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PRICE Cts. Cr.
West Indian Islands On Representative Government ISLAND OF GRENADA STARTS West Indian award Summary of the ed 300 Damages Week Cables LABORERS WANTED FOR BALL ROLLING BOCAS DEL TORO AGAINST PANAMA RAIL ADMIRAL SIMMS, PRESIROAD COMPANY Other Islands Follow Suit DENT OF WAR BOARD United Fruit Company Offers In the Supreme Court of Admiral Simms, who had Good Facilities It will doubtless interest our West Indian readers to the Canal Zone, on Monday charge of the American Navy during the in learn of the important happenings in their various island April 7th, Judge Hanan sit waters, arrived in tire States Page homes, chiefly among which is the unanimous acclamation tiug, awarded damages to the Sunday on the liner Mantania Ekolmän sikis issue ap. finds itself confronted with for Representative Government for the variour islands amount of 300. 00 in favor of which was escorted up New York pears an advertisement by the a shortage of labor hence which means Emancipation from the claws of Crown Harrison, a painter for the barbour by a big flotilla of aero United Frutt Company call the advertisement in this Colony Conservatism.
Building Division at Pedro Paft. After reporting to Washing for laborers for farm and isssue.
planes and a feet of harbour Those of us (West Indians) on the Isthmus who are Railroad. Harrison was rep it is said, would resume the Toro.
Miguel, against the Panar work at Bocas del ington Headquarters the Admiral. railr Laborers will be paid 20e.
familiar with the form of Crown Colony Government as resented by Felix Porter, Presidency of the Naval War gold per hour for dock work.
exists in the various West Indian islands can readily join (Attorney) and the College.
The Company offers free Farm work is given out by precies with our brothers across the waters and stretch by Vandame. According to On Monday last Joap of Arc transportation from Panama contract and Mr. Coombs forth the hand of sympathy wishing them God speed in the evidence. Harrison the was canonized at an imposing to the place of work.
right through to Bocas and on states that for this works standing up for this necessary right a right which has laborer ean make 00 gold been denied the West Indian Islands for many Centuries Division at Pedro Miguel as the Pope and other high digna pany Labor Agent was in The Employee of the Building ceremony at the Vatican, at which Coombs the Com per day and more.
and which has contributed greatly to the present depleted painter, took the train from tories participated.
state of those loyal islands of the British Empire.
Panama during the week and Company makes no hard and In recruiting laborers the the latter place to Panama.
One of the entries for the 50, 000 called in at the WORKMAN fast rule.
The Grenada West Indian in a stirring Article under On December 16th last at Trans Atlantic race is an aero: PRINTERY, when he gave a the headline The Awakening Comments thus:Red Tank a suburb of Pedro plane of Shortt Brothers which It gladdened our hearts to read for Liberty and Righteousness. Miguel he took the train for will start (tom the coast of lengthy detail of the facilities. The laborer is not called that following on the heels of There is movement to this end in home, as usual the collector Ireland for Newfoundland on the offered by the United Fruit upon to sign any contract.
16th inst, and it expects to inake Company to laborers who are the Company pays all his Dominica, whose Chamber of Dominica. There is movement who collected fares des the trip in 20 hours.
willing to work transportation to the place Commercent on the need of popu to hear that the entire Leeward which his foreman had given washington states Ambassador that the present recruiting of Commerce made a distinct pro in St Kitts Nevis. Soon we hope troyed Harrison hat check Kh early cable this week from He at once forcibly stated where he is requested to work.
nou nepresentation, the Presi. Islands are solid for governmene him and accused him of trying Reading, His Britannic Majesty labor for. Bocas had nothing On arriving at the scene den suited to the to of labour if he does not forward with a strong demand British conscience and pressing tion ordering him at the same saying that the suggestion cur at all to do with the recent like the place he is free to go for civilised government for a Clarion calls to fall in are civilised people. In the telegrams sounded in Trinidad. In the to leave the coach, which he reat in some quarters that strike of the laborers at that any other part he chooses; but he will not be given mublished in yesterday paper. very near future, judging by declined, claiming that the the recognition of Lanine and advised place.
Die gather that not only has the indications, we hope to hear of check destroyed was his right Trotály is entirely unfoonded.
further transporta That through the timely the Company: he demand been made, but the Renbeentative Government As people of St. Kitts Nevis have sociation formed in St. Vincent pass and entitled him to ride to Upon this the collector in an oficial telegram to the Arma Mallet, a general Paris despatch informs that intention for this pay his way ment Association, the eligibility for tho recovery of our Alsace sisted for iare, and Harrison nian Peace Delegation says, that and amicable understanding Commissaries a of qualification for membership Lorraine, lost to us, aye, taken lished at every sectiu being the statutory qualification from us, in an unsuspecting mo failing to produce any other famine reigns in Armenia, 2, 000 had been established between labor for the convenience of than the one already pro No bread has been had for three persons dying daily of hunger. the Company and the laborof a juror. We congratulate our ment.
the laborer.
brothers on the other side, and pla welcome them as Allies in a cause rara, Jamaica, where the out of passengers coach and con the epidemic of typhus is thereby again become normal and the Places like Barbados, Deme duced was expelled from the days, even in the hospitals, and ers, that the situation had Mr. Coombs, the recruiting of Liberty and Righteousness.
laborers were at work. Agent, can be found at 137 We want them now to repeat the date form of Crown Colony Gov. fined in a baggage car of the intensitied.
pledge with us: ernment do not exist with its same train. On arrival at London cablegram stated But he states that during Central Avenue, Panama blithing influences, can help us Balboa was he handed over early in the week that the Prince the war, owing to the lack of where further information care We, the People of the British West also. We invite their help. They to the police on a charge of of Wales tew over London Fast steamship transportation, and be obtained. He is a West Indies, the cradle of the British can help us by ing any bogus 8htly condemn having artempted to obtain Monday in an aeroplane. also to the fact that the entire Indian and has been in the Empire, where every wave and wind re echo the early hopes of England, the West Indies free transportation on the Cable news from London on White Fleet of the United employ of the Company for do solemnly make oath in our hearts which is not based on popular re. train without proper Monday said that the Grand Fruit Company was coman the past nine years, has and say that we shall use every presentative institutions.
tell them that they will be selling he was tried before the Balboa when Admiral Beatty hauled company was compelled to emyloyers and the gratitude Wo authority. On December 17th Fiset of England was dispersed deered for war purposes, the gained the confidence of his sure for ourselves, our children, and their birthright for a our children children, the right of pottage if they unite in in Federa Magistrate on Disorderly con: Chiet. Newspaper comments farms.
This, coupled with the Indians who are working for down his flag as Commander in abandon work on most of the of the large numbers of West participating effectively in matters tion with colonies like ours which duct, found guilty and fined tell of the total distraction of the of our own goverument; a right en are not their political equal. but 25. 00 from which sentence enemy naval power by the drafting from Bocas of over the Company in their various riched and wonetified by duties, and are were twopenny, one man he appealed.
British sea lions.
1, 000 ablebodied West In fields of operations, Bočas, crowned by the records of our loyalty, shows, where the people cannot law abidingness, pationt toul, and dians, who volunteered for Costa Rica and Honduras.
The Appellate Court on conceive any thing making for solid development unity of purpose with their peo January 14th sustained his Monday states that the War service with the British forces Mr. Coombs is a frank And we further make oath and ple in matters concerning the demurrer and dismissed him. Department plans sending a mis. and left for Jamaica, caused a speaker and his outspokene say that we shall never cease this general good destipy of a federa The amicable defence made sion of ten of the leading educa scarcity for labɔr. manner has the ring of genfight for popular Representation until Now that the war is over, uine honesty. West Indians by Mr. Porter for Harrison tors to the American arıny of To all who are at present in the outweighed all that Mr. Van the possible spread of Bolshe work has been resumed on idling in Panama should at we set objectified in our own caso, occupation in Europe to combat such a substantial measure of the. right of a people self determination Our cause is righteous. All the dame produce. He pointed out vism.
the farms, and the Company once See Mr. Coombs.
in their own affaire se will enable tremendous expenditure of blood the equality of man to man to live our own lived, in keeping with and treasure caused by the ter and that right, justice and that President Caranza of Mexico Pacific Theatre yet to accommodate the West Washington news announces and in keeping with the severe principle of every intelligent the of in all Indian are people to bave a voice in their own places where right was lost or regardless of colour and creed. vf the treasury by Luis Cabrera chief patrons of the Pacific.
government; diminished experience. We have The Judge in summing up Neito had just returned from To night there will be New York after unsuccessful And in witness of this our solemn behind our backs the push of cited many cases in connec offorts to obtain a loan from the tainly made a hit in the moving exciting and soul stirring serial The Pacific Theatre has cer the 16th and 16th episodes of the eath, we call upon both the quick immense moral forces, imperish. tion with the one then before bankers there.
and the dead to hear us ay in our able forces, which have in them him, upholding the plea of picture line this week, as was feature Eddie Polo in The Grey souls, individually: all the surviving substances and Mr. Porter, awarded dam Paris news dated April 8th, witnessed every play night, and and SO HELP ME GOD. elements of ages; and we have quotes Echo de Paris as saying especially on Thursday night, will be packed by the movie fane before our faces the glad vision ages to the amount of the that the Allies will exact among when the cool down town Theatre who have been following this We knew when we started in of the mountain tops silvered abovementioned 300. 00. The Germany, complete reparation was packed to its greatest capaci interesting Grenada that we were lighting a with a new, ndiy fight, where Attorney for Railroad gave for outrages done during the war satisfy the big crowd who flocked has prepared an elaborate pro serial.
at Eor next week the out the West Indies, and take the transfigured forms of heroes motion for a new trial.
that the Inter Allied Financial in the spirits of all true patriots and go over to the state of equal and martyrs beckon us to ascend Commission will meet every the ticket box trying to get tickets those who delight to trequent the the doors and actually bombarded gram to meet the demands of all wherever they may be. We human happiness, for which year to decide what portion of for the stupendous show The movies during Holy Week. On Wnew that we were not fighting they suffered and died. all in BRITISH CONSULATE reparation Germany should Sinking of the Lusitania and Holy Thursday and Good Friday for ourselves alone, but for order to leave us the burning pay the following year, and that the Geezer of Berlin. Since the Passion Play will be sbowa Geneva has been definitely all. We knew also that others inspiration of history and literaNOTICE selected as the seat of the League present management, there has in the afteraoon and the regular this Theatre has been under the twice both days, Matinee at can do much to help us. We ture.
of Nations.
kind of deltrious joy, Shall we press on? At least we Paris news on Thursday report been always a rush at nights to show at o clock in the night casinopered with quiet thankfulThe British Consulate ed that President Wilson sent a such as Eddie Polo in the Grey the advertisement of the theatre see the exciting serial features On page of this issue appears s, in that others have fallen have cause to be glad, We are in with us in the great Crusade witnessing our awakening. would be glad of information of Belgium on Wednesday, his its history has there been such a good show is ensured each play message to King Albert Ghost and others, but never in and it will at once be seen that regarding one Claudius birthday, in the following words: a large force of theatre goers as night during the coming weet.
LEAGUE CONCERT under the auspices of the Guy of St. Thomas, Jamaica Please accept my warmest the one witnessed at the Pacific POSTPONED. Isthmian League of British who came to Panama in 1910 congratulations, and hope that on Thursday night last.
West Indians at Geddes you you any of We have been asked to Hall East 15th, to night, and was last heard of in Sep birthday in times which are management who are determine your tishing stories before the character John why not dearie. announce that the sacred has been indefinitely post tember 1917, when his ad rapidly growing brighter, and to keep the standard of the that you may witness the com theatre always at high water Wel John because want to bring Concert an anged to be given ponéd.
dress was: Ancon plete restoration of Belgiun. mark and if possible to go higher then up to b) truthful and honest ounce manhood we possess to enor. cable from New York on our fitness, be screened Ghost management the feel


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