here at the instance of The CuThe Banana prices in Great Britain Chief Refrigerating Engineer, Mr. quite a gay appearance.
yamel Atlantic Fruit Coy. by Messrs Gore Melara, is alleged obtained in the last week report are Fox; 2nd Refrigerating Engineer, Mr. At the dinner the toast of the Capto have said among other things that the government being poor as fallows, Parry. Surgeon, Dr. Cruik tain and the Company was proposed Fruit West Indian by the Elders and should bow to the Co. she being rich.
shank; Chief Steward, Mr. Giles by Mr. Cory, in a pleasing speech.
The Captain replied. The dance afterThis remark has cause a burst of indignation, and several Fyffe or Co. 22 10 10 per (formerly of the Settler) and Captain W. Manter.
wards was a very enjoyable one. There gentlemen have been expressing themselves very vehemently about The Jamaica Fruit Producers Asso In the decorations of the ship there were also all kinds of deck games it, on account of which a short and concise editorial on the sub ciation 24 10 per ton.
are gold rooms, mauve rooms, and during the trip and there was keen ject by La Tribuna is translated here for the convenience of our South American 21 0 per ton. rose rooms and the smoke room recompetition in these, but one of the readers.
sembles an old English tavern, with its most popular feature of the voyage rafted roofs and comfortable chairs and was the swimming pool which is a There is inserted in one of our Journals of yesterdays date, FOURTH SHIP OF PRODUCERS setees. The dining room, which is in very large one, and was well patronised with apparent great eulogy for its author, the following words LINE ON FIRST VISIT oak, is much the same as that of the all the way over as soon as the weather attributed to Don Florentino Castro.
other ships. The majority of the floors got warm enough. The firsl few days Our present government is disposed to hear propositions Jamaica Merchant, Recently re are covered with linoleum, an impro were very cold.
from the Co. this is a great pleasure satisfaction to us conditioned, makes Maider Voyage vement on some of the others.
The Jamaica Merchant will be here On This Run.
because it is up to us to comply with this obligation after recent hapt JOLLY TIME ON BOARD until Sunday, when she will sail for penings by going to the Coy. to seek the means whereby the preSEAWORTHINESS PROVED Port Morant and England with fruit.
On the way out the passengers had It is expected that she will load about sent problem will be solved, for it is not possible to expect tha The fourth ship of the Jamaica Di quite an enjoyable time. There were 70. 000 stems of bananas in Kingston the Rich should go abegging to the poor, it the poor that rect Fruit Line, the Jamaica Merchant several dances held and on Thursday in addition to other cargo and that she will complete loading at Port Morant.
should take such a step so as to seek a solution for supplying arrived here yesterday at noon from the necessaries of his own existence. The vessel which was taken We have read and reread these words, without wishing to the Nelson Line a few weeks ago and over from PRODUCER BANANAS USED AT PRINCE DINNER TO MEN convince ourselves that there exists a Costarrican who could ex has been reconditioned in the Mersey, high compliment was paid to the press himseif in a manner so depreciative of his country. left Liverpool on October 29. She is Even though he may have the right, or Justice on his side; the other ships of the Line but her The vexed question of nonemploy Jamaica Banana Producer Associament is engaging the minds of the le tion the fact that bananas grown and For since it is the foreign Corporation which has the money it gislators of all countries alike. Mr. shipped by them were used exclusively would be the duty of our poor Republic to pro rate herself on scheme of decoration is improvement on one or two of the others. To Thomas Lord of The Privy sea! at the banquet given on the 9th inst her knees to a few merchants of Boston.
all outward appearances, howerver, as of Great Britain had promised to give at the House of Commons under the Mr. Castro speaks naturally from the viewpoint of a she steamed up the harbour, it might out his plans in this respect so soon as chairmanship of His Royal Highness holders of the Rieb man but not as a Costarian Treating with him from have been it might have been anyof the Premier Mr. Donald arrived from his Prince of Wales, to yisit to the United States and here it is. Victoria Cross.
this viewpoint we ought not to attribute these words to him other three ships that were coming in, He on Each banana bore a red label marfrom the aspect of one who does not weigh well the responsibiis of a gray colour She brought nineteen first class millions will go to unemployment The news, which is given in a cable lity incurred by the use of such words; but we are more surprito the Association here from their Lonpassengers and seven intermediate, grants for improvement in water works; sevens millions will be spent in Railway don office, will be recelved with much sed that there should be a Press capable of formulating conceamongst whom were Lord and Lady St.
ptions so damaging to the sovereignty of the State much less to Oswald, Mr. Harvey Clark (Crown improvements thirteen millions will be interest in the island, providing, as it does a very fine advertisement for Jautter words of Eulogy for anyone who would be so frivo Revici Maxwell. Mr. and Mrs. com corte millions pounds will be spent on Roads maica grown and shipped fruit.
lous as to utter them. For however great the tendency here may Mrs. Holgate and Mrs. Cocking.
Whether or not His Royal Highness be to serve foreign interests, however powerful those interests works contemplated which will relieve himself sampled a banana the cable THE TRIP ACROSS the tension of unemployment, such as does not state.
may be, however quickened our Consciences may be there ought The Channel other Tunnels, the Railto be a limit in the struggle, there ought to be a limit in ones The vessel left England in very cold ways to use up a considerable tonnage passions for these interests, and this limit begins where one weather and on the trip across expe of fron steepers made in the country actions and expressions may affect the decorum of his country. like the other ships of the Line she so as to save importation of wooden Fortunately Mr. Castro and the Newspaper which give utter proved exceptionally steady and no disties. Then it was contemplated to develop ance to his remarks find themselves alone. We are poor and the comfort was experienced by the pamore intense trading within the Empire, From La Tribuna we take the follow ing statement that there Company rich she can remain with her money but we will remain ssengers. The vessel was delayed some at the foot of a stainless flag. The defenders of the Co.
what in her journey owing to a slight as he said he found that for every do deficit of about four million codities as, Coal and other materials. will probably be a Commercial are taking a wrong pathway when they attempt to convince us trouble with her condensers, but otherwise the voyage was an ideal one.
llar worth of supplies which Canada with such an argument, That the poor ought to beg the Rich lones.
The Jamaica Merchant took the bought in the Mother Country she spent five in the United States, his trip across Exportations for the first three Worst of all when they attempt to achieve their aims by the sailing date of the Jainaica Producer.
humiliation of the Nation, it would rather be much more approp This latter ship on the homeward trip was to prevent this sort of trading out quartres of the year as as follows.
riate if they would endeavour to do so by elevating the National bles and so the work of converside of the Empire. He had located orders Coffee 48. 902, 817 for 600, 000 Tons of Coal, to Canada Bananas Conscience.
14. 248, 083 this year, which was being got from ting the Merchant had to be hurried Russia. He also hoped to sell more autCacao 992, 807 so that she would be ready to sail on omobiles in Canada he stated that last Lumber 291, 616 the 29th. Originally she was not sche1. 678, 129 duled to sail until November 5, but year Canada imported from the United Other products States twice as many Cars as England owing to the change, the Producer made for the whole year. Then he proTotal 67. 113, 455 sailed on this later date.
poses exchanging Canadian wheat for SHIP OFFICERS British Steel.
Escportation probable It is noted that in Jamaica works of We reproduce the following Robertson, Manager of the Pro chant is Capt. Towel, who was employment to her people. Road re.
The Captain of the Jamaica Mer improvements are being planned to give For the other quarter 886, 545 Total clippings with a hope that the ducers Association, and Mr. formerly the skipper of the United Fruit 72. 000, 000 construction scheme is put up of 190, 000 Director of Agriculture will catch Braham.
Company steamer Uloa, but he had or nearly four million colones for next Importations Jany to Sept.
a glipse of what is happening The meeting was held to augto vacate the bridge of that vessel when year. If a small Colony like Jamaica can in Jamaica.
ment a Citrus Fruit Association. tish to American. The Chief Officer of improvement, what will the menem.
she changed her nationality from Bri be spending four million colones on Road Have been 58. 655, 432 There is no reason why we Several men signed contracts.
Estimated for Oct.
should not encourage a Citrus They discussed the formation of formerly on the Jamaica Settler, and selves, if they cant spend five times this the vessel is Mr. C Bach who was Congress of Costa Rica think of themto Dec.
17. 345, 568 Fruit trade in this Country a fruit depot, but Mr. Robert the other officers are: 2nd Officer, Mr. amount of money to develop road ma 76. 000. 000 In Jamaica we grate the Rind son said that he could not state Quick, 3rd Officer Mr. king in a crisis to save humiliation what of the Citrus fruit which are unfit definitely as to where this depot Sharrock; 4th Officer Mr. Cuor are we doing?
Giving an estimated Comfor shipment from which a very would be set up as this would mercial deficit of 000, 000 but expensive Oil is made. The depend largely upon the number taking into account the Amt. of Seeds are also used to make a of contracts.
materials imported by the governbyeproduct. This Association is The company then left for ment for the Electrificación of being formed to get the neccs Claremont via the Fern Gully.
the Pacific Ry. 500, 000. Matsary Machinery to Juice, rind Among those present were erials for Roads 600. 000. MatNo solamente debemos trabajar sino también debemos divertirnos. La and make the Oil, and regulate Messrs. Blackwin, White, vida sin distracciones es pesada y triste. EL CINE MODERNO le proporerials for waterworks 000, 000 shipments of the Fruit. To aug. Clarke, Mesquita, Wil.
ciona la manera de distraerse todas las noches con películas y expectáculos nuevos, que le dejarán sonrisas y descansará su espiritu para las nuevas aggregating six millions would ment our exports, this industry mot, Harry Walker, and make an extra six millions to should be encouraged. It is ho Cohen.
Vuelvase modernista gaste la infima suma de 25 céntimos y gozará be accounted for ped that the small settlers will admirando las más lindas estrellas de la cinematografia clean and care their orange Trees along the lines, so as to get a Ewarton, November. 17. The Women to the front full bearing Citrus Growers meeting was held here on Saturday evening All work and no diversions makes Jack a dull boy The ladies are coming in for MEETINGS HELD TO FORM at 30 o clok.
CINE MODERNO their own when found deserving, CITRUS FRUIT ASSOCIATION Among those present were gives you a new scene every night of your life, giving you a new they must feel Content with Ocho Rios, Noviembre 16. Mr. Robertson, Manager, lease on life every morning when you get awake. You never feel the themselves to see Miss MargColonel Stuart presided Hon. Cawley, Messrs. Ha.
Jamaica Producers Association, strain of work in your jobs. The latest and most up to date aret Bondfield as Minister of AMERICAN. FILMS labour in the McDonald Cabinet.
over a large meeting here to day; rold Braham. Willamson, and She is however in for great The Court House was packed every night, leading you into a life of expectancy and Smiles all the Irving while, for just a Nickel, enlist yourself a to its utmost capacity and all opposition by the Conservative Mr. McDaniel, chairman of the MODERNITE and feel satisfied for tomorrow.
listened with great interest to the Liberal Parties, as well as the right wing of the labour governaddresses given by Mr. Este docun Chilipaed on barato. ca Naci ment.
trouCitrus Fruit Vaya al Cine Moderno de Limón luchas de la vida VISIT CINE MODERNO


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