
THE LIMON SEARCHLIGHT PAGES Saturday 26. 1929 Error financiero 1 Union Motors FORDS cado.
Buick Cars Adrian Collado The Costa Rica Life Assurance Society Prospectos de Azúcar año 1930 azúcar Hear Month SALO quia, de 1487 11 149 Fiestas in Limón The cheapest most reliable No vamos a darle ninguna lección de finanzas a don Alfredo González Flores, pero sí creemos SAN JOSE que de esta vez se ha equivoare the best, cheapest and most Como todos sabemos, es ley Sole Agents for de la República la construcción economical in fuel de una planta convertidora de luz eléctrica con el sobrante de la electricidad de la planta de Ta.
cares que dará fuerza al Ferrocarril al Pacífico; la Junta Nacional de Electricidad, de la que es The best made Presidente don Alfredo, lanza Agent in Costa Rica una emisión interior de acciones para conseguir el capital necesario para tal empresa, y allí está cabalmente el error. El pais, en los actuales momentos, no está en condición monetaria muy boyante, y conseguir dinero dentro San Jose, Costa Rica del mismo, seria restar a la cirIt behoves every person man or wo the advantages that will come to your culación los pocos haberes con man who has a loved relative or friend, friend or family by joining This Society, Hay noticias del Extranjero que el tada la tierra por bananos están semque se cuenta para la atención whom he or she would like to be bene which is not a Commercial Society but precio del azúcar subirá en el año brando caña para cuatro o cinco cose de las industrias y comercio na fitted at their death to Join this Society a Society for Mutual help Support in 1930. El Boletin que está preparando chas, después eso, está usado como It is so easy to join only C5 00 entrance cionales, pues indudablemente el times of Sickness or death, protected by para la presentación a la Liga de Naciones potreros por dos o tres años enFee aud the monthly fee in case of the Law that no creditor can embargo the por Willet Gray en Farrs Manual tonces la tierra esta lista otra vez para capital recogido por la dicha emideath of a member. You can be a mem amt left to your friend when you die, of Sugar Companias. Titulada La Con bananos por otras tres o cuatro cose sión de acciones, tendrá que sa ber of 25 C, 50 C, 00, 00, 00, 00 and controlled by gentlemen of the higsunción de Azucar del Mundo para el chas y así están ocupado las tierras lir del pais por concepto de ma or 00. In case of the death of a mem. hest reputation in the country having constantemente, con la ayuda de los quinaria y otros.
ber you pay whatever that member been inexistence now over 30 years is Esta nota de alarma está basada por Bancos Agrícolas; pero con nosotros cuota was not exceeding your cuota. Por qué no financiar la consby publishing for your thought, the las estadísticas sustraida de los inforcuando muere bananos, estamos muertos That is it C5 00 member dies, aud following list of the Policies that have mes de la producción en todos los trucción de la planta con capital también. Durante la Guerra Muudial, el you are a 50 member you only pay been Liquidated in the year 1928, grades países azucareros y está con señor V. Lindo mandó unos carga extranjero y después ir amorti 50 and so on Thus it suits the thincluido que la consunción será más de mentos de azúcar a Inglaterra, sin inte zando su valor con lo mismo king man woman particularly of the Presidente, don Ricardo Fournier la producción en 1930 por 070. 000rrupción de la cantidad necesaria para poorer class to join this Sociely. It gives Tesorero, don Alberto Aragón toneladas. El consumo de ha nuestra consunción. No sería posible que produzca?
Nadie niega lo que esta obra you the Assurance that in your sickness Secretario, don Adán Peralta ido aumentando en los últimos cinco para otros embarques de este producto your friend will take care of you because significa para la Nación, ni las if you die he or she will be recompensed San José, Aparlado 1318 años a razón de por ciento mien ahora que hay crisis en el articulo?
tras la producción ha caido considera Los financieros, estadísticos y hom altas dotes de patriotismo de los tor their trouble with you.
Any information given by. The Ediblemente; en Cuba solamente la produc bres gubernativos deben de pensar miembros de la Junta Nacional The best way of convincing you of tor of this paper.
ci sera de 650. 000 Toneladas menos nuevos modos de aumentar las expor de Electricidad, pero nos parece que el año anterior, por causas de se taciones del país, en vez de renir consWas a member el abandono de muchas areas No ot que la parte financiera de este Amt recalved y tantemente, como está construido un MEMBER DEAD Cuota Pald In lite Polley Si proyecto, será de malas conseby faolly por empobrecimiento del terreno. Con puente o un pedazo de carretera.
todos estos informes, la cuestión entre sus pensamientos fueran dirigidos en cuencias económicas para el país nosotros es ¿Qué está haciendo Costa favor de la más intensa agricultura en los actuales momentos.
medio Rica? Tenemos magníficos terrenos para 701. 00 1803. 75 794 00 22 26 por 607 Carlos Urbina Céspedes.
de la rotación Cosechas, no existría tanta miseria en 783 608 Fulgencio Villalobos 1. 00 15 22 438. 00 el cultivo de caña ¿Por qué no pode1335. 20 609 Patricio Ledezma Ledezma. 321 00 22 26 545. 50 1266. 65 mos sembrar caña en los bananales tre los obreros sin trabajo que vimos 610 Basilio Paniagua Sandoval.
1, 00 31 105 10 393. 00 en la demostración en el Parque Cenabandonados? En otros países hay la 1407. 30 611 Alberto Chavarria Mora. 00 19 0 509. 00 1266. 00 rotación de cosechas, cuando está ago tral el lunes pasado.
612 Eloy Truque García.
31 00 31 18 791. 50 1806. 50 613 Buenaventura Hidalgo 22 00 31 19 979. 50 2009. 00 614 Manuel Montealegre Mora 132 00 31 29 793. 50 1807. 50 615 Albino Villalobos Bárquero 398 50 25. 26 291. 00 770. 60 610 Emilio Alpizar Alvarado.
1230 50 20 24 259. 00 770. 60 The town of Limon and the Provin617 Domingo Aymerich 256 00 27 0 775. 00 1604. 45 ce in general will long remember the 618 Enrique Rawson Quirós 1641 50 17 21 241. 50 762. 55 civic Fiestas of 1929. It is agreed to be 619 Amanda de Sagot 1034 00 21 17 521. 50 1396. 85 the best of its kind in its existence by 620 josé Artavia 224 00 27 11 18 566. 50 1396. 85 As a Commission man it is those of us who have lived it for 621 Julián Quirós Saborio 467 50 26 28 296. 00 690. 50 30 years over.
The gathering 622 Minela de Soto.
216 50 20 28 767. 25 hard to lick Wilson, a parwas unheard of, and as orderly as it 623 Fernando Murillo Rodríguez 1777 00 15 21 1615. 25 was impressive, there was hardly a 624 Samuel Valverde Madrigal 00 21 5 714. 50 1795. 50 friend one had not seen for ten years 625 Rafael Calvo, ap 619 00 23 5 552. 50 1267. 65 that was not met. The illumination and 626 Manuel Arrieta.
2951 00 13 11. 00 985. 05 Fireworks was simply grand.
627. Tranquilino Brrquero 1316 00 20 10 704. 50 1618. 90 the line whatever your wants The Carnaval was beautifully got up, 628 Francisco de Mendiola 2550 00 1 11 only there seemed to lack that Ponp 629 Nazario Castro Abarca 601 00 24 27 765. 00 glory that should be, due to a sort of 630 Anita de Lizano 431 00 25 27 562. 00 may be give him a Trial be Jealousy on the part of the Aristocrats 631 Federico Tristan 681 00 24 7 762. 50 1809. 35 for the Obreros. The Horse Racing 632 Josefa Arguedas de Cruz.
2496 50 10 96. 00 734. 20 Convinced.
was not as interesting as it might have 633 Rafaela de Umaña.
1525 00 16 19 622. 50 1809. 35 been due to lack of proper organiza 634 Teodoro Picado Marín 1798 00 15 27 432. 50 1417. 50 tion and definite decision in time.
635 Lorenzo Chaves Cárdenas 1146 00 21 07 527. 00 1416. 50 The Bullfighting was not on the 636 Josefa de Vindas, 1947 00 20 7 Scientific basis of olden time due pro 637 Carlos Peralta 423 1, 00 25 226 567. 50 bably to lack of Funds, but at times 638 Enrique Montiel Lacayo.
932 00 22 15 912. 50 2026. 10 was very amusing from the dare devil 639 Graciela de Carballo 2596 50 10 19 17. 00 543. 10 style in which some of our Young 640 Antonio Peña Velazco 1122 50 16 0 775. 85 Blood, novices in the art Attacked the 641 Juan Porras Rivera. 50 20 26 283. 50 775. 85 Bulls. The Retretas were all that could 642 Cral. Luis Mena 1517 00 19 Costa Rica is always glad to welco drying plant would still be the only 24 707. 00 1797. 90 be desired and the Young sports of me toher shores Mr. Cecil Vernor Lin one of its kind, if the Co. had 643 Manuel Ortuño Bonilla 217 00 28 18 585, 50 1406. 25 do, who has given us one of his pe not come in. His Florida Ice, Aerated both sexes turned out in their gayest 644 Esmeralda Murillo de Meza 1013 50 21 10 25 291. 00 767. 10 riodical visits of inspection of his ma Waters Farm Coy has been the costumes did brighten the Sports, in spite of the dullness of times ny Industries here. Mr. Lindo is one the Salvation of the Province of Limon 38 Defunciones liquidadas C18, 969. 50 C50, 79 65 of those great thinkers to wlion this when our Water supply was at times scarcity of money, All praise must be given to the country owes much. Next to Mr. Mi nothing but mud, Siquirres and its nor Keith, it can well be said that he adjacent Districts would still be in Authorities; particularly the Governor Es realmente una lástima que los mé cación deben imponerse la alta obliga Commandante, along with the comhas done more to improve the Agricultu darkness had it not been for this ge.
ritos de esta Sociedad no estén tomados ción de aconsejar a todas sus congreral Status of the country than any other nius in Comercial Industrial operamitfee in charge of the Festivals. We eu cuenta por las familias Ticas; consi ciones, alumnos y padres de familia lo Individual. His energies in the Banana tions. Infact it has been said that had are sorry to learn that there is a deficit derando los beneficios derivados para necesario que es vivir en este mundo of over 2. 000. on account of which he arrived in the Country Ten years las familias dolientes. Es una necesi con la idea de que han hecho todo lo Industry are well acknowledged, by which it is known that our output in before he did, every tree in the Forests they are thinking to Organize a Race dad que las cabezas de todas las fami bueno posible, pues no es caridad solathat article touched the 11. 000. 000 Mark, would be Marked we are meet on proper Lines and various lias sean miembros de esta Sociedad. Los mente dar 25 céntimos al mendigo en and it is safe to say, that if Lindo Bros. sorry to learn he is retiring from active Sports to make good this deficit. They hijos serían socios con la idea de pro la calle, que caridad es también velar were still interested in the Banana bu life has come to hand over to Mr. certainly deserve the hearty support of teger a sus padres, en caso de ser sorpor el porvenir de la madre, la hermasiness, our exportation would never Stanley and reside in Europe, however everyone interested in Limon we shall prendidos por el último estado de la hu na o la esposa, procurando estrechar work to that end.
have dropped to 000. 000 as it is now. Costa Rica must always wish him long manidad. Piense Vd. en la satisfacción de entre una y otra los vinculos de familia, His coffee sugar Estates are second Life. As his advices may yet be got fatigable worker in Congress Dr. Don We see with pleasure that our indi un padre o de un hijo en sus últimos procurando estrechar la caridad a ellas.
to none in the Country. His Cacao momentos al tener el pensamiento de Aquí está la lista de pólizas liquidadas Virgilio Chavarria is doing all he can que se va, pero que la madre o la que por la Sociedad en el año 1928.
to get Don Cleto to fin! sh the Road rida esposa no quedan a la merced de la Hagase Ud. socio hoy mismo y a su to Moin and to help to build a Bathing caridad de este cruel mundo.
muerte su familia no verá la miseria Hall at the sea wall in front Los sacerdotes, los maestros de eduof Vargas Park this will certainly It is the Nature of all men to attract Tourists from the Interior as well as Exterior and thus scatter a few extra dollars in Limon, We are sure Tourists arriving on the boats will To have the best music in your Spend some of their time there instead Boston, Aug, 12. Mary Rey eye detected that Mary, the would of giving it all to Pejivalle Now as we nolds of Holyoke Street, one of be groom, though arrayed in see them going since fhere is no Ho those masculine females, was so ultra mannish knickers, Band strehomes get a VICTOR MACHINE tel in San Jose, surely good Seabathing, imbued with the idea that she et loose fitting coat, double brefine music and nice belt drives to was a member of the opposite asted checkered race track vest, Moin back would interest thsm more from than Pejivalle in Turrialba.
sex in good and regular standing. Arrow collar and polka dot fourOur watersupply however needs she and her paramour, a young in hand tie was nevertheless a much thought, in spite of the fuss white woman, applied to the li woman.
Picnics of The Junta Saneamento cense bureau jor a marriage cer The two were arrested. In Muntakin Don Cleto there to see the fine tificate last Friday morning works, Yet we have no water, will our icipal Court the following morTecniques on the Board guarantee that Attracted by the fact that one ning, Mary was given sixty day the new Tank will solve the problem of of the couple was coloured and suspended sentence on the charour water supply; let us hope so we the other white, the clerk scru ge of impersonating a man. Mwill seejón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del diised them y Senteloselyihis keen 274. 00 567. 00 1025 tado 65 Cartago over 20 years in 155, 00 1334. 50 1794. 30 1404. 75 621. 00 1417. 50 1417. 50 PERSONAL 237. 00 1282 Daucing rather amusing woman seek the best in everything.
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