
PAGE THE SEARCHLIGHT Saturday 12 March 1930 How to reform the World SASTRERIA GRANT psychological 44.
of age.
OUR LOTTERY SCHEME EDITORIAL Significant moves HOTEL VICTORIA The Minister of Public Works and Agriculture Don Arturo Volio, has gone 75 yards to the North Botica Nacional on a tour of inspection in the San OFFERS HIS CLIENTS Carlos, Sarapiquí, Tortuguero, Colorado, up to Lake Nicaragua Region; he left Clean and Comfortable Beds, airy Rooms and on Friday morning vvith a party of all accommodations at Moderate Prices.
friends and vvill be avvay for ten days Meals served in American style in those Regions The Other Day, saw the following you have pictured it. mean to speak This is very pointing to us, on acliterally as well as figuratively. for your under new management count of the legend tacked to the wall: gossip around about a mental picturization will determine your Mexican Corporation that is vvilling to If the world is all wong. reform world. With what measure ye mete, VISIT THE HOTEL VICTORIA SAN JOSE exploit those Regions, by a Tvventy yourself!
it shall be ineasured unto you. Use a And Convince yourself. English Spoken. Telephone 3687 million dollar deal Hence vve are feeling Instinctively mankind recognizes the generous measuring stick when you Don Arturo visit is to see the possibilfact that if the world seems wrong the measure the world, if you would be Prop HILARIO BLASCO Manager CASTILLO ity of the clearing up of the Moin apparent evil must rest with the individ Ny measured by it in return.
Tortuguero Canal so vvhen Congress ual. The only way to right the world people realize that reform must meets on Ist. May he vvill knovy hovy wrongs is to right the individual.
begin in the individual, but want to to tackle any offer in that direction.
Perhaps the man who wrote the molto, work on some other individual. You There are lots of Bubbles floating in or the foreman, or the owner who may say, If John were differentthe air with prosperity Bombs for Cos placed it where it would meet each workNever mind John! If you can help ta Rica; when the time is ripe our er eye as she entered each morning, John, and you probably can, do it!
people shall have much to do, and as did not actually realize the truth back john is in process of evolution and of it (Often we speak and write and unfoldment, just as you are. He stumJ. GRANT much labour has left the country vue are seeing that prices of labour vvill act better than we know, but there is bles over obstacles in the path of his which does Saits made to order in the Shortest notice.
reign dominant. We have suffered enalways that within us you do. That the obsprogress, just complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings and Flannels ough to be remunerated for our patientacles are different obstacles from those know. Perhaps none of them unders.
always on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals.
It is said the patient man rides a tuod or took into consideration the in your path, obstacles that would not jackass, but some of us have been North West Corner of Central Avenue where Plaza Viquez Tramway starts process by which the hold you back for a minute, does not riding a Hog.
dozen words little motto, less than a count. Maybe he could leap your Suits also made on the Raffle System come in and get a number, winnings on a piece of white paper, seen day hurdles with much greater agility than this week CRICKET NOTES after day, would in all probability sink you can.
Picture John as doing the right In Serie Drawing No. 46; won by Amado Alvarez, into the consciousness of one or more Tikect No. 139.
In Serie Drawing No. 28; won by Reinaldo Acuña, Ticket No 59.
By Cable from the Star and Herald of those who passed it daily, and finalthing molding his life according to In Serie Drawing No. won by Carlos Bolafios, Ticket No in Jamaica made 849 Runs ly, perhaps work out salvation in their the great Creator plan for him individ.
individual lives. For every individual ually following the guidance of his In presence of: Ofelio Feoli, Mario Fonseca and Jose Castro in the test match against all West Indies. Sandham 325, Ames 149.
life thus transformed, a dozen or a inner mind, not yours!
BOX 252 San José TELEPHONE 3320 West Indians made 289 Runs, Nunes hundred others are helped, bettered, Many a person tries to coerce friends in some degree toward the light and relatives into doing what he wants 66, Passailaigue 44.
Every individual thus led to transform them to do; what he thinks is right for In the second Inning made and reform his own life must be benethem; what he has planned for them.
Undesirables 121 Runs for vvickets, since then Strange death fited in a greater or smaller degree! It Instead, for those whom he would vve have had no authentic information as to hovy the match has ended.
is thus plain that should just one inhelp, he should know the Truth of Three Syrians and three Jamaicans At 16 Miles a man named Andrevv dividual, from reading the little motto their being which is perfection, know recent arrivals in Limon from the UniPovvell supposed to be a Jamaican vvas daily, finally let it sink into his conledge, understanding, love, and wisdon. ted States by the last Steamer have been found dead in his Camp Room. He had Sports scionsness, and then into his subconHe should hold to this knowing through detained pending the return of the; a serious vound in his right thigh and scionsness, until the carrying out of it every outer phase that may look like boat; to send them back to their port seem to have bled to death. machete Our Sportmen vvho vvent to Havandaily became second nature in all his the opposite thing, until he sees Truth of Origin. The Syrians ofcourse are na to take part in the Olimpic games vvas found vvith him.
doings, the efforts of him who wrote there, returned to the country on Friit and of him who placed it there for brought into manifestation.
probibited entry under the immigration It is supposed that he fell on the If John does not always tell what is Lavvs of this country, but the Jamai, tool and remained there and bled to day evening by the Cuban Gunboat all read would be richly rewarded!
true, hold for him the thought of God cans are said to have been deported death. He is a man of about 45 years Patria. The Captain and Officers visited pebble thrown into a still pool as Truth, of John as part of God and as undesirables, and as they claimed the President of the Republic today as to creates not only one ripple, but ten, of Truth, manifesting Truth in all that have been Costa Ricans, they viere an act of courtesy.
a hundred, until the widening circle he says and does. Praise him for the sent here, but it is found this is false reaches far shores. Thus time after time Truth that in him, because you know, so they will be sent back to the States.
does it happen with a word of Truth.
whether he is manifesting it or not, The mystery is that their papers wvere We cannot reform man in the herd that and the mass. It is true that propaganwhether or not he is yet conscious of it is there. He is one with God, regularly signed by the Costa Rican Consul in Nevv York. We are fearing In another column vvill be seen an da, kept before the public eye, slowly the fact, and God is Truth. Do not say that in the near future a very drastic article from a group of correspondents ted rather than depreciated so that the sure that our Lottery vvill be appreciabut surely sways the masses, but, after this for him today and deny it tomor. Immigration act vvill be introduced in Spanish vvho are much elated over vendor has to beg one to buy a ticket.
all, the real work must be done in the row by telling some one what liar against peoples of Negro decent in this the Plan for our Lottery Scheme put individual if it is to be permanent. Even We therefore invite continually the John is. This would be tearing down country, which up to novy is the only forvvard by this Journal in our edition opinions of our readers on this vital in the commercial world is this true.
today what you built yesterday. This free port for Negroes in these parts. of the 5th inst. soap may be so well advertised that last week have watched a crew of question, as vve must not allovy the virtually every woman in the country workmen raze, into a heap of ruined We apreciate very much that our Junta to be driven by a false concepwill try at least a bar of it; but be sure and crumbled masonry, a great old ideas for the betterment of the Lottery tion of a poverty stricken condition to that unless the experiment satisfies her, stone edifice whose building must have Scheme should be considered as meritcut down to 30. 000 our first prize, individually, she will not continue its it will be a burlesque on us.
taken many months, maybe years, of ing the Eulogy of this group of citizens, use.
patient work. Likewise in a few short and hope that others will also consider From the standpoint of Truth, we moments one may tear down the merchant in Cartago was the vicwould perhaps interpret the meaning of mental images of Truth that one has tim of a fraudulent transaction in the the little motto in a slightly different spent months in building.
We have sent a copy of this propoLet last dravving; a Nicaraguan vvith vvhom manner from that of the average reader.
your constructive work go on, sition to our Contemporaries asking Yesterday vvas the anniversary of he vvas vvell aquainted got a piece of them all to consider it and express the great Rivas battle with the Buc If the world is all wrong reform regardless of lapses and mistakes, for Ticket No. 4397 and changed the nine themselves on it, hence vve are anyourself might well mean: Reform your sometimes in an hour of mighty faith caneer Walkers expedition, in which into a nought so cleverly that no one this humble soldier of Indian blood, way of looking at the world. We beand vision you can rebuild that which xiously avvaiting an opinion.
vvould have detected it but the Treasaved the country from Walker by his lieve that the world, on the average, is you have been consistently tearing surer himself, he converted the vvord There is no doubt about it that our moving forward and upward. Man is down for months! In Truth there is bravery and self denial, great Orations nueve in cero, and asked this Lottery is going a begging vvhich gentle becoming more and more intelligent, never need or excuse for despair for, vvere delivered at Alajuela by the Reman to hold it and loan him a thousand ought not to be so. One is certainly presentatives of the government. The and is beginning more and more to Every day is a fresh beginning, colones until he could get over to disgusted and offended at having this President of the Republic vvas present, look within himself for the cause of Every day is the world made new! San José to have it cashed as he had thing chucked in one face while and left rather suddenly vvithout tak! ng the outer manifestations in his life. If you don like the world, reform urgent need of this money; this vvas going about busily on business, some leave of any one, to vvhich great excepHe cannot become more intelligent it and don begin with John. All done, giving him a good for the ba one begging you to buy some, this is tion vvas taken but he explains he without becoming better; he cannot be reform is from within, outward; and it lance until he would go to the Treaa menace an assault and should not vvas ill.
come better without a corresponding is more contagious than smallpox or sury to have it Cashed vvhen he did be permitted and the cause of it all, increase in intelligence.
measles. If you have it, John will catch go to the Treasury, the Treasurer pointed is from depreciation because it has no The Mexican Minister took excepPerhaps the world is not so bad as it sooner or later!
out to him the fraud. In the meantime attractions for the investor, if this Scheme tion to the presence of the Sub Secrethe Nica, is gone back to This country be adopted (vvith one modification, tary of Foreign Affairs at a meeting in vvith tyvo hundred fifty dollars in that is instead of 900 prizes of 30. 00 the Theatre America, in vvhich the his pocket at his expense.
it should be of 40. 00 thus giving great Mexican Orator Señor Vasconcetyvo colones for an ending number instead of a colon and a half) vve are los criticized terribly the Mexican Government LIMON Dr. VARGAS SIQUIRRES being the great centre of operations for future prospects in the country OSTEOPATH HOTEL Endeavours to please her patrons.
MODERNO of Mrs. DEIDAMIA TOBY Spinal Treatments, for any descase If your back aches, some thing worse fol Is the place you can get all Information on anything as well as a clean, cool, comfortable.
Mosquito Treo Room, and meals to suit any Purse and taste; to when in Siquirres, come The latest in the FILM WORLD lows. Take my treatment before its too direct to your friend. WILFRED TOBY late.
in constant touch with the best production HOTEL MODERNO de la Señora Deidamia Toby 125 yards North of Botica Oriental Be a Modernite Always San Jose.
DETRAS DEL CORREO VIEJO SIQUIRRES Ofrece dormitorios higiénloos, fresoos y cómodos. Buena alimentación, Monradez y Puntuaildad. PRECIOS ECONOMICOS Books in English Do you love your family. Insure yuor life in For Sale THE NATIONAL LIFE ASSURANCE BANK Novels, Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, The Book of Knowledge, Quincey Works, Dickens, Shakespeare, Prescott, Macauley, Bancroft, Irvin, etc. Messages and Papers of the Presidents of the United States, etc, Room 12 pasaje Mrs. Jack DE PASS for the latest wear in any Shade, shape, Furnishes first class aparatus in Hiperdermic Syrio.
Jiménez Sáenz, or La Parra. Central or design, ges, and Iojections of all kinds, as well as Electroplated Park North West corner. Write or visit.
Easter fashions bring new aspirations. There nothing she cant Open a. to p. Very Mo supply from Needles and Thermometers.
derate prices.
Drop in and see vvhat you may need, its not often you get this offer.
waa KO ΣΣΕΣ TO RACE HORSE KEEPERS The only place in the country vvhere you find Specially imported horse, REMEMBER YOUR OLD FRIEND chicken or pig feed is at.
THE ALMACEN TOMAS FERNANDEZ MALICK He Specializes in hay, oats and a specially cracked and mixed food for With a complete stock of wearing apparel and adornments for the Home.
horses, of Corn, oats, Rye and bran.
At his Store La Samaritana adjoining La Botica Oriental at the Eastern side of the Market.
He has served you well in the past and is waiting to do so again.
Send your order with remittance to ALMACEN TOMAS FERNANDEZ, San Jose and vvhatever you need in San Jose vvill be put at your door.
Ap. NO. 824 SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA Telephone No. 3345 Fresh crisco and groceries of all kinds. Special attention to orders from the lines.
Este documento es propiedad de la Bibli na Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Lottery Ticket fraud it in a similar light and express their Juan Santa Maria Cine Moderno Carlos Viquez Co.
Apartado 18. San José. Telephone 4114 REMEMBER THE LITTLE PARIS 232320D3300C


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