
Saturday 14 Dicember. 1929 THE LIMON SEARCHLIGHT PAGE A Christmas Message rejoice Südtiririnin XPEX Partido Pro Limón When thinking to buy a VICTROLA or RECORDS candidatos, realidad, faltas THE STANDARD The Pro Limon Parly Life of Joseph Health Talks THE VOGUE CAFETERIA MODERNA Christmas is a time of happiness and JOHN RODGERS, TAILOR rejoicing and rightly so. All over ChrisDE Mrs. AIDA CRANSTON tendom the Birth of Christ is being ceThe game is the hall mark for Tailoring, lebrated. Even those who do not acknoWhen in Limon if you feel like a home served FAR AND NEAR vvledge the Name of Christ are caught up in the general atmosphere of hapmeal, go to CAFETERIA MODERNA, Aida will Among his clients are the most fastidious, the elite; the people that piness and goodwill make you feel at home. The only comfortable diBut to truly vve must have just ning room of its class in Town, private and Cosy.
know. Convince yourself.
reason for doing so. It is the true reason Tea, breakfast or Luncheon for Picnic Parties, for LIMON, Box. 83.
rejoicing that the yearly message of private dining rooms to entertain ladies as well as Christmas, coming again to us in the course of our lives, provides gentlemen. Baoquets and dinners provided at Shortest Secretly, silently, unknown to the busy notice. Cream, Cakes, coffee or soft drinks as you world, something very vvonderful hap order pened nearly tuvo thousand years ago Special attentions for the Xmas Season. Come at this time. The revelation of God our to Aida Father as Love reached its climax and perfect expression vvhen He Himself ac3rd Avenue and 7th Street Limon.
Candidatua del Dr. Velasquez limonenses que si no lo somos por na tually became one of us. Jesus Christ, True God and True Man, born of His para Diputado Propietario, y de don cimiento, sí por sentimientos e intere Carlos ML Fernández para Dipu ses, nos proponemos llevar a la Cámara pure and blessed Virgin Mother in Beth DAAAAAAAAAAAA tado Suplente por la provincia, en el en la próxima legislatura, al caballero lehem began His life on earth, every doctor don MIGUEL ANGEL VELASpróximo periodo Legislativo.
act of which was a manifestation of KB020 ΣΟΦΟΣ a QUEZ CASTRO, y al no menos digno Divine Love for us His creatures.
CIRCULAR joven don CARLOS MANUEL FERBut not only that. Before Love can NANDEZ como Diputado Propie triumph, as His did, Evil must be overLos que hemos vivido en esta zona tario el primero, y Suplente el segundo.
come. Jesus Christ came to a vvorld deep Of any kind, as well as general Merchandise you will get the best por muchos años en busca no sólo del Los méritos indiscutibles de ambos sunk in the night of sin and evil. The at lowest prices from Star los someteremos a la pruebienestar propio, sino también el de toda of Bethlehem shone in the darkEDWIN RAMIREZ VARGAS ness, ba, en manifiesto que verá muy pronto and not even the darkness of the la provincia, estamos en el deber de velar porque sus intereses no sufran me la luz pública, y entonces todos los havvorld could put out its light. The one block South of Banco Costa Rica or write to Ap. 1079.
noscabo, y que el progreso sea una bitantes de la provincia, valorarán el vvorld tried very hard and is still trying, Gran surtido de VICTROLAS DISCOS de la mejor calidad valor moral y patriótico de cada uno but that Light still shines on Desgraciadamente antes de ahora y de los candidatos que en esta lucha se Yet again, Christmas is a family Fetambién mercancías en general, consiguirá Ud. donde: con muy rare excepciones, la provin disputan el triunfo.
ast. Some of the radiant joy of that first EDWIN RAMIREZ VARGAS cia ha sido bien representada en el Con Como buen amigo de Limón, y ami. Joseph shines on every Christian home Christian Family of Jesus, Mary and Cien varas al Sur del Banco de Costa Rica, Apartado 1079.
greso Nacional, porque las más de las go nuestro, le invitamos cordialmente a veces, han ido a estos puestos gentes no que ingrese en las filas del Partido Pro year by year. Our Christmas greetings, 2571 OT.
capacitadas unas, y sin interés común Limón, ya no con su ayuda pecuniaria our Christmas Message is the perpetuaotras. De ahí que ahora la Provincia sino con la personal y moral.
ting and spreading abroad of this glad toda, sufra las consecuencias de tales Mientras recibimos su atenta y sinnevys.
cera adhesión, tengo el gusto de susSome think that if religion is brought Para reparar en algo la dignidad pe. cribirme de Ud. muy atto. y into everyday life lightheartedness, enjoydida y procurar en lo posible el enment, natural happiness must be banissanche y la riqueza, progreso y bienhed.
Carlos Orozco nador, estar de la Provincia, el Partido ProChristmas vvith its age long traditions NELSON Limón, que hemos fundado legitimos Secretario of joy and festivity is a continual remin.
TAILOR. O. BOX 466. PT. LIMON, der to us hovy false this is.
Since then vve knovy why Christmas brings us joy, let us vvish one another Remember when you need, a snappy suit. Call a Holy and Happy Feast with full and see me. My best advertisment is always a satisfied grateful hearts Customer, my price is within he reach of all. Call be convinced.
With the Candidature of Doctor to send to Congress, in our next Legis. OAKLEY Velasquez as Deputy in Congress, lature the cultured and efficient genArchdeacon in Central America and Don Carlos Manuel Fernandez tlman Doctor Don Miguel Angel VelasPrestinary, as Deputy Suplente (assis quez Castro, and our no less worthy tant) as representatives for Limon in capable youth Don Carlos Manuel Ferthe coming elections in February. nandez Prestinary, as Deputy the former, CIRCULAR and his Assistant the latter.
The unquestioned merits of both these Candidates we now put to the test, a Those of us who have lived in this manifestation of which will soon be Cimarrones, Costa Rica Atlantic Zone for many years in search Intestinal Seslodes Tapeworms vided with six sharp hooklets. The eggs brought to public gaze, when all the not only of our own wellbeing but also inhabitants of this Province will be able 9th. Dec. 1929.
are about stoof and inch in diameter, that of the Province, deem it our duty Taenia solium (Pork Tapeworm. This and are distinctly visible through the Mr. Editor, Dear Sir to watch over the interests of the same, to provef or themselves the moral couis a form of worm which sometimes microscope The worm is suppose to so as to make the upward march of this rage, and patriotism of both these Caninhabits the digestive tract and grows inhabit pork.
Zone a Reality in Keeping with the didates, whom in the struggle of elecAs a devoted reader and sus to great lengths. The variety mentioned afore stated the segments are contion we will bring to Victory.
Unfortunately in the past our ProvinAs a true friend of Limon and ourcriber of your valuable paper, abave, Taenia Solium. is the one most tinuously passed in the stools, and if selves you are cordially invited to enlist beg to be allowed space in commonly met with, and varies in length the eggs are to attain further develop ce has very rarely been efficiently reprement they must be taken into the stosented, having been placed at times in in the Ranks of the Pro Limon Party, your valuable column.
thin and flat like a ribbon. There are mach, either of in pig, or meeting held at Cimarrones two other varieties which are large self, after eating pork. The eggs man him the hands of men, hardly interested in and support the Cause not only with are its welfare, consequently we have suf your pecuniary aid, but also your per Liberty Hall on Sunday night The largest is said to attain the length fered in progressive ideas so very sonal influence moral support. the 8th. instant under the ausme free necessary to us.
While we hope for your faithful pices of the I The is small and rounded not so large as reaches various parts of the body (the To regain our lost dignity and to Sin Seresadbinion. urde have the pleasure hall was filled to its capacity; the head of a pin and provided with liver, muscles, brain, eye and many procure the proper exploitation of our servant richness, our improvements and the goodamong those who enjoyed the of hooklets hence it is called the armed develop into the larvae or cysticerci.
standing of the Province. The Pro Linon The Pro Limon Party, meeting were adjutant Wright tapeworm. To the head succeeds a na Taenia Solium received its name bePasty formed by Legitimate Limonenand Lieutenant Simpson of the rrow, threadlike neck, then the segments, cause it was thought to exist as a solises, some of us by birth, others by Carlos Orozco Amador, of the salvation army. The mee or joints, or proglottides, as they are tary parasite in the bowel, but two or Sentiments and interests, have decided Secretary three or even more ting was conducted by adjutant called. Each segment has both male worms of other Wright who opened with the the worm has about four hundred of classifications may occur at the same 2003E23 singing of the hynn Throw out these joints or segments they become time.
be to Continued.
the life line; after the singing of mature and contain ripe eggs or ova.
NEW YEAR AT LITLE PARIS the hynn, a warm address was The worm attains its full growth in delivered by Mr. Satchwell Se from three to three and a half months, cretary for Cimarrones Divission. tinuously, passed and appear in the stools.
after wich time the segments are conThe Motor Vessel Pasagero Christmas is here and you have proven that the only Store He kept the audience spellbound Each segment or joint varies from in Limon in which the needs of your Kiddies as well as yourself The best equipped Motor Vessel for the season can be satisfied is at.
14 of an inch in length. The width making trips between Port Limon, Cofor some minutes. At about to may exceed the length. Pressed between lon, Belize and all the Ports on the 20 a Magic lantern by two glass plates the uterus seen as THE LITLE PARIS OF Mrs. JACK DE PASS Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua adjutant Wright showed the life a middle stem with about eight to Fine accommodations for 36 passenNow you ll think of The New Year. Get your New Years of Joseph. The most interesting fourteen lateral branches. They are gers, including Bed, Electric Light, part is the greeting of Joseph thousands of eggs in each ripe segment, Radio set, and courteous attention. In dress and Hat to Match.
father. We beg to congratulate and dea che che consists of a hard shell, addition to the comforts for passengers, To be Fashionable you must wear the Latest Lace dresses, inside of which is a. she is equipped with Spacious life boats.
adjutant Wright and Lieutenant beautiful silk laces of every colour and width just received at THE Simpson for teir splendid visit LITLE PARIS with Flowers to Match. See our new Hat Straws.
to Cimarrones: wishing them a If you shop at LITLE PARIS you can be certain of being safe voyage home, and hoping in the latest Style.
in the near future they will give ΑΣ ΟΣΟ ΚΑΙ a another visit to the division.
ΣΟΦΣΣ Awake! for Garvey is calling, HAMILTON CARTER Awake! to duty! awake The Voice of our Leader cries onward (Reporter)
The call let us gladly obey.
No fooling While the foe is unconquered, No laying of our banner down. REQUEST No peace till the battle is ended.
And afric redemption is won.
también un gran surtido de conservas y laterías y diWe have sent out our Christ.
ferentes clases de mercancías, Vinos y Licores mas Messages for which we are BORRAS very grateful to our ContribuGird on the sword of the Spirit And helmet, Breastplate and Shield Absolutely the best purest ground coffee to be had in Limón tors. Can you send us a New as well as all kind of groceries. the latest arrivals of Tin meats Years Thought?
With Garvey our leader as captain We ll conquer or die in the field.
canned Ham, Beef, tongue, fish, oysters, Petit Pois and all sorts of Pickles preserves at the cofee store in front of The Banco Anglo.
The best of wines, Rum, whiskey Liquers for your Xmas suFOR SALE Then onward My Brave companions pply, at Caballo Blanco recently bought out by your old friend; With hearts that are loyal and Brave.
he caters for all your Banquets. VICTROLA Cabinet class Let Show to the world that our colours with six Albums of Records.
MIGUEL BORRAS. he treats you on the Square.
Are the red, the Black and the Green.
Apply Prof. Claude Herbert 3rd. Avenue. In front British biotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica. BY FRANCIS Consulate.
Banar others.
19 AWAKE TO DUTY EL MEJOR CAFE Vendido en la Provincia de Limón


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