
THE LIMON SEARCHLIGHT Saturday January PAGE An Apology COOPERATE lo not to us verabove.
EDITORIAL Our friend Mr. Sydney Montagne Executive Secretary of the Madre de Dios Div. of. The writes very angrily in defence of his Division relative to an article which appeared in the columns of our issue of the 21st The year 1929 is gone into the historians locker and 1930 has shortcomings of those less favoured than himself, forget that you ultmo.
He claims that his Division is any.
been ushered in open us with all the uncertainties which the future have been insulted by those who should have induced you to thing but broken up as the Article holds in store. We have each one of us had our disappointments cooperate.
says having got in 18 new members and at times our pleasant surprises in the past year, and we If never before in the history of the world was there the making a total of 40 active members wonder what has the future in store for us during the coming need of cooperation it is today; we find in every line of thought in a small Division with Branches is twelve months; but in our wonderings over those disappoint and activities there is the coming together of groups formulating within two standing indeed. He goes have fallen short of our expectations the causes for such kinds whether for Commercial. Industrial or Militarial purposes vited by his Division, as well as other retrogression might have been ours, for had we endeavoured to be so as to be more fit to combat the aggressions of other groups Divisions which did not respond premore cooperative one with another a greater amount of successes hence it is necessary that a coloured organization aiming at Uni sumably because Mr. Smith would hamight have been achieved.
fication Solidification should be encouraged and assisted by the ve been there, but he did not see the right of attempting to dislike Mr. Smith We are at present passing through a Crisis of depression more capable, the more thoughtful. It is a fact that some men never thought of in Costa Rica, and if we are to go back to its do not like to consider themselves coloured, but the fact remains of the Presidents Conference has any causes we find them to be lack of cooperation between the Govern that they are, and it is no fault of their own, but this should reasons for so doing his Division does feel so ment and the United Fruit Company. The Nation generally begun not prevent him from endeavouring by any means possible to feel that their forefathers had made a mistake in granting such to uplift those below him so as to help them to be above reproach. It is only fair to state that this matter really did not emmanate from the advantages to a Foreign Corporation and to devise means to curtail in these Latin countries there is the tendency among the more such priveleges. The Company feels that after all we it were who ignorant, the unwashed to feel that because one is a Jamaican he Presidents Council. but among a few made this country Known to the Commercial world for after all is inferior to him; the most abject depraved wretch will be igno Mr. Smith having caused the breach whatever there is in this country to boast of has been brought rant enough to feel that he is superior to you because you happen of Harmony in the about by our enlightenment, and so we too can feel that tremen to be a Jamaican, be your intellectual abilities and moral standing advising the untimely withdrawal from dous advantages have been gained by our Advent here, we too in the Community ever so much appreciated by the best blood of the Conferences of the Limon Division shall begin to find means to secure a proper appreciation of all the country. Is it not necessary therefore that we ought to Coo Divisions supposedly loyal to the Coun the benefits that have aceued by our investments and enlighten perate and put away trivial objections to the contrary, and strive cil until the matter be threshed out ing medium of organization, thus instead of each one cooperating to support anything that will tend towards the improvement of with a view of a reunion with the other for their mutual good; destructive agencies are set the Negro Race.
The matter was reported to at work for want of cooperation: and so it is like groups Help to train by your intelligence into the correct line of bally of a threatened division of opi: organizations so like individuals, for lack of Cooperation we se thought our young men and girls, help to organize an Institution nions among the Madre de Dios mem.
consequence of parate ourselves from each other, from our best friends at times wherein every offending boy or girl can be taken off the streets such invite, but it was not embodied who would have been of great help to us in furthering our and reformed. There are about 20. 000 coloured persons in Costa in his writen Report, to be seen in my aims towards success and at the end of the year we find oursel kica and if each one will subscribe a colon a month for twelve office by anyone so desiring, the last ves miserable failures; and from the individual we pass on to the months, we will be able to get a Lolony with an Industrial School six lines of that article was put in by groups or Organizations of coloured people in the Community. where the miscreant boys and girls will be trained and when such the differences of opinions. Reprostated There is nota coloured organization in the Country whether religious cooperation, clannishness solidarity has been exhibited, the goor other wise that does not feel the sting of lack of cooperative verment will be attracted to cooperate with us and subsidize our The words BROKEN UP was eutirely measures. Take our largest Organization that there is in the coun thoughts, for the uplift of the Race humanity. Let us think great our phraseology, and if it appears too try, the Universal Negro Improvement Asociation; an Organiza: things for 1930 cut out all segregations, petty jealousies, and re strong for Mr. Montague we beg to tion which aims at the Improvement Intellectually, Socially, Finan sentful revengings, and rise to a dignified unification, it is only apologize and change it for has diffecially and Morally of all members of the Negro race, but what thus will the nineteen Divisions of the become a not come from the Presidents Council.
happens, you find instead of the success that it should be, there is dignified power in the conntry. We will therefore entreat every We hope this will satisfy Mr. Mona gradual disintegration for want of cooperation. You find leaders coloured man to forget his individuality for 1930 and think and tagne and his membership, as no hurt who may be very capable men, men of integrity but lacking in act collectively, for by so cooperating, before 1931 there would was intended by the Remark but rather the spirit of cooperation, lacking in affability, selfish, who would be but few chinamen in business and very few of other nationa closer Unity.
not go out into the highways and entreat other men of thought lities would remain in trades. Bakeries or Butcheries, Hotels etc.
to assist in the movement of uplift; jealous that some other fellow for by cooperation we would be trading with our Kith Kin WANTED may be more appreciated in his services than he might be, not Let us therefore cooperate.
broad enough in his leadership to conjecture that every man of respectable coloured young executive organizing ability that is induced to cooperate with him man to live in the home with is that much success gained, but rather would by his jeers, sarRender unto Caesar an American gentleman on a What is his casms and insults directly aim to alienate such men from his race; Police Office Vacant Cattle Farm outside of Cartago such are the causes why the best of the blood in the country We beg to call attention of our reawho will make himself generally are not identified with this great movement. Then on the other ders to an advertisement on another News has reached us that there was useful.
hand there are men of the race that are not considerate, are not page re, the Limon Service Bureau in a machete duel at Bananito which re. One who can milk and attend sympathetic, are not mindful of the fact that every waif of his which it apears very much to the inte sulted in the admission to Hospital of rests of litigants and creditiors to secu. Limon of both men. This might have been to cows preferable.
race on the street that incriminates himself by indecent conduct, Board and a fair. wage to re the services of the Bureau; having at averted if the Agent of Police was at tells heavily in the adjudications by public sentiment of the class its head such qualified administration. his post. This Agency we are infor one who will adopt himself to to which he belongs. It therefore behoves every man woman or To have a man entrusted with your med has been Vacant for some months Dairy work and be generally inchild who owns relationship to the Negro race, to begin to business who speaks your language now. Perhaps don Jose Hernandez terested in the Farm.
think kindly and appreciatively of any movement in our midst for with you, so you both can understand Sanchez our Governor might have the uplift of the Race, and thus come forward and overlook any in these law courts.
each other, means a far way to success oversighted this.
Apply THE SEARCHLIGHT We are confidently informed that out of 167 cases before the Law Courts in You would not have seen the best in Siquirres, if you 1929, only one was lost through, ignorant superstition of the owner.
did not visit Fancy 42. 000 collected by the Bureau in 1928, and 13. 000 in 1929.
This tells for itself whether one D. NELSON. THE PEOPLE MARTE working or not.
TAILOR. O. BOX 466. PT. LIMON, for your supply of general merchandise and groceries for The Costa Rican Life Remember when you need, a snappy suit. Call see me. My best advertisment is always a Assurance Society satisfied the home or the Farin.
Customer, my price is within he reach of all. Call Our Ladies fancy goods gents shirts and underwear a By the courtesy of the Directorate of be convinced.
the above named Society specialty receipt of a circular, which invites all members to the yearly general meeting of the Society at one o clock on the Mc. INTOSH. Siquirres 19th inst in the Metalic Building to the north of the Morazan Park.
This meeting is for the purpose of EVERY BODY IS HAVING electing the Board of Directors for 1930, and for giving out the Report of ELECTRICAL OPTICAL OFFICE Transactions for 1929.
And for hearing any propositions by The new Limon Candy of Dr. Elías Blanco the members for the good welfare of the Society Have you tried them Optometrist and Occulist The retiring Directors are, don Ricardo Fournier don Mariano RoSold at all Confectioners.
Telephone 3085. Street Alfredo Volio Apartado 128 dríguez don Guillermo Tristan Patronize Limon efforts at Christmas Kisses in Candies.
Member of The Optical Faculty of don Jose Faja, don Aristides Sanchez New York Dr. don Luciano Beeche Cañas, don SPECIAUST ON INE HUMAN VISION Salvador Villa M, don Ezekiel Muñoz don Salomon Alcazar, don Adan possesses the latest inventions apparatuses for examining Peralta Fiscales: don Alejandro Salazar the eyes, Special assortment of Spectacles with Crystals and don Maximo Chaves The Board of Directors to be voted lens of all kinds to suit your sight. With a special in are.
Department for collocating Artificial eyes.
Lic. don Octavio Moya Saravia.
Dr. don Julio Cesar Ovares Arias. don Alejandro Salazar Ureña, don Elías Rivas Acuña, don Clausen This is to notify the public in general, that in consequence of Jenson, don Miguel Salazar Fernan the misconduct of my wife Adella Grawford nee Morgan, we have dez, don Salvador Camacho Muñoz, don Ezekiel Muñoz Soto. now been separated for the space of nearly six years. therefore Fiscales: Don Venceslao del Barco do not hold myself responsib for her any longer he is to Your life can be insured for more than five times what you don Manuel Antonio Sanchez be seen continually in company with another man.
will get from your LODGE paying about the same monthly Ramirez. am thus free of any obligation to her and intend to get dues FANCY. LODGES bring ENEMIES by fruitless arIt suits all who are interested in this married within six months from date of this publication.
Society for the mutual protection of guments and occasion many sleepless nights.
your family after your death to visit and The NACIONAL INSURANCE BANK is a Governsee the procedure of the transaction of ment Institution, guaranteed by our GOVERNMENT Biblioteca Nacionar Miguel Obregon Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas dhakinister PortuLimon Costa Rica.
THE STANDARD we are in CHRISTMAS KISSES for Old Folks 2799 To whom it may Concern PROTECT YOUR FAMILY Peramo, Joseph Crawford


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