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EDITOR MANAGER MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION 00 SINGLE Copy 25 NATION ITHE LIMON SEARCHLIGHT APARTADO 123. CARTAGO PUBLISHED SATURDAYS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY JANUARY. 1930 16 Manifiesto del Dr. don Miguel Velásquez Candidato Propietario del Partido Pro Limón, para la próxima legislatura New Year Thought que hubo política, tivo en cada uno interés personal de cada Limon Div.
picture LIMONENSES: entre los dos candidatos al bor y la acuerpen con alma vida y Hace proximamente dos meses, un gunas diferencias sobre la representación corazón.
grupo de amigos políticos, invitó a en la Cámara, y no habiendo éstos po No hago promesas, pero si el triunfo dido llegar a un avenimiento amistoso, nos da su cara, no iré yo don Carlos Manuel Fernández Prestinani irá mi ry, elemento restigiado de nuestra joven con la separación de don Carlos Ma suplente a calentar el mullido sillón con y culta sociedad, y este a su vez tuvo nuel Fernández del partido, de hecho fina levita, sino que iremos allí, a la la gentileza de invitarme a mí, a una quedó deshecho el grupo, y los que al manera de los exploradores del Polo As requested by «The Limon Searchlight reunión la cual tuvo su verificaprincipio tal como yo lo acuerparon, Norte, revestidos con el simbólico traje la oficina del caballero quedaron en libertad de acción para de Kaki, dispuestos a trabajar por el Eladio Calvo Fernández miembro de buscar asilo en otras filas donde sólo engrandecimiento de la provincia.
New Year, New Hopes, New Expectations se viera el bien para Limón, y no el Sin tinguido de la colonia alajuelense de resquemores políticos, sin ultrajar los este puerto, reunión que alii supe era principios de la moral administrativa Our accumulated and cherished ho venting the system of merging large inFue entonces cuando don Carlos Maprovocada por él, porque según tengo de la actual administración, en mí tennuel Fernández Prestinary en compañía pes of 1929, unrealized. Our promises, terests, and thereby create immense and drán todos los vecinos de Limón, sin, ententido se quería trabajar su candida.
de un grupo considerable de buenos excepción de razas ni de color, en todo many unacomplished, partly from the substantial profits and industry.
lack of efforts or determination in our But it was also neccessary that the En esa Asamblea formada por más de limonenses, llegaron hasta mi despacho momento, no al diputado Velásquez, a ofrecerme la Candidatura de diputado sino al Dr. Velasquez, que así como a own selves, partly for the indifference Gods of Creation, so as to keep pace quince personas de diferentes matices propietario e indicarme políticos de la pasada campaña presila suplencia de hecho todo bien a la humanidad con of those to whose economic agrandi with these continued developments, don Carlos Manuel Fernández, y should take advantage of the resources zement we contributed with an expecuna dencial, surgió la idea de formar una su profesión, lo hará también con su vez que entre aquel grupo y yo camiat their command, making inventions patriotismo puesto a prueba.
tancy of even meager recognition, once agrupación que se llamara LA DEFENSA more undeceiving ourselves in the ho without limit, and shortening the disLIMONENSE, con la mira de trabajar biamos impresiones sobre el momento Limón, 15 de Dic. de 1929. pes of fair compensation, a square deal. tances between his fellow man. Voyapolítico que se avecina, resolvieron forempeñosamente en la defensa de los intereses de la Provincia. En esa misma mar el Partido Pro Limón, y lanzar mi But be the canse what e er it may, ging through the air has practically candidatura para diputado propietario, Dr. Miguel Velásquez those of us who have survived the reached its perfection, while on the reunión de caballeros, quedó constituida y la de don Carlos Manuel Fernández seas Eloating palaces rival the comforts una Directiva Provisional y por defeCarlos Manuel Fernández tempest of personal and collective agrandizement must be satisfied with the and conveniences of cities, traverse the Prestinary como candidato suplente. Fue rencia de los asistentes, fui designado una benevolencia y una manifestación unlimited amount of gain that we oceans. Speaking between London and como Presidente Efectivo de ella, al have acquired in experiences. What is New York has passed its experimental expontánea de afecto.
igual que don Carlos Manuel Fernández left to be done is for us to gather to stage. The motion picture is fast becolo fué.
La noticia voló al público con la gether those threads of experiences so ming a thing of the past. when we En otra reunión que tuvo lugar en velocidad del rayo, y momentos desprofusedly scattered in the past year of realize that the tentative Vitaphone Meel galerón de madera de los señores pués; fui felicitado por elementos de 1929, and carefully knit them together, lodrama, which at times produced the Calvo Fernández y en la cual presidí todas clases sociales y políticas, felicitaTo the Editor of The Searchlight so as to help to shapen the means of sounds after the action of the la Asamblea como Presidente, por mis ción que por ser nacida de la sinceriSir our existence that must continue each or viceversa, is replaced by a perfect muchas y múltiples ocupaciones con dad, la acepté, como acepté también la must thank you for the way you year to be more strongly contested. It sychronized production of a machine nominación que se me hacía de candique me embarga mi profesión decline el honor de la presidencia, no sin antes dato a la diputación. Yo les are spurring up some of our principal is for us to take advantage of these whereby sounds are photographed and agradezco officers.
very experiences as a guidance to our reproduced from the same film of the manifestar, que siempre siguiría, ya no a mis amigos ese acto de benevolencia, y por ello estoy más que obligado 1st. There was never any officer by individual conduct; establishing at the picture with such accuracy that the encomo jefe, sino como un simple solthe name of Cornwall in charge of the same time a view point to be reached thusiasts for flesh and blood actor are dado de las filas. Por unanimidad de manifestarles, como se los manifiesto, Siquirres Commissary of the Co.
in spite of apparent objections. ceding their peculiarity to the mechavotos, no se aceptó la renuncia que yo llegar a la Cámara, si Dios me da alque si la victoria nos sonríe y puedo So how could he wreck it what know Suppose for a moment we give a nical ingeuuity of man. Still the invenhice irrevocable y se me exito o seguir is that he is wrecking the Limon Divi retrospective glance of the world hap titive restlessness of man continues, and adelante, y seguí. En esa misma Asamgún par de años de vida, demostraré a blea, después que se oyeron varios palos limonenses mi acendrado amor por back again we wont have a Division sion, if Madame de Mena dont come penings during the past year and make the rythmic undulations of the earth a summary whether we have a profita substance, electricity, has been so curbed esta faja de suelo patrio, digna de me receres y opiniones con respecto a la left, for members wont work while ble balance or not in our book of ex that we are asked to expect in the near nominacion de los candidatos para Dijor atención de los gobiernos, no cothey have this Czar, bossing even the periences.
future an additional semblance to the mentidos ofrecimientos, sino con hechos President himself.
In putados Propietarios Suplentes, y doing so we find the Religious real, when the completion is acquired se acordó lanzar los nombres de don Elareales y verdaderos, It is true that our delegate has. not bodies no longer satisfied to remain not alone of thickness and depth but dio Calvo Fernández para propietario, En los problemas que afectan la also of colors on the screen.
given us any report of what happened umpolitically recognized, and we see y de don Carlos Manuel Fernández marcha progresiva de la Provincia mis in Convention, but as it was we the them conspicuously active in the acqui The television and the wireless PhoPrestinary para suplente, elección que comitentes tendrán no la simple repre. members who fit him oul, and send sition of their share of world power tography is undergoing such an era fue aprobada por los allí reuninos. Esa sentación del diputado, sino la que him there, we must be satisfied with domination. We find even preachers of perfection that there in strong opCandidatura sería según se dijo allí, ejerce un padre amoroso de sus hijos, whatever we get. But what would like declaiming the establishment of the timism of a possible moving and talking la que representaría al Partido LA DE que vela por su bienestar.
to know is why he did not obey the laws of evolution in preference to the picture staged from the Broadcasting FENSA LIMONENSE en la próxima Conciudadanos; os prometo que no order of The Parent Body to celebrate cuntiuuation of acceptance of Biblical station to the screen of the Theatre legislatura, y en defensa de los inte saldrá de mi pensamiento un proyecto, the day Mr. Garvey came out the jail. teachings that for centuries have guided Hall. Only in October past was celereses públicos de la Provincia.
un ideal en bien de Limón, que no We the members were looking for a the morals of mankind. And it has brated the 50th anniversary of the Hasta ahora no me he podido expli sea conocido previamente por la comu good meeting, with plenty of speeches become matter of course that Minis perfection of the incandescent lamp, car, si fue por antagonismo político, por nidad por medio de la Prensa Nacional, and a Thanksgiving Service but instead ters of the Gospel preaching the humi which remains one of the many proofs exceso de patriotismo o por egoísmo, para que todos se empapen de mi la the President did not come out until lity of Christ, Yet eager at luxury and that the power of electricity that for when the little meeting kept by Mr.
riches and contributing to the establish merly was considered in the hands of Cunning dismiss, and turn it over to ment of man laws of discrimination. the Divine is now shapened by man the St. Kitts people to have a perforBut we are confused when we read for his own conveniences. Yet the sage mance and dance, and nothing said of of statements given out from a city like of Menlo Park who is the inventor of Mr. Garvey again while the Secretary New York, where it is said that the this great human convenience says that Vice President came out in Uniform Rev Patrick Power, after having the development of electricity by man fancy the President who we sent to died for many years, has again taken is still in its infancy.
Convention was in his ordinary clothes; his place in the activities of the city, These small outlinings of the great ammaking cures incapacitated by living ount of possibilities within the reach of Mr. Juan Rafael Arias, our Mi than under a percentage basis this does not show any respect or intenister of Finance; who went to as formerly.
physicians, and although his person is man should stimulate us with enough some of our leaders are only there blished, consequently arresting and con invisible the fact of his activity is estathe United States to obtain a determinatiou and self confidence that Our public works are in a in the New Year we too shall take loan of one million dollars, to most anxious crisis. The funds is the only President that does not get fusing the non beleivers of a spirit world advantage of the inmense resources that assist in carrying on the impro of the Carreteras or Public Roads anything from the movement. On the other hand we find politicians. nature lays at our command.
vement of our Public Roads were depleted but with this loan would also like to ask, what about with a view of maintaining their iden THE COUNT OF LITTLE SL. JOHN the school fees of the past, for our tity. and handing their names down to arrived on 26th Dec. He was of don juan Rafael, they will be President is collecting the past fees posterity and responding at the same Limon, Jany. 1st. 1930.
met at Cartago by the Presi able to be proceeded with awhile. while he was paid in full a Monthly time to the tenor of SUPREMACY dent of the Republic, the Minis The funds of the Junta Pa wages. Is he turning in to the Secretary and DOMINANCE of their Goverter of Foreign Affair and that vimentacion is even in a more the amts. Of back school fees collected ments, using PEACE and PEACE of Education, he had an elabo inadequate condition. They owe FOR SALE by him?
TREATIES as a bye word, with which rate reception, all being overjo the Banks especially the Banco Or what he doing with it. We as if to anaesthetize otherentities meanА farm of 15 Hectareas with their feel that the poor parents members of while programme yed at the fact of his obtaining Costa Rica who is calling them The Should have the past continues cacao, bananas, yams etc. and small effectively.
Potrero. Admirable place for a start in this Loan, inspite of the unfa. down severely. They owe for dues. We must miss men like Mr. BerWhile never before inthe history of life.
vourable state of the New York materials in the commercial sec tie Barrett and yourself on the Platform man has the people of the world felt, bourse. The success was the tion, they owe the contractors for these things would not be tolerated, and demonstrated such a repulsiveness Ask The Searchlight.
more pleasing to his many friends Wayss Freitag three months not take his installation altho elected as to enequivocal race for sphere dominance. The blaze not alone of patriowhen it is considered that the for work done, hence all works 2nd. Vice President, because he would tism but of race identity has so deveoppositionists got up a Petition have been stopped. In the mea not stand for improper actions.
loped, and freedom from political subto the President, to dismiss don ntime our greatest expert on pointing questions are asked jugation is so far stretching that if further cause up to then his mission Güell is in the States trying attempt to rise up you are expelled as Juan Rafael, in his absence, be Finances, don Thomas Soley to protect the members. The President changes in ancient and conservative poTo The Editor of Searchlight gination may yet fail to preconcieve Dear Sir.
was not a success. Ofcourse to sell the Bonds which were he did Mr. Delavante. but we thank the possible outcome.
don Cleto, would take no cog issued by the govermentof eight God for raising you up for us so that The business world filled always with In your Paper of the 21st Dec. nizance of it.
millions of colones for the street we can ask through your papers what optimism may well feel satisfied with read an article where a Searchlight was plaThe Loan is obtained, the first reconstruction.
ever we like without being expelled its acomplishments. The past year has ced in some of the dark corners of the amount of 300. 000 will be to Mr. Cecil Lindo has now cofor ever. officers of Limon Div. on brought about the greatest accumulation of interests under limited superhand early in January and the me to the front and in trying Thanking you in Advance Sir account of which they cannot stand the faithful member.
vision, resulting, in the creation, and balance will come at the rate to save the situation, he has light About the Limon delegate who the proximate establishnent of an insti had returned from recent convention. по of 200. 000 monthly; so the promised to loan them a quartution adequately provided for the ma reports have been given to the DiviRoads will be finished. ter million colones with the pronipulationsof such large interests, to be sion up to now which causes a great Mules for Sale The Minister of Public works viso it must not be used for carried under the name of The INTER set back in the Division; If those MemNATIONAL BANK.
bers who had sent the delegate to. don Arturo Volio, is arranging paying debts or anything else Farmers, Cartowners others who It is not our intention to go into Convention, were really interested in with the Contractors, The Sim but for continuing the Paving may need good mules should apply to details but we can scarce afford to the They would demand mons Construction Corporation, of the streets so he has cerMr. Strachan at Peralta vvho vvill leave off this section without referring a full report from the Delegate first and the Latin American Cons. tainly come to the rescue, in be able to sell them first class pack to the masterminds of the great Mer before reelecting him in Office as Presitruction Co. to construct the preventing a complete cessationacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecagreat reenters of commerteos with their mules at prices to suit the Crisis. cantile and Industrial Princes of the dent of Div. 887. highly congratulate the Searchlight for Such Articles, yours Roads by a fixed contract, rather of operations, STRACHAN Peralta continual innovations, and by their in. truy The, Minority. vole.
Our Minister of Exchequer Light More Light When


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