p. 6


sorongoro THE PACIFIC THEATRE WELL VENTILATED, SPACIOUS AND COOL This Theatre, under new Management, has been re organized, and is now equipped with the latest Film Machines, guaranteeing a continuous show from start to finish screening the latest and most up to date Pictures in the Movie World.
Tuesday, April 15 Girl in the Dark Surf Scandal Saturday, April 19 Hands Down Weekly 6 Saturday, April 12 15TH AND 16TH EPISODES OF Eddie Polo in The Gray Ghost Shot in Dumbwaiter and Weekly No. 100 nday, April, 13 Painted Lips pivals and Canibals Thursday, April 17 Passion Play p. and p.
Friday, April 18 Passion Play p. and p.
Remember Thursday and Friday Passion Play p. and p.
Each Day.
Walter Cadogan Laid Britannic Layne Stoute at Thomas close.
was SALESMANSHIP all Electrie Wiring Car Running Heavy Electric Traction Telegraph Engineer Telegraph Work Bridge Engineer Structural Draftsman Structural Engineer Stanicipal Engineer ndod Trimmer Outdoor Sign Painter CIVIL SERVICE Architecural Draftsman Building Foreman Goncrete Builder Heating and Ventilation Plumbing Inspector Foreman Plumber Association duet the Altar Service in the SURVIVAL OF THE UNFIT CRICKET Dr. CONNELL, He said the Association was Salvation Army Hall at Guachaestablished for the benetite of paii on Sunday night 13th inst SURGEON DENTIST Continued from page parents and teachers: the social, Commandant Morris extends The Pickwick a newly orTo Rest. moral and intellectual improve a cordial invitation to the general good thing in a very bad situation, ganized Club played a rather can be found at 175 ment of the children, and a closer public. There will also be a few years ago it was almost impossible exciting game against the York Central Avenue heavy blow fell on the West at the hand of Panamanian Gov 14th at ho clovek Masis in niabi tera Today public interest in blundent, the game by only runs Scores Opposite Station Junior Rally on Monday night to health mat Sunday, Yorkshire Sunday last, when the news The first step taken by the As.
Self Denial Fund.
Every step which is taken with regard to the new Ministry of Health is being due to the splendid ning making Extures for the year Safa good showing of Pickwick was from Ancon Hospital announced sociation would be to devise ways the death of the widely known and means for raising money to Teachers Meeting 1919.
watched and discussed. Nor will any Best and the splendid batting Ten Clubs were represented weakening of the intentions svowed be and everketic secretary of the furnish the various schools with Teachers monthly meeting will tolerated for a moment. The Times.
by Ellcock.
by Worrell West Indian Red Cross, Mr free books so that the Children take place today Suruay) at Vincentian Pollard Conrad Philips XI Defeats Writer Cadogan. Yorkshire. Wedderburn Deceased who had been ailing would receive better and more the West Indian Lower Union School, 23rd Street Guachapali Jokers Pedro Miguel this me time, went on his daily After the Association ADVERTISE IN at all the teachers in connection foration as usual on Saturday tention would be turned toward with same are asked to be pre: The Workman 13 runs. Batting first tlis Jokers British Gui una Conrad Phillips XI, defeated Surrey Holder the Jokers last Sunday by White Stars (Garrison)
morming at the otnice point the the raising of funds for the erec sent.
Husbands purchasing Panama tion an institute for the higher The meeting commences who had in their lineup such Trotman Railroad, but feeling somewhat education of West Indian Chil o clock precisely.
IT PAYS men as Blackman, Hill, All Jamaica Sargeant returneu nome later in tļie dren who were desirous of com. Maxwell, and Watsord Standard day tinuing the pursuits of knoword could only raise runs against Buy on Sunday morning his ledge along that line and whose It was decided on a move made the splendid bowling of CHAPW worse, and he was parents were eager in effecting by Thomas that the presenta DarbyPhillips XI replied tion match be played on May sushi All con Hospital, where same What Position Do You Want. with ői runs, Julien (Police) ilth, and that fixtures start the on examination, his trouble was making 30 runs out of the total. following week.
diagnosed us internal He Stated that Dr. Lowe hernia and International Correspondeuce Schools, Scranton, Pa.
There was also much discus interi peritonitis, and some and other West Indian genile Branch Office, Ancon, Storehouse Defeats Tivoli sion over the manner in which time in the alternoon his useful men of this city are greatly in.
terested in the venture and it is points are counted, at last on life came to a Please explain how canggalify for a larger salary in the position, The much flaunted Tivoli was a motion made by Thomas The funeral services were held believed that with the whole trade, or professoa, before which have marked severely thrashed on last Sun and seconded by Holder it heartee support of West Indians at St. Paul Church on Monday generally, the object would be day by the Storehouse large and credit easily accomplished.
evening where a decided to dis regard aban ELECTRICAL ENGINEER batting first, Tivoli was out ADVERTISING MAN doned and drawn matches, subable congregation of friends for 58, Chandler was respon tract all losses from gains, and comprising the various denotin These and many other prelimiWriter sible for 31 out of the total. the remainder be points to atrons wet to give their much nary discussions were received ABCHITECT None of the so called great determine the standing of the esteemed friend the last Chris. with great applause.
CARTOONIST MECHANICAL ENGINEER bats of Tivoli made any showing Clbs.
It was next decided that the Contractor and Builder tin rites school would stage Rally on bo of of the Storehouse. Instructed first games are scheduled Fixtures were made and the The West Indian Red Cross Thursday night 15 inst, to assist PLUMBER STEAN FITTER Boilermaker or Designer High School Subjects of to Society took complete control by T, Burton who kept the wick come off on May 18th. The ibe fuueral arrangements the in the purchasing of said books ets for the Storehouse, he Clubs meeting on that date will etc.
Meta Mining long procession of Red Cross bowled simply fine CHEMIST The meeting was brought to a members in uniform, and friends close at 15 m. and win long be White Stars vs Miguel at To Tivoli 58, Storehouse re. Empire and Standard vs BritanBUSINESS (Completo)
from all over the city and Zone be remembered by all those who NAVIGATION plied with 138, of this DeSouse nic at the Standard Oral AGRICULTURE towns leaving the Society braking 43 and Grannum 17.
The members of the League Headquarters at p. for the were present and are interested in education. Let it be hoped Engineer will meet again next Thursday Church wbere the burial office Good English The All Star Team night to select the team to play was read by the Rev. that the public will not be diss.
Surveying and Mapping TRAFFIC MANAGER Phonograph Surrey, the Cup winner on Nightengale, who also committed apointed in what is expected of this Association To morrow at 11 a. all the May 11th.
the body at the Herrera Cemecricket fans of Panams will be on tery.
the Standard Oval to see Colon Special Denial Service OCCUPATION do battle against Panama for IMPORTANT NOTICE Mr. Cadogan was one of the Cricket supremacy on the Isthfounders of the Red Cross, and Staff Captain Terrace will conWe beg to informour Submus. Long has Panama held the scribers that it has been decided as secretary. was a sympathetic, Championship, and many have energetic, and self sacrificing been the fights put up by colon by the manngeident of the worker of rare merit. Workman that subscrption to to wrest it from her, but owing the paper must be paid for quar Amiale and possessing to the form of the Atlantic terly in advance. This step has suavity of manners he gained the friendship of all whom he hap Cricketers it seems that at last been taken after careful con pened to meet their desire will be gratified. sideration to ensure delivery of His death has created a vacancy Panama has pinned their faith the paper and to save considera in the beneficent institution in the ability of Holder, Teacher ble amount of time wasted in. BRANDON BANK)
which will be hard to fill, and Thomas, Cain Hector, Blackman, callecting the monthly subscriphundreds of sorrowing friends and their assistants to put the tion.
all over the Isthmus regret his on Colon, while Colon is Subscribers who do not get ERVICE trusting Clarke and their day, are asked ting in Linton, Phillips Cain, their paper punctual on SaturThe Workman tenders heart. POUNDED 1868 PANAMA to communicate COLON felt sympathy to the bereaved helpers to turn the trick. Can with this office at once so that family and weeping friends, and they do it? Tomorrow we shall delivery be promptly made as it expresses the cousolation that Our large Resources and well known see the men who will represent, is the earnest desire of the ma. he is not lost, but gone before.
both teams :nagement to see that all Patrons conservative Management afford un There is no death; PANAMA COLON ara satisfied.
What seems so is but transition Questioned Security for every dollar Holder (Cpt) Linton (Cpt)
INITIATION This life of mortal breath Alleyne Joe Layne Is but a passport to the life Elysian, deposited with this bank. Thomas Sween At their Court Room in San Whose portal we call death.
Miguel to night at o clock.
Court Land No. 8448 expects to introduce half a dozen candidates Cain Thomas Big Meeting of Parents Blackman into the Mysteries of the Phillips One of the largest gatherings Ancient Order. Phillips General Banking Business Transacted Earle of School Children Parents Pitterson Reid Members and visiting brothers Burton took place at the Salvation Army!
are asked to be punctual. Atherley Hall On Wednesday night, when ISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON BRANDON Cain Wentt Mr. Yearwood, Principal of the President.
Vice Fresident.
E, Barnett Dr. JOHNSON School and President of TeachP. EASTWICK, Manager.
ers Association addressed them SURGEON DENTIST The Gittens Cricket League Phone 1083 Urte weliare of their children met last night at the Office of Address au arts and object of the Dr. Gittens for the puçpose of Ancon, 852 Mechanical Draftsmen Machine Designer Machine Shop Practice Patternmaker Toolmaker Foundry Work Blacksmith STAWALA Worker STEAM ENGINEER Steam lectrie Engineer Marine Refrigerrineer Gas Engine Operator CIVIL ENGINEER ILLUSTRATOR Designer Common School Subjects Teacher Coal Mining Assayer Lumber Dealer Bookkeeper Stenographer and Typist Higher Accounting Certified Pub, Accountant Commercial Law Live Stock and Dairying Poultry Farming Army and Navy Service Postions Modern Languages by ADDRESS NAME RESIDENCE PANAMA BANKING CAOMPNY SEGURITY loss.
Joe Layne, Hector Charles Bailey Clarke Fowler


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