
РАО Saturday 25 October 1930 THE SEARCHLIGHT UNTERNA)
The question of Remarrying Bits of wit and humour from The Digests Spice of Dr. Jorge Montes de Oca This is a matter that has judge of the Supreme Court who will assist her to make exisbeen engaging the minds of clearly informed a woman who Yes my child, thats tence less burdensome, is inTHE Government Army in spirit of charity, offers his serions thinking people for had been brought before him deed aggravating and merciless; China is easy to recognize. It services. Ad in New York mel hair brush.
some time. Frequently we have under similar circumstances but we are quite convinced in confiscates property, while the Golly, papa, it mu world. No use. We re looking other one loots.
seen adwertisements in the and charged wrth Bigamy. He thonght that if proper reprefor one with Lincoln mo him a terrible long brush himself.
papers of a wife enquiring as distinctly emphasized in his sentations were made, as to desty. Life.
to the whereabouts of her summing up that it is illegal the publications made in the AND now Mr. Hoover might Something Else Again. Those Luscious As husband with a view of getting for any married person to different periodicals of the appoint a commision to find married again, and of husbands What is your brother in WIFE Jolin, is it da remarry without evidence of country of which they are out whal his fact finding comdoing the same thing, and the death of the partner, or a money talks?
sapposed to be residents with missions do with the facts college?
they find. half back.
we have known vedlack of in divorce granted, no presump proofs of exhaustive investiHUSBAND. That what formation has been clearly es tion that the husband or wife gations as to whether they mean in studies.
say, my dear tablished; but this does not Oh, in studies, he away is dead will legalize a second shonld be alive or no, coupled CUBAN unrest is said to be Well, wish you lei legalize the situation, as a marriage; and he has asked with proofs of desertion and alarming. As a rule resting is back.
little here to talk to the Ministers of religion and nonsupport, that any judge the best thing a Cuban does.
Job Comforter. Havering the day. gear newspapers to give it as much will take into account the you seen how Slaminoff, the Wonderful Remedy publicity as possible, so as to extenuating circumstances and Boy Who Made Good. critic, has massacred my last Taking His Meu avoid the less informed from considerably minimize the Has Harry traveled much?
CAUTIOUS FATHER My is Elixir Antianofelo falling under the rigidity of penalty of the offence. Has he! not? He been to Don mind him he just if you want a good husi the law.
On the other hand we are half the places on his suit repeats, like a parrot, what marry Mr. Easie. He To kill malarlal fevers, the only Another case has recently thinking that it would be an case labels.
everyone else is saying. and truly loves you.
preparation guaranteed as a radical cure for Yellow fever, blackwater occurred in England by the unscrupulous wretch, who DAUGHTER How Gleaner where a husband fever, Ague, intermittent fever, colds would have abandoned their Admires Himself. Con When Patience Counts. know that, dad?
and all classes of fevers.
left the wife and children for partner for years and years fidential personal counselor. Papa, is this a camel hair CAUTIOUS FATHER It is recommended for cleansing over twelve years without without giving their existence a with Lincoln inspiration and brush. ve been borrowing a disordered Liver.
being heard from, the wife thought that would be tempted off him for six months In proof of the above see the following, for four months had applied to an English Judge to institute proceedings against still he keeps coming.
been suffering from Hay Fever for his advice as to whether him or her because there was If you need a first class Medical man see and after trying all sorts of medicines she could get married or no, a second marriage, on the Pleasure Is Mutual. was advised by Mr. Antonio and the same answer was contrary, he or she should be Brenes of Dulce Nombre Cartago given, that so for as the law thonght highly of, for enwoman in the suburbs Office 175 yards south of the Gran Hotel Costa Rica to buy a flask at Carboni Co chatting over the back fe was concerned it was a grave deavouring to legalize the did so and after taking it, was TELP. 2950 Call at residence By TELP. 2740 with her next door neight risk to run.
union with another rather permanently cured. magnificent Electrical aparatus for treatment by We re going to live in a in turn reccommended it to There are most distressing than living in concubinage the French method of heat application. Specialist Mrs. Gertrude Mata of Cartago, ter neighborhood soon shesa circumstances arising somewhich would be the line of on Ladies ailments Box 997 San Jose So are we, volunteer id Mrs. Juana Mora of Linea times, especially where wife least resistance.
ja who used The Elixir Antianand small children have been Mrs. Nextdoor, confidently.
alo with marvelous effects as a What? Are you movir left behind without any means Another Libel suit agains Mr.
eure for all sorts of tropical fevers, too?
No household should be without of sustenance, and after years it. Rafael Mata Orozco. Buy it at of privation, the illegality of Marcus Garvey No, we are staying herg Carboni Co. Cartago. such a wife to take a partner By the Gleaner ve Pass the Soap. you find that another Libel suit woman wants was has been filed against Mr.
cleaning daily.
Marcus Garvey. The case Ad in the Toronto E. Barnes Haylett vs. MarStar.
cus Garvey for libel and AND slander has been listed for Standing Pat. GENE BUSINESSMAN PROTECTIVE AGENCY the 22nd. October, and all round manager wishes ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED is being vvatched vvith ponsible position; can ns gate steam, gasoline and Bureau established for the greater convenience, under vessels, act as chauffeur, tanding, satisfaction and protection of the English Speaking Public, in their legal affairs, and a Collection Department annexed perton poultry and incul for the protection of Businessmen against unscrupulous debtors.
tion, can handle help; A Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to lose; a In consequence of thes leave honesty to others.
Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute confidence of the change from Fortnightly public for honesty and efficiency. Both now operated under the the direction of a Barrister with over twenty five years practical payments by the Company experience, acquired on the Bench of the various Circuit Courts fo Monthly payments as he presided as Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Supe trom 1st. of October, We rior and Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials are asking our subscribers are records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and Counsel.
to The Searchlight to CIGARETTES EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ settle up their subscriptionBarrister Investigator faithfully to the end of OcAttorney at Law Notary Public Soliciting Manager tober so as to start afresh our 2nd year in November If you prefer a CIGARETTE of Superior MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE you may send in your SAN ANTONIO Limon; Oposite «Arrosty Theatre San Jose, 50 yards West of the Quotes in Limon to Mr. Quality at a cheaper price we Recommend Presidencia R, Brooks, and along Remedio eficaz, Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of the lines to Dr. Shavv Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, 1: at Siquirres; or direct to para la expulsión California, New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, Cartago.
de lombrices.
The Management De venta en la FARMACIA ESPANA LUCAS MORUA Farmaceutico CARTAGO.
IRONMONGERS The oldest hardware store as well as that of the greatest popularity in the country By popular vote we were awarded the Diploma of Honour in the merchants popularity Contest instituted by the Diario of Costa Rica DE LUIS OREAMUNO DE CARTAG en la calle del comercio, tado sur del Mercado, es Ud. puede comer lo que ra con poco dinero.
Si Ud. no es un estela y quiere ser refinado, venga a comer al Eureka para que el mundo le diga: qué Caballero acabado.


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