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MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION 1. 00 EDITOR MANAGER THE LIMON SEARCHLIGHT CNITION PUBLISHED SATURDAYS Devoted to the Interests of The Province ofl Limon Costa Rica generally YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY 26. 1929 Die. EDITORIAL Ravage of locusts Sporting News Bay: well in The Prospects of our Bananas La 59 13 61 55 28 38 Extras The Agricultural Society have been In coming before the public again, in this effort to supply a wagiug warfare on these jumping ma The arraugemets so fos made for en These matches will be played against rauders, that have made their appearan tertaining the Canadian Cricketero co Club teams. Melbourne, Kingston and much felt want that is an English printed journal, which will ce again in the pacific side. They have ming down to Jamaica in January next Kensington. The order of playing will aim to place before our readers, items of much importance in pa destroyed several fields of Corn, Beans, as per the Gleaner, be decided on Hater.
Tuesday 11th, depart for Montego ssing events such as Political, Industrial and economic accomplish that over one hundred Hectareas are meeting of the Cricket Board of Control was held at Sabina Park yesments, which are of everyday occurrences around us in the coun affected. The Society have got them 4th match, Wednesday 12th and in control working hard with hired terday afternoon when there were preThursday 13th; match at Montego Bay.
try, but which from our lack of Knowledge of the language of labour sent Sir William Morrison (President) Friday 14th, depart for Port Maria.
well as Volunteered as gangs Messrs. Burton (vice Presidente)
the Country of our adoption, most of us remain in ignorance of, of over 100 men digging ditches into Fletcher, Hylton, Mc5th match Saturday 15th and Monday 17th, match at Port Maria Tuesday aud by such ignorance often fall in trouble by conflicting unin get out. and are buried alive in Myriads Carthy, Nunes, McCormach, Sth, depart for Port Antonio tentionally with the Regulations and Customs of the Authority An Arsenic mixture is also used but. Nethersole (Hon. Treasurer. 6th match, Wednesday 19th and with the heavy rains falling the stren Lacey (Hon Secy. and Sasso (Hon Thursday 20th, match at Port Antonio.
which governs us, we are actuated by motives of a sincere desire gth of this lost.
Assistant Secrntary)
Friday 21st, return to Kingston to serve the Community in which we have lived for a number It is a pity that some help or advice The provisional programme in con 7th match, Saturday 22nd, and Monis not given to the Coconut growers nection with the visit of Mr. Venables day 24th vs Next XV in Kingston.
of years, have assisted to formulate plans for its advancement in on the Atlantic side to combat the Ra team from Canada was discussed and Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 29th the pathway of other Civilized Communities Townships of The vages made by the worms that are fast agreed on as follows: Free.
Team arrives Kingston, January, MonSth match, Thursday 27th, Friday Western Hemisphere. And having watched the growth of this The Agricultural Society will be glad day 27th and practices to Friday 31st. 28th and Saturday Ist Vs All Jamaica City from a settlement of Huts in a Swamp Jungle unfit for the to get any complaint or information on 1st match February, Saturday 1st in Kingston and Monday 3rd vs in Kingston residence of the white Race, due to the natural prevalence of address of the Director is Señor don Tuesday 4th free.
Match, Monday 3rd, Tuesday 4th and Wednesday 5th. Team sails for New Yellow and other malignant Fevers, coupled with Smallpox and Luis Cruz Bolaños, Perito Agrícola. 2st match, Wednesday 5th ane ThurYork.
sday 6th vs in Kingston. Friday such like deadly infectious deseases as are the Common lot of mation or advice sought throngh the letter was also read from Mr.
7th Free. Mallett notifying the Board that the Swampy Regions until its merge into a fine, modern little City, Editor of this paper will be taken up 3rd match, Saturday 8th and Monday C team would spend three days with him.
10th vs in Kingston.
with its Substantial Buildings served by a supply of water and more in Jamaica than originatly announced. They would leave here on April Electric Lighting and Power being made second to none in the 10th instead of April 7th.
Republic, with its beautiful Asphalted Streets Concrete Sidewalks for away and ahead of all in the Country, to say nothing of, its enchanting Park, with its refreshing Walkways Cosy Nooks, News of West Indian Crieket in the Intercolonial Matches between Barbabrought into possibility by the Industrious determination of an does, British Guiana Trinidad copied English speaking populace; one wonders how is it possible that from the Daily Gleaner in which British In consequence of the suspension of of labourers who formerly earned a li such a community could have existed since the year 1880, when the San Francisco Banana boats.
Guiana batsmen kept the Barbadians on velihood in receiving and loading the the field for two days runnring up a the landing of the memorable Keith Expedition gave it prominenTribuna gives ont the following infor fruit. This affects not only the labourers, Total of 476 Runs for wiekets.
mation following an interview with Mr. but Engineers Firemen, Traincrew, Rece, withont the continuance of an English Press, to express the Elie Hazera Secretary to the present cievers, and Farm labour and finally the BRITISH GUIANA. 1st Innings sentiments and to protect the integrity and interests of the peo suspension of the Limón. San FrancisThe Commercial life of the Province. Green Ibw. Hoad It is therefore hoped that some re Mackenzre run out 72 ples who helped to make the today enlightened Township of co line of boats is due to the falling conciliation between the Government Fernández Ibw. Hoad 141 and The Coy will be seen necessary so Decaires Ward Byer Puerto Limon the acknowledged gateway of the Republic, and off of the quantity of the Fruit obtaias to induce this latter to open up Wight run out with this idea swelling in our breasts, we have burst forth in Ilowing Statistics, in 1926 there were new plantations and so bring back our Wight not out this attempt to champion the Cause so long lain in forgetfnlness of bananas, as against 368. 539 in the formerly, The price of Cacao has fallen production to ten eleven millions as Browne Sealy Hutchinson and to endeavour to bring to public focus everything and any year 1927, and 942. 362 in 1928, and and with the price of coffee in such an Jones not out thing which will tend to the uplifting of the Social, Indufor the nine months of this year we uncertain stage, it behoves the govertntrial and economic Status of the Province of Limon and the have only shippd 636. 699 stems, being ment to hold every inducement out to a disminution of 078. 442 stems on resuscitate the production of banana in Total for wickets 476 well being and happiness of its inhabitants, and ofcourse with the the corresponding season of last year a flourishing condition SO as to enhance consequently since early this year the the prosperity of the Country.
Prosperity of Limon, incidentally the Prosperity of Costa Rica Company had to suspend the ship This being entirely an agricultural GEORGETOWN, Sept. 25. British With thise views we come before you, and crave your help, ments to Boston, later on the shipments Country it would seem unwise to legisto New Orleans had to be suspended late in such a manner as to hamper the Guaina batsmen to day carried on the support and indulgences, praying that you will allways remember and now the San Francisco boats are extension of agriculture in any line.
good work which was begun Tuesday we are working in a Spanish Press which must of necessity be gone. and later other boats may have This Country is divided into seven Pro aud kept Barbados in the field for the to be drafted elsewhere for Cargoes.
more expensive altho not as perfect in composition as an English vinces. The principal products of which whole day, while they increased their And not only are the Farms rapidly are as follows: San José: Coffee: Carta total from 240 for two wickets to 476 for six wickets. Play was delayed until Press would be. The Cooperation of correspondents is eagerly falling off in production but from the go produces milk, sugan cattle: vegefaet that no new cultivations are being tables, potatoes, etc. coffee bananas.
after luncheon when the wickets, dessought in all matters affecting Public welfare but we would like made, there is a marked deterioration in Heredia: produces coffee. Limon: pro pite the beavy showers which had fail to be distinctly understood that while we are anxious to bring grading has fallen from 82. 19 per cent the classification of the fruit, as the duces bananas fish. Puntarenas: proilen rolled out fairly true, duces bananas, salt, cattle fish Fernández took his score to 141 when to public view any wrongs perpetrated against the freedom of of count bunches in 1926 to 77. 46 Alajuela: produces sugar, catle, tobacco, he was out bw, to Hoad. He played citizenship or any infringement on the rights and happiness of 1928, and the still greater drop can be coffee and rice. Guanacaste produces attractive cricket and never gave a chancattle rice.
ce. Decaires made 59 in good style, The Community, we do not publish personal spleens, nor seek the boats which loaded 86 and 88 It will therefore he seen that the prin while Vibart Wight was run ont for 13.
disputes with any individual; but instead, our highest aims and thousand stems are now taking 100. 000 cipal products ol export in the country The innings of the day was that of stems due to the very small stems pre are banana and coffee one will readily Snuffie Browne who hit the bowiers aspirations are to enhance the material prosperity and the Social sented for marketing, see how very necessary it is for the to all parts of the field, and collected and spiritual well being and contentment of the inhabitants of the The prospects therefore for our Bahalf representatives of the people to do all 55 runs in an hour.
Province as well as of the Republic.
nanas, are not very reassuring. what in their power in a dignified manner Oscar Wight and Jones are the not is that with the suspension of the New to encourage the exploitation of her out batsmen. The former played excellent cricket for his sixtyone.
With this aim in view we invite the co operation of all Mi Orleans, Boston and San Francisco, principal items of export on which the nisters of Religion, Teachers and leaders of all Organizations The Barbados bowl! ng was steady Fruit boats, also comes the suspension prosperity of the country depends.
Hoad and Greaves doing very good Comercial or benevolent to give expression of their aims and work. Sealy, who was removed from intentions for the betterment of their constituents and those behind the wickets on Tuesday afternoon in favour of Tarilton, was the under their guidance, thus helping to make this Journal which the best fieldsman. Bartlett, Byer and Kidney also deserve mention.
Administration wishes to be looked upon by every Resident in Allan Browne strained a ligament in the Province as Our Journal something to be proud of.
the right leg on Tuesday and ward has acted as substitute since then.
It will be interesting to growers of Cacao to know that, due to the news bibu.
that the African Cacao Crop of last year Roads, Bridges Tramway Contractor was depreciated on account of desea se in the Cacao Plantations of that TENEDOR DE LIBROS It is very much to the interest of All Tarmers, and owners of Properties Continent. The Colombian government needing Roads, Bridges and Tramways to Consult Contractor NATION passed a decree that only Toasted De conformidad con las exigencias de la Ley Comercial, le convendría before lettin out work to inexperienced men in the line. 35 years experience Cacao should be allowed importation tener sus libros en buena condición de contabilidad.
inside ouside of the Country. An expert in Sausage Groins, wires bent and in that country, Representation was Abriré y conservare sus libros de cuentas según los más modernos sisteplaited to diameter of mesh required, no tying or bonding with smaller wire made by the Exporters of Costa Rican Cacao on the Atlantic Coast, thro the mas de Contabilidad de los Colegios Europeos y Americanos.
Apartado 123 NATION Cartago, CR.
Minister of Fomento, proving that there DEMERCADO is no desease in Costa Rica, with the Puerto Limón Contratista en Carrocerías, Puentes y Tranvías result that the government of that great South American Republic has suspenACCOUNTANCY Tengo 35 años de experiencia en Obras Públicas dentro y fuera del pais.
ded the effects of that Decree on our Acepto proposiciones de Contratos y doy especificaciones y precios para LiciCacao going in thro the Ports of CarIn accordance with the Commercial Laws of all Countries it is necessary taciones en todo clase de trabajos.
thagena, Puerto Golumbia, or to keep your books in proper condition of Bookeeping. will open your Experto en plegar o trenzar alambre de Sausage Groins para desviar la Marta. This should have the effect accounts and keep them in a correct form as per modern bookeeping in corriente de los rios donde sea necesario.
of getting better prices for our cacao, European American Colleges, so you may sec at a glance whether you are as for some time now our Exporters making or losing money, Apartado 123 NATION could really at times not find a proffiCartago, CR. DEMERCADO table Market for this product; as the South and Central American Markets May the Best priestra Casas WPUPURUTU MUUMINIUM POPIM Notes on Cacao SUSCRIBE Santa Port Limon de Bibliotecas del


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