
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 1919 WILKINSON Contractor Builder INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION Head Office, National City Bank Building, New York First Class Workmanship Plans and Specifications Free 15th Street West, House 90 BOX 4u PANAMA, Capital, Surplus, and Undivided Profits Over 9, 000, 000. 00 Cy.
RESOURCES OVER 100, 000. 000. 00 CURRENCY Depository of the Panama Canal Central Drug Store FOUNDED IN 1881 THE OLDEST DRUG STORE IN PANAMA CITY, AND THE MOST MODERN ONE.
Headquarters for all Articles Associated with the Drug Trade.
MANUEL ESPINOSA Contral Avenue, 33 Opposite La Merced Church Panama. MORRICE, Sub Manager. ROBERTSON, Acting Manager.
Interesting News from the the West West Indian Islands, the Cruz Iste moment ten in Trinidad unofficial representative to the Federal Sant told him he must take a bath and Acting Colonial Secretary, copies of two flux flying, thiet there was any posibility (said to have taken up abovel stiek Council. This Society is of opinion that into the water put zote. salt fish, lot. Ordinsnes which it is proposed to intro of holding masqurade in Trinidad. which he found in a corner of the room, the matter of Federation may fitly be garlic, lot. sive, let. onion, bon le milk duce into the Legislative Council. The the lights having been previously turned considered and dealt with by the Ano and a fowl having all its feathers of ond first an Ordinance for the incorporation off, and made a blow at the crowd. The The Railway and the Cocoa ciated Chamber of Commerce of the colour. He (defendant) then made of certain persons. Trustee of the Demerara stick struck Daniels on the head, who is piece of British West Indies, the body most rough calculation on Croper.
said to have been stunned by the blow but paper Baptist Church in the Colony, and the representative of the interests and and told him the amount ww 64cts, second Ordinance relating to the recovered shortly afterwards, and, going industries of all the islands, and that the Defendaut said he was leaving for Santa prevention of cruelty to children and home, retired to bed bed, Next morning from the Port of Spain Gasette. Associated Chamber should urge that that he swooned From what we have been informed on the Federation of the West Indies be, but would return in a few days young persons and the practice of juvenile! Tragedy at a Boy Daniels parents notiks.
As promised defendant returned several smoking.
and fell upon getting out of bed. They Scout Meeting.
times after only to receive receive ther ply from The objects and roasas for the latter took him to the General Hospital, where Toliable authority, the prospects of the accompanied by autonomous Govern that he was not ready. On the are given vis. The Inspector General of Juhn it was found that his skull had been conde planters for the coming crop are ment.
day in question Defendant came the far from rosy, and towards the gloomy Later, on Friday, Daniela told him he did not want the bath Constabulary has drawn the attention the Government to the fact that Mock Court Trial Ends expired.
outlook, it is said that the railway in contributing not negligible quote. More Assumption charm to win the love of a wealthy girl, dealing with cruelty to children. It has Defendant said he would give him of the is Fatal.
Owing to the early setting in of the marry make therefore, beon thought TRATE, drought this year, the cocon crop will be of Super natural te them told the defendant albright due to be resource de propiere te interest Buskridy Slays The Attorne He the Itaperial Act doubly bit, in that it promises to be Holder was arrested and charged with Goneral.
asked the cost, Defendant said 30. He Edw. YII ramparatively short in addition to being manslaughter, and was placed before Him Powers. 87, relating to and other naked witness to write the girl name on offence against children and young But this is not all. The want ol Worship, Mr. McCowan.
a piece of paper which he did (produced persons. The section of the said Act facilities for transporting On application of Sub Inspector Carrell, name written Simona Roper. defend relating to Juvenile smoking, are also SLAUGHTER already experienced edere days been the one that Charm to win, Lady and they went up and brought him two inoluded in this Bill.
the hearing was postponed till next leaves which he distressing iticident took place at St Saturday, the accused being tot out our ted to be incoming at the Sis own bail.
his bath, meanwhile calling the girl Our Boys Coming Home. 13th instant, resulting in the denth, at Barnabas schoolroom, Bourds, on the sugar reaping will be in The funeral of Daniela took place at the difficulty of railway trans At the City Magistrate Court, yester told him he had no more, presently. He name. He gave defendant 00 and We Public Hospital, of a Boy Scout Le Ropestir cometery, the Boy Secure portation will be greatly enhanced. We day, Albert Lewis, a middle aged man further told defendant has cousin While the War Memorial project is named Albert Daniels, and the arraigo being in attendance. The last rites were keration that the number of railway Jacobs, with the best way lay du lion delendant readily offered to known as a soveran old woman solemnly in the recently sented have been told, without any any one stood charged by Constable Benjamin whicken bulile quite houheetle doumia under discussion, another urgent matter mont of another Scout named William performed by Canon Roberto Rosein connection with the war. thank God Holder before the City Magistrate, Argosy and that ceive sum of by the assumption on a charge of manslaughter The Food Situation.
are recorded in the press from time to of Super natural powers at Maravar, on rights odio cousin at that it, yesterday) is the reception which appeared on the scene and was introIt is stated that the two boys with time, correct February 18 introduction is due the gallant, brave and loyal fellows others, went to the schoolroom where stimate of what really occurs in that AN UNPROFITABLE MARKET, direction; and many more mishape which the defendant, who iwas unrepresented, white handkerchier how hack nike ror: enable us to retail security under the seated as Attorney General and arraigns Sub Inspector Face prosecuted, and John tett pretending to be going for a who went over to face shot and shell to the arranged a mack Court. Daniels ever The position with regard to the food.
see the light of public print, are of Complainant, giving evidence, muid Soon after the constable was on the Union Jack. His Worship, the Mayor, od Holder under the name of Bakridy almeost daily occurrence in view of consequence of a report mude at the senue and the tale related in defendant learned that matter fully at heart and, it is with being an obeshman. The triat stuffs in Water Street is described expected, that there will be an inforrnal concluded, Bukridy was convicted on merchants as being very bad indeed, saya presence these drawbarks, many as plantera Maraval Station by one Francis John, cances to the boys began to inflict the Duíly Argosy.
Traders deolara suffer to a great extent; as tot being two dollar notes were marked by Lance Gregorio Cimothy, cousin, supported ball a rolling. It is to be hoped that the punishment upon him, in order, as they every that incredere in many commeatly able to set their produce transported corpl Homeward and given to Francis the prosecution Defendant denied having made any as to give the home coming boys a heartying of obesh was a heinous offence that being over importation, a state of affairs country folk will also organize in time so said, to get him to realise that the work every article they handle the reason into the op a markets where they get John, along with certain instructions the advantage of regular current prices, John left. Soon afterwards, he (witnesa) 92. 00 from John for a scale bargained for the town or villages. If there could that it was better to engage in honest The situation with regard to four is no such promise. He said he received the reception on their arrival in their various led to untold ille, and to make him see that bids fair to continue for some time.
they are forced to the alternative of went to John shop where he met a mon accepting far lower have been so lavish expense made for the employment than to fleece unsophistica quite as bad as it was a short time back, prices on the spot, fuained Gregorio Timothy. Timothy told some time ago.
rather than incur the greater loss inci: him something and her handed him ano moning of witnesses.
The case was adjourned for the sun recent Masqurade, surely out boyo ted people of their laard earned cash pricos show an upward tendency.
It dental Anticipated that with the release of to deserve far more; as it is only by their keeping the produce indefinitely ther marked note also and left. At This went on for some time, but when on hand is entertained that bout 130 the same day John came We have received from the Hon. the efforts in assisting to keep the good old the ragging became intolerable, Holder is 30, 000 bags of rice from the local markets, other articles of foodstuffs of Mr. Marwood prolonged slay to the Station and told him something.
which there during abroad opportunity, was taken by him Accompanied by John, he went to the to make the necessary investigation pre shop where he met the defendant. John greater demand traders anticiliminary to the purchase of sufficient on reaching the shop, passed by the back BRITISH OFFICIAL WAR PICTURES. pate being able to recoup some of their rolling stock to meet the demands of the but he (witness) entered by the front toss. At present it is stated there is no rapidly increasing agricultural conditions door. In defendant presence John said appreciable demand for rice. This state of affairs will also not continue when the on which the welfare of the colony o This is the third is the third time this man (defenlargely depende dant) has come here trying to fool me shipments for the islands reference to the Cocoa and Export and he has promised to give me a charm, teney the Governor which will enable me to win the love of one Simona Japer, daughter for Trinidad, the recently published a wealthy NO SHIPPING AVAILABLE.
proprietor of this district. gave him market report of the island states that there was an overstock in the land.
There are now awaiting shipment from a dollar and he asked for a phial into into From ansther this colony, 15, 000 bags of Trinidad which to put the charm. That also merchants such permission cocon and 8, 000 bags of Venezuelan gave him. He rave me some bush and from the Gercament to tre expect their BOCOR There are however, no immedi told me when bathing to put it into the surplus stosks, but with it stree ate prospects by dircet shipment to water and enll the girls name three times.
auration in Barbadoe is much more Europe owing to sugar and other cargo He asked the defendent to give him the favourable for the local proddet. pont from Demerara having taken up al money he received but the defendant intelligence from India is to the elect available space Unless there is an said he had no money. He then asked that the Indian Government have proearly opportunity for Havre, this on the defendant to accompanny him to bide fair to remain here for some little hibited the export of rice, as the condiwhich he sation, did.
There a search tions are said to point to a shortage of time yet.
was made and the two marked notes were found on him, also small cloth production in that country.
Movement for Federation.
bag. He Changed the defendant.
The Port of Spain Gaxette says: At Francis John, shopkeeper, said he saw Rice Situation in Demerara recent meeting of the St. Vincent Cotton the defendant for the first time about Growers Association and Agricultural two weeks ago. He came to hio sho 30, 000 Bags for the Islands: and Commercial Society the following and asked him to boil him some tea, resolution was unanimously adopted which he did. When he was finished, That this Society hereby exp esses its defendant told him he (witneso) wars GOVERNOR WITHDRAWS EM approval of the movement for Federation very kind hearted man and no wonder BARGO, of the British West Indies with asked From Demerara påper we gathee the benefit of Improved Inter Empire water. He made the foria of a crow on that His Excellency the Governor has Trade, and pledges itself to support the counter with the ashes and placed decided pardy to renove the embargo scheme of Federation under which this the glase on it. Delendant looked into placed on the exportation of rive living aolony will retain the right to legislate the glass and told him bis (witnom)
Forestry, making charcoal for warming the troops in the trenches. Charcoal agreed to allow 39, 000 bags to be shipped for itself in internal matters, and will business was crooked and red skinned to the Islands under certain conditions.
alro be entitled to rend at least one man was causing his troubles. Defend kilms at work.
The are heavy stocks in the colony, will be in entand and the allotment box by His Excel15, 000 bags olrice ande, bogin Witte the Trinidad en sure it was to druhu The to the participation of the colonies in why he was not better off. Defendant glass of Continued on page 3)


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