p. 4


PAGE THE LIMON SEARCHLIGHT Saturday 14 Dicember. 1929 To Form Citrus Association Think Over the future of Your Family TEN CENTS DAY ce operation them had get will bring a thousand colones to your Family at your death.
How many dimes do we throw away each day thoughtlessly? Only one of these dimes invested in a life insurance policy will save your family the anguish of a pennyless bereavement. life po.
licy will supply ready money to cover the expenses which the death of the father or husband may bring.
Life policies without medical examination, for one and two thousand colones.
Fill in the attached cupon, send it to us, and without any obligation on your part we will send you an application form and rate of premium.
Our policies carry the full guarantee and responsibility of the state.
do pick their anything alles what came to in that po PILES SHOE STORE SIQUIRRES PILES STYLE OF SHOES year produce California they At a meeting of the Citrus fruit grow. getting for it. It was the same with the ber and the price ran from 25 to 35 ers Association held at Manchester citrus industry and until the cultivators perbox and the difference in price went Mr. Robertson said Mr. Daley was knew those things they wonld be ab into the pocket of the people who were quite right when he said that there solutely at the mercy of interests not neither growers nor consumers. If they was a previous attempt to get the agricultural. Did they think that the Chi could not get all of what was paid they naman did not know his bussines Did wanted to get He had been in that area three times they think he would sell them his goods past (hear, hear) and the only way to get and he felt disappointed over the lack without knowing that he was going to it was by co operative marketing. They of support he received. He believed that make a profil? They would never find were being asked to combine into one perhaps they had had a chance of seeing him doing that. But did the the big organisation so they could protect what co operation had done already in tor know what it cost him ole?
of their fruit. intead of He did not because no books were throwing away. To day they were haps there were many who had doubts kept and so long as he had a a couple practically no oranges, yet what did really meant Well they find? Canada was taking two did They were always grumbling about price getting that fruit from California and absurd They seem she was that they had their Digging Match in order to combine the production of help themselves. Now he was not going Florida, competitors of theirs. But those their crops and yet when those crops to mislead them and let think competitors were not sleeping. The came they did not combine to sell them. that they could ask anything for their growers of Jamaica were like Rip Van They would have to look after that produce. For instance if there was a Winkle but they were now waking up because they could not live on spiri large amount of good oranges coming to their possibilities. Now the people tual things alone. They could not send to the maket they who were buying fruit trom them only could not exepect to their children to school except they price over and above what other bought when they got an order. They money to support them and it was of people were were not going to buy fruit and have getting, but any one could do importance what price they received for this they could alway get fair price.
it piling up on them except had their products. They knew how to They got a certain price in their definite orders and knew they could sell.
grow their oranges and their grapefruit district but that was vastly different When they got an order they sent and they knew how to pi fron from the price paid by the person who around the districts and collected fruit mento, but they did not kuow ate the fruit and the aim of that movement and when they had no order they simabout selling it. They never asked them was to get for them the price paid for ply did not buy. Now, they the growers selves the price for pimento was produce abroad less only the cost of any particular year. man hurricane and other things should not getting it there. He would like to know be how much they sold grapefruit for?
them and said he would give them so left position and the only much for their pimento and they did (Voices: Four shillings perbox. He way for them to get out of it was by not know that that pimento was worth saw some of their grapefruit selling in cooperating to sell. Those who bought 30s. or 40s. more than what they were the London market August and Septem their fruit were only interested in tryng to buy at the lowest price and sell at the highest and they would never be had looked after their own busiuess in in the position they were to day if they telligently because they would have THEY COULD CO OPERATE LADIES! It is an acknowledged fact, that if you and would have improved at the same are not wearing time as the big companies improved.
In California they marketed twenty five million boxes of citrus fruit each while in Jamaica they were simply sitting down on the industry, yet in Jamaica you are not dressed. His best finest Tanned could than anywhere citrus fruit cheaper else. In uppers are bound to attract the attention of passhad oil stoves in between every two or ersby. for they trim your feet. His gentlemen three trees and when they got a report working dressed shoes are a specialty, come in that the was coming they lighted and say no if you can.
those stoves. Now that was an expensive because they were co operating. Florida Pile back of the post office was to day shipping seventeen million been in the trade a comparatively short time. Jamaica had been in it much longer and year by year they were exporting less. They could take it from him that they would never do any better until they started looking after their own business. They found lia was sending grapefruit into the even market and still Jamaica remained in When one wants to catch a glimpse cing practically norwica was produ.
and yet they of what is INDEED AN EXHIBITION could produce cheaper than any other country rowing to day. Their production cost was about 3d. perbox but in OF NOVELTIES Palestine where they also produced cian acre in fertilizers alone. Yet they shipped millions of of have a peep into THE LITTLE PARIS of Mrs. Jack DePass of from Palestine, and they got a return Limón. We have been all through the stores of San José, but were for them. Sometimes the return was certainly surprised when we had a peep into the enticing snuggy Corner of very small indeed but they had a big industry. Now, they believed that Jamaica could resuscitate their if the join a co operative marketing association.
get together and They knew what happened when they One would certainly feel if a stranger. that you would be called first upon to SPEAK FRENCH for immediately you feel like a to start the banana association. Some people safd it was a Parisien translated on viewing the great variety of latest French worthless society and that they could fabrics by the sight of the latest importations of silk and other fancy dress goods, as well as LACES, SILVER GOLD BE.
never get the growers of Jamaica to ADINOS, and trimmings of all glow discription, and as for the Some of the most prominent people loyal.
Hosiery wedding goods, with presents a gifts to suit all classes said it oh my? you feel like you are in a grand Rainbow fete, step in and was foolish to suggest that the people of Jamaica could run ships, but see for To our ladies we say it is folly to go to San José, Jamaica or Colón they forgot that it was not proposed to to do your Xmas shopping when you can get the same better goods all selected by the proprietor herself on her recent trip to Euany organisation had money they could get the best brains to manage it. Brains rope. You will admit she knows the trade, and know fit your were available to any set of people taste and your pockets too of todays conditions. DROP IN AND who wished to get them and they had SEE it is money saved to the Ladies along the lines to drop in see the wonderful assortment of dress goods and the marvellous got in charge of that shipping line some of the most bargains to be had in Little París before going to spend Hotel fares etc. in San José.
Capable and Experienced Men be to Continued. DETACH THIS CUPON)
Banco Nacional de Seguros Dpto. de Vida.
San José de Costa Rica.
My name in full is My address is.
My occupation is Sex. was born at.
on the. day of.
in the year. would like an Insurance for frost DAZZLING EXHIBITION that Austra.
You would not have seen the best in Siquirres, if you did not visit the back ground. THE PEOPLE MARTER for your supply of general merchandise and groceries for the home or the Farm.
Our Ladies fancy goods gents shirts and underwear a specialty cases oranges Mc. INTOSH. Siquirres The Little Paris the growers would orange industry tried to Mechanical Dentist never be yourself.
RODOLFO CERVANTES SIQUIRRES MECANICO EN DENTISTERIA Get your plates fixed at Mr. Ceryantes, strong work executed by him.
Our Perfumeries Beauty Aids Do you love your family. Insure your life in THE NATIONAL LIFE ASSURANCE BANK ME ΣΟΦΣΣ ΣΣΣ FROM LIMON Are from the best known makers in the world. Cotys perfumes Cotys Powders are used by the leading actresses ladies of the world. There are Houbigaunts Pivets all to suit you My Xmas Cards The Little Paris AND NOW FOR THE KIDDIES Xmas is coming times are hard, but my Prices have always been acknowledged the best, from the cheapest paper are easy, remember there is no place in Limon to equal Cards to the most up to date Cards in Wax Celluloid for lovers, the quality of ladies dress goods as you get from (friends or relatives.
Mrs. Jack Depass at the little Paris, as she knows how to blend your colours and match your laces, as no other does.
Santa Claus is right here with everything for Xmas. His lucky bags, As for Toys for the children, there is no such asLucky stockings, Miniature cottages, Bungalows, Castles Fortresses sortment in Town, all useful lasting ones to suit or the Doll homes and all its furniture, crockery utensils for the times, come in and see for yourself. The rich are Dollys home, autombiles, horses, dogs, cows, teddy bears, Toy Pistols delighted and the poor are satisfield.
guns, Balls, Balloons, Fee Fees, and everything that will amuse the Kids. this is a special Department of Little París: Come See.
Parisian Selections niedad de la Biblioteca Nacional MODELO DE MANERA SEXO EX In consequence of the coming elections it is expected that the President will change for a few months our much esteemed Commandante Don Rogelio Gutierrez to some other Commandancia until after the elections are over in February, since his Brother Don Paco is a Candidate for representing Limon in Congress. It is expected he will be sent to Puntarenas where one of the Candidates there is nep.
hew of the Commandante, the refore so as not to give rise to any ideas of corruption in the elections Don Cleto is being urged to grant a permutation of these two officers.


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