
A GOOD PICTURE increases one interest in PHOTOGRAPHY under the Call in at the SCRANTON PHOTO STU 68 Central Avenue e bride Ruents And you are sure to be interested in havin your Picture taken by the genial propriet Mc KENZIE Printing, Developing and Enlar after who might offer the potom ho wanted to bring before in fases the captain, The only question was inachers are inadeguate as compensation Mary ATCHES and JEWELRY THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, APRIL 12. 1919 PAGE THREE Interesting News from spessories Jamaica West Indies.
Colored West Indian Continued from page la proclamation published in a recent shows Skill as Pianist.
inue of the Official Gazette His Excel ney will allow permits to be issued for export in the following proportions to the Neville Atkinson Studied at mentioned colonies. 15, 000 bags 1o Trinidad; 3, 000 to Barbados; 3, 500 to New England Conservatory the Windward Islands; and 3, 500 to the of Music.
Loward Islands The Government bas slao issued The Jamaica Gleaner of the notice stating that provisional permits for 24th olto: contains the following export will be based on the amount interesting article of a colored puddi brought to the mill. If farmer Was was had rice milled for him and still has Gesty sCharge Affairs aceive news for publication and rice up the equivalent in paddi he may have his proportion, subject to his selling a; Mr. Hitcheon Job Printing ritish Consal at Co Mr. Perör Haldhr Agent for Ga.
is permit (if he does not export himself)
de Boissiere British ton who is authorised to receive to the wine person at the one to whom tul, and Mrs. de Bois all communications for publica he sells or has sold an equal amount of leut S Weigall, tior and job printing rice. The miller proportion will only ritish Naval Vice Con Mr. Crawford, corner 8t le be on the paddi he had or has had on his own account.
frs. T. Parker; Mrs.
and Street Colon.
uns and Mr. Delgade other agents will be published The names and address of rker officiated at the Barbados later.
played delightful suit th Occasion Room for Educated NeTragedy in the Hare marriage ceremony and ogroom groes in the States bour. by the to the Washington If Nigro professions wert is a sumptuous but numerous as whites are to their Seaman Kills Captain and ser and several ow. race in the United Stat it livered would require 2, 00) more, areisWounds Mate.
tects, and chemists, 4, 000 more draftsinen, 2, 000 more Physicians helors Dance an! Sargeons, 10. 000 more Under the bendline The Week in Brief, the Barbados Standard get the grand Richelars and 70, 000 more trained nurses, 700 more survey.
of the 8th ulto, reports the fol.
Schoul which will eome of Teachers.
lowing a Hill Chorrillo, ou 1th Inst.
ble time is gnaran love you for it: tact, and she will Give in to a woman and she will not MANSLAUGHTER. Premier Uhor ant respet you vith her her owe Wild excitement prey ailed way and she will not yait.
aboard the three masted schooner Jeremiah Smith on Tuesday morning, sbortly o clack when sbanian named Robert Neit, otherwise known as Bobb NEED. We always have on whipped out a revolver on being SPECIAL FEATURE.
hand a complete refused permission by the Capt WATCH!
Elmo Blaek line of reliable shot both the Captain and the Bok to go ashore and geis low priced mate and extribited a disposition to deal similarly with any other member who tain, on American, died fifteen Shipping Commissioner of the United whether aceused committed the act on for their services, that as the Board is high test provocation. The Cap He entre bien heerlater the main artery. se States. inforwed the Captain that if the impulse of the moment or whether powerless to grant an increase, the meet with a Go Give us a call before going elsewhere.
bullets while the mate who was he would have to be paid off, and instruct evidence given was not sufficient to chow to the Governor in Executive Committee he passed the heart being ruptured by the this neccured was unfit to you to sea that he did it with mulier uforethought. The ing pledges itself to support the petition Boy You are sure to be on time it your WATCH was repaired by US.
shot in the left thigh had to be ed the accused to go to the doctor for that the act was premeditated. It might asking for an increased grant for educa Local Exa taken to the Genera!
teral Hospital, examination told decenas to take be that the coused thought the deceased on to enable henter eines les permanent store fie; in BER WE MAKE WEDDING RINGS AND OTHER Neil was placed under arrest and nocused to Dr. Bridger by whose certi. was going into his room to execute the to Teachers. The meeting respectfully nior for a the body of the Captain removed fronte would be guided. warned the threat and so elust hier first: arks the Board to support the same Honours.
to the Public Mont unry where an accused that a certificate of inability to It was matter for them to denide. The measure by sending a recommendatiom London JEWELRY TO ORDER inquest was held next day at work wonld not securo hin discharge. They Jury after a moment hesitation brought to the Governor in Executive Committee for him to o by Mr. Briggs, Cor returned shortly with a certifionte of in a verdict of manslaughter.
asking for an increased grant for educa so as to qu oner and juryAmong those innbility to go to son which certified ovuly tion, and takes this opportunity of in although bd present were Mr. Living see ration, LER is the MAN you want to see.
he stone, American Consul; Messrs. to put man in the temporary disability. The deceased took. and Hanschell, Inspector who was to be taken Place of the red PETITION FOR BETTER forming the Board of its intention.
Armstrong and Sgt. Collins.
WAGES signed on a St. Lucia 122 CENTRAL AVENUE man The valu at 10 per month. Decensed and meeting of the Assistant and Pupil a year for 22nd Street accused got into an altercation as to Joseph Thompson, steward of whnt each had done to the other. De Touchers of the Elementary Schools Panama, instittued was the schooner, said Beceased who censed asked ancused whether he had not Scholarship College sper Was tiver fantajao or she schooner felt the ship without peenisone hand met held on Saturday back at the CA. First Winner of University at the publique 1918 fifty. but complained that Hall for the ostensible purpose of dia cussing er arrived bere about a fortnight the deceased had addressed him in oppro to obtain an increase in their salaries the advisability of taking steps Young OXO.
bious terms. Evidence was also given by The meeting was presided over by Mr.
ago. The accueed who was his success ember of the crew suffered Timothy Blueford, Reginald Pouchie, ara. Broomes, of Ebenezer Boys School. Edmund Auguste, son of our wor Scholarship from a swollen ankle. About 10 cled Seamen, and Charles Brathwaite, who performed his duties in an efficient thy townsman, Auguste we offer morning who was en aged a night watchman manner.
running with his bande pressed aboard the schooner.
The spoo: bes made were all Druggist in Castries, And a pupil of St. Mary Coll Among them Mary College, having passed the Lon.
worthy of the occasion.
against nis wide exclaiming Oh! Dr. Johnson, who made a post was one by Mr. Rawle Parkinson who don University Matriculation Examina man caree ON! Oh! He ran into his bed mortem examine ion of the body said was in deep sympathy with the move tion held in London in June. last, be sidering his wbere afterwards saw him that the bullet had entered the left side ment, and who gave the teachers the comes the first winner of the St. Lucia dently look groaning Blood was oozing from just below the border of the last tib. He benefit of some valuable suggestions. At Scholarship, instituted January last by future an bu wound in his left side. had, however, failed to find it despite a che conclusion of the meeting the follow his excellency Sir George Haddon Smith tried to turn him over but reutising careful search. In his opinion death was ing resolution was agreed to unanimously Governor of the Windward Islands, that if did so the blood would gush out due to hemorrhage from the orate, conse by over 120 teachers: That the Assis WHAT Young Auguste has been from his fwater, desisted, shook him and quent on the bullet wound.
itant and Pupil Teachers here Assembled early childhood au ardont student and OUG requested him to talk but he was unable The Coroner summed up stating it was bring to the notion of the Education his last achievement only crowus bis for They occupy little do so. Death endued about a quarter alear that accused was the person whol Board that the salaries paid to the said mer successes as a pupil of whom St.
of an hour later. did not see wha shot Buying the deceased. Prior to this courente tal space, require accused came to me and told me how ha to see the deceased, BRITISH OFFICIAL me do told him WAR PICTURES yo will sco practically no atdocereed was in the alt cabin. then saving the asked me where was this place, although Dress tention and cost every snilor knows where the aft cabin and Woole qitusted. Decented who had apparently latest sti heard accused enquiring for him said he rienced si nothing when the had no desire to see him. About live and where minutes later deceased left his cabin And The machines are idle.
went on the deck where accused naked him for 00 to purchase medicine Electric Motors whore. Deceased replied that the doctor to see him. Accused said he would like to see the are easily conhim of his condition. After a few more 17th Street remarks, accused insisted on going ashore.
House No Deceased remarked that if he went he trolled and always would go a corpse. The conversation having censed at this stage, went below, Playin The next thing heard was a pistol shot.
ready for instant st onca left the pantry and on reaching the gangway met the decehised who was ratining as described. As another skot service. hastily retreated, having wish to be shot.
Insert er to a juror the stewerd mid defendant appeared to be quite collected, man will disclose new possibilities in your shop.
query as to the situation of the cabin truck him as strange but he did cabin Phone 150 Mr.
LUZ COLON ELECTRIC ICE SUPPLY COMPANY Consul, dopord: On Friday or Saturday last, both aceused and deceased came to Bolivar Street, Colon.
the Consulate. Acetased wanted to be paid off on the ground that he was ill and unfit to go to sea. Demased said in answer to me that ho was not willing to pay his of, stating that he had several sharges in the Log Book against accured library for British troop accused thematics a back and THE EVIDENCE.
00 cube (From the Voice)
thie saw deceased who sem We We will ur Shop?
princi ats MRS.
was coming to like to see the doctor to Aitor to acquaint war discharged, Accused query not an. Ludlow Livingstone, American answer bam.


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