
EDITORIAL BANANA TROUBLES Our Political Outlook to make Company with without Notary Public Lawyer men you want a thoroughly honest and reliable Lawyer to do your bupresent financial siness go to eyes He is barrassing at this mom a heritage HOTEL CENTRAL SIQUIRRES THE VOGUE The Banana growers of Turrialba had JOHN RODGERS, TAILOR a mass meeting in that town on Tuesday last, to discuss the difficulty. special Train was run from The name is the hall mark for Tailoring, for Cartago Everything seem affected by the identified in the struggles for existence the purpose. Several Deputies in ConFAR AND NEAR straitened condition of the country. The in the Province, his father has worked gress assisted at this meeting as well as re has never been a time when the persistently for the welfare of the Province, nearly all the Banana producers of the politicians have been so reticent in coAmong his clients are the most fastidious, the elite; the people that has reared his children among us in a to ask know. Convince yourseelf.
ming forward in the struggle for su manner befitting the best families of the platforms as formerly instead of alongthe Company to take the fruit at LIMON, Box. 83.
premacy in the representation of the Republic, these children including Do side the ships as is now, also to the is now. Some Provinces are practically us endeavouring to enhance the highest special concessions going a begging to get men to come principles of right living, economically sion of the Industry and fomenting the expanforward and then bringing and represent them: ofcourse intellectually, honourably and we are in a time of great struggles for pressure on the government to modify the our existence in a dignified manner there we would like to give Don Paco among all classes of the Com Banana Law. An influential Committee any prejudice to Mr.
and it was formed to protect the interests of it may be that fact which is keeBanana farmers both with the ping some merr from coming forward trial at this supreme moment, because governas it is evident we need now more ment and the Company, the following he knows the needs of the Province, Mr.
than ever of ability, men of con having actually grown here he is thoLindo, Chairman: Mr. Florenfidence, men imbued with aspirations roughly conversant with the Social Stanemen comprise this Committee, It in the deepest sense of Patriotism, men economic, industrial and intelectual needs, tino Castro, Vice chairman; Mr. Manuel Francisco Jimenez, Secretary; Messrs focus their attention with a long range resident in the Parish, he is not Alejo Aguilar, Thomas Guardia, Mario on solving the depres who because he is in a little better Pacheco, Jose María Peralta, Juan Gosion hovering around us hence as we circumstance than you are, will snub mez, José Monge, and Felipe Herrera.
this may be the reasonight be good one who believes he knows all about and turn his nose up at you, he is not This Committee it is expected will act as an intermediary between the governenough to sit in Congress when things everything but that the stoffer ineer wise step towards a modification of are running smoothly, have that honesty of anyone who has one to offer. he Don ANTONIO SEGURA Limón they cannot fill the bill at this time so most sympathetic affable to the col existing conditions, and a solution of abstain from looking ridiculous in the the principal factors in the life and forof the public, this is very comer dable, because we need great thinkers, a serious man, and his opimm Citrus.
Organizers with great ideas, great financiers nions and advises affecting the wellbeing PETGRAVES TAILORING Brought over from page la.
at this moment. We need respected and sought after. and if men of grit, courage and cool demons he will only acquire the tact of keeping Parish Citrus Committee, sent an trative ability, who have been able to INFORMATION BUREAU iu good touch with his colleagues in make a success of their own affairs, Congress that is. by backing them up apology for absence.
not men who have been pitchforked when they bring forward any laudable SIQUIRRES Mr. Irving opened the meeting into prominence by the industry of their projects for the advancement of their and asked the Hon. Mr. Cawley forefathers with out even being able Province, no matter to what colour in Whatever be your need, see Petgrave; as an auctoneer, he is to preside.
to take care of what might have been politics they may belong. it is sure Mr. Cawley said that in the left them by a the only man that knows where to sell your house or your farm.
that when his projects come forward For the Province of Limon we see for the good of his Province, he will days when there was no tax on that two working men have come for have their backing. With all these His Legal advices never fail. The ll get you out all your troubles. oranges in the United States we ward, Mr. Paco Gutiérrez and Mr. attributes he ought to make a successful shipped large quantities. AmeEladio Calvo. We are not familiar with Representative, therefore we support PETGRAVE Siquirres rica then taxed foreign oranges the characteristics nor ability of Mr. him. If he falls short of our expectations and the Jamaica Citrus trade Calvo, but Mr. Gutiérrez is an old Licellule eeeeeeeeeeeeeee monese, and is well known to all in declined. The producers Assohighest aims at Patriotism, and Angels the Province. He has served us in could do no better.
ciation was not a trading compublic capacities, he has been well ASSOCIATE CORRESPONDENTS pany but an organising body which aimed at putting the trade of Jamaica on a sound basis.
in Jamaica other Islands Mr. Robertson said he was pleased to see such a large gatMANUEL SOLERA VIQUEZ hering at such short notice. He explained the business of the Shedden certainly the neatest best, when in ATTORNEY AT LAW OF SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA Citrus Association and encouraSiquirres dont fail to book your lodgings in this most Sanitary and Commodious building Handles business in the West India Islands through his corresged growers to expedite matters by signing the contracts Complete assortment of wines stimulating pondents. Also important matters in the Courts of San Jose. the terms of which he outlined.
Drinks in the Canteen.
Highest References. Box 940. San Jose, Mr. Braham stressed the imOn the premises is also located an up to date portance of quality in producBakery, where the best Bread, Buns Cakes can tion. The Citrus industry should be had.
be deloped as there was no sign OUR OLD FRIEND SHEDDEN of stagnation in the markets.
FRENTE AL DOCTOR SHAW The meeting closed with the CUARTOS MUY COMODOS HIGIENICOS singing of the National Anthem.
Madre de Dios, Nov. 24 1920 SELECTA MUY BIEN SURTIDA CANTINA MR. NATION, Lo mejor en Siquirres.
When you think of making a dress suit, or any thing in Shedden Editor THE LIMON SEARCHLIGHT Tailoring Remember Dear Sir: ΣΟΦΣΕ ΟΣΟ You will permit me space to congratulate you, in your efforts, in the productions of your most valued Weekly Alongside bearing the above most significant nomenclature: Your aims as set forth therein, that Xmas is coming, times are hard, but my Prices is, to keep the English are easy, remember there is no place in Limon to equal the country posted with everyday oc1 speaking people in the quality of ladies dress goods as you get from currences around us, are most beneficial, because really from the lack of know感的 Mrs. Jack Depass ledge of the Spanish language, we are kept in gross ignorance of these occurat the little Paris, as she knows how to blend your coat times leads us in conflict with the authorities. must therefore lours and match your laces, as no other does.
wish for your Journal every success As for Toys for the children, there is no such as will hope that your determination and sortment in Town, all useful lasting ones to suit interest will be chained continually to the times, come in and see for yourself. The rich are that column of and RODOLFO CERVANTES social uplift of our people, and sincerely SIQUIRRES delighted and the poor are satisfield.
that your efforts be crowned with MECANICO EN DENTISTERIA Parisian Selections through the ardent coop of your readers, by Advertisements and ΑΣ εναΣ ozΟΣ subscriptions. There is no doubt about Get your plates fixed at Dr. Cervanit that your Weekly has come felt want to the English peoples, for which reason every english tes, strong work executed by him.
reader ought to be a subscriber thereto with a view to uphold your hands in your laudable undertaking for myself yon can count on my support in every way possible must also congratulate your corres.
You would not have seen the best in Siquirres, if you pondent don Carlos Orozco Amador Súits made to order in the Shortest notice a Com for his most interesting and inspiring did not visit plete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings Letters for the future betterment of our Province and the progress of your Jo. Flannels always on stock, come in when in San José urnal. Again wishing you a successful THE PEOPLE MARTER see my recent arrivals.
career in endeavouring to serve the Community and will reccommend you to North East Corner of Central Ave the hearty support of those whose infor your supply of general merchandise and groceries for terests you are endeavouring to serve; the home or the Farm.
nue where the Plaza Víquez promising you my feeble assistance in Keeping you posted with items of inte Our Ladies fancy goods gents shirts and underwear a Tramway starts.
rest in my locality especially in matters specialty Suits also made on the Raffle Series system come concerning the Divisions of the and its influences on our people in and get a number.
Yours sincerely, Mc. INTOSH. Siquirres Nacional Miguel Obregón Li Naahan Neelon del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.
Support Promised ADVERTISE! RHODEN FThe Little Paris THE PARK HOTEL rences which Mechanical Dentist success filla long Speaking SASTRERIA GRANT


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