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MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION 00 SINGLE COPY 25 THE LIMON SEARCHLIGHT EDITOR MANAGER NATION APARTADO 123. CARTAGO PUBLISHED SATURDAYS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Devoted to the Interests of the Province of Limon Costa Rica generally YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY DICEMBER. 1929 Inconsecuencia y falta de respeto a la personalidad del ex Presidente Licenciado don Ricardo Jiménez engertian dele escuela de promera Our Lottery and the pur The Canalization of Moin individuos constituidos en agrus ellos porque deverán dele, emismo fueranh consientens et los pueblos poses for whichitis used cubic Tug per annum men He venido siguiendo el pro vos. vejámenes para redimirnos en la Cámara, le hubiera tocado ceso político desde que el Lic. por segunda vez. Es, mejor di desempeñar la ardua tarea de un Jiménez entregó las tiendas del cho, quererlo confundir con sus Estado al señor González Vio enemigos de ayer y de hoy, para enseñanza, con el recargo del quez, que algunos pueblos de la que en los ratos de soez pero primer grado.
Engineer Sprung in his surveys and. ración, igual a Si hoy como ayer report to Don Ricardo Jiménez on the question of The Canalization of pación, sin darse cuenta de su sitial diputadil, le falten a la con cívicos y eligieran para sus reMoin to Tortuguero, estimated this work huninconsecuencia y falta de respeto sideración que se merece y a que presentantes hombres de la talla Much comment has arisen from time at a cost of one million two hasta cierto punto, han querido es acreedor, ya que raras veces de don Alberto Echandi Mon Lottery and some have even gone so to time as to the utility of our Public dred thousand colones; uow Don Cleto González Víquez has commissioned y hasta quieren como exigir al se oye en el recinto de la Cá tero, Alfredo González Flores, for as to say that the percentage gained Engineer Weiss to resurvey and estimate ex Presidente Jiménez Oreamu mara la voz del patriotismo, sino Dr. José María Soto Alfaro, by the Board of charity who control the trayecto, and he has now handed no, eximio y excelso varón, no el personalismo, por resquemo Luis Anderson Morúa, Máximo it is most exorbitant; but if it would be in an economy of over three hundred sólo de Centro América sino del res políticos.
Fernández, Astúa Aguilar, Ma considered the good purposes to which thousand colones, he says the 90 Miles Continente, a que baje de su alto Creo yo, que el Lic. Jiménez tias Trejos, Bernardo Soto, Juan the proceeds are placed we should all of Canal will need dredging 953 025 metres of excavatiou which will pedestal donde lo ha colocado para servirle a su patria como lo Bta. Quirós Segura, Leonidas makesitcail duty toubliny a ticket and cost 890 000 colones.
la historia, para confundirlo en exige el más alto patriotismo, y Pacheco Cabezas, Luis Castro even so much consideration for persoTo do this work it will need a cutting la maleza de la política rastrera dentro del marco de la actual Ureña, Luis Cruz Meza, Aníbal nal gains.
centrifugal Dredge of a capacity of 300 cubic metres per hour with all its equipy mezquina, nominándolo como administración del señor Gonzá Santos Aguirre, Oscar RhormoThe Jnnta de Caridad Charity Board ments to cost 300. 000, a Launch candidato a diputado para el lez Viquez, no necesita el canon ser, Arturo Volio Jiménez, Car wishful of creating confiderice in the with a Winch to drawout Roots and poximo período constitucional diputadil, ya que desde las sole los María Jiménez Ortiz, Santos public mind as to the probity of its logs out of the water, Launch to transy esa inconsecuencia y falta de dades de su finca Pan de Azú León Herrera, Alejandro Alva actions has published the following ac port materials. Another Launch of 20 respeto, no es otra cosa, sino car puede muy bien decirles a rado Quirós, León Cortés, Dr. Lottery has been spent Horse power to cost 20. 000. Eight hija legitima de la ignorancia, y los hombres del Gobierno el de Francisco Cordero, General Jor The net earnings from the Lottery for lighters of 000 colones, with ocean freight and six thousand colones for si se quiere hasta de mala fe.
rrotero a seguir. y al pueblo el ge Volio Jiménez, Carlos Brenes the year is 1, 008, 000 colones by which Camps, all these equipments Boats Querer obligar a don Ricardo camino que debe tomar, que no Ortiz, Manuel Francisco Jimé 200 patients are taken care of in the will cost 400 000.
en los actuales momentos, a que es otro, que el respeto a las le nez Ortiz y tantos otros ilustres Hospital Lunatic Assylum, being 800 For labour, the dredge needs, a capin the Hospital and 400 in Lunatic acepte su cundidatura para una yes y a sus instituciones. ciudadanos, yo estaría de acuer Assylum.
tain mate, a Chief and 2nd Encurul en el Congreso, después Como amigo leal y partidario do en que don Ricardo aceptara gineer, sailors stokers a cook a.
Total of of 13 men.
de haber escalado los más altos sincero que soy del Lic. Jimé la nominación de diputado para for repairs to the Hospital 61. 451 21 The will need a Captain, an puestos con que la República nez, he celebrado y celebro su For reconstrucion ef the same 136. 409. 90 que fuera al Congreso, porque Current expenses 800 patients Engineer an assistant a sailor men premia a sus hijos más precla actitud ante las exigencias de entonces no se relajaría su pres547. 126. 76 launch for the Tug will need a ros, es como pretender que Jesus varios puebles para llevarlo al tigio, sino más bien, con comCaptain a sailor an Engiricer men cristo venga de nuevo al mundo Congreso, ya que de haber acep pañeros de esa talla moral, se Total for Hospital. 745. 077 87 The Winch launch will need, a Maa recibir nuevos azotes y nuefado tal o cual denominación sentitia orgulloso de representar For the Lunatie Assylum chinist a fireman sailors The Material Launch needs sailors.
al pueblo, cantón o provincia Repairs to the Institution 136. 873 45 And with 15 labourers and a general que lo eligiera.
Construction of a newPavilion 123. 806 54 Foreman with workmen for Repair Por eso creo y así lo pienso, Currentexpenses of 400patients work the entire outfit will consist of 47 que si los pueblos de la Repúpsr annum 202. 973. 93 men, with a daily payroll of 432. 00 coblica lo desean como diputado, lones for 413 days which he estimates 208. 731 79 to complete the job equals 178. 416 deben quererlo más para Presicolones. plus 132. 925 colones for fuel dente, y siendo así, dejemos que derives a yearly revenue of 67. 920 It has other sources from which it lubricants plus 179. 659 for superllegue el momento en que todos, it will thus be seen that the responsivision and incidentals equals his Total al unísono, lancemos su candi. bilities of the Board are not so easily of 890. 000 to complete the job in 413 working days, at the end of which datura presidencial para el próxi met; therefore the purchasings of the time we shall have our Machinery inmo periodo que se avecina, ya of the Lottery Tickets should be met tact, for sale or for operations someque como mandatario, puede not only from a hope of personal gains where else which will represent a value but with o feeling of charity. So that those hacer como ha hecho ya, más of 25 for depreciation equalling. TEN CENTS DAY persons who consider it merely a gam300. 000 colones hence our Canal will beneficios positivos a la Patria bling Concern onght to look at it from only cost us 590. 000 colones.
que lo que haría como simple the standpoint of public beneficence.
It is evident that this loan could eawill bring a thousand colones to your Family diputado.
If the Parsons and pharisaical persons sily be raised among the wealthy pain Jamaica who are principally respon triotic gentlemen of the country to be at your death.
Carlos Orozco Amador sible for the prohibition of a Lottery repaid by freight of even cts. gold How many dimes do we throw away Limón, 1o. de Dic. de 1929.
scheme run there for a similar purpose per stem of bananas calculating one would look at it from this view, there million Stems per annum would be each day thoughtlessly? Only one of would certainly be a most beneficial repaid in years there should be no Lottery existing there, but there are two difficulty in Don Cleto raising such a these dimes invested in a life insurance classes of the Community who are loan. It is expected that with the push Keeping this Scheme out of the Island. of the residents of the Province of Lipolicy will save your family the anguish The overrighteous pharisees who denou nion the work will soon be put in exeInasmuch as there is a wave of fince it as a sinful act, yet would not of a pennyless bereavement. life po.
cution, and with such Supervision as nancial distress hanging over us, yet scruple to accept a donation for the we have had by the foreign elements licy will supply ready money to cover people must travel in search of business Church from a succesful member, and mixed with Natives a Similar Junta if it cannot be for pleasure, and if the rich folks who are not anxious of the Saneamiento as reccommended by the expenses which the death of the Railway Coaches are uncomfortable, peopossibility of secing a poor person Don Juan Romagosa our Ex Governor ple will be led to travel by Trucks or gett in governight in a Comfortable posifather or husband may bring.
the work would soon be done and other conveyances where road facilities tionon a par with themselves.
well done.
admit. It is complained that the conveLife policies without medical examination, for nience of passengers on our Trains are Do you love your family?
one and two thousand colones. Insure your life in not being considered of first importance THE NATIONAL LIFE ASSURANCE BANK Fill in the attached cupon, send it to us, and the seats on the Local Trains particularwithout any obligation on your part we will send ly have become prickly and tear the proprio you an application form and rate of premium.
clothes of passengers for want of repair.
There are no lights on these Trains the Our policies, carry the full guaranlamps all being antiquated, some even leaking the oil on passengers.
tee and responsibility of the state. Modern appliances are the order of the No solamente debemos trabajar sino también debemos divertirnos. La day now, may we not be tolerated to vida sin distracciones es pesada y triste. EL CINE MODERNO le proporsuggest to Mr. Ferris that he should ex ciona la manera de distraerse todas las noches con películas y expectáculos tend his installation of Electric Lights nuevos, que le dejarán sonrisas y descansará su espírito para las nuevas (DETACH THIS CUPON)
luchas dela vida from the Engines to the Coaches, esBanco Nacional de Seguros pecially on such Trains as the evening Vuelvase modernista gaste la intima suma de 25 céntimos y gozará trains from San José to Cartago Alaadmirando las más lindas estrellas de la cinematografia Dpto. de Vida.
juela as well as the Local, there is no San José de Costa Rica.
reason why the Passenger Coaches could not be attached to the Engine so My name in full is benefit by the Light installation, especiaMy address is.
lly as the Conductor now has nothing All work and no diversions makes Jack a dull boy to do with the Passengers his caboose CINE MODERNO My occupation is could be in the near of the freight Cars.
With a plug passing from the Engigives you a new scene every night of your life, giving you a new nes to he Coaches, there is no reason lease on life every morning when you get awake. You never feel the was born at.
strain of work in your jobs. The latest and most up to date why these should not be illumined, it on the. day of.
would be a great convenience to pasAMERICAN. FILMS would like an Insurance for sengers Crew alike and would be every night, leading you into a life of expectancy and Smiles all the cheaper lighting while, for just a Nickel, enlist yourself a 30)
Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotec Ministerio de Cult MODERNITE. caand feel satisfied for tomorrow.
Printing Office Vineta San José Think Over the future of Your Family Lights on Trains Vaya al Cine Moderno de Limón VISIT CINE MODERNO as Sex.
in the year.

    León CortésPresidentes de Costa Rica

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