
urday 25 October 1930.
PAGE es for Toers e Expulsion of a Millionaire Newspaper Robbery on Tourist Ship nan from France arket All Com is ద SAY MISTER. press.
BANCO NACIONAL DE SEGUROS rable. enterprising reporters reasons why he was asked to The immense robbery Harry Summerfield, vvhen learn from our State Depart.
committed on the his mother in Javy Mrs.
For his exposé of the alle Dutchess of Atholl at Rice vvas found ofiering is what the Literary French Revenge But France did a bad day ged secret naval accord in Kingston Harbour from a in pavvn a vvatch of the has to say of the action work for itself and for inter 1928, Harold Horan, tourist Mrs. Maurice Sal. collection stolen for French government toon Hearst national journalism. declares representative of the Hearst mon vvas discovered in vvhich vvas valued 400.
Mr. William Hearst, FRANCE SPRINGS AN INTERthe New York Telegram, of Universal News Service, was Liverpool, in the possession The total value of the Newspaper magnate NATIONAL Sensation by expelling the Scripps. Howard chain. expelled from France last of a Stoker on the boat Jevvelry stolen vvas 4000.
ontrols some of the William Hearst, American For the tradition and pride year.
papers of the world, newspaper chain publisher of American journalism is that In London, on the way to his aving published for the because of his alleged hostile the press shall be free to castle in Wales, Mr. Hearst fit of the American people attitude.
criticize any Government, fo gave a bristling statement Lunderstanding between Every nation has the right reign and domestic. while to the press, asserting that a and France in the to deny entry to foreigners the French Government has the French Government was Have you ever taken a little time to think over the Negotiations who are regarded as undesinone too good a reputation right in attacking him, but iut of your dependents. Your wife, your mother, in its handling of the foreign wrong in acting against Horan, your sister, or your children?
who was only his agent in After a little thought you are sure to reflect that there Few more idiotic actions the publication of the secret is no protection like a Life Insurance Policy to os de Ladies Please note. have been perpetrated by a Anglo French treaty which provide for their welfare Take a Policy with the SOMETHING NOVEL, SOMETHING CHIC!
civilized and presumably in upset some internationa bara vered Buttons of all sizes and quality. Rhinestones, of all colours telligent government. jibes the apple carts, but informed the rimming dresses as well as, Metal Edges and Nail Heads London Daily News Chronicle: American people. He also OS in silver and gold, can be supplied by.
The spectacle of a great reiterated probable French irriMrs. CARMETA SMITH nation avenging upon an intants in the Hearst opposition San Jose, which is guaranteed by the government of Near the Star Store Limon dividual real or fancied wrongs to United States entrance into Costa Rica is odious when the revenge the League of Nations or Send us your name, Place of birth, and date, with your is effective. When, as in this other European protective requirements and we will send you all details case, the victim is none the pacts, and Hearst intimations The Secretary worse, and is advertised to that France, now the richest BANCO NACIONAL DE SEGUROS the world as a man so power nation in the world, might ful that a foreign Government some of her German SAN JOSE so Be it known, that the to reside in Limon, conse dares not harbour him within indemnity to pay her honest Els operties situated at quently he has been bound its territory, it is silly. debts to America. Mr. Hearst ahuita planted in Cacao over by the Judge to pay On arrival in Paris from the retorts: Italian Lakes, Mr. Hear re If being a competent jourJane Maxwell and allimony allowance; and ceived official notice of his nalist and a loyal American Short term homas Maxwell her thus he is trying to evade expulsion from French terri can make a man persona non ont Isband, cannot be sold his responsibility towards tory, publicly announced thus: grata in France, think can The authorities of the the contracting parties mortgaged, without me. This measure, taken upon endure the situation without Anglican church are se during vvhich time hey ine signature of the said He has also got a the order of the President of loss of sleep.
riously considering the vvold enjoy probationary tode he Maxwell. Any property in Limon at the Council and Minister of Paris papers score Mr. advocation of short term membership in the church; ride on the presum Portette; but as under the interior, has as its origin Hearst in approving expulsion. marriages.
vier pcurity of these Farms stand that there are attempts the rôle played by Hearst in these being ratified for life The Echo de Paris recalls the Dean Inge of St Paule be null and void being made to sell or or dissolved vuhen the term the obtaining and publication Hearst campaign for American but my permission and Mortgage one of my proCathedral was expressed is up; for those persons has of a secret document relative neutrality Figaro declares: nature. These properties perties in Cahuita, hereby to the Franco English naval tre himself as highly in favour who are sceptical of the If all Heart gestures of of legalizing a short term blending of lives and habits Te into my possession beg to Warn the Public, negotiations.
the past were insufficient to The death of my first that no Loan, Sale marriage according to the of a life long plunge in or The Sûreté Générale (se explain his expulsion, the imband; and my second Mortgage can be legal cret service office further pudence of his London deconditions and desires of matrimony.
sband the said Thomas without my signature. explained: clarations justifies it.
Jaxwell has been careMr. Hearst is a Francophoter, but he has now left Jane Maxwell be, and we prefer that he 017 To advertise in on the Farm, and gone ital Cahuita should do his criticizing out. The Searchlight side the country. The Horan SPECIALIST ON DESEASES OF WOMEN affair was only one of the is to double your business TREAMENTS BY AMERICAN APPARATUS OF Il Joney Lenders be Warned. use Marriages Dr. Oscar Pacheco DIATHERMY BRUNSWICK TO BE RAFFLED National Cooperation Bank LAWYER AND NOTARY For documents and legal vvork see your old friend of Limon OFFICE 250 YARDS WEST OF ROGELIO MORA FERNANDEZ RAVENTOS THEATRE SAN JOSE 50 YARDS SOUTH OF THE KIOSK PARQUE MORAZAN This name signifies: EN DISCOS FOR PUBLIC GOOD The best music in all styles played by the best orchestras. The artists of the greatest fame. The most harmonious and sentimental recitations.
En Panatropes: Ten Thousand colones Only 500 thousand Authorized Capital 500. 000 The best instruments for the reproduction of the music worth of Costa Rica Lottery tickets will be printed for from the Records. Portable models, for the table and Tickets playing on the first this raffle and will carry furniture. Made of the best materials. Electric Panatropes day of January 1931 will various prizes. winners of The shares of this Banking Institution, carries a Nogave a strong and sweet sound at the same time be raffled in Limon on the course will get lotery tickets.
reproducing perfectly the last detail of the notes.
minal Value of 100. You may pay it by instalments, 15 th. December 1930. All interested will En Radios: weekly, fortnightly or monthly of 25, 50, or Such gentleman as our observe that this cannot The last Word in long Wave receiving apparatuses, Governor, the Commandan be done on the ending 5. 00 respectively as you desire.
with fixtures for short Wave as well. Instruments of te Mr. Finaly the Brittish numbers of the Costa Rica During our many years of existence, our dividends 1931 model, the chassis is protected. We highly recom Consul etcmay be invited Lottery as there will only have given very good results, reaching as high as ment the Radio Panatrope combination, of which to preside as judges of the be 2500 tickets issued.
there are many in use giving Wonderful results.
16 in 1930. We make loans as you may desire under raffle.
Hurry up and get a On sale in all parts of the Republic Ten thousand colones ticket, all vendors of tickets very good conditions and convenient terms.
General Repository at worth of tickets plus what residing in Limon will cerOur reserve funds guarantee you the security of your is usually sold here, means tainby sell these tickets. The investment much for us here, and also prizes will be advertised in the Junta. The more tick all the leading News ets sold in Limon the papers of the country.
AGENT San José Chrysler Palace most likely will the prize In case of postponement fall hereNow comes of the raffle all buyers will Box 1203 Telephone 3051 fine chance to buyers of we notified both in the the Lotery to obtain a News papers and by San José Telef. 3027 Apart. 26 ticket which will cost you vendors. 400 and stand the chance 100 yards west of the Palace of Just to win a 200. 000 prize. Lee.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y juventud, Costa Rica.


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