p. 4


PAGE THE SEARCHLIGHT Saturday 12 April 1930 Threatening situation in the a this is desired. 0:0:0:able to Current Items BEAUTY PARLOUR at THE CHIC de PARIS Manicuring done with the famous products of The Institute of Beauty of Paris Dying with our superior Inecto which we receive continually. We massage with Ash of Volcan Kemolite The land of Palestine, to which is plored the desires of making it a native latter, naturally abstained themselves The permanency of the work by our special machine Gallia is guaranteed always shown great interest, respect land for the Jews, because, no sooner from consuming the Jewish products for six months and veneration by all christians, is they endeavour to make Palestine the and this action went so far that both now in a very critical position. Serious locality for the Jewish nation, the Ara parties sustained pretty heavy losses. PRICE PER HEAD 20. 00 29)
disturbances can possiby be happen bians will place opposition to it. Mr. Anyhow, explains the Arabian SecreThe work done at CHIC DE PARIS is in charge of a young Indy whose ing in a moment or so. The Jews as Hussein does not really believe that tary, the chief anxiety of his nation lies diploma was obtained in Paris you will also find at CHIC DE PARIS all well as the Arabs are ready wellarmed such an action can be realised. He jud in the sorts of supplies of the best quality for children And the lowest prices in the City, and supplied with ammunitions to fight to think badly of the people are apt blishing Palestine the native land of coming hereafter. These tribes, one of seems to think that there does not He then asks, with what claims is it exist cause for any such fear. But possible to succeed such a thing? He dania had been at enmity for a length is not he says. The Apparent showed afterwards the statistics, which of time.
tranquility of the proved that there are 750. 000 Arabs in MUSICAL AGENCY For this reason, Jammel Hussein, the is in reality the calmness Palestine and only 140. 000 Jews.
Central Avenue adjoining Costa Rica Mercantile Co.
Secretary of Arabian Executive of Pa which precedes the tempest. He then Under the present system he contilestine made the following declaration continues to say the that day by day nues we the Arabs feel that we XX BEECHE MONTES DE OCA in a private intervievy, which article was there comes a shadow of danger closer govern a minority. In the United States, PROP allowed to appear in the United Press and closer, since there had been already for example, there are 30. 000 Arabs.
During his conversation he said complete ruptures in commerce between Everything known in Music, Records of all Makes, Musical Instruments went over there before the war.
that all the Jews, unanimously have the two restles peoples.
After Palestine, being made and accessories of all kinds. We have a popular Club for TALKING protectoMACHINES pasing 3. 00 per week only.
consented to make Palestine their resi Sometimes ago the Jews began to rate, was endorsed to Great Britain, dence of culture. But he extremely de. boycott their Arabian products. The and these American Arabs have tried We sell Magazines of all kinds Write us for any kind of information in vain their best to return to their native land Palestine. The Government of Box 1475. The Cigar Store Telephone 4100 this country refused to give passports THE HOTEL IDEAL to them, for the reason that they were not found in Palestine in 1925, when En su nuevo y amplio local, construido de cemento armado y madera, it was a territory under protectorate.
100 varas al Norte y 50 al Este del Mercado, Paso de la Vaca.
The British government shows them Ofrecemos a Ud. y familia, servicio esmerado, buena alimentación, dor that they have to refer the matter to PHOTO STUDIO mitorios higiénicos contra temblores.
Palestine Government.
Honradez y puntualidad ofrece esta casa. Visite nos y se convencerá Es The passports, these exiles have, are pecialidad para pasajeros de provincias.
of no value their time being expired.
If you need a modern PHOTO come to Moreover thesc poor people are not PRECIOS ECONOMICOS. 0:0:0:renew their passports in TurPHOTO STUDIO JIMENEZ In its new and commodious building constructed of reinforced concrete key, because of the renewal of the sysand wood, Situated 100 yards North and 50 yards East of the Market, Central Avenue West tem of governing there.
towards Paso de la Vaca Hence the Arabs are thus men with Apartado 609 San José, Telephone 3521 out their native land On the other SAN JOSE DE COSTA RICA hand, 70. 000 Jews have been admitted to this country and they take in more Offers its patrons and clients, the most attentive service, Higienic every month. This condition, then is Rooms, First class meals at all hours. Special care to our clients from to them umbearable the Lines, at very Moderate Prices The greater part of the Arabs in PaMr. Mrs. LUIS ARLEY lestine have been staying there for more than 13 consecutive centuries and these are Mohammedan Arabs. But, in fact christian Arabs have dwelt there for a longer period. They say that The Banana question again ed in the meantime that the charitable most of them descend from St. Peter disposition of Dr. Shaw could come to and St. Paul Preparing for the Legislative combat her rescue as he did.
The Road to Moin by way of the Cemetery is a fact, The Canalization of loin Hence the Sionist reclaim ownership vvhich starts in May. The Banana Com.
Tortuguero is also beyond dispute of Palestine by the very fact of their mission which vvas appointed to inves Imported Lumber Therefore to be ready for the Work live near by having occupied it since two thousand tigate a solution for the problem with years, thereby Mr. Hussein says that regard to this Industry, has been cons The flooring of the Puntarenas Dock FOR SALES they the arabs may be able to have the and have at last put in is to be put in hand of the Carpenters right to reclaim Spain that they occupy certain recommendations for a modifica next vveek. The lumber for this vvork The best House on the Camp one Road where the Cars will pass for Moin, tion of the Banana Law; the principal had to be got from Panamá, the Fo.
all accommodations for a comfortable home fine flower garden and lots of fruit trees. Registered. Title ner Mussolini sees the right to reclaim being the adoption an export Tax mento issued tenders for supplyng the from England that he occupied the oft of two cents. per stem. for a period of the planks necesary for the work but For prices and all information write THE SEARCHLIGHT place of his illustrious predecessor Ju twenty years. We will be remembered that the Lumber men the government could lius not agree as to the prices of the vvood, upan Therefore the Arab nation is deeply for the duration of this Tax. We are Just immagine, Importing planks for such which refused to estipulate any time hence the importation from Panama.
discontented with the distribution of the rights, such as they exist to day yet to learn whether this vvill be a works.
in Palestine.
lure for the Co to Start in their What they wish is only the establish operations, Company Profits ment of a national government and The National Life Assurance Timely Advice democracy, in which they can participate; The profits of the United Fruit Co.
So many Arabs as many Jews in It might be well for squatterson has been announced as 3, 800. 000 proportion to their number.
Government lands who do not read for the quarter ending 31st March as We wish that this immigration be Spanish to note that all persous found against 3, 700. 000 for the correspondsubject to the economic capacity of exploiting the Lumber on government ing season of last year. So the inactivthe country, because at present they lands will be arrested and criminally ities and loss of money in Costa Rica admit hundreds of Jews. Most of them prosecuted for it, several such prosecdont count for much.
have very little means of sustenance utions are now being contested in Guaand they turn out quickly a public nacaste.
Railway Accident burden. Thus in consequence we are tired of sustaining this people pitiable Case Engine 55 Knocked dovun an old TEN CENTS DAY deaf woman Chepita Monge vvho vvas Following on our article calling for crossing the Railvvay track at Taras near a WAITING Room at Siquirres, It has Cartago on Wednesday, a week ago The will bring a thousand colones to your Family come to our Knowledge that a week whistle vvas sounded but she did not hear ago a poor woman came out one of at your death.
the Railway Branches, and took in, in it and suddenly going across the roadvvay childlabour on the open Platform of the Engine could not be checked before it bounced her oneside out of the track.
How many dimes do you throw away What one sees outside in the world the Station, there was not even a closet The poor old soul died from the shock where this unfortunate could be shieldeach day thoughtlessly? Only one of is only vvhat one has already in one before aid could be got for her.
mind. There were tvvo cousins; one these dimes invest in a life insurance most notorious for his evil propensities, the other most noted for his righteouspolicy will ve your family the anguish ness. Both vvere receiving tuition from the same preceptor.
of a penniless bereavement. life poOne day their teacher asked the vicious pupil to name licy will supply ready money to cover a man vvho, in his opinion, vvas virtuous. He gave him six months time the expenses which the death of the to do so. The same teacher told the Cartago as a Health Resort is THE SWITZERLAND of the Americas, to take six months time ther or husband may bring.
and find a man vvhom be Visitors from the Canal Zone sing the Praises of the attention Vicious. The stipulated time passed and care taken of them by the Administration of Life policies without medical examination, for both the Pupils one and two thousand colones.
such as they vvanted, after THE HOTEL FRANCES OF CARTAGO Fill in the attached coupon, send it to us, and having searched the vvole world. Stranwithout any obligation on your part we will send gely, each said that he could not find one as desired. The vicious one failed Nice, comfortable airy Rooms, beautiful Scenery of the surrounding you an application form and rate of premium.
after six long months vveary search to country, even a Our policies carry the full gu ran vvhole world. The virtuous could not Convenient Trains to visit the country East or West. To spend a tee and responsibility of the State meet one vicious man in all his search.
Vacation at THE HOTEL FRANCES CARTAGO is always to return.
The world is only a mirror, it reflects without, vvhat vve hold within Charges and accomodations to suit all Purses.
our hearts. Have love in your heart and (DETACH THIS COUPON)
you find the same reflected in the outside. Hold hatred in your heart Banco Nacional de Seguros and you find the same vvithout Hold Dpto. de Vida.
the image of God in your heart, and San José de Costa Rica sure the same greets you in the vvorld outside.
My name in full is. am thinking Mr. Editor that.
My address is.
if certain Officers of the vvould look avvay from their vicious NELSON My occupation is selves and adopt the traits of the virTAILOR. PO. BOX 466 Sex.
tuous pupil, and so sing the praises of. PT. LIMON, was born at all with whom they come in contact vvhat an inspiration for good this AsRemember when you need, a snappysuit. Call on the. day of sociation vvould be; Let me suggest an see me. My best advertisment is always a satisfied would like an Insurance for adoption of the above virtuous pupil Customer, my price is within the reach of all. Call thought, so vve all might live virtuous be convinced. respected by the Community.
acional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Siste AFRICANUS Think Over the Future of Your family Looking at Yourself Hotel Frances virtuous pupil failing to THE STANDARD in the year.


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