
PAGE THE LIMON SEARCHLIGHT Saturday Dicember. 1929 EDITORIAL Notice OUR PROSPECTS to loan ying Kingston Mayor Atlantic Hotel Several correspondents have been sending in reports short of postage, we will advise that postage is today 13 cents and From the daily expressions of men of influence as well as doubt about it that the Company needs Costa Rica and Costa not 10 as formerly, as we have from the different News papers of the country, the palpitating Rica needs the Company. Because the Banana Industry being the already advised twice in this question being discussed is our present stringent financial si second principal financial mainstay of the country, we are bound Journal. All letters taxed on fuation. Some are blaming the banana Law, some are blaming to do everything possible to encourage an increased production account of incomplete postage The United Fruit Coy, others are blaming individuals inside and rather than permit by an error in Judgment of a few politicians will remain delayed indefinitely outside of Governmental positions, but really this condition has who are not directly interested in such an industry and who in in the Post Office.
arisen from a series of circumstances for which no one particularly arguing Patriotism forget that patriotism does not exist in pas.
is to be blamed.
sing Laws but the bearing in the applications such laws will have No matter how educated or wise we may be we are apt on the Contentment, prosperity and happiness of the compatriots Generous offer to make mistakes and to err in our Judgments; we are not all they are endeavouring to serve.
blessed with the same range of focus, some Searchlights can only On the other hand the Coy, founded the Industry in While reconstruction of the streets are afford us vision for immediate individual surroundings to protect this country, second only to their activities in Jamaica, and have being pushed by the Wayss Feitag us from stumbling and groping in the dark while others are by their exploitations made the Atlantic division into if not the Coy and the President is being taxed powerful enough to be thrown far out at sea or on land for miles most prosperous division of the country the second most pros complete the gigantic task before him, and miles around to be able to discern our enemies or falling into perous, and would not willingly see the fruits of their endeavours Mr. Lindo has set the example for all dangers; so it is in politics we cannot have all men of gret fore dwindle into insignificance, but would we feel, do what ever is the rich proprietors of San José to follow sight, who in countries of recent growth like these are few and just right to maintain the prowess she has gained inside and he has offered to the municipality far between and even when discerned are loathe to come to outside of the Country in the manipulation and formation of one the money necesary for the cost of pathe front rank because they do not like to associate with men of half of Costa Rica from swampy jungles unfit for the residence residence and office stands, if the work lesser calibre, so as to incur arguments of intense bearing with of men into beautiful prosperous townships peasant proprietor will be undertaken at once.
men of shorter range, thereby involving unpleasantnesses; it is very ships. So we feel that our problems are being solved, and we also This is a most generous offer, and hard to induce men of the stamp of Messrs Ricardo Jimenez, feel that we shall be happier hereafter from a closer Kuowledge will certainly be much appreciated by Felipe Alvarado, Cecil Lindo, Alberto Echandi Alfredo González, of ourselves. our interests, our aims obligations one to another Don Cleto, as it spells friendship to administration, and is an inducement Julio Acosta, John Ernest and a few others around us to come we shall become closer friends each one willing to safeguard the to the other wealthy owners to assist out in the arena of Politics for the above reasons, hence interests of the other, due to our realization of the need of cowe must always expect errors in Judgment from our parliamen operation in every sense of the word for mutual preservation of ment to find the money needed to make in relieving the strain on We governtary assemblies especially considering that the representatives to a lasting friendship lastly there is never a seeming evil without San Jose to be proud of. It also City these Bodies are generally placed in Power by the Votes of the its corresponding amount of good accruing.
relieves the general Taxpayer of the less informed ignorant who are always in the majority. The preextra taxes which would accrue for pasent situation has undoubtedly been brought more forcibly upon Interes on foreign debt for the work; this act of Mr Lindo therefore us by the mistaken Judgment, with the best of intentions we must should not fail to arouse in the popuadmít. of the majority in Congress by the passage of our present PETGRAVES TAILORING lace as well as the executives a feeling Banana Law; but now that this mistake has been admited by all; of gratitude and affection for him. If even our President felt at the time it was a great mistake, that all wealthy men would come forward INFORMATION BUREAU and act in such a public spirited way the Congress did not adopt the advice of don Ricardo Jimenez there could be no thought of commuto open up the Rio Frio Regions and enhace the greater producSIQUIRRES nism in any country. He is certainly tion of the Banana Industry; but now as we say that this mistake letting his Light Shine to dispel the has been admitted, we agree with don Florentino Castro whose Whatever be your need, see Petgrave; as an auctoneer, he is darkness from the pathway of others, intentions has been misinterpreted, that it is up to us to seek in the world needs a few more Lindo.
the only man that knows where to sell your house or your farm.
a dignified way for a solution in the difficulties into which we have brought ourselves, and thank God we see a glimpse in a horizon His Legal advices never fail. The ll get you out all your troubles.
of a solution in the problem. As we said in our former article that an intermediary should be sought out and such interme PETGRAVE Siquirres diary is now to hand. meeting has been held Turrialba last week by influential Farmers businessmen and politicians from 9 9 which the first sign of amelioration is seen, because by means Indeed this is a Labour age. The labourites are getting in Power, in of that representation the United Fruit Co. has agreed to take the every Election, from Kingston contes fruit in that vicinity again at the platforms instead of at the wharf, the news that Mr. David Vaz has won and are willing to renew Contracts for five years with those whose Mr. Simpson in the Election Contracts are expiring, with the condition that if Railroad Comfor the post of Mayor of Kingston by munications are blocked the loss would not be the Company s, one vote. This was hardly expected, as and is this anything but natural? why should the Contracting purMr. Simpson was calculated as the most chaser be held responsible for the acts of God or the enemies of Situado 150 yards from South of the Market in front of likely man at this moment when so Orange Crush factory the State?
works of Kingston and St. Andrews area are being Aimprovement for the Another meeting was called in the Chamber of Commerce ATLANTIC HOTEL offers to the public in geundertaken judging from his past expeby Mr. Oscar Gutierrez on Tuesday at which were present Exneral Clean confortable Rooms.
riences in Public Works. If Mr. Garvey was able to be president Mr. Julio Acosta, Messrs Felipe Alvarado, Oscar GuMeal Service to order, cakes, Ice Cream as per desire ble that the contest would have ended tierrez, Cecil Lindo, Alfredo Pirie, Walter Ford, Alfredo Sasso in favour of Mr.
It is strange President of the Chamber of Commerce, Lorenzo Tellez, GuiWe also attend to wedding feasts, etc. etc.
to see the Supt Medical officer and The llermo Zeledon, Long Manager of The Royal Bank of Director of Public Works voting in favour of Councillor Vaz.
Canada, Alex Murray, Tomas Guardia, Otto Andre, Victor VarModerate Prices, all attention given to Boar.
Mr. Vaz is to gas Quesada, Teodosio Castro, Florentino Castro, David Johnson, ders English french spoken. Call be convinced.
be congratulated as he a man who has won his way from Thomas Harrington Mrs Andrea Venegas de Castro, and sevethe lowest ranks of the labour element, ral others.
Telf. 3271. Box 614. San José, thus proving his probity of actions in At that meeting several very patriotic speeches were delivethe Community in which he lived to red and propositions made for aleviating the present conditions, have so commanded the confidence and and a Commission named for approaching the government and esteem of his colleagues.
the Coy. for a modification of existing circumstances, on account of which we feel that our problem is in a fair way to be solved.
The Commission named is composed of the following gentlemen PILES SHOE STORE SIQUIRRES Messrs Ricardo Jimenez, Felipe Alvarado, Alberto Ortuño, Cecil Lindo, Santos Leon Herrera and John Ernst. With such a body vement are being undertaken; some fiAnd now that our works of Improof representatives success is bound to result, because there is no nished and some under thought, shall we LADIES! It is an acknowledged fact, that if you forget our benefactors? It was Don Anare not wearing tonio Segura who first got permission from Don Ricardo Jimenez to construct You would not have seen the best in Siquirres, if you the Road from Limon to Moin, this was started but on account of conflicting did not visit interests this work after spending Ten you are not dressed. His best finest Tapped thousand colones on it was suspended.
uppers are bound to attract the attention of pass THE PEOPLE MARTER Don Juan Romagosa then come on the scene and in reality improersby. for they trim your feet. His gentlemen vements Limon is today experiencing working dressed shoes are a specialty, come in for your supply of general merchandise and groceries for is due to his energy and influence.
and say no if you can He started the improvements of Ciethe home or the Farm.
neguita to Westfalia, he then started the road Our Ladies fancy goods gents shirts and underwear a Pile. back of the post office to Moin by way of Portette and if he had one Year more in Power he specialty completed as a Belt from Limon to Moin back to Limon by way of He or Mc. INTOSH. Siquirres ganized the Primientation the Committee who have guided the med MEG Σε 24ΣΧΕ works to a successful issue, and there are those of us who feel that had he not been wise enough to have mixed the Junta Saneamento with foreigners men of honour intellect such as Messrs.
Xmas is coming times are hard, but my Prices Findlay, Wendorf, and Thomas that work would not have been conducted are easy, remember there is no place in Limon to equal as it has been, but would have ended the quality of ladies dress goods as you get from in quarrels and dissatisfactions as occurred in San Jose Mrs. Jack Depass RODOLFO CERVANTES SIQUIRRES Don Juan it was who inspired Don Ricardo Jimenez with the idea of the at the little Paris, as she knows how to blend your coCanalization of Moin Tortuguero, he lours and match your faces, as no other does.
MECANICO EN DENTISTERIA worked constantly with Engineer Sprung in the localization of the Wharf As for Toys for the children, there is no such asand Canal rounte and as is said had sortment in Town, all useful lasting ones to suit Get your plates fixed at Dr. Cervanhe remained in Power between him the times, come in and see for yourself. The rich are self and Don Ricardo that work would delighted and the poor are satisfield.
tes, strong work executed by him. have started already. Therefore Limon and its residents can never afford forget Parisian Selections NacioDomigungbrektoragostel Sigem Evariernide Bioteca del Ministerio de Cultura y Juvenue, Costa many proba present its Mr. Simpson is LEST WE FORGET PILES STYLE OF SHOES whatever would have had that road the and named The Little Paris Mechanical Dentist


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