
Garden Party At Matina THE APPEAL CASE Atlantic Hotel THE VOGUE THE STANDARD EDITORIAL ARE YOU Core in and see the wonderful assortment of ravelling bags of all sizes, shapes Prices at your (Here we are again. What ye Say?
The appeal Case on behalf of the members of the St. An old friend Jack store. said, Here we are again, drews Division in the unjust decision re. the case of, Markes The most replete up to date stock in Limon of At what?
against the A. incorporated in New York brought Ladies dress good and gentlemen suitings At you know what; down to Jamaica to embargo the goods of members of The and Hats for both, of all grades shapes quality Oh hush man. Dont tickle yankee doodle doo Association who had nothing to do with the mis management Prices, our House hold furnitures fittings are a marWell, you just spell with me.
of the New York office, was brought on for hearing on the vel. See Jack first, vou will always remain a Customer.
Ga. Oh heavens whats that?
26th Nov. before Their Honours Justices Brown, Adrian en. Par. ty.
Clarke and Commander Bodilly in the Supreme Court. Mr.
JACK ORANE By Joe get im, Garden party. Brathwaite instructed by Mr. Lewis Ashenheim; represen.
Tell us where?
Port Limon There will be a grand garden party ted the appellant members of The NI. while Mr.
at the Matina Liberty Hall in aid of the Manley instructed by Mr. Cargill building fund to be held on the 23rd.
represented the respondent Markes. of December 1929. Things you never Mr. Brathwaite opened in a most businoss like manner, saw before you will see them right proving that the Universal Negro Improvement Association there. You will learn to spell it, you will learn to write it, you will learn to Incorporated in New York was not the same body as The catch it, you will learn to it, you Universal Negro Improvement Association of Jamaica, and if will learn lo handle it and you will be they be even taken as governed by the one Parent body the allowed to own it.
goods chattels were belonging to separate distinct memSituado 150 yards from South of the Market in front of This is more than wonders Ву bers, and therefore not responsible for mismanagements in the Orange Crush factory. Give us a hint. No Boy. office of The Parent body New York. Both Justices Browo The secrets will be right in the post ATLANTIC HOTEL offers to the public in geOffice and the Well. Good news. Clarke showed sympathy to his arguments, Justice Clarke neral Clean confortable Rooms.
Vankie Gibbs and his staff will keep us going so far as to observe that to him the matter seemed to Spell bound with the red hot Mama.
be in a similar line to that of the Scout Council in England, Meal Service to order, cakes, Ice Cream as per desire (Some more Mama. Come One, governing the Scout bodies all over the world. There were Come all. Adm. Adit.
01 00 We also attend to wedding feasts, etc. etc.
Children 50 different bodies working in different countries with various Troops and respective Scoutmasters Commissioners; but Moderate Prices, all attention given to Boarif a Judgment was delivered in England against the Council, ders English french spoken. Call be convinced.
The Matina Division A.
no one cord come here and collect on the hats, uniforms, badA. of August 1929. Will be puges and stars of The Scouts here.
lling over her harvest festival on the Mr. Manley tried to prove to the Contrary but bis deduc.
Telf. 3271. Box 614. San José, 22nd of December 1929. We there tions are not convincing, because nothing is as convincing as fore Ask the kind Friends around for right, no matter to whom it belongs; for as we have already your goodly Offerings in order to make it a general Success. This we can assure said where could the purity of British Justice be seen in this you that your help is greatly needed decision of The Chief Justice we cannot follow. If this is an as we are endeavoring to enlarge uor example of British Justice, well, may God help us.
Liberty Hall where by you will be The deductions of Justice Clarke has exactly been our better able to enjoy your selves in a contentions all along JOHN RODGERS. TAILOR more spacious hall. We want this year harvest to be a record of the Negroes How could the Chief Justice expect that a body of JamaiThe name is the hall mark for Tailoring, of Matina so that it can be recorded in cans, because they are affiliated to the Parent Body in New this very Search light and in the pages York, can feel that they are fairly treated, when he unjustly FAR AND NEAR of the Negro History. All offerings will by a techoicality takes their property to satisfy a questionable be received on Saturday December 21sl.
Services, First part from P. to decision of a debt in the New York Courts. This being, not Among his clients are the most fastidious, the elite; the people that know. Convince yourseelf. last part from to a Trading Concern, where profits and dividends are considered, Silver Collection.
but merely a Club such as. The or any other LIMON, Box. 83.
Club, each finding its funds for its own existence. Murray One thing we are sorry for, and that is, that Mr. GarGenl. Secretary vey made one mistake, not for the assertions he made, because we might have been tempted to say more even as we are Historical Sketch.
writing now, but that he should have made an Apology over a matter in which he was perfectly right; however he will soon Brought over faom page be out, he ought to be out for Xmas so we ll say do more on that point The appeal was adjourned for another day, but pendence of the Central American States We are expecting that it will be upheld if British Justice is to was declared at Guatemala, the news NELSON was received with great joy by the peobe dispensed. In the meantime there is a Report current that ple of Costa Rica, and on Nov. 12, TAILOR Markes is dead.
PO BOX 466. PT. LIMON, 1821, the last Spanish Governor, don One cannot help from admiring the forcible arguments of Juan Manuel Cañas, was obliged to Mr. Brathwaite, he seem to be a great acquisition to the Ja resign his office.
Remember when you need, a snappysuit. Call maica Bar.
Upon the formation of the Central see me. My best advertisment is always a satisfied If he be even decided against his arguments are good American Republic, Costa Rica became Customer, my price is within he reach of all. Call enough to carry weight before the Law Lords in England, as a State of the Union, and with it, in be convinced.
it is expected recourse will be had to this end, if tbis appeal is the year 1822, was anexed by the Emnot upheld, because this case is life or death to the Organization. the fall of that short lived empire the peror of Mexico, Agustin Iturbide. With Central America States were once more ཀད free to adopt their own from of government. constitutional Congress, which met in Guatemala, proclaimed on Nov.
22, 1824, the constitution of the Central American Federation. Afterwards, as THE NEW DRUG STORE LIMON Shedden certainly the neatest best, when in the states composing the federation one Siquirres dont fail to book your lodgings in this by one withdrew, Costa Rica declared most Sanitary and Commodious building: her independence on April 1, 1829, but Come in see for yourselt, the most stated her willingness again to enter the Complete assortment of winés stimulating union if it should ever be reestablished. up to date assortment of Foreign and Drinks in the Canteen.
Several attempts were made by the On the premises is also located an up to date Central American States to reestablish Native Patent Medicines Drugs.
Bakery, where the best Bread, Bus Cakes can the federation, but without result, and be had.
on Jan. 21, 1847, Costa Rica proclaimed The only Qualified Druggist from OUR OLD FRIEND SHEDDEN her constitucion and formally adopted the title of the Republic Costa Rica.
Jamaica in Town. Advices given on FRENTE AL DOCTOR SHAW Again in 921, representatives of the several Repnblics met in the Capital of CUARTOS MUY COMODOS HIGIENICOS any ailment. Convince yourself.
Costa Rica, and in the winter of 1922SELECTA MUY BIEN SURTIDA CANTINA 1923 at Washington, and discussed the possibilites of federation and Lo mejor en Siquirres.
other subjects of Central American con9. Shedden cern; but so far the countries have not worked out a satisfactory plan of union. To be continued)
Our friend Mr. Antonio Cruz has gone to San Francisco for a short Va cation, but will continue his colaboDo not Throw away Money ration from there.
on Smokes that do not satisfy As the management of our Branch of trade is able to please the most fastidion smoker, especially now owing to the fact that we have just enlarged our work rooms on the experiencie of our many years of application to this line, we can offer tobacco in leaf and cut form in many también un gran surtido de conservas y laterías y divarieties, qualities and prices ferentes clases de mercancías, Vinos y Licores Especialities in cut Tobacco granulated and suitable The American government has BORRAS for Cigarettes to the taste of every smoker. Cuban or Ameapologized for her Coastguards Absolutely the best purest ground coffee to be had in Limón rican style rope tobacco also for pipes.
firing on the Shawnee and ad as well as all kind of groceries. the latest arrivals of Tin meats Pxclusive Agency for PALMARENO CIGARETTES canned Ham, Beef, tongue, fish, oysters, Petit Pois and all sorts of mitted to the Canadian governDepot for Cigars of all sizes, torms and prices Pickles preserves at the cofee store in front of The Banco Anglo.
The most well known brand of cigarettes kept in stock ment the illegality.
The best of wines, Rum, whiskey Liquers for your Xmas suPlants of the best kinds of Tobacco from Pulures and Turrialba pply, at Caballo Blanco recently bought out by your old friend; Our products gained the Silver Medal in the last National Exhihe caters for all your Banquets.
bition, and were honorably mentioned and awarded Gold Medal iu the MIGUEL BORRAS. he treats you on the Square.
Exhibitions of Limón and Heredia respectively.
Pass by THE PALMARENO TOBACCO PLANT Nort east corner of the San José market. Or by the Anexes Send your Christmas prinAdministered by VICTOR MANUEL HIDALGO ting to THE SEARCHLIGHT by Our products sold by all shops Telegram or letter, it will be Improve your intellect by reading The Searchlight immediately redesutea Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
HOTEL CENTRAL SIQUIRRES Mc RAE EL MEJOR CAFE Vendido en la Provincia de Limón An Apology JOB WORK


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