
Vaya al Cine Moderno de Limón otherwise nust ask the VISIT CINE MODERNO en Spanish esperaban las todas las need supplied pública ele No Soil is Immune to Panama desease Electricity Hotel Frances 1929 PAGE THE LIMON SEARCHLIGHT Saturday 14 Dicember An Appeal Hoja suelta que ha circulado en la proAs it may well be conjectured our vincia de Limón, con motivo de la effort to come before the public with a journal in English in a Spanish Press, candidatura a Diputado Suplente is by no means an easy task being ac companied among other things, with No solamente debemos trabajar sino también debemos divertirnos. La de don Filadelfo Granados.
vida sin distracciones es pesada y triste. EL CINE MODERNO le propor. a greater financial strain than would ciona la manera de distraerse todas las noches con películas y expectáculos be the case and as we know nuevos, que le dejarán sonrisas y descansará su espiritu para las nuevas that our support from those of our luchas dels vida La opinión pública de la provincia De todos son conocidas las virtudes readers educated in Spanish is merely de Limón se inclina en favor de don civicas de este modesto patriota, que Vuelvase modernista gaste Is infima suma de 25 céntimos y gorará complimentary to us, we must Filadelfo Granados, para que sea el Jefe siempre ha compartido con las masas admirando las más lindas estrellas de la cinematografia are urty cooperation of those who del movimiento politico y suplente del populares sus amarguras y también las not so favoured. Our efforts being prinseñor Gutiérrez Ross.
cipally to translate and bring forcibly Pocas veces hemos oído la opinión before those who are not versed in the Relativamente joven arribó a esta ciupública favor de un distinguido ciudad ocupando un puesto en la admilanguage happenings that are condadano como ahora que un núcleo con nistración pública; y ya le All work and no diversions makes Jack a dull boy stantly occurring around us, we there siderable de destacados elementos de azarosas labores de la vida pública, CINE MODERNO fore again ask your earnest cooperation cras sociales, piden unánitanto en su bufete como en los dife and support in Keeping alive what you memente que sea el prestigiado cabagives you a new scene every night of your life, giving you a new rentes puestos que con honradez y talease on life every morning when you get awake. You never feel the may appreciate as av honest attempt to llero don Filadelfo Granados Casasola lento la desempeñado en la Junta de serve you.
el que acompañe en strain of work in your jobs. The latest and most up to date papeleta para Caridad, de Educación y de otras instiDiputado al esclarecido ciudadano don tuciones de beneficencia: y es así como AMERICAN. FILMS Francisco de Paula Gutiérrez Ross, y en el trascurso de los años, el hombre every night, leading you into a life of expectancy and Smiles all the esas multitudes de buenos ciudadanos se ha hecho esencialmente popular.
while, for just a Nickel, enlist yourself a Mr. Nation independientes y generosos han dado el No vamos a hacer en esta ocasión MODERNITE and feel satisfied for tomorrow.
ultimátum, que si buenamente esta cuesEditor, LIMON SEARCHLIGHT; tión electoral no se resuelve conforme todos los vecinos está sumando las imsu biografía, porque en la mente de Dear Sir བས བམ གསལ Your weekly paper, THE LIMON le pide el inpatriotismeno poros parkeres es portantes obras de progreso de quer SEARCHLIGHT. has to a very great extent merited praise, appreciation, and candidatura de don Filadelfo como Di.
putado, y en thanks from the teeming thousands of una asamblea remos que franca y lealmente se conozca el girán el suplente, y es que el pueblo de impulso incontrastable de este us West Indians domiciled in this Limón, o sea el 97 por ciento está en movimiento, de donde depende poner country, especially those of us who are cariñado con el señor Granados, quien el punto final a la campaña política de The question of desease in Bananas AFTER FIFTEEN YEARS not qualified to read the Spanish lanLimón.
hace más de 30 años está en perpetua here being of such a vital importance guage.
comuncación con los limonenses, pres.
In these days, it is indeed a regret4. With regard to Dr. Wardlaw point to our readers we reproduce this to show Unos vecinos tando importantísimos servicios.
what interest is being taken in this ac that the Fusarium travels through the table incident when one finds oneself cursed desease in Jamaica. The soil in the absence of the banana plant, in community where circumstances Co has done much here by investiga thereby rendering quarantine futile. there make it void for him to keep abreast tion, but have long given it up to be of important local happenings. As was are plots to be seen to day on an estate as mystical with us, ere the advent of the Limon as in St. Mary where Panama disease was Searchlight true we keep in touc meeting of the Jamaica Imperial Association Council was held at the treated by the Department fifteen years with foreign journals and periodicals of Association office, 85 87 Barry St. ago and where healthy bananas still onekind or another, but the well known on Wednesday last, the 20th inst, at surround the original quarantined areas, saying that everything begins at home 30 when there were present: showing that in fifteen years the Fusarium was left unbridled. The writer has time Messrs. Farquharson, Chairman, has not travelled a distance of one chain and CARTAGO again argued that the Spanish Press Kerr Jarrett, Baggett Gray, in the absence of bananas on the soil is selfish in that they never place even Noel Livingston. Reginald Aitken, one column of theirs at the disposal of Cartago as a Health Resort equals anywhere in the Perey Sewell, John Farquharson and the English reading class of people QUARENTINE NECESSITY Known World and when going there advise by Te.
the General Secretary.
While was yet arguing this you can Many matters of importance were right along Mr. Editor. But you whipdealt with Across the road there is a small hol ped me one hundred percent must legram the Manager of Hotel Frances Cartago; the It was decided to hold a ball and ding where one root treatment was admit. Why you saw the need, and you best of Associates are there, the most comfortable reception in honour of Lord and Lady secretly carried out by the owner. In gave the dope Olivier shortly after their arrival in Jathis case over forty bananas, became It has become imperative that the Rooms and cuisine especial from Panama, and fancy maica, and Lord Olivier has been cominfected in less than a year by chainmasses of West Indian origin give the municated with by telegram. The func action or the passage of root infection all this for only. 00 per day.
necessary support to the Limon Seartion will take place on January 6st next from one banana plant to its neighbour.
chlight. so that she may live, and thrive In this case the spread of the disease able to dispense regularly if in our midst, and consequently the necePANAMA DISEASE only ceased when it reached the ownre ssary support is given. It further house which proved to be immune to goes to tell the Editor that his services are One of the most important matters the disease.
amicably received, and nothing can serve brought before the Council was a report These results support the necessity to stimulate a man to more service than from the Department of Science and of a quarantine area in the treatment of that; nothing can add more pep. vigor Agriculture on the report on Panama Panama disease.
and vim to a man than to know that Disease in Jamaica made by Dr.
those he serves appreciate his service. By Antonio Cruz)
The Association Council considered (Sgd. COUSINS Your very truly; WARREN When Columbus on his fourth and dians making an effective resistance and the views and decisions of the DepartDirector of Agriculture. Bananito Dec. 10. 1929.
last voyage, had doubled Cape Gracias repeatedly destroying the colonies of ment of Agriculture and Science to be a Dios on Sept. 12, 1502, after a stormy Spaniards. Herman Sanchez de Bada absolutely sound and expressed its entire ΤΟΣΟ οοΣΧΣ LA and eventful voyage, he sailed along joz, in the year 1540, founded the city concurrence with them. It was decided the coasts of Nicaragua and Costa Rica of Badajoz. In the year 1565, Juan Vas that, in the interest of the banana indusand landed in the latter country on Oct 5, 1502, according to some and vernor of Nueva Cartago, as the country made public with the Association of any kind, as well as general Merchandise you will get the best most exacting dates. even though, the was then called, and finally established commendations.
at lowest prices from as being the day in which Columbus country. He was ably assisted by the costaricans celebrete Sept. the 18th, 1502, Spanish rule over practically all the EDWIN RAMIREZ VARGAS MR. COUSINS REPORT first landed here.
BEST OF of Chiapas, Bartolome de las one block South of Banco Costa Rica or write to Ap. 1079.
The aborigines who were at first diswho was ever active in favor of The following is the report from the Gran surtido de VICTROLAS DISCOS de la mejor calidad to treat the Spaniards kindly, soon the Indians.
Department of Agriculture and Science: became incensed at their treachery and When the Captain generalcy of Gua Sir With reference to the report by también mercancías en general, consiguirá Ud. donde: destroyed the small settlement which temala was established, Costa Rica was Dr. Wardlaw on Panama disease in JaEDWIN RAMIREZ VARGAS Columbus founded. No further attempts incorporated therewith and later, with gave the honour to report that Cien varas al Sur del Banco de Costa Rica, Apartado 1079.
were made to settle the country at the Guatemala, formed a part of the vice experiments have been carried out by time, and Columbus, after losing a con: royalty of New Spain. As such its his the Government Microbiologist at at my siderable number of men and one of tory is largely interwoven with the histoXIXOXO direction to test whether poor or rich XT: his ships, abandoned the attempt and re ry of this viceroyalty.
turned to Spain.
When, on Sept. 15, 1821, the inde soil, good or bad drainage, alkaline, neutral or acid soil showed any difOther explorers who followed in his ference in the capacity of the Fusarium wake were no more fortunate, the inContinued on page fungus to attack the Jamaica or Gros Michel banana Typical soils were collected from various sites in the island representing Very poor soil. Rich soil.
Suits made to order in the Shortest notice a Com3. Well drained soil.
Bedwards Drug Store is replete with the most upto plete stock of English and American tweeds, sergiogs Heavy soil.
date stock of latest Drugs, both Foreign Native Flannels always on stock, come io when in San José Alkaline soil (high value. made Neutral soil. see my recent arrivals. Acid soil (low PH value. SO AS TU SORVE YOU EFFICIENTLY North East Corner of Central Avehe wept for two moeths test of MICROSCOPIC PLANTING TESTS nue where the Plaza Víquez work in the Laboratorio de la Salud Pública (Pu: The soils were sterilised with highTramway starts.
blic health Laboratory) San José passed his exa pressure steam in sits in large conmination, thereby competent in Testing your crete vessels. Healthy banana suckers Suits also made on the Raffle Séries system come Blood, excretions, sputem etc.
were planted in each case and the seven in and get a number You will therefore trust him to advise you.
vessels inoculated with the organism of Panama diseace BOX 252 TELEPHONO 3320 Duplicates of Nos. 5, and were PERCY BEDWARD left without inoculation. After five monThe Bridge Siquirres.
ths growth the results are now in evidenice.
All the bananas in the inoculated soils have succumbed to Panama discase while the check plants without inoculation are growing healthily.
ELECTRICAL OPTICAL OFFICE DE MALICK RESULT OF TESTS of Dr. Elias Blanco at Eastero gate of the Market, 25 yards south This result confirms my assertion of the Botica Francesa Optometrist and Occulist that Dr. Wardlaw was under serious Telephone 3085. Street Alfredo Velio Apartado 128 When in San José do not fail to give a Call on misapprehension in informing planters your old Friend MALICK, He is ready to serve Member of The Optical Faculty of that good cultivation and drainage would New York offset the attacks of this disease. The you again, with his latest arrivals for the Xmas of la SPECIALIST ON TNE HUMAN VISION theory that a high pH value or alka dies gents dress goods, leather purses, Sweaters, and linity soils prevented the onset of disease possesses the latest inventions apparatuses for examining all sort of faocy goods suitable for Christmas presents.
has also been disproved The experience in the fields of Jamaica Gentlemen dress Suitiogs as well as workiog Drill the eyes, Special assortment of Spectacles with Crystals and during the past seventeen years shows pantaloons, his Shirts underwear a speciality.
very clearly that cultivation tends to lents of all kinds to suit your sight. With a special spread Panama disease and that no soil Remember the sign of the GOOD SAMARITAN Department for col locating Artificial espliedad de la Biblioteca piciones Manaicheanais as gravacin. lamaica cari patarile cuBoxlu 824 Costa Costa Rica is immune to the disease when infecSan José TELEPHONE 3345 Historical Sketch of Costa Costa Rica Wardlaw.
When thinking to buy a VICTROLA or RECORDS posed ΣΣΟΣ XET.


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