
Have You Heard About Coloured West Indians who Tired of Bachelor lite life.
have distinguished themselves young Jamaican Médico Nitrophoska IG Nitrogen. Phosphates. Potash Notice the possibility of maintaining good banana and other crops on your old farm, using the highly concentrated complete fertilizer. WW WWWWW AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM ΛΑΛΑΛΛΛΛΛΛΛΛΛΛΛΛΛΛΛΙ WA according to a fertilizing plan which will be sent to you after we study your soil conditions? If there is anything wrong we will tell you about it if you send us a small sample of the soil. We have a fertilizer for every case.
Our friend Mr. Anibal time in the Local Station Moya bade farewell to as Clerk and Labour Fore.
Bacherlordom on the man, and is now doing 13inst at early morning service in the Trainmaster and in the presence of a Office as Billing Clerk, select gathering of his ma Mr. Moya and his bride ny friends and relatives at left Limon shortly after the Catholic Church and the wedding ceremony to took up the responsabili the Moin vecinity to spend ties of Matrimony with their honeymoon. The Chief Miss Albina Rodríguez, Train Dispatcher, Mr. Fay daughter of the Spanish under whom he is directly Consul of this city and ex employed contributed propropietor of the Hotel minently in this occasion By the Gleaner we find ly elated by the considera Europa.
to allow our friend Moya that Dr. Karl Wilson James, tions of the dignitaries of Mr. Moya has been in to feel that his services who is one of the younger the Church. It will be remem the service of the North have been satisfactory We resident Surgeons at the Bar bered that Father Vidad passern Railway Company for wish Mr. and Mrs. Moya badoes Hospital, arrived at rd through here in his way a number of years. having a never ending honeymoon, his Island home by the to Jamaica and said Mass at been employed for a long Ariguani on a visit to the Limon Church.
his mother Mrs. Walter James The Revd. Father Gladstone of Kingston and other rela Wilson the Jamaican who is tives.
also studying at Rome for Dr. James was educated at the past five years is expectWolmers High School, he ed to graduate soon, and taught at the Beckford and hopes also to arrive in Ja The following names appear 24 Forbes Benjamin.
Smith School for some time, maica for service at no dis on what purports to be the 25 Francis James.
he left the Island in 1924 tant date.
stock register book of the 26 Fowler Phillip. Corporation of 28 Miles.
and entering King College 27 Forbes Charles.
he gorduated in 1929, having For ted, and these persons This Firm is now being audi28 Gordon John WM.
are won in 1927 the Warneford 29 Garrison Simeon requested to show receipt or Prize in medicine, offered by West Indies 30 Green Martha receipts covering shares which the College. The Search 31 Green Arthur.
light bcgs to congratulate Dr. Morgan son of they have bought in said 32 Gallimore John Davis.
Dr. Wilson, these are the Mr. Morgan of Grana. Company. FIFTEEN DAYS No.
33 Gordon class of our men of whom da, won in his election conTICE is hereby given, and 34 Jarrett Percy.
we must be proud. It is a test for Camberwell, such person or persons who 35 Jones Zepheniah.
fail to make claim, will be pity they do not crop up and is styled the for 36 Lewis Charles.
struck off the list and consewith greater frequency. West Indies.
37 Lewis Augustine.
quently forfeit all legal rights 38 Lewis Edward The Revd. Adolphus Vidal He is married to Miss to further claims after this the Trinidad an who gradua Molly Powell; they both met 39 Morant concession: ted in Priesthood at Rome, at Hither Green Hospital 40 Mcqueen NO NAME after practising in Chiropody where they were both study41 Mcintosh Wilfred.
for several years in Canada ing, he, for medicines and she Adams Josiah.
42 Patterson has been enthusiastically receiv for nursing. Anderson Alfred.
43 Pink Charles ed by the Roman Catholic, On the celebration of their Brown Thomas.
44 Phillips Obediah.
Community at Kingston. He wedding he made presents to Burton Alfred 45 Payne John is placed in charge of the every baby born in his cons 46 Porter WM.
Brown Charles St. Annés Church, North tituency during the week. He Brissett Horace 47 Reid Joseph.
St. we anticipate for him a will visit with his wife, the Brown George.
48 Rose WM.
distinguished career in the West Indies and his home Banton 49 Rose David Society of Jesus; being the soon. He had been seeking Barron Samuel 50 Reid first black Priest to be loca Legislative honours new for 10 Brown Theofilos.
51 Robinson Edgar.
ted in Jamaica of the Romish eight years and only succeeded 11 Brooks Arthur 52 Shaw Elizabeth faith, the adherents are great last year.
12 Clarke Alice.
53 Sampson Edward.
13 Collins William.
54 Simmond Alexander 14 Chambers Felix.
55 Saunders Hubert FOR SALE 15 Champagnie John.
56 Shaw WM.
16 Daley Charles 57 Salmon Isaac.
Ten Hectareas of Banana in first year production, 17 Dawkins William.
58 Tholpe at Ley River on the Estrella Railways; much virgin lands 18 Dyce Alexander.
attached for extension. This Farm is under Contract 19 Davis Alexander Coutinued on page 20 Diamond John The owner is not a farmer, would therefore sell out 21 Davis Uriah.
Banana Lands cheap for Cash. Appy to, Alexander Powell. Limon. 22 Drummond Ernest.
23 Dallson Robert.
on Lease Some of the best lands can be had on Rent at Estrada on a basis of seThis Hotel venteen per cent of Rental that is, you pay ten cent per Bunch and you get fifty cents.
furnished Lands adjoining the main line at San Jose, Creek.
Apply R. PARSONS Estrada. BEIMERS Co.
SAN JOSE Interesante Revista Científica En esta semana, editada patía por Decreto del Po.
en los talleres de la Socie der Legislativo de 25 de dad Tipografica de Cartago, Setiembre de 1918.
fue publicado por don Al Como nota especial, hace berto León Páez el nú resaltar el hecho de que el mero de la Revista sobre Presidente de los Estados homeopatía Organo oficial Unidos, Mr. Hoover, ha de la Liga Homeopática. nombrado al médico homeoContiene esta revista in pata Dr. Joel Thompson teresantes exposiciones so Boone como bre la ciencia de la homeo personal.
patía. En su parte final Tenemos, pues, que no expresa que el Gobierno sólo don Cleto, se medicidel Brasil dió su reconocina por el método homeomiento oficial a la Homeopático. su médico A GRAN HOTEL VICTORIA. San José 09 FOR SALE has elegantly At the most Central Corner in Limon All my holdings in Costa Rica comprising properties in the best business and residential quarters in the town of Limon consisting of 53 rooms all rebuilt in 1928 in first class condition and all occupied Apply to Cleveland Duncan, BUV If you need a first class Medical man see Apartments at 2, 3, 4, and colo Cocoa Farm for Sale mes per day.
Dr. Jorge Montes de Oca Office 175 yards south of the Gran Hotel Costa Rica TELP. 2950 Call at residence By TELP. 2740 magnificent Electrical aparatus for treatment by the French method of heat application. Specialist on Ladies ailments Box 987. San Jose Excellent cuisine meals Served at your wish from C1 50 Upwards TEL: 3687 thriving Cocoa farm of ten hectareas in the miles district from Limon is being offered for sale at a ridiculously low price the owner not being able to attend to it. In 1928 it netted over 2, 000 from Cocoa to owner.
All information from The Searchlight AMADOR GONZALEZ Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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