
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 1919 Interesting News rom the West Indies The Open Forum COLOURED LABOR His Exomenes.
full and free discussion lasting close upon two hours, doring which Mr. Abanja Hill the leader of the deputation and his colleagues, put their case clearly before His It came out at the conference that the Penitentiary had doon tinned the of their nets, and si ention Windso made of counter to which had been sent tu as Excellency by the. Lilie Probyn went very into hervanen om ned by the line tisherigen and le premis to give the re presentation. bis earnest con: Nideration, From what can be gathered, there is a lawat present on the Batute Bonk which prevents the of any seine that has not go Beste half inch wide: but ce law is being in Tord, dit is brieved that the Gremur will cause enquiries til Le made as to the working of the existing law Kinemen.
than cal cept conducive sustained physito good If the copysical MEDICAL Civil Service of the Colony Phone. 834 vidual, or. Hon. St. John Branch Will Act as Chief Justice from Tc day THE BOX 1008 Hector Joseph as AttorneyGeneral Ancon, sistant THE BIJOU Ice Cream Factory His Excellency the Governor has approved of the arrange ments whereby the Hon. St John Branch. C, Attorney.
General, will not. Chief Justice during the leave of abscence granted to Sir Anthony Michael COM Mr. Hector Josephs, As te the Attorney General, will act as Attorney General, whilst Mr. Radcliffe will BCL as Assistant to Attorney.
General These changes will to ke effect is from today, and will most likely inet for about six months It is understood that Colonel Eden Clarke, who has been appointed Inspetor Generet of Police and prisons in Jamaica, will arrie here today on the SS Oriana ir a New York and will his arrival, Mr. Beinard Toole his duties shortly after who has been acting as Inspector General, will then take up bis duties as Deputy Inspector General of Police and Prisons It is learnt on excellent authority that sir slie Pobyn has.
recommended the Hon. Lawson Citford for substantive post of Superintendent Medical Officer of Jainaica, and it is be.
lieved that the recommendation will be acted upon.
Dr. Gifford has acted as on various occasions, and he has been filling the office the death of Dr. John Errington Ker.
He has been connected with the public service for over 30 years, And it is generally felt that Dr.
Gifford advancement would be o fitting recognition of long and taithful service.
The efforts of a American Unionist to orun za or in corprate colored into the Federation of Lab is one of the most encouraging ba pings in Panama within recait months, and the success of he move ment will depend me on the ability of colored labo to see their opportunity rat than upon the broad minded od un selfish interest of tie pro Ipoter, The necessity of an or ganization is more than intis and the time more ture, for the conditions tolar or intolerable are everything.
moral a strength conditions are tolerab that suggests the presence of evil somewhere as it is only evil that may be tolerated, as the good is always accented, according to language of a Prominent Roman Catholic Divine somewhere in the West Indies; and since universal experience sanctions this as true there can be no sensible reason why toleration of an evil should capital.
West Indian laborer is human being whatever his com plexion or intelligence may be and the fact that he is a negro or.
as he is sometimes more eupho niously called colored does not redace his necessities as an indi with a fanily: his obligations as a man Good morals, and the higher standard of civilization require, and that correctly, that he should marry and become the head of a family, not only for the sake of the somewhat vulgarised idea procilation, but because it is the recognised and formes tablished by well Besides this ordinary lwency ness are traits which every colored man is expected to strow in his life, as the absence of any of these inay place, him in bad grace with the rest of the Governments And dupped mean rascal.
community and cause him to be Hours of Work.
But how can a man be decent with the most mengre necessities of life costing more than here ceises as wages! Haw ean ha be EACH TRADỂ DECIDE Its really honest! Can he really feel OWN PROBLEM like a man when he works month after onth, faithfully and how, without being given opportunity statement on the policy of the Gov. to improve his domestic con ernment with regard to the working ditions.
hours question was made by Sir David Think of a concrete example!
Shackleton to a deputation of the Scottlsh Trade Union Congress Parliamen, per month. some receive a little man receives fifty dollars tary. Committee at the Ministry of more, and most receive less)
with Labour on Tuesday.
a wife and four children how many Sir Davd Shackleton said the policy have more. Here are his ex of the Government with regard to the penses, if he happens to occupy question of hours was that this was a quarters on the Zone. House rent matter wkich must be decided by the tive dollars; food thirty dollars; trades The view of the clothing and necessary exigenGovernment is, he proceeded, that it cies, fifteen dollars, just three is impossible to have anything in the bare items and the salary is gone, nature of a uniform system. Some trades On analysing the items it is want a six hour day, others a eight hour found that five dollars will pro Conferences on these questions are vide only two rooms?
procreding in a number of industries It Thirty dollars per month for is there must be some varia food Can a dollar a day really tion of hours, according to the needs feed a laboring man, a busy and conditions of the different trades housewife and four growing chil.
concerned, and in dealing with the ques, dren? Does it take less to feed a working hours, the question of negro than any one else, or will whether individual trade could stand miracles build up brawn and the hours which another trade proposes muscle in bim while it takes food, be considered. The Government the very, very best to make fibre policy is to leave each industry to come and blood. Otherwise. to an agreement on the matter. Then the elothing within file There were two exceptions, he said, teen dollars a month for the minern and railwaymen. In both who has to keep Aimself in an cases the circumstances were different, outfit of working clothes besides the Government montrolling both and respectable fooking garments for dealing with them as employers. The wife, and the children who may The other occasions. What about the Governments position was that it had to consider its decision as the custodian be going to school required of the country as a whole. At the present to be regular and punctual? Yet time the Prime Minister and Minister of the almost incredible talk goes Labor were engaged with the miners, around that the wages of the the employers.
the other cases were being leake with by down.
silwer colored employee is the employers and workpeople of the faithful servant who, by dint of trudes concerned.
bound to dutiful service. He can soldies putin on the job, or spend half of his time smoking on Londres. He General Blatchford Roplaced Shooting till the knock off just gets on job whistle blows.
General Charles Kennedy If he doesn pay his debts he of the Army, has been knows that he soon won have named the successor to Briga any job, and if he doesn keep up diergeneral Blatchford who has his physical strength, it won been recalled.
belong before he is declared will a blatehtona mwas the author or remembered that Gener unfit for work.
Then like all other people, he the famous military orders pro will one day become old, and hibiting the officers and enlisted without being able to lay aside men from visiting the cities of anything for those days he must Panama and Colon; as well as the become a change on the public famous statement that the vice and resources, conditions of Panama and Colon parasite or a pauper which means turn qut to be a wade these cities comparable the same thing.
the Biblical Sodom and If in view of such circumstan Gomorrah.
The merchants felt the sting expect colored people to exist ces, it is felt that it just bo of the former, while the Pana and thrive. Heaven help, the manians were not a little stirred people for they cannot help by the latter, Hthemselyes, MU LER BUILDING Corner 24th Street Calidonia Road TELEPHONE No. 835 concerned.
Sce Cream of the very best quality manufactured day.
obvious a ORDERS DELIVERED ANY PART OF THE CITY that an Special attention paid to all patrons visiting our Ice Cream Parlours.
has to be BRITISH FFICIAL WAR PICTURES ena Ballade of Bolsheviki My muse skips jauntily along, Like swift Cumilia o er the plain With here a jingle, there a song, But always in a gladsome strain To write on varled themes m fain, Like Jelly fish or cockie leekie, But, though strive with might and main, canuotite of Bolshevikit On fixed forms am rather strong; triolet, with gay refrain, Or rondeau li ting ding a dung, Or damosel rustie swain.
And though even may attain To sapphies, Olassical anp Greeky, lear any hair and wack my brainI cannot write of Bolshevikil think the awful creature throng Ia market places, raising Cain.
But my impressions thay be wrong Some hold that they are not insane. picture then one crimson stain, with gore of friend or foe all streaky Ugh No! It goes against the graini cannot write os Bolsheviki! Envo ed. am sure you ll strive in vain AB sheviktory to gain!
am sure that Veni, vidi, viei can to write of Bolsheviki!
Carolyn Wels LE with IT PASS TO ADVERTISE In the Workman With the British forces in Italy, Pigeons which are used for carrying messages.


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