
CURRENT ITEMS Atlantic Hotel BR PILES STYLE OF SHOES vez where when BEDWARDS DRUG STORE SIQUIRRES From old Harbour Mr. Obadiah Shaw, brother of Mr.
Sam. Shaw of 28 miles met his death PILES SHOE STORE SIQUIRRES by drowning last week, he was coming here, when on crossing the Hone creek, his horse stumbled in the stream, LADIES! It is an acknowledged fact, that if you Situado 150 yards from South of the Market in front of in struggling he fell off with his foot fastened in the stirrup: before help are not wearing Orange Crush factory could reach him he got drowned.
ATLANTIC HOTEL offers to the public in ge Much sympathy is felt for the poor neral Clean confortable Rooms.
man; he has been of great help to peo ple travelling in these parts across the Meal Service to order, cakes, Ice Cream as per desire Rivers on the trail between Limon and you are not dressed. His best finest Tanned Sixaola.
uppers are bound to attract the attention of passWe also attend to wedding feasts, etc. etc.
We extend our condolence to the ersby. for they trim your feet. His gentlemen afflicted ones working dressed shoes are a specialty, come in Moderate Prices, all attention given to BoarBishop Jackson and say no if you cao.
ders English french spoken. Call be convinced.
The Admirers of Bishop Jackson Telf. 3271. Box 614. San José, will be glad to know that he has been Pile. back of the post office heard from he has been appointed 來來來來來回 lands Coadjutor Bishop of the Leeward Isst He has written our old frind Mr.
The La falta de práctica en las imprentas Demercado, begging to be kindly Robberies Sea Quake del país para hacer periódicos en otro remembered to all his friends in and There seem to be much discontent in idioma, son la causa; pero poco a poco out of the Angli can community. His Hardly was our article on this matThe latest Cables from Newfoundland the management of The Limon Division iremos corrigiendo estos defectos para home has been blessed by the arrival ter out on Sunday when a rogue was state that there was a terrific earthquake of this Organization, especially since the presentar nuestro periódico cada of an heir named Michael.
caught redhanded on the train at Carat Sea, which had the effect of throwing recent election of Officers. We have re. mejor cieved three letters from prominent an immense Wave inland Several fistago robbing a lady of her Purse with La Redacción Our Postage System her money Jewelry. In Limón house. hing villages along the Southern Coast members of this Club, which for want were inundated by a tremendous Wave of space we cannot publish this week, An Excuse breaking is the order of the day. Thieves There seem to be some m! sconcepfifteen feet high; much small shipping but it does seem as if there is some tion of the Law among the less infor break thró and steal, apparently as they irregularity in the manipulation of the We crave the sympathy of our nu med with regard to the change in please, especially is this so, of houses engaged in the Codfish trade was wrecked, thown in land and hauled out to the owners happen to work on affairs of that body Mr. Ted Smith has merous readers, should any orthogrop Postal stamps. There are complaints of sea again. Thirtyfive houses along the been reelected President, Mr. Arnold hical errors be met in our articles, this not getting correct the lines. Two cases have recently been balances reported to us as happening in Mr.
Cunning 1st Vice, Mr. Fitzbert Barret being due to the difficulty in a printing Stamps are bought on the lines. If one coastline were lifted off their basements and carried out to sea by the receding 2nd Vice, Mr. Mitchell 3rd Vice, Miss office exclusively in the Spanish language does not carry sufficient small coins Sankey Yards going up the Pound gradually however we hope to arrive at road Sarah Cummings, Secretary.
when buying stamps dont blame the we advised the parties to go wave and many lives lost.
perfection our workmen getting more government official, as it is not at all see the Commandante, ofcourse our PoThere did not seem to have been There is no accurate account as seven of the twentyone wires constituting the any Lady President to fill the position more practical in the English dictum.
times that he may have one or two lice are only watching at the Corners Cablegrafic service has been cut and so the President appointed Mrs Scott at Johns Shop, they dont seem to carry cent stamps in stock, the easiest way British Consul will take two weeks to repair. Damage pro tem. until an election is made with to get your correct postage which is a Searchlight to enable them to see estimated at a quarter million dollars mrs Salmon and Mrs Robinson into the dark corners.
13 cents, is to buy one five cents Mr. Douglas has been asked by 1st 2nd lady presidents respectively has been done. When Kitchen catch the British Minister to remain in the stamps and stamps of cents cach, The Auxiliary Committe is also abofire, greathouse must look Sharp. CieConsular Service by putting on the cents and of position of British Consul at Port Lilished.
niguita much feel funny.
món until be can make arrangements.
cents yon will have one reserved for The school has been taken over by your next posting. or buy Mr. Douglas is anxious to get away to or ten Mr. Spencer Dickson former Consul Limon school Work Mr Smith on his own accountOpen General for Great Britain at Marseilles practise his profession as a Barrister of stamps of thirteen cents, you will thus has been named British Minister to The masters and schoolmistresses of rrison recently from Jamaica, entreating ter request for awhile yet.
air meetings are being held by Mr Ha law, but has acquieved to the Minis always be protecting the one and two the Limon Elementary governmental schcents change until the dollars come. Colombia at Bogota.
ools are sparing no pains to bring up members to enlist; in consequence, the President offered his reccommendation From Pacuarito the standard of their schoolwork to the highest efficiency to meet the test of for a new Charter for a Branch to be opened in Limon much speculation goes There have recently been several setheir examinations by the Inspectors.
on about this new Departure.
rious cases of accidents mishaps at We note that on the 29th and 30th inst this locality.
will be an exhibition of manual labour From 25 Miles Mr. John Radcliffe had a narrow and Arts in the Rafael Iglesias School Bed Wards Drug Store is replete with the most upto escape from death, from hemorrhage, We are sad to report the death of an due to an accident by which he got a of this Town when the girls boys date stock of latest Drugs, both Foreigo Native will vie with each other, in showing old respectable resident of this locality severe machete wound. Dr. Percy Bedmade what they can do in handicrafts, painMrs Ann Brown. She lived a most ward had to be called to render first tings, drawings etc. All parents guarChristian, exemplary life in the Comaid, and had a very hard time in stopping SO AS TO SORVE YOU EFFICIENTLY dians are invited to see what their chilmunity she had been suffering for some the flow of blood.
time and left some two weeks ago dren have been doing for the past year.
for Mr. Harriott who got twice shot by he went for two morths test of MICROSCOPIC What of The and other the Hospital in San Jose, where an an unknown hand in his farm in Sepwork in the Laboratorio de la Salud Pública (Pu private schools are they doing nothing?
operation was seen necesssry, from the tember, came home convalescent from effects of which she died on the night blic health Laboratory) San José passed his exaThis was always an idea of ours, the San José Hospital this week. The mination, thereby competent in Testing your that these exams should be held perioof 23rd inst. she will be much missed entire community was glad to see him in the vicinity for her many acts of back as it was not expected that he Blood, excretions, sputem etc.
dically in the school of the Kindness. To the bereaved husband, could survive these shots. He was shot You will therefore trust him to advise you.
and prizes awarded for best work done in the school, and a government teacher son and daughter we tender our Sinon the ground, and after mounting be alotted to the school for a few hours cere Sympathy.
his horse he was again shot at, which PERCY BEDWARD each day to teach the Spanish subjects; From Matina latter shot seemed to have taken the horThe Bridge Siquirres.
but no cognizance was taken of our adse more effectively than him, the animal vices. No matter what might be said Robberies have begun here too. The died latter on. he saw no one, and the done all these children born here are house of Mr. Gibbs at 23 miles matter remains a mystery. He is a Ricans born and are liable to call for was broken into and all his belongings Man much beloved in the vicinity, hence their papers free of cost when so stolen last week, by two natives who he is much sympathized with, and makes The Cuyamel Distinguished Visitor desiring: so have always insisted that took to the woods with the booty when the matter more puzzling.
Of late Costa Rica has been having Confirmation of the deal between the they should be educated in the Spanish they saw two little boys approaching Mr. David Smith nearly lost his ellines as well as that of the country of the house. The matter has been reporits fair share of distinguished people United and the Cuyamel Fruit Compadest son by hemorrhage of the tooth, among us, not so long ago, we had nies is to hand. With the present deal, their parentage; one may be classified ted to the Police, but as usual? due to extraction of some bad teeth; Mr. Ramsay Mc Donald here who is the Capital stock of the Co. of as a prejudiced fool by other fools but The Sick list again our friend Dr. Bedward had a hard time to save him. Another lady now Prime Minister of England a approximately 220. 000, 000 will be there ll come a day when that rejected week or two ago we had Lord Cun raised to 252. 000. 000 stone may be needed for the key of also had a near shave from hemorrhage, liffe out to look after the interests of Mr. Ferguson of Madre Dios has Two thirds of the shareholders of the arch. Parents look to educate your been suffering from a severe attack of the same Doctor had to be called to the shipping firm which he represents Cuyamel have already signed to the children with Commonsense.
fever for the past two weeks, but we help her.
Renwick Co. and now we find the arrangements. by which they are to get are glad to say he is slowly recruiting British Ambassador before the American 300, 000 shares of the Combine.
from his serious attack.
government Sir Esme Howard, paying This spells an enormous Monopoly.
This News Paper General Pershing has just returned From Liverpool we recieve news of us a flying visit. Mr. Nutter Cox. Brifrom an eight months tour of Europe tish Consul in San José, came down to Naval Parley the illness of the wife of Mr. Harry is sold at Ricketts, the main spring of this District, opinion on a long vacation, he expresses the meet him onthe boat, took him to San the Continent seem it has been found necessary to have her José, for short stay and returned next King George has placed St. James taken care of in the Clinic of Dr Bevery anxious for a lasting Peace. While Palace at the disposal of The Naval Trotzky in an interview with the Uniday he is gone on to the West Indies eche in San José. It is sincerely hoped for a look around and back to the disarmameut Committee for holding the her recovery will be speedy so she can ted press, gives a contrary opinion that States.
Conferences in regard to Naval disarmaments.
the Peace parleys are sure to he a tragic return to her activitties in the vicinity.
in front of the farce, as there is sure to be soon a Railway Car burnt Excusa war betwen England America. He At Pascua on monday last while Great Diplomat dead HOTEL C, RICA feels that the Naval arrangement talks Bridge Foreman Grant (known as DocPedimos a nuestros suscritores se are highly disadvantageous to England, tor Grant) was at work and his wife Former French Premier Clemenceau dignen perdonar si encuentran algunas judging from the Technical and eco at home looking after the galley the The Tiger is dead. France has lost faltas de ortografía en el inglés. nomic superiority of The United States chimney of the stove seemed choked one of her greatest Statesmen.
Printing Office Ujueta, San José caught afire. she ran out calling for help by the time she returned, the Railway Camp out Car on which they were living was to be seen ablaze, and the fire so well established that she could not save a thing. All their belongings were on that car, among other things, their Bed, a new Singer Machine, a new Organ costing 700, and 375 dollars Come in see for yourself, the most and all their clothing was completely también un gran surtido de conservas y laterías y didestroyed not a vestige was left them up to date assortment of Foreign and ferentes clases de mercancías, Vinos y Licores but what they both had on.
Native Patent Medicines Drugs. BORRAS This journal sympatizes sincerely with the Grants.
Absolutely the best. purest ground coffee to be had in non Russia China The only Qualitied Druggist from as well as all kind of groceries. the latest arrivals of Tin meats canned Ham, Beef, tongue, fish, oysters, Petit Pois and all sorts of The Russians have been making great Jamaica in Town. Advices given on Pickles preserves at the cofee store in front of The Banco Anglo.
advances in Manchuria against the ChiThe best of wines, Rum, whiskey Liquers for your Xmas su nese. China had referred the quarrel any ailment. Convince yourself.
between Russia and herself to arbitrapply, at Caballo Blanco recently bought out by your old friend; he caters for all your Banquets.
tion before the League of Nations, but Russia refused to argue peace terms MIGUEL BORRAS. he treats you on the Square.
until she had completely conquered the Manchurian, Raibroad, Chipachas since capitulated and agreed to Russia terms.


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