
Juan Victory 20 Costa 50 pm two cents San Jose San Jose 35 pm 00 am Leaves San Arrives Kriss Cross Visit of McDonald Juan Victory Communists.
Morrocan News News from Paris states that the French troops in Fafilalet were ambushed and severely routed by the Moors.
With a view of giving necessary informa rres Train will only be run on Tues Out of seventy five mounted men aided by 20 meni of a Friendly Tribe the tion to Travellers we attach below the days ond Snturdays.
These changes take effect on ist the Makhazens, only seven escaped unhurt Itinerary of our Railways.
November fifty falling dead, the attackers 150 in number escaped in the atlas Mountains.
The Pacific Ry.
Governmental office hours are Leaves San Jose 00 am From am to 11 a.
Nicaraguan News Arrives Puntarenas 35 From pm to D. plot was discovered to assisinate Leaves Puntarenas 30 am President Moncada, in consequence of Arrives San Jose. 40 pm Use of Stamp Papers in Courts which eight prominent Nicaraguans Distance: 72 miles. Rate of Passage lit. ellass 7. 50. 2nd. callss 5. 30 In Lawsuits have been deported, these exiles were up to 250. 00 paper of 25 There is also a mixed Passanger a Carnot received neither in San Salvador up to 50 500. 00 paper of Guatemala nor the United States due go Train leaving San Jose daily at. 30 am up to 1000. 00 paper of e 100 to the fact that their papers were not 50 Arrive up to 5000, 00 paper of Puntarenas at.
Agent Sporting Dept.
properly made out. it is however exAnd leaving Puntarenas at 45 am above 5000. 00 paper of 00 pected they will he admitted For Pagarees up to. 500. 00 value Rica, on the return of the Boat from Arriving San José at. 05 pm The Northern Ry a Pagare Form fo 25 San Francisco. These are of President Leaves Limon.
up to Moncada own Party, Conservatives, 1000. 00 value, a Pagare Form 40 ilm of 50 Arrives San Jose al. 00 pm Leaves San Jose 35 am exceeding 1000. 00 value, a Pagare Our Aviator Prince Form of 00 Arrives Limon Distance: 103 miles.
The legal stamps (timbre) not Postal The Prince of Wales has obtained his Train called the Local: stamps on all Pagares or Promisary no.
Leaves Limon Do not Throw away Money 00 am tes and all Contracts are at the rate of License as an Aviator. In his training for Aviation aud public business flights.
Arrives each ten colones or fracper tional part of ten.
The Prince always went in a Royal on Smokes that do not satisfy Any official letter petition or docuLimon. 00 but now he has air Force machine, but As the management of our Bronela nf trade is while to please the Sunday Excursion Train: ment to the Governor of the Province bought his own for his private trips, a most fastidion smoker, especially now owing to the fact that we have just enlarged our work room on the experiencie of our many years of Leaves Limon for Guapiles al 45 a much be written on a Stamp Paper two seated Havilaud Gypsy Moth costing of fifty cents.
application to this line, we can offer tobacco in leaf and cut form in many Retnrning to Limon al. 45 varieties, qualities and prices 85 to 90 miles an hour. In both seats The new Tarrif on Telegrams will be Ist. class fare Limon to Jose 68. 35 41 are Compasses, oil gasoline gauges, Especialities in cut Tobacco granulated and suitable 2nc class 66. 30 Official hour am to 10 p, For altimeters and air speed indications, so 31 The 15 Train from San Jose to Ala the first 10 words 50 cents and for for Cigarettes to the taste of every smoker. Cuban or Ame.
he can take over from his Pilot in the rican style rope tobacco also for plpes.
juela back has been suspended, sach words thereafter 15 cents. After air. The interior is upholstered with As will as the wednesday Train to p. there is a tax of one colon, scarlet leather has compartments for Pxclusive Agency for PALMARENO CIGARETTES La Estrella also the Guapiles, to Siqui in any Foreign language double tarrif. his Baggage.
Depot for Cigars of all sizes, torms and prices.
The most well known brand of cigarettes kept in stock 31 Plants of the best kinds of Tobacco from Palmares and Turrialba The world Our products gained the Silver Medal in the last National Exhias we see it bition, wud were bonorably mentioned and awarded Gold Medal in the Exhibitions of Limon and Heredis respectively.
Pass by THE PALMARENO TOBACCO PLANT Doctor Julius Curtins has been na 31 Nort exit caruer of the San José market Or by the Anexes med as Minister of Foreign Affairs of Getmany to succeed Doctor Streesenian, Administered by VICTOR MANUEL HIDALGO To sharpen Gillette Blades or any whose death is a serions blow to Ger.
Our products sold by all shops many. He being considered the brightest star in President Hindenberg make Razor Blades buy a Kriss Cross Administration.
sharpener from The Limon Trading Communism Company in France The Police of France have been very active in rounding up Communist Premier McDonald of England has He has made a friendly treaty with activities there. In their drastic investipaid his Official visit to the United the Soviet government. He nearly broke Agent for Articles of Sport gations in this direction. They have States of America. This is the first time friendship with France so as to get in arrested no less than six prominent in History that a sittiug Prime Minis good touch with Germany and now among then being seve ral Deputies to Congress of which we find him the Ruling spirit in Ameter of England has Officially visited the of the United States. This rica proposition of Disarmament Dep. André Marty appears as Cumicement the closer feelings of munist Leader. These are under accusaamong the Ruling Powers and so tion of conspiring against the Internal and to decide on the line of agreement sident Hoover the lines on which the the two dominant Nations of the carti. Ruling that he has arranged with Preas well as the External safety of the to be followed by the two Powers at Conference will work, and has got them French Republic.
the Disarmament Conference to be held all to agree that London shall be the in January at London, by the During the past month ronto before the Federation of Labour, or two re no impartial mind can blame Mr. The Voting Power wers Japan is the last to give her sancmuch agitation has arisen over certain Garvey for feeling hurt in the adjudition to the Terms of the Conferencef he implored the Canadian Federation of remarks and incidents arising from the cation of British justice to the Organiof Costa Rica so we can count on a solid Basis of labour to cooperate with the American transactions of the in JaPeace parleys between France, Italy Ja Body and work together for Universal maica and as a consequence Mr. Gar considerate manner by His Honour the According to the latest List of yoters pan, America England. Mr. McDo Peace, from the fact he says that war in nald on his way home visited Canada; vey has been condemned in three months chief justice; as one is led to think that exhibited in public places on 25th inst.
the future would be more horriblet imprisoment as a first class misdemea. taking into consideration all the There are 110. 651 voters in the so its evident his Labor government is han Past wars. Labour Organizations of nant and 500 fine for using expres connected with this claim Countey, and at next Election of De bringing good understanding all ar. the world ought to unite in warfare sions considered to be contemptuous ministration of the New York puties to be held there are needed ound. instead of the Contrary as was against wars.
to the dignity of his Majestys High the of Mr. confidence for the different Provinces the fallo prophesied by the oppositionists.
Garveys by his officers of which Markes was wing Deputies to be elected: In the first instance one can har one of the highest. The acknowledged San José, Deputies dly blame Mr. Garvey for feeling that probity of Mr. Garvey in all this misa, Alajuela, he and the Universal Negro Improve ppropriation leading up to the financial Cartago, wreck of the New York office, the pos Heredia, the Chief Justice in his sentence in the Guanacaste, Markes case, because it does certainly Cour of prejudice in the New York Jamaican Negro, yes seem arbitrary to order the sale of the Puntarenas, we reiterate that is led to believe Limón, property of the Jamaica Branch of the that in the considerations of an English Society to satisfy the cliam justly or unCourt. taking into king into consideration all New The Best paints or Varnishes York while he was incarcerated in the the points were should this case, a stay Revolutionary of execution if of the United States. These Plot in Cuba be, would be granted to the Jamaica are manufactured by adherents in Jamaica to the cause of an Branch its members if not to Garvey African Redemption were working out himself thus we feel that one of an imtheir own salvation, and accumutating pulsive feeling, might have been led to have exposed revolutionary documents Rigid investigations by the Police their own Funds to aid in the project say similar things as was said by Mr. in hands of several prominent men in of a return to Africa of those Negroes Cuba, several Ex Senators as well as who may so desire and to order the veiwing the case all through we members of the Machados Cabinet are sale of their property to satisfy the are also of the opinion that the judges implicated, four arrests have been ma.
claim of Mr. Markes due to the malad themselves were not so sure of their ministration and misappropriation in the de.
case, hence their reasons for calling New York Branch in which Markes for an Apology to lynch their case, himself was an Officer and therefore which Apology is a sad incident in Agents conjointly responsible can hardly be the case, for possibly Apology or no shed, the Apology only made it more considered void of impartiality, therefo Apology he would have been puni humiliating aud offered the door to be ridiculed as he was done. and closed the door for any further argument. because to say room for argument there was, in the first instance there are those who are feeling that since the For the purest and best incident out of certain conclusions of the Jamaica Bench a case was to be proffered Garvey it it should have been tried by impartial judges, becanse ne one can the CARTAGO stigma was cast could possibly be impartial, therefore there are who feel that a a judge or Cartago as a Health Resort equals anywhere in the buy from judges might have brought from Trinidad or Barbadoes to adjudicate on Known World and when going there advise by Tethe case. We have seen instance of this nature, and this course would halegram the Manager of Hotel Frances Cartago; the ve given rise to higher conceptions of best of Associates are there, the most comfortable the Probity of British jnstice, and all concerned would feel more satisfied, Rooms and cuisine especial from Panama, and fancy However there is one thing certain San José, Costa Rica that the Authorities must feel sure of all this for only e 7, 00 per day.
that there are hundreds of thonsands of his Majestys subjects that are dissaifged derego Ludgeaittema Nacional de Bibliotecas President visit is to MARCUS GARVEY CONDEMNED PO.
the points The malad PINTURAS against the one is Prison Garvey.
BERRY BROTHERS Gonzalo Esquivel arose Hotel Frances Cacao Cafe against whom those of been CARLOS LUIS ODIO


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