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LET THERE BE LIGHT? DAZZLING EXHIBITION Los extorsionistas y enemigos de la Nación happier.
When one wants to catch a glimpse of what is INDEED AN EXHIBITION OF NOVELTIES easy it is cheer, have a peep into THE LITTLE PARIS of Mrs. Jack DePass of Limón. We have been all through the stores of San José, but were certainly surprised when we had a peep into the enticing snuggy Corner of ray of que The Little París Ye are the light of the world. more beautiful, a little brighter, a little Let your light shine Light dispels all darkness, and like a Your light means much, not only to magic potion it will dissolve all inhar. yourself and to others in the world, but monies in your mind, body, and affairs. to God, because it is through you that Think of how, when you walk into a He manifests Himself in the world.
darkened room, you grope your way Although some lives may shine out along and stumble against the furniture like beacons grand, while your light of the room; and how it is, when seems like a candle small, be of good the light is turned on, to find your way for your light is like the first about. Think of the comfort and joy sunlight, and it will grow into that electricity has brought to mankind, glorious noo noontide.
There is much reward in being a the light of Truth shall bring to them! light along life pathway. The most When you come into consciousness of glorious part of the reward is that, as the light of Truth within yourself, all you shine for others, day by day you pain, all weakness, and all lack are as shall have revealed to you more of the waters that have passed away, for your great power of God within you. And body is full of light and there can be oh! it is so wonderful that you could no darkness nor inharmony. The light not deny others the pleasure of seeing of Truth floods you with the light of God love manifesting itself through you.
life, and you are made whole.
The light of Truth inspires and illuThe world needs your light, so let mines you in your mind, body, and in it shine. Let the light within you so all your affairs.
radiate its glory and beauty into the then, Beloved, when light of all living ether of the universe that your help another who is cager to glorious light that shall include all the be be shown the way. Your tiny light may earth, and there shall no longer be change his weariness and darkness into darkness of any kind, no pain, no lack, no tears; for God has manifested HimBe a lighthouse for those who are self and dwells His people in them and guide them into an under beauty. joyous, whole and prospe drifting along life restless sea; help a world of light, a world of truth and All the children of God are standing of their true being, by radiating your light.
rous. They need not want for any good Have you ever visited a lighthouse? thing, for the Lord is their shepherd Have you experienced the thrill of and He dwells in the midst of them seeing that mighty stream of light send Rejoice and be glad; give praise to forth its cheering, safeguarding message your Father for the revelation of His of love? And did you not stand in awe light of Truth within you. Be thankful at the powerful wick that is so like the and show your appreciation by giving mighty power within love to all the world.
very center of our being? Was not the glass For God. is the Unity in which globe beautiful so spotless, so shiny all things are reconciled.
so pure and clean? What a wonderful Father, how great is Thy love for lesson it teaches us to keep our minds Thy children! May Thy love so mani.
and our bodies beautiful, spotless, and fest itself within our hearts that it will pure, so that our light may shine out shine unto all parts of the earth, a into the world, making it just a little mighty light showing Thy love for all.
And One would certainly feel if a stranger. that you would be called upon to SPEAK FRENCH for immediately you feel like a Parisien translated on viewing. The great variety of latest French fabrics by the sight of the latest importations of silk and other fancy dress goods, as well as LACES, SILVER GOLD BEADINOS, and trimm. ings of all glow discription, and as for the Hosiery wedding goods, with presents gifts to suit all classes oh my? you feel like you are in a grand Rainbow fete, step in and see for yourself.
To our ladies we say it is folly to go to San José, Jamaica or Colón to do your Xmas shopping when you can get the same better goods all selected by the proprietor herself on her recent trip to Europe. You will admit she knows the trade, and knows to fit your taste and your pockets too of todays conditions. DROP IN AND SEE it is money saved to the ladies along the lines to drop in see the wonderful assortment of dress goods and the marvellous bargains to be had in Little París before going to spend Hotel fares etc. in San José.
among Asi como una sugestión causa daño en el organismo de las personas, o empeora sus males, también las falsas noticias o alarmas exageradas producen daños incalculables en la vida de los pueblos.
No tenemos más que observar la situación actual para convencemos de esta verdad.
ΕΙ año pasado se habló de la baja del cafe se hizo la gran alharaca de el primer producto exportable del país nuestro filón vegetal, había perdido alor y que iba a tener que venderse hasta 40 colones el quintal y que el pais tendría que dejar de percibir unos cinco millones de colones en sus ingresos por la exportación de este producto.
La alarnia fue infundada maliciosa y dañina para la nación; todos vimos que la baja fue poca, que los cafés de bue.
na clase no desmerecieron en precio y que al salir parte de la nueva cosecha no había nada de la anterior en los mercados europeos Asie como ésta, han sido otras muchas noticias alarmantes que se han publicado, referentes al cambio, a los bananos, a las carreteras etc, sin tomar en cuenta el perjuicio enorme que le ocasionan al comercio, al pueblo y al país en general y la pérdida del prestigio y buen nombre de que hemos venido gozando en el exterior.
Hay dos plagas de individuos que son los que causan este daño al pais, los alarmistas por conveniencia y los extorsionistas de profesión. Los unos la desconfianza para sacar provecho de una situación anormal y los los extorsionistas, son todos los enemigos del gobierno o de alguno de sus miembros que por política o por antipatia, se complacen en barajar cuanto proyecto emane de éste. Es une tendencia de obstruccionismo, una guerra continua de difamación que tiene por objeto hacer ver a todos, la maldad la ineptitud o la incomprensión de todo se haga aunque muchas veces tengan mo motivo para hacer cargos.
Estas campañas periodísticas de los unos y los otros antes citados, son a nuestro entender la causa principal de la contracción del capital bancario y la anormal situación que experimenta el comercio. No hay falta de riqueza en el país, lo que falta es confianza y si los extorsionistas y los enemigos del país que atisban la ocasión de la anormalidad para enriquecerse. cejan en su empeño, el país vuelve a su vida activa de costumbre y por consiguiente a su bjenestar.
Our Perfumeries Beauty Aids siembran Are from the best known makers in the world. Cotys perfumes Cotys Powders are used by the leading actresses ladies of the world. There are Houbigaunts Pivets all to suit you us, at the My Xmas Cards have always been acknowledged the best, from the cheapest paper Cards to the most up to date Cards in Wax Celluloid for lovers, friends or relatives.
lo no AND NOW FOR THE KIDDIES Santa Claus is right here with everything for Xmas. His lucky bags, Lucky stockings, Miniature cottages, Bungalows, Castles Fortresses for the Doll homes and all its furniture, crockery utensils for Dollys home, autombiles, horses, dogs, cows, teddy bears, Toy Pistols guns, Balls Balloons, Fee Fees, and everything that will amuse the Kids. this is a special Department of Little París; Come See.
Do not Throw away Money on Smokes that do not satisfy As the management of our Branch of trade is able to please the most fastidious smoker, especially now owing to the fact that we have just enlarged our work rooins on the experiencie of our many years of application to this line, we can offer tobacco in leaf and cut form in many varieties, qualities and prices.
Especialities in cut Tobacco granulated and suitable for Cigarettes to the taste of every smoker: Cuban or American style rope tobacco also for pipes.
Exclusive Agency for PALMARENO CIGARETTES Depot for Cigars of all sizes, forms and prices.
The most well known brand of cigarettes kept in stock Plants of the best kinds of Tobacco from Palmares and Turrialba Our products gained the Silver Medal in the last National Exhibition, and were honorably mentioned and awarded Gold Medal iu the Exhibitions of Limon and Heredia respectively, Pass by THE PALMARENO TOBACCO PLANT Nort east corner of the San José market. Or by the Anexes Administered by VICTOR MANUEL HIDALGO Our producto sold by all shops When thinking to buy a VICTROLA or RECORDS it.
La Samaritana GRAN HOTEL METROPOLI When in San José do not fail to give a Call to your old friend Malick, who has served you in the past. and is ready to do so again with his most up to date stock of Ladies gentlemen garments and his complete assortment of Fancy dress goods, laces povelties of all kind, at the North Eastero gate of The Market.
REMEMBER THE SIGN OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN The Municipality of Limón PER OOOX. ΩΣΣΑ The Governor lodged a complain, at the session of Saturday 16th, tha inasmuch as the improvement Board (Junta Saneamiento) had been paid three of any kind, as well as general Merchandise you will get the best at lowest prices from thousand dollars for fixiug the litte strip of street at the see wall in front of EDWIN RAMIREZ VARGAS the washhouse, nothing had been done to one block South of Banco Costa Rica or write to Ap. 1079.
The matter was referred to a Commitee consisting of Messrs Céspedes AlvaGran surtido de VICTROLAS DISCOS de la mejor calidad rado to report on it.
también mercancías en general, consiguirá Ud. donde: The Governor was also authorized EDWIN RAMIREZ VARGAS to publish a call for tenders for the by public auction of 70 Liquor Cien varas al Sur del Banco de Costa Rica, Apartado 1079.
Licences with bases of 400 for Na XO TX tive liquor and 50 for foreign per quarter.
He also informed the Board of having received a Cable from Mr. Pedro Muñoz in New York stating that there was a family there interested in seeing a Hospital built in Limón, pared to find one million dollars for When in San Jose go to no other but GRAN that purpose. He was authorized to put HOTEL METROPOLI, in front the new Costa Rica himself in Communication with the Hotel now being constructed. You have the personal Costa Rican Consul at that place attention of the owner.
find out the veracity of such a glorious offer. What a pity someone wont Box 1129 offer a similar sum to Start the Canalization of the Moin Tortuguero lagoons 1st. Class meals at very moderate prices FRENTE AL BANCO ANGLO Pleasant Surprise CUARTOS MUY COMODOS HIGIENICOS It is with pleasure we saw SELECTA BIEN SURTIDA CANTINA Mr. Robert Harriott of Pa APARTADO 1193 TELEFONO 2861 cuarito this morning, recovered VICTOR DUKE from his recent shooting. This man went to his farm on the 5th. of September last, and was given two Shots with a shot gun while doing his business by an ARE YOU TRAVELLING?
unknown hand, he was taken to the Limón Hospital and at Core in and see the wonderful assortment of tended to and sent on to the Travelling bags of all sizes, shapes Prices at your San José Hospital on 28th. Sep old friend Jack store.
tember where he was carefully The most replete up to date stock in Limon of attended to and saved by the Ladies dress good and gentlemen suitings doctors. Mr. Harriott speaks in and Hats for both, of all grades shapes quality highest praise of the care and Prices, our House hold furnitures fittings are a marattention given him by the Docvel. See Jack first, vou will always remain a Customer.
tors Nurses of both the Institutions by which he considers his miraculous cure is due.
JACK ORANE Until now the Police at SiPort Limon quirres nor Paccarito have been able to trace the criminal hand that perpetrated such a dastardDo you love your family. Insure your life in erly Malet. Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del MinTHE NATIONAL LIFE ASSURANCE BANK Hotel Frances CARTAGO Cartago as a Health Resort equals anywhere in the Known World and when going there advise by Te.
legram the Manager of Hotel Frances Cartago; the best of Associates are there, the most comfortable Rooms and cuisine especial from Panama, and fancy all this for only 00 per day.


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