
THE LIMON SEARCHLIGHT PAGE Saturday Dicember. 1929 The west Indian as he is affectd by ARE YOU TRAVELLING?
Costa Rican prosperity or or adversity his great work The Kingdom of God HOTEL CENTRAL SIQUIRRES from go Core in and see the wonderful assortment of Travelling bags of all sizes, shapes Prices at your old friend Jack store.
As is well known Mr. Minor Coo sical hardiness and endurance, coupled died before any progress was made in The most replete up to date stock in Limon of per Keith obtained a Contract and Cons tuith their determination to surmount the work to any appreciable extent.
Ladies dress good and gentlemen suitings cession to build the Ferrocarril de Costa any obstacle was the signal for his Exasperated at seeing the sad havoc Rica somewhere in the year 1878, du success in and Hats for both, of all grades shapes quality death wrought among the hundreds of ring the Presidency of Don Thomas Naturally enough he his countrymen white coloured. He thought of his Guardia. To fulfil his obligation in this Prices, our House hold furnitures fittings are a marown people first; he returned to the now thought he would turn his attention vel. See Jack first, vou will always remain a Customer.
gigantic operation the first cause of United States immigrated here two to a more enduring and hardy lot of consignments of Americans white labourers for it was no use of thinking of sary for so great an undertaking, pas black nearly a thousand from the Sou the labouring population of the Country, JACK ORANE sing as it did through such an extent thern States, believing that these from a for they just would not leave the inte Port Limon of viciously malarial country, where rior where they were accustomed to a immense the stood the ravages that such tropical free easy sort of life to come to sequent pernicious fevers, tropical con deseases in such a malarial Country swamps where they would be boxed tagious deseases such as Smallpox, La would have made on the constitutions about, Kicked hustled by their Macho grippe, Cholera etc. it could not have of his workers in his great scheme; but bosses, besides they were not physifailed his attention that a special class he was sadly disappointed, for nearly cally fit in those days for such onerous, of labourers were necessary, whose phy every one of these American immigrants distressing work digging ditches in Swamps blasting Rocks and rolling By Lowell Filmore them to the dumps, lifting heavy iron and so on was not to be considered in Remember that the kingdom of God of the kingdom. Thus we shall find the their mode of living any how. At that is not made of building material; neit truth of the statement, Seek ye first time he saw what was going on by West her is it a place where we go to his kingdom, and his righteousness; and Indians on the Isthmus at Colon, and satisfy our material desires, such as eating all these things shall be added unto you.
him immediately Shedden certainly the Deatest best, when in the thought struck and drinking. The kingdom of God is If an artist wants to paint a picture Siquirres dont fail to book your lodgings in this these are the people that will suit my a spiritual kingdom not measured by of a landscape he must see the landmaterial most Sanitary and Commodious building, recruited a few Barbadians Jamaicans location. Jesus Christ located it when scape in his mind before it is transferred to the canvas. Everything that we Complete assortment of wines stimulating there, for the coloured Frenchmen would He said, The kingdom of God cometh do is first conceived in the mind. Even Drinks in the Canteen.
not come, they having the preference not with observation: neither shall they if we move only a hand, the mind diOn the premises is also located an up to date of all the best jobs there thro the French say, Lo, here! or, There! for lo, the kingoccupation. He sets away for Barbadoes rects the movement of the hand. All Bakesy, where the best Bread, Buns Cakes can dom of god is within you. We under movements and all creations are directed and Contracts a consignment that stand from this that the kingdom of by some form of mind. The stars in be had.
Island, but again he was doomed to God is not a place where we can their orbits an the world going around OUR OLD FRIEND SHEDDEN defeat at the hands of nature for again and sit in an easy chair and rest our the sun are directed by a definite, acB death claimed the mejority of these by weary bodies while we gaze on the FRENTE AL DOCTOR SHAW curate idea, and consequently the seaB a sort of Lá grippe, which broke out beautiful scenery and hear the musc of sons come and go with regularity and CUARTOS MUY COMODOS HIGIENICOS among these men, due to the the imp golden harps. It is a place that is not billions of miles are covered in scheseen with the human eye, because it duled time. But when it comes to the SELECTA MUY BIEN SURTIDA CANTINA drink as well as the class of food they is within man, as his thoughts are witconditions on the earth such as the Lo mejor en Siquirres.
used, for want of something better. He hin him.
weather, crops, volcanoes, and earthS. Shedden next went to Jamaica and Contracted There is room in man for countless quakes, we find less certainty, more with the approval of the then Pres: thoughts beautiful thoughts or ugly changeableness. We judge from this www. file to fame for Jamaicans, early in 1880 his first batch arrived, again he went in to make the kingdom; the ugly thoughts something to do with the uncertain Citizens Association English Racing conditions. As mankind learns to be help to make hell. Where does man 1881 and 82; operations now started in full swing on The Limon Cartago road; contact God? Within his thoughts. He peaceful and loving and harmonious, The Derby has been won this year The Municipality of the Canton of he will find that these world conditions cannot find God in a tree or on a These people gave such satisfaction in by Sir Joshua who seem to have been Guapiles is forming a Citizen As their labours that Don Thomas alotted mountain, although God is everywhere will be more settled and as he brings a rank outsider, as betting against him sociation and arranging for the purchase each man that was contracted a plot of present. He may sit on the mountain his own mind into harmony with the was 100 to one.
of 200 Hectareas of land from the land wherever he cared to locate him and find God within himself, our he kingdom of heaven, he will find that Silvera Hussar was 2nd. and Bonny United Fruit Company at the rate of may climb the tree hand find Go wit the kingdom of heaven will have its Boy ran 3rd. 14 Horses ran in the one hundred colones per hectarea and self in Agriculture, Several of these men hin himself. God is Spirit and must be counterpart on the earth and the Lord 14 mile race, which seemed to have cutting it up in lots of Ten hectareas been very exciting from the fact that each to be alloted to citizens at the first claim on their settlements the last worshiped in Spirit and in Truth So His Prayer will be fulfilled in the statement kingdom is filled with joy, life, spiritual Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done each of the first three horses came in of these whom we knew had such same rate, in easy payments or Cash as in heaven, so on carth.
substance, harmony, peace. love, purity, just a head from. cach other.
payınents to those who are able to Powell of 15 miles, but gradually these himself to the kingdom may enjoy it document died some two years ago Mr.
and wisdom, any one who will conform buy Cash, so that each holding will men have sold out for little or nothing here and now.
At Pacuarito There was to be a race meeting in represent one thousand colones this is Siquirres on Monday 25st but on ac a most decided step at improvement their rights by more cunning personathese priveleges, some being robbed of When a man enters the kingdom of There will be a Carnaval held count of the incessant rains it had to which will have the effec ality, and the appreciated by President Guardia and joyous kingdom if he insists on taking rito by the A. All day Go to find joy, how can he find a ges, but these first settlers were much on Monday 9th. inst at Pacuabe posponed.
revenue of the From Cedar Creek contentment of the population. later by the immortalized Don Rafael sorrow with him? When he expects to This is an example to Limon and Yglesias. night sports of all kinds a find life in the kingdom, how he can We had a visit on Sunday last from Siquirres to buy out Mrs Arnolds proThe Construction of the Railroad property and Rosehill from Mr. Ike Lorig gressed rapidly in the hands ef these find it if he insists jon taking thoughts Procession headed by the Limon Mr. Stewart our Delegate to the of death with him? If you went into a Band to adjacent Section Convention of the Universal Negro and do something similar, so as to staBack.
immigrants; of course hundreds died, quiet place and took a playing brass Improvement Association recently forbilize the residential status of both towns.
some from Tropical deseases others from band with you, you would unt Costa Rica held in Jamaica. He delimishaps as is natural in such an undervain for quietude. If we should attempt Small Coinage vered us a very elaborate address, reBanco Nacional de Seguros taking but still they laboured on the to enter the kingdom looking for love, to the influence which it is exbut taking hate with us, we should be On Saturday last the governpected this great Assembly will have The National Life Assurance Society vals under contract, until by some fi trying to do that which is impossible, ment received a consignment of on the Negro peoples of the world, has issued an offer of two Prizes to be nancial mishap Mr. Keith could not for the kingdom is made of love and and kept his audience spell bound competed for by the scholars of all the realize on the Bonds guaranteed by 125. 000 in small change is all good. Some one may ask, If the during his explanations of the iutentions Schools and Colleges of the Republic 10 pieces.
kingdom of God is invisible and we this Government in the New York marof the conferences. He was entertained Ist. The best written essay on Why ket and these men had to work for cannot know it by any of the five senby Songs and Recitations from our Juis a Life Policy essential to the well months months without getting pay, daily problems, which concern the things ses, then how will it help us in our To correspondents veniles, and addresses by Officers from being of a Family?
for which a Ist. Prize but from the confidence they had in this Branch as well as those from the will be given of 250 and three pris of the senses? In answer to this we Several articles letters have their taskmaster, sufficient they got their Liverpool Division zes of 50. 00 each for the next three The speeches were very inspiring and best written ones of 500 words.
food raiment they were content to say that the world of sense is but a reached us late for publication continue working until after six months manifestation of the world of thought this week we must ask to be a very pleasant evening was spenf. 2nd. a prize of 500. 00 for the of this financial strain Mr. Keith manaIf we live in a thought world of disThanks to Mr. McCalla and his best essay of 2000 words. On The imexcused by our correspondents associates who were instrumental in portance of a Life Assurance Policy on ged to get the Confidence of English cord, lack, anger, fear, and general neBankers who financed his scheme, one gative conditions, our outer world will especially a letter from Mr.
bringing off the Social gathering. The the economic, political and Social Promay well immagine the happiness of express disorder, poverty, and unhap Waring Asesor de Obreros, Limon Searchlight is much appreciated gress of the Republic of Costa Rica these workers as well as the ease of piness. If we live in the kingdom our to those people having claims in this District, it is to be found in Wtih two prizes of 50. 00 each for mind to Mr. Keith as well as the Ex. outer world will express the qualities for accidents.
every home.
the 2nd 3rd next best written.
ecutives of the then government when KIZ 20 22X this relief came, and the money got by mule loads coming down to pay these west Indian labourers. Tales are told of how one mule strayed away from the rest coming in the Trail, and after days Of any kind, as well as general Merchandise you will get the best of absence was accidentally fond by at lowest prices from one Hampshire, brought out and deliEDWIN RAMIREZ VARGAS vered to the bosses intact. It was from this incident that, as eulogy for the one block South of Banco Costa Rica or write to Ap. 1079.
honesty of these workers. Mr. Keith is Gran surtido de VICTROLAS DISCOS de la mejor calidad said to have expressed that he could When in San José do not fail to give a Call on también mercancías en general, consiguirá Ud. donde: trust the Jamaican Negro wth thousands of dollars but not with a bottle your old Friend MALICK, He is ready to serve EDWIN RAMIREZ VARGAS Jamaica old Rum.
you again, with his latest arrivals for the Xmas of la Cien varas al Sur del Banco de Costa Rica, Apartado 1079.
To be continued next week dies gents dress good, leather purses, Sweaters, and ΗΤΣΟΣ KOTA Launch wrecked all sort of fancy goods suitable for Christmas presents.
The Launch Linda which Gentlemen dress Suitings as well as working Drill has been plyingbetween Colon, Bocas del Toro, Limon Bluepantalons, his Shirts underwear a speciality.
fields got wrecked off Bocas THE SAMARITAN del Toro on Tuesday las. No lives were lost but the Cargo Súits made to order in the Shortest notice a Com Boat was a Total loss.
plete stock of English and Americao tweeds, sergings happy time Flannels always on stock, come in when in San José The home of our friend Mr. see my recent arrivals. G, Malick was enlivened by North East Corner of Central AveJOHN RODGERS, TAILOR a happy gathering of friends on the 24th inst when his new the Plaza Víquez The name is the hall mark for Tailoring, nue where arrival was christered at the IgleTramway starts.
sia de las Mercedes with the FAR AND NEAR Suits also made on the Raffle Series system come name of Dorris it was also the Among his clients are the most fastidious, the elite; the people that in and get a number.
birthday of the former sweet know. Convince yourseelf.
little angel Gladys. Mr. and Mrs.
BOX 252 TELEFONO 3320 LIMON, Box. 83.
Saide Breedy were the favouEste documento os propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacioredo sportsorsino del Sistema Nacional de Biblioteca lative When thinking to buy a VICTROLA or RECORDS La Samaritana SASTRERIA GRANT THE VOGUE


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