p. 4


PAGE THE LIMON SEARCHLIGHT Saturday 21 December. 1929 SPORTS Think Over the Future of Your Family well regret their Atlantic Hot el keep Masters Congratulations den change Petroleum in Costa Rica Starters, comes An.
there und in the year.
it does seen Jamaican Exports ARE YOU TRAVELLING?
The National Life Assurance Core in and see the wonderful assortment of Travelling bags of all sizes, shapes Prices at your From our correspondent in Sports at old friend Jack store.
Limon we get the following. most enjoyable day was spent on The most replete up to date stock in Limon of Sunday the 8th. Inst. by those who Ladies dress good and gentlemen suitings attended the Monster Cycle and Ath.
and Hats for both, of all grades shapes quality letic Meet held the Limon Base Ball Prices, our House hold furnitures fittings are a marand Recreation Park. The Events were ere. vel. See Jack first, vou will always remain a Customer.
contested, and the true spinto of TEN CENTS DAY ghout. While the attendance was not as JACK ORANE was expected, those who attended canPort Limon will bring a thousand colones to your Family not wending their way to the Park to witness the various rivals at your death.
do their bit for championship honors.
Our local athletes are to be comON How many dimes do we throw away mended for their efforts and keen sporteach day thoughtlessly? Only one of manship. The finishes were keen, and all was done to make the event a unithese dimes invested in a life insurance que one.
It is sincerely hoped that the youths policy will save your family the anguish of our land will give Athletics that due consideration and so in the future strive Situado 150 yards from South of the Market in front of of a pennyless bereavement. life po. to up this wholesome form of Orange Crush factory sport. This tends to improve health as licy will supply ready money to cover well as morale, and should be always ATLANTIC HOTEL offers to the public in geindulged in.
neral Clean confortable Rooms.
the expenses which the death of the Special mention must be made of father or husband may bring.
Master Arthur Scott, who in the Mile Meal Service to order, cakes, Ice Cream as per desire Cycle race fell early in the race, and by Life policies without medical examination, for We also attend to wedding feasts, etc. etc.
pluck and tional finish, and was second place at courage brought off a sensaone and two thousand colones.
the termination of the race, also to Moderate Prices, all attention given to Boar.
Fill in the attached cupon, send it to us, and Sealey deserves our com ders English french spoken. Call be convinced.
without any obligation on your part we will send mendation for his win.
you an application form and rate of premium.
also to Mr. Alfred Clarke of this Township who is the Telf. 3271. Box 614. San José, Our policies carry the full guaran present champion of Limon for the Miles. Unfortunately, only two compe tee and responsibility of the state. titors started in this race, due to a sudin the cinder way. This circumstance we deeply regretted, but (DETACH THIS CUPON)
had absolutely no control over.
Some took objections to the change, Banco Nacional de Seguros some showed the Yellow Streak Dpto. de Vida Mssrs. Zacchy Nelson and Freddy Clarke however faced the and to the San José de Costa Rica.
satisfaction all brought off one of Now that we are at our wits end to eign Capitalists to exploit the industry, My name in full is the most interresting race of the day. find something from which we may be It is well known that Costa Rica is rich BRAVO to our new Atta My address is.
able to derive income not only for the in Coal deposits, Iron deposits and Bay. That the spirit Zac. Better Luck government but the means of subsis Magnesium, and if as has been proven My occupation is next time. The public admires your tence for the labouring population, up both by the tests of the Sinclair Oil Sex.
gameness and manliness. good looser our old friend Dr. Miguel and those of the Compañia Mimakes a good winner. It is hoped that gel Velasquez whose heart soul is wo nera Industrial de Costa Rica, that was born at.
Freddy will retain his FORM to meet up in everything that concerns the exists here a a sufficient amount of petrothe GUNS who are starting from now on the. day of.
of a prosperous Limon. He, leum for Commercial consideration why to fit themselves for the next MEET as the Managing Director of La Com then in a Crisis like this should this would like an Insurance for to wrestle away your honors, and own pañía Minera Industrial of Costa Rica, case not be brought to a close so we a CUP too.
owns the portion of lands which were may be able develop our mining resois sincerely hoped that this Me. being operated by The Sinclair Oil urces. Our Bananas have failed us, why eting will be an incentive to our bud Company some years ago, and which not organize ourselves for some other ding Athletes and that our sporting Territory has been declared to be rich public will help and support a worthy Industry if such an industry exists and in oil deposits, but as there was a law seem to exist.
cause. Clean sport is an essential factor suit over the rights to the mines, which Petroleum has been a source of great in any community, and we cannot but won by The Industrial income to those Countries which have speak in laudible tones on the part of Corally on Mining of Costa Rica which been fortunate enough to find it like all those who attended, our competitors our Doctor represents, saving some Mexico, Colombia, Palestine and many and our officials.
little Technicality to close the case up. others. why therefore should we hestiFor further dope, watch this column. Doctor Velasquez is now asking the tate to assist in exploiting this means of Costa Ricans who might not have Goatskins 151, 549, Hides 9, 916; Grape Government to bring this matter to a supplying the vacancy left op by the had the privelege of travelling outside fruit 111, 806 Boxes; Honey 132, 806 Sport Promoter close so he will be able to invite For death of the Banana Industry. It is hotheir own country or of studying suffi gallons Limejuice, Raw 50, 613 gallons ped that the Government will rush this decision in the Courts to a final issue mercial economics of the surrounding gallons: Limes 4033 Barrels; Oranges so as to help our great philantrofist countries would never be led to think 0, 777 Boxes; Orange Oil 86, 152 pounds; You would not have seen the best in Siquirres, if you Doctor Velasquez to materialize his ideas that the little Island of Jamaica so Pimento 73, 838 qnintals; Pine apples for the benefit of Limon his Company to Costa Rica and from which has em 439 dozens; Rum 736, 853 gallons; Sudid not visit it, many thonsands of gar 37, 000 Tons; Silver in specic 1627.
labourers, who have identified them. Gold, specie 89, selves so persistently in the develope THE PEOPLE MART Tobacco in Cigars 58, 315 pounds Bitterwood 732 Tons.
country, by making the Railroads, converting the Swamps and forests into It is therefore marvellous to think of for your supply of general merchandise and groceries for the amount of produce this little spot the different sections along the Railway the home or the Farm.
can put out, and here in this country lines into Villages and thriving Town we cannot cultivate enough to feed ships, from Limon into Peralta, and import Sugar, Rum, we Our Ladies fancy goods gents shirts and underwear a Ci.
Guapiles, and by making the City of gars, Ginger, Pimento and such like specialty Limon what it is today, we say few articles, we have little or none of the Gosta Ricans would think of the ca other products such as Citrus fruit and Según declaraciones hechas a un periodista de La Tribuna por el Dr. Vepabilities of this little garden in the their products, Honey, Tobacco, dyewoods Cant be Sea, just about one fifth the cultivated on a lásquez, Gerente de la Compañía Misize of Costa Rica, but with more than paying commercial basis, look at Orannera Industrial, se puede asegurar que twice its inhabitants; for instance accor ges, why not plant them in our line si existen, de una manera cierta, yacimientos de petróleo en cantidad comer ding to latest reports to hand we find fences, and as Shades in the Cocoa and that for the ten and a half months of Coffee fields. Why should we not cial en Costa Lica, y para mayor regothis year Jamaica has shipped 20. 747, 500 export Sugar, Copra, Tobacco, CocoELECTRICAL OPTICAL OFFICE cijo de nuestra zona atlántica que con stems of bananas, besides 53, 232 pound Rice, Corn etc. we make thes. compamotivo de la decadencia en los cultivos of preserved bananas, 51, 889 quintals of y produccion de bananos ha venido Cac ods 35. 970, 900 Coconuts, 202, 221 of Dr. Elias Blanco risons so that our wealthy meu, banempobreciendo poco a poco. Lo of Copra or baked Coconuts kers, governors and intelligent readers Optometrist and Occulist Coffee 793, 735 pounds. Logwood may catch a thought of what is thrown bierno procure solucionar los conflictos Telephone 3085. Street Alfredo Volio Apartado 128 other dyewoods 22, 876 Tons; Dyewood out from The Searchlight and go and que quedan pendientes con Extracts 8, 059 packages; Ginger 18, 964 comdo likeervise.
Member of The Optical Faculty of for Old Folks pañía petrolera para que pueda finan.
quintals or cut.
New York.
ciarse en alguna forma o con alguna SPECIALIST ON TNE HUMAN VISION empresa la explotación del tan ansiado negro que hoy día enriquece a SSSSSSSS 2332 possesses the latest inventions apparatuses for examining Colombia y que ha dado tanta fortuna a México.
the eyes, Special assortment of Spectacles with Crystals and Sería una gran dicha para los limolens of all kinds to suit your sight. With a special nenses y para el país en general que esta industria prosperara, llegando pronDepartment for collocating Artificial eyes.
to a suplir con su producción la tan cacareada renta de los bananos.
Nuestra región atlántica es rica en minerales, posee hierro, magnesio, carThis is to notify the public in general, that in consequence of bón de piedra y petróleo, y por lo the misconduct of my wife Adella Grawford nee Morgan, we have tanto está llamada a a disfrutar de un now been separated for the space of nearly six years. therefore EVERY BODY IS HAVING magnífico porvenir, pero el más productivo filón estaría en do not hold myself responsible for her any longer as she is to petróleo que tiene más fácil explotación y que se be seen continually in company with another man.
CHRISTMAS KISSES puede asegurar que está localizado el am thus free of any obligation to her and intend to get campo donde puede extraerse comermarried withing six months from date of this publication. The new Limon Candy cialmente; pues los geólogos especialistas que han hecho estudios en esa Have you tried them región, tienen esta certeza y tan pronto como se llegara a un arreglo o se hiSold at all Confectioners.
ciera algún contrato con una compañía Port Limon, Costa Rica.
Patronize Limon efforts at Christmas Kisses in Candies.
que negocie en este ramo, veríamos eeeeeeeeeeeee3333 como por encanto brotar el codiciado líquido.
Was migrated to SO Vuelve el Petroleo a ser motivo de entusiasmo ourselves Mc. INTOSH. Siquirres etc. Why they es que una oro To whom it may Concern Joseph Crawford


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