
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 1919 PAGE SEVEN the light ser of sky, Sunday Readings.
island forest, bordered with blue tides BRITISH OFFICIAL WAR PICTURES vhose mysteries the moon knows. Pine young women have witlisted the epidera trees and Balsam and feathery hemlocks Letter than yang mun, hat we thik this would be found that occurred.
To the Christian the fact of God for the wood coverts, with beeches and For we thing we be not beca emer is a part of his faith. It forms houry osks. On its shores the rocke rear cron dod together in camps to the the background of his existence, pene great towers, with basins between them extent that men leven; they have trajes hi acoses and is the bond where the water mirrors the sky. Beatthat him to dil mankind. As we ing upon the rocks comes the ineresant not been expand to the sune hardship they have had fewer calle pou ye are swept away in the current of experi Sow, whirling high it from or sending.
powers of resistance. They have been ence to live our lives among the sons of level waves to splab upon at ny bor men, we fail to act in the les exposed to infection, and rule of this color and light are here, contrasting great gift.
Sometimes and the noise with the cool darkness of the woods, had more opportunity of taking care of themselves and stress we palume to lift the heart or whose dim sisles stretch away into myBe that as it way, the young we for a moment stand under the wings tical distance, que world, and especially of but our common day is lived upon a level One goes softly upon such holy ground Iwer than that of rupture in any form for he who loves the forest and the ses, Surope, in suhuced to a very low figur. and the best the young manood Yet the benediction whom potency in loves he not also God? The stillnew will lost. The future of the race is largely inexhaustible, whose glory is wider than uphold him he leaves the sounding with the middle aged of the wat. Thouswaits to illuminate our pirits, shore and plunge deep into the heart of ands of women content to go. waita patiently poined bird whom the woode Overhead apsces of blue sky single who, in baper day would have fught we determined by a breath. And coar and swim, and below the light glows one the mother of Iris there are times when we feel this story warm on beds of inom and red pineinterpenetrating the sit, like the fragraner needles What the economie a vial effecta carpeting the ground The trees tower, and w« are swam of thickly wet, fold him in impenetrable re likely be must remain a question of dispute. No man can tell. But the uneen thinge, mecres and miracle, shade. The wind sweeps along the green medical effects are less obscure. It is revealed to the pure heart who ar, horn strings of the pines, and chats the destined to me in. Then we stand Hours in Nature plainsong.
pot, for example, probable that wit fathers will buget robust con; wrthet upon the border of the Innd of the soul Then, should the visitor to this wel.
fathers who by oue means or another low all sense of distance and time, corning wood close his eyes, listening to for with Him a thousand years are al the wind harps, be hears about him were while to avoid vervice in the Army rust will breed a race of fighting men. The day ling wings soft voices, and he feels mothers may do something to save the There is a garden for down on the sense of ineffable warmth and rest as his situation, it is true; but men of weak Pacific where the presence wolle wo truly spirit rises to perceive mysteries. There stamina do not mate very often with that to enter is to feel God close and wings, these voices, are they the whisvigorous and brave women, dear. It is a garden full of shadows and pering leaves, so close to his reeting place?
of creame. Mignonette and gully flower, Yet closer than all whispering nearer One remedy that gets itselt al Inrkspur and ladies delight, grow all the than the voices of the wood, comes the is greatly increased care of the children of our soldiers and sailors. There do rear under trees of crange and pome. consciousness of the Presence, penetrating kranate, citron and feathery Acacia, space and billing silence. His spirit is in fact represent the of the nation.
Romer clasp the old wall, blossoming lifted to enstacy. Profound, not enger, in They, and they alone, inherit the tradiwhite and red, their petals falling on the this serene sense, fulfilment rather With the Photographic pl. tas being harded to the observer of a flying tions of our face which inave made our krasy paths. Tall cypresses sentinel the than a promise. He realize the Presence, machine which is about to set out to photograph enemy positions.
race glorious. Their value is above place; high (in the tree birds lilt and brooding over creation, revealed in the computation at this tine. Again, every sing besides their nests; and in the silence solitude of the forest.
assistance should be given those of our one seems to be listening to far off Boldiers tud ailors who are left to us to musie.
though be, will not let him rest. and in the midst the Cras Thus be Perhapa, long ago, some holy souls Rather it guides quieting and refreshing cotnes to his Father House thuis be Derulir trages in the fact that upon be removed inducement should be beld lived and loved and save themselves to him, to movement and energy. Rising finds, in the inmorial meeting place the heels of the war should have come an out. The old economic prejudice against Cod within the precinte of that ancient from his place, he walks among rocks and of God and man, the searets wathered War Wastage of the Best epidemie with a slective tendency for married men with familie is now place; perhaps some sacrifice once offered fallen trees, over moss and the bed of of forest and furden of schand sky Men.
young adults, and the not the weak, longer ausrely dangarou it is fatal.
there has sanctified it forever. At any stream, on and away, until he leaves the For the mystery of His Prearnee, sh»dowbut rood, the fittext, the most promis Finally, the married mother must be rate one steps within, and finde all fresh shade and stands upon the forest rimed forth in all earth besaty, is lore War and intenza betw en thee inust in the war tenped harvest chosen helped and protected. It is a matter of and fair, for here the fusion of the and looks upward at the gladnews of the made known in intimate communion and by tus bave You Forum for it; the wait largelyes a pedIn national urgency.
world is changed from restlessness companionship 18, 000, 000 young men throughout the vaza came and once again, at Imut in thi The public has now grised the fact calm: The spirit of God seems to reign Here is an open door way beneath a world, and they must bave at least experience of many, the unit isrehat that this pide ac defeated the in this retreat, as in the beginning when Rood, the doorway of a small low house, readered another 10, 000, 000 young men that the fit, the very young and very combined efforts of the wish to control Hie band fashioned into beauty the first built humbly in the wood. It is a house Griffith incapable of earning a living, and so than those of active life. Death in thear it, and has seen that new tae huds are garden ptace of earth.
where one may worship God. One enter umble or unwilling te marry.
last years and months bas gathered the necessary if similar events are not to SHOE MAKER know a forest in the north which and the light lies on the foor from lattice flower of the world young manhood. take place in the future. This is the one The seriousness of this loss is not as lies upon the breast of the Atlantic an windows open all round, and beyond he No.
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