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Saturday 18 October 1930 THE SEARCHLIGHT (U UNTERNA)
PAGE SIQUIRRES NEWS COFFEE PIEDRAS quality insuperable There is no forgetting we fact For all orders in Flowers AMERICAN ROSES Partido Liga Cívica Cartaginesa San Josè Dry Cleaning Wonderful Remedy It has been quite a long men, we were extremely the new order, instituted since but we must punctuate espeime now, that nothing has enthused over the display of August 1929.
cially on the remarks of Mr.
been heard from the Siquirres talent and culture as was Mr. Isiah Harris very fittingly Binns and PetDivision of the A. evinced on Sunday last when officiated as Chaplain, and grave in their masterful putting Chocolate extra special and but now that a few live wires the Division pulled of a stunt amidst the strains of a march of the needs of our people, have seen the neccesity of in their unveiling of the new Superior in taste he led the Choir bearing the and enjoining us to study, to throwing in their lot for the Charter 233, recently granted new charter before in a pro dedicate if no more than ten unrivalled in flavour and Purity; send purpose of contributing in the as a result of the changes cession to the hall, which was miuutes every day to reading, improvement of their fellow from the old to tastily decorated with flowers your orders to the Factory as only by reading can a suitable for the occasion. The people be elevated and of JOSE GONZALES 0000000 1000OUDU ODDSOMODO Ritualistic services being replenished in their knowledge through, the President Mr.
of passing events, as they are Telp 3085 SAN JOSE Apartado 1139 David Jones introduced Mr. at present affecting the World, 50 yards West of the North Western gate of the Market Stewart ex President as solo follovved rendered master of ceremony for the by Mrs. Williams, and yet evening another by Miss Mary Brovvn That the only medicine which Mr. Stewart in his accustom vvhich nearly brought dovun cures Asma, and acute Bron ed style, fired off some of the house, Mr. Jones made chitis is the his long range amunition but his vvinding up speech, and did, nt kill anybody, he com Mr. Stevvart the master of Cuajani Jordan mended the membership for ceremonies suitably responded; having stuck to their obliga the offertory being lifted this CALL UP TELEPHONE No. 2233 The sole deposit and representacion tions, but exhorted all to fur colourful, and spectacular event Where you can count on select service, of which is in ther, and more fervent service, vvas brought to its close taking occasion of inviting all and a varied assortment of amidst the strains of the The BOTICA VARGAS Negroes to the Liberty grounds National Anthem.
flowers, especially in SAN JOSE on the first Sunday of No.
Much praise is due to Mr.
vember, 1930, at which time Jones for his untiring efforts Apartado 716 Telephone 2812 we intented having a display in the training of the Choir, of oratory and Negro talent.
as also for his dogged persisOctavio Loaiza 2000 VNUE000000 0000EDWUNDO The program being lengthy, tance in bringing about a many items had to be dropped transformation of this Div. Pie de Cuesta de Moras SAN JOSE out due the shortness of time. and vve do hope that yve vvill There were delivered several have the pleasure of welcoming adresses, especial among them the President General in our being a short talk by the Re.
midst to again revive the SECRETARIOS presentative of the Pacuarito lagging spirit of our people.
Candidatura Municipal Don Beltran Trejos, don Div. in the person of Mr. Hall, CHARLES JAMES Tobias Navarro.
an anthem entitled Praise ye Secretary TELEPHONE 3904 Para propietarios: Dr. don the Lord was rendered by TESORERO: Jorge Saenz Gutierrez, don the Choir, followed by recitaDon Ramón Arburola.
This Dry Cleaning Establishment Elias Bonilla Aguilar, don Altions from the two Lindos, a fredo Monge, don Marino VOCALES solo touchingly rendered by is the most modern and accredited for cleaning and Leandro Navarro, don Octavio Señores: Ricardo Quesada Miss Kellerman brought an is Elixir Antianofelo pressing of the finest clothing material in this City Monge Cerdas, don Ramón Alfredo Monge, Noé Gon.
outburst of applause, followed Roldán Rojas.
zalez, Juan Ramón Bonilla, by a recitation from Miss To kill malarlal fevers, the only OUR SERVICE IS QUICK DESPATCH Octavio Monge, Isaac Hernán Reynolds of New Jersey, and preparation guaranteed as a radical Para suplentes: don Ramón cure for Yellow fever, blackwater to any part of the City dez, Gregorio Rivera, Mateo followed by a lecture from the Arburola González, don Belfever, Ague, intermittent fever, colds Chinchilla, Francisco Roldán representative of the Cimarroand all classes of fevers.
Call up SAN JOSE DRY CLEANING frán Trejos Solano, don JoaR. Fernando Loaiza, Casto nes Division in the person of It is recommended for cleansing quin Durán Meneses.
Apartado 253 Telephone 3904 Brenes, Bernabé Pereira, Jua disordered Liver.
Mr. Betty which was highly Color: franja amarilla vervenal Loaiza, Juvenal Castillo instructive in its worth of the In proof of the above see the 75 yards South of Monte Nacional de Piedad fical.
Elias Leiva Fausto Mata following, for four months had History of Nations.
been suffering from Hay Fever José Andrés Brenes, Juan The anthem How long oh DIRECTIVA and after trying all sorts of medicines Leonor Trejos, Alfredo Cam Lord wilt thou hide thy face was advised by Mr. Antonio Presidentes efectivos: don pos, Guillermo Campos, Joa from us was touchingly renBrenes of Dulce Nombre Cartago WANTED David Gutiérrez R, don José quin Rodriguez, Gilberto Gri dered at this stage by the to buy a flask at Carboni Co Giralt, don Joaquín Jiménez, jalva, Jesús Arrieta Miguel choir, and while under the did so and after taking it, was young man of refinement and some education in English and permanently cured Spanish who can act as Reporter for the Searchlight in all parts don Juan Gomez Alizaga; don Leandro, Manuel Calvo, Va spell of the ecstasy of this renI in turn reccommended it to of the lines and secure Subscriptions and Advertisements Elias Bonilla, don Marino lerio Córdoba.
dition, one could hardly but Mrs. Gertrude Mata of Cartago.
Salary will depend his on Leandro, don José Ma. Acuña Se publica la Directiva para reflect that as a fact it some and Mrs. Juana Mora of Linea Capabilities and activities References as to conduct a necessity los efectos de ley, times appears as if the Lord Vieja who used The Elixir Antianhas hidden his face from us ofelo with marvelous effects as a cure for all sorts of tropical fevers.
his people, poor, dispised, No household should be without Una verdad incontractable. 22 mil colones integrados por multas en 29 disfranchised, spurned even by it. Rafael Mata Orozco. Buy it al the offscouring of other race. Carboni Co. Cartago.
meses: es mucho hacer en favor de la Junta de Educación de aqui!
The preparation for the unNo es para que nadie se asuste, pero si para que made, three damsels were se admiren.
chosen, each representing one Amigo que vuelve a posición gubernativa. MuDatos son estos que ponJust arrived! the greatest assortments of elastic belts to of the colours of the cho nos alegramos.
su patria drán en observación a musuit the latest silhouette. and amidst the strains of Cuts of the latest fashion for Balls, to suit any fancy.
chos vecinos y es, que el an introductory anthem, the Doña Don Aquiles Mora Josefa de señor Agente Principal de Dresses, hats and scarfs for sports colours were lifted one by que hace un año estaba Policia de esta ciudad, don Fancy woollen sweaters, caps, gloves, purses etc.
Ararsty one, and at last the Charter radicado en Siquirres, en Beautiful dresses, shoes, fans, and purses for Balls.
José Vivó Ductil, que entró was exposed to the view of atención a los asuntos JuDo not forget that our beauty parlor, is always at the the enthused gathering. There diciales, vuelve a esta ciudad temporada en la Capital, de 1928, hasta hoy ha inteDespues de una larga al servicio el 16 de mayo disposal of our clients for manicuring massaging, per vvere given several addresses, donde ocupará una regular está de nuevo entre nosomanent champooing, as well as the Kermomc application. There grarlo a la Junta de Eduis an expert attendant in this line of adornment.
tros. La saludamos con cación de esta ciudad la insignificante suma de 22. 000 por multas.
See Mrs. Woodbridge in her children department, she Para Jamaica Sin embargo, el amigo has just received the latest novelties in Italian dresses, embroidVivó con todo esto, está ered felts, caps and purses, dresses and sombrillas of Scotch Los estimables hijos de 300 yards west of the stock market Cartago don Juan José León, pronto tan limpio de máculas coliste for children from 25, woollen goods for knitting babys For Artistic wear, embroidery needles, hoops for pouches, and soon wil Floral designs mo entró!
partiran para Jamaica a Nada tenemos que decir arrive French clasps for your locks.
terminar sus estudios y los de la honorabilidad de otros In Wreaths, Crowns etc.
See our show windows for pretty designs in pillowslips, acompañará su señora ma.
pocket flaps, pictures, wool in skeins for all classes of fancl Send orders to LA ULTIMA JOYA dre doña Francisca Triunfo agentes, pero hacemos obwork in flowers, etc.
Apartado 102 Cartago Telephone 12 de León.
servar esta simple circuns tancia.
Cronista No. Cultura y Juventud Cronista Fisgón CHIC DE PARIS veiling of the Charter being Notas Sociales de Limón todo respeto JARDINERIA LA GRANJITA
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