
Saturday 18 October 1930 Ganja or Marijuana and its effects FROM 28 MILES WALDECK National Cooperation Bank RAMON ULLOA Co.
ANDRES BOZA CANO An Appreciation The demoralizing effects of ments of all civilized countries Smoking such noxious weeds these stupefying weeds and are making every effort to as Ganja or marijuana.
Sunday October th will tion must be made of Mastersaken the first place as the drugs have been much in stamp out the practises of In Jamaica we note by the long be remembered by the Leopold Morris. Ferdinand song hird of Waldeck, evidence in all countries, as using such drugs as morphine, Gleaner that the Magistrates people of Waldeck owing to Moss, and the Porter brothers. while Miss Dorith Quarry an incentive to crime as well cocaine, opium etc, and to are imposing very heavy fines the excellent programme These boys are a credit not and Miss Sibyl Moss, in their as a deteriorative to the faculty prevent our people from on those persons found in which was rendered by the only to their parents but to address have won the hearts of mankind, hence the governpossession of this weed, a pupils attending the Liberty the Waldeck Community and of their audience. Miss Amy man was fined 50, and a Hall School. Precisely at 11. 45 the entire Negro race should Allen was at her best when woman 30 for having in the pupils were lined be proud of them. Among the she recited. Theres a good their possession this weed. It up in front of Mrs. Davis girls who came in for their Time Coming Boys. Then is to be hoped that the Ma house from which place the share of the profit are Miss gistrates of Costa Rica will procession proceeded to Li Kelsada Doyley who has easily Continued on page follow suit by severe punish berty Hall under the Command Authorized Capital 500. 000 ments for the use of this of Mr. Harrison weed, as it is a great means school master.
Ladies Please note. of propagating crime, this As the procession reached SOMETHING NOVEL, SOMETHING CHIC!
The shares of this Banking Institution, carries a Novveed it is said has the tendency the gate of Liberty Hall, the Covered Buttons of all sizes and quality. Rhinestones, of all colours minal Value of 100. You may pay it by instalments, of inclining its subjects to do organist, Mrs. Douglas struck for trimming dresses as well as, Metal Edges and Mall Heads weekly, fortnightly or monthly of 1. 25, 2. 50, or all sorts of wickednesses up a solemn march which in silver and gold, can be supplied by. 00 respectively as you desire.
instead of good, Mrs. CARMETA SMITH she continued to play until Near the Star Store Limon It is said that the youngman the pupils had taken their During our many years of existence, our dividends Powell was under the influence stands on the rostrom which have given very good results, reaching as high as of Marijuana when he commitwas beautifully decorated for 16 in 1930. We make loans as you may desire under ted the recent murder at Esthe purpose. She was accom.
very good conditions and convenient terms.
trada. It therefore becomes panied by Mr. Corniffe Our reserve funds guarantee you the security of your the duty of all citizens to who played on the violin.
point out to the authorities After the opening ceremoinvestment those persons who are addicted nies were observed Mr.
to its uses as well as those Harrison introduced Mr.
who cultivate the weed, so as Cunning, acting President of ALMACEN ELECTRICO AGENT to cease the use of it.
the Limon Division, as the South West Corner of the Cathedral Chairman. On rising to assume San José, Box 1203 Telephone 3051 To advertise in the chair, Mr. Cunning made San José a brief but very nteresting Sale of Motors y Dynamos The Searchlight speech in which he pointed 100 yards west of the Palace of Justice out the value of education is to double your busines and advised both pupils and SIEMENS parents to stick to the principles of education because education was the most inportant factor in the solution TELEFONO APARTADO of the races problem.
3509 1061 The first item on the pro.
gramme was an anthem by Limon Oct. 13 1930 partial, feel convinced vince of Limon but of the that your efforts in placing entire country, and is whole wide world is Singing.
the Children entitled, The Mr. C. Nation.
and keeping this little meritorious of some ap This was followed by a well Editor and Founder of paper before the public, preciation.
All class of materials of installation of delivered address by Master THE SEARCHLIGHT has been one of strong Some small items that Clarence Morris. All the items Luxurious Lamps at the Dear Sir.
determination and unsel might from time to time were beautifully rendered and Lowest prices.
In the issue of your have appeared diferentia showed the wonderful progress valuable paper of the 11 The paper has served not only as a nevvs edi ting with the opinions of which Liberty Hall Children th. inst. note vvith resome of your contributors, are now making, Special mengret that your SEARCH tion, but it has kept be is all in the life of jourLIGHT is placed on the fore the public eye the nalism market for sale.
interest of the people livBut what stands out With no desire of being ing not alone in the proprominently is the contriDE LUIS OREAMUNO bution you have made to DE CARTAGO emphasize the possibility of the people of your en la calle del comercio, cos.
race; especially here, where tado sur del Mercado, es donde not alone the other races, Ud. puede comer lo que quieThis name signifies: a numerous ra con poco dinero.
EN DISCOS contingent of our own Si Ud. no es un esteta The best music in all styles played by the best orpeople, every thing is done y quiere ser refinado, to inferiorize and deprechestras. The artists of the greatest fame. The most venga a comer al Eureka harmonious and sentimental recitations.
para que el mundo le diga: Continued on page En Panatropes: qué Caballero acabado.
The best instruments for the reproduction of the music from the Records. Portable odels, for the table and furniture. Made of the best ins erials Electric Panaropes gave a strong and sweet sound at the same time reproducing perfectly the last detail of the notes.
Have you ever taken a little time to think over the En Radios: future of your dependents. Vour wife, your mother, The last Word in long Wave receiving apparatuses, your sister, or your children?
with fixtures for short Wave as well. Instruments of After a little thought you are sure to reflect that there 1931 model, the chassis is protected, We highly recomis no protection like a Life Insurance Policy to ment the Radio Panatrope combination of Which provide for their welfare Take a Policy with the there are many in use giving Wonderful results.
On sale in all parts of the Republic CIGARETTES General Repository at San José, which is guaranteed by the government of Costa Rica If you prefer a CIGARETTE of Superior Send us your name, Place of birth, and date, with your Quality at a cheaper price we Recommend requirements and we will send you all details.
San José Chrysler Palace The Secretary VICENTE LINES BANCO NACIONAL DE SEGUROS SAN JOSE Telef. 3027 Apart. 26 SUELON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica EL CAFE EUREKA BRUNSWICK but among LIBERTY 18YOXY315 LO CIGARETES EZANTINY SAY MISTER. BANCO NACIONAL DE SEGUROS The SALON BRUNSWICK LIBERTY


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