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PAGE THE LIMON SEARCHLIGHT December Saturday 1929 The Power of Prayer BEDWARDS DRUG STORE SIQUIRRES God is Prayer of wish About repeat it both au any kind at they said ads red.
has disappea Hotel Frances min that Faith suffered many THE NEW DRUG STORE LIMON The that mentally By Marion Shoen Bedwards Drug Store is replete with the most upto AM not stretching the truth one understand its meaning for me in my times that first month. It was almos date stock of latest Drugs, both Foreign Native iota when say that The Prayer of Faith distress: God is my help in every need. continually in my mouth.
made saved me from insanity.
God is my help in every need. God is Somehow seemed to feel that eveOne year ago things where about as my help in every need. God is my help ryuuing worth while perhaps even life SO AS TO SERVE YOU EFFICIENTLY bad for me as they could be. had in every need. God is my help in every itself was slipping from me, and that he went for two months test of MICROSCOPIC allowed myself to get into such a ne need. God is my help in every need. The Faith was my only hope.
gative way of thinking that all the conhelp in every need. rework in the Laboratorio de la Salud Pública (Pu.
my Its constant repetition calmed me more ditions around me were negative. do peated every line in the same way, and more and filled me with courage. blic health Laboratory) San José passed his exa.
not mean that just one condition seemed trying to get at the truth of it every to tell you some of the things mination, thereby competent in Testing your amiss: mean that it seemed everyt.
time said it.
that have Blood, excretions, sputem etc.
hing that touched or thought about Jesus said, Knock, and it shall be have been using The Prayer of Faith Ortho You will therefore trust him to advise you.
opened unto you. Truly, this came to regularly and systematically and wholeI touched it or even thought about it pass in my case. knocked at virtually heartedly, trying to understand it every PERCY BEDWARD that do not need to relate every hour of the day and night, for all my miseries to make you understand could not sleep, because of the weight a year ago my children were The Bridge Siquirres.
how desperate and destkute was, or of my troubles. Then gradually the ill, one with whooping cough and how desolate my heart was. do not the other with pleuropneumonia. Both want to think about those miseries.
a collector called at my door and have recovered. My husband had a would surely hav been an had no money said The Prayer of rupture of five year standing. It was ne asylum before this had it not been Faith. If my child was disobedient said so bad that he had been refused work for that beautiful, expressive prayer. The Prayer of Faith. If inharmonious at several places because of compensabegan use it about a year ago, when conditions of arose, as tion rules. He was constantly being it seemed to me that nothing could often seemed to do that time, advised to submit to an save me, and have continued until The Prayer of Faith. did not say just, ring the year, the rup to an operation.
Du the present time. never shall stop. the first line or the first stanza: said No means has been used except want to tell you how used the it all. and said each line over until this prayer. myself was thin and had prayer. went through it, emphasizing had emphasized each word separately. a goiter. have gained thirty pounds every word separately and trying to must have said it over a thousand weight and the goiter has disappeared CARTAGO entirely without medical aid. friend of was sent to an as.
ylum for the Cartago as a Health Resort equals anywhere in the The doctors said insane.
she was incurable, that she was Known World and when going there advise by TeDo not Throw away Money growing more unmanageable daily. said The Prayer of Faith for her, and legram the Manager of Hotel Frances Cartago; the on Smokes that do not satisfy she has been sent home cured. child had epileptic fits, and many of her bones best of Associates are there, the most comfortable As the management of our Branch of trade is able to please the most fastidious smoker, especially now owing to the fact that we have were enlarging at the joints. said The just enlarged our work rooms on the experiencie of our many years of Prayer of for Rooms and cuisine especial from Panama, and fancy and now she application to this line, we can offer tobacco in leaf and cut form in many bis is well and is attending school. My own all this for only 00 per day.
varieties, qualities and prices, eyesight was so poor that could not Especialities in cut Tobacco granulated and suitable distinguish objects across the room.
for Cigarettes to the taste of every smoker. Cuban or AmeI can go to a theatre, sit in the rican style rope tobacco also for pipes.
balcony, and see everything that takes. place. We were living in a terrible place Fxclusive Agency for PALMARENO CIGARETTES among undesirable surroundings and Depot for Cigars of all sizes, forms and prices.
humiliating experiences The most well known brand of cigarettes kept in stock Now we have a nice place to live in, Plants of the best kinds of Tobacco from Palmares and Turrialba on one of the nicest streets in the city.
Our products gained the Silver Medal in the last National ExhiIt all came about after began saying bition, and were honorably mentioned and awarded Gold Medal iu the Prayer of Faith.
Exhibitions of Limon and Heredia respectively. am not a healer; do not possess Come in see for yourselt, the most Pass by THE PALMARENO TOBACCO PLANT any supernatural powers, although have been told this must be true of me.
Nort east corner of the San José market. Or by the Anexes It makes me laugh when people say up to date assortment of Foreign and Administered by VICTOR MANUEL HIDALGO such things. just said The Prayer of Our products sold by all shops Native Patent Medicines Drugs. Faith, stopped striving and reaching out so much desired, and lo, the desired things came to me The only Qualitied Druggist from My husband says he never saw any one change so much in all his life.
Jamaica in Town. Advices given on says that am a new person, both and physically. Formerly, did not care how sloppy looked at home; any ailment. Convince yourself Ποιο it seems the natural thing for me to look nice for the benefit of my husband and children, even if nobody else sees me. am a better cook and a more inof what is INDEED AN EXHIBITION terested housekeeper. used to think that housekeeping was beneath me. felt ashamed because could not afford OF NOVELTIES a maid. Now see housework as a labour of love, as a possible steppingstone to something more difficult. For have a peep into THE LITTLE PARIS of Mrs. Jack DePass of have found that things always come Limón. We have been all through the stores of San José, but were to me just as soon as am ready for them and just as soon as have proved certainly surprised when we had a peep into the enticing snuggy Corner of myself capable of handling the added responsability implied.
también un gran surtido de conservas y laterías y diam now doing many of the things that have always wanted to do. am ferentes clases de mercancías, Vinos y Licores BORRAS not striving toward them through great One would certainly feel if a stranger. that you would be called obstacles as formerly seemed to be.
Absolutely the best purest ground coffee to be had in Limón upon to SPEAK FRENCH for immediately you feel like a am not fighting for my place in the as well as all kind of groceries. the latest arrivals of Tin meats Parisien translated on viewing. The great variety of latest French am merely accepting each day canned Ham, Beef, tongue, fish, oysters, Petit Pois and all sorts of fabrics by the sight of the latest importations of silk and other task as it comes to my hands; there. Pickles preserves at the cofee store in front of The Banco Anglo.
fancy dress goods, as well as LACES, SILVER GLD BE.
fore, am always ready at dawn for The best of wines, Rum, whiskey Liquers for your Xmas suADINGS, and trimmings of all glow discription, and for the the new day pply, at Caballo Blanco recently bought out by your old friend; No longer do suffer from insomnia.
he caters for all your Banquets.
oh my? you feel like you are in a grand Rainbow fete, step in and sleep well and awake refreshed in MIGUEL BORRAS. he treats you on the Buure.
see for yourself.
To our ladies we say it is folly to go to San José, Jamaica or Colón am a better friend than used to to do your Xmas shopping when you can get the same better be; have more friends and truer ones.
goods all selected by the proprietor herself on her recent trip to EuI am a better wife than formerly was, rppe. You will admit she knows the trade, and knows to fit your and am reaping my reward in many taste and your pockets too of todays conditions. DR PIN AND ways; doubt if even during our court ASSOCIATE CORRESPONDENTS SEE it is money saved to the ladies along the lines to drop in my husband loved me so devosee the wonderful assortment of dress goods and the marvellous tedly as he does. am a better bargains to be had in Little París before going to spend Hotel and a kinder mother than ever before; in Jamaica other Islands fares etc. in San José.
my children show their appreciation of the change in me by being better children.
me forever.
MANUEL SOLERA VIQUEZ have learned that it does not pay to be in a hurry about anything. There ATTORNEY AT LAW OF SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA will always be plenty of work for other Are from the best known makers in the world. Cotys perfumes Cotys people to do, but nobody can spread Powders are used by the leading actresses ladies of the world. There sunshine and happiness upon the bread Handles business in the West India Islands through his corresof life in the are Houbigaunts Pivets all to suit you have a spiritual assurance that pondents. Also important matters in the Courts of San Jose.
God is with me at all times, an assurance that Spasmodic a Highest References. Box 940. San Jose.
year ago. feel that, with help and guidance. can accomplish any.
thing that desire to accomplish.
It have always been acknowledged the best, from the cheapest paper is a feeling that grows stronger and Cards to the most up to date Cards in Wax Celluloid for lovers, brighter within me day by dav.
friends or relatives.
My old fears are gone. My old miseries seem laughable. My old hatreds have vanished from the light of day the life of God these are my strength God, the love of God, my love my life for evermore. The Santa Claus is right here with everything for Xntas. His lucky bags, Prayer of faith has brought me into a ation of God kind presence fuller realization of Lucky stockings, Miniature cottages, Bungalows, Castles Fortresses for the Doll homes and all its furniture, crockery utensils for in my and in my affairs.
Surely, God is my help in every Dollys home, autombiles, horses, dogs, cows, teddy bears, Toy Pistols need. He does walk beside me and siness guns Balls Balloons, Fee Fees, and everything that will amuse make a path for my feet. He keeps me.
the Kids. this is a special Department of Little París; Come See.
from being weary and sad; for where Don ANTONIO SEGURA. limón Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca che risuetbergokananbetecerice Boteca del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventua, Costa Rica any sadness, ever again. DAZZLING EXHIBITION When one wants to catch a glimpse Mc RAE EL MEJOR CAFE Vendido en la Provincia de Limón The Little París sun task.
body as well as in spirit ship now Worry has left Our Perfumeries Beauty Aids same Way that My Xmas Xmas Cards Notary Public Lawyer AND NOW FOR THE KIDDIES It you want a thoroughly honest and reliable Lawyer to do your bulife go to


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