
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 1919 wwwwww R. M: WILKINSON Contractor Builder First Class Workmanship INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION Head Office, National City Bank Building, New York Plans and Specifications Free 15th Street West, House 90 BOX 411 PANAMA, Capital, Surplus, and Undivided Profits Over 9, 000, 000. 00 Cy.
RESOURCES OVER 100, 000. 000. 00 CURRENCY Depository of the Panama Canal Central Drug Store FOUNDED IN 1881 THE OLDEST DRUG STORE IN PANAMA CITY, AND THE MOST MODERN ONE.
Headquarters for all Articles Associated with the Drug Trade.
MANUEL ESPINOSA Central Avenue, 33 Opposite La Merced Church Panama. MORRICE, Sub Manager. ROBERTSON, Acting Manager.
Interesting News from from the West Indian Islands.
giving abore is Quesa useful ading Coloured not been race has been Trinidad pany, Mr. Burnett, who owned extensive measure was purely fanciful. The tong pany which has been giving on Monday evening at about 20) taken from the St. Vincent fareas in Sussex, England, and bus, the distance litigante might bave to travel, a series of performances in o еlock. The base of the building Times; project of stock raising in Trinidad, at the woes of the poor magistrate and that colony.
is occupied by Mr. Rook, The paper The St. Vincent Times says: On Sunday 2nd instant, about 10. 30 heart, is shortly expected to arrive here their clerks, and other difficulties (1)
ligaor, dealer, land the storey Few appointments in the Le. whilst enjoying a bath at and will be full attention to the were made much of, but the House, by says: rented to tendants one gislative Council have been so Braamepunt, Paramaribo, Mr. Kart matter, in order to ensure even greater vote of twelve to eight, pamed the The acting has been good, and of whom after smoking a riga. well deserved as that lof Mr.
Ridolf Wisth, Director of the Scholars success The utmost attention is being second reading of the Bill, and the meas the plays themselves, while racy rette is supposed to have thrown Sprott and in making the Club at Messrs. Kersten Co. was paid to the raising of pigs, as it is on the ure having been finally disposed of in a and up to date, have been clean the lighted end on the save of appointment Mr. Lobb has re Sitten by a shark and died at 20 clock prograu me to start a bacon ouring indus satisfactory manner has gone up to the and such as even young people the building. and sections of moved, once for all, any lingeron the same day.
try as soon as possible. The improve Legislative Council. The final attempt could enjoy without peril. We the Coleridge Street Brigade ing doubts that may have exisThe Times of the 19th ultimao te engaging attention.
ment of our local inutton supply is also to defeat the Bill will be made in the hane no doubt that this excellent tarned out quickly after the fire led to his real and honest cards the name of William Cubbert MorUpper Chamber. It will take the form combination, wbich has been so started and managed to combat desire to benefit the eolony fon, as among those who bave SQUAL IN THE HAR de petition against the Bill which is well received here, will be equally the flames which made but little Hitherto, the Unofficial section seently had conferred on of the Legislature represented being prepared it is said by the people al pleasing in other communities progress.
them the BOUR she several parishes affected. The men which it may visit, for it wins its ono class only; the latest ap for services in connection with Dr military hospitals in England, pointment removes that blot ure has therefore been hung up in the way by merit. While all do well Morton is the youngest son of Rev. Dr. Three Lighters Involved Legislative Council until this petition we must thank Mr. Klark for bis from the political history of the Morion, late of Tunapuna, and won a St. Vincent aan be presented. It reinsins to be seen invariable triumphs in the lead Colony. The paper then snes Trisild scholarship from what the rate of the Bill will be, but we ing male roles. He is an admi on the question whether Mrà (From Port of Spain Gazelle) consider it a Royal College in 1893.
Sprott will join interest with the Rather Squally weather was expe House did well to ensure which therable actor, who seems to im.
pass. Should it be prove with time. The leading Draft ordinance to awend the rienced in San Fernando a little after finally lost through the success of renti lady, Miss Maisie Cecil, has also EditorAppointed Unofficials, or staad as an inde pendent. Surely Mr. Sprott has Local Loan Ordinance 1919, is to be in half past o clock on Monday afternoon mentalism the Executive and the House contributed largely to the popu: Momber of Legislative no ambition to be to be the voice of troduced into the Legislature with the and three lighters, vis. the Imperial will have just reasons to complain that larity of the Company with playCouncil one crying in the wildernear, We will watch the Hon. Mr.
the holder of a Sorip Certificate in Alston Co and the Leeds a San ment in the Public Service had been personatione other mem Sprott career with great interilan. the same when redeemable, is to Fernando flat, of Mahabirsingh, which thwarted. Perhaps the members of the bersenfthe combination have est with the contident expectation be paid to the holder parent or guar had been loading the se. Ormiston. Legislative Council will take praetical evidently not random se has always with bogat were roughly handlel. The view of the matter, but if they do not lections, for which their undeni bers of the colored race get the po: been, a great worker and a con Imperial, kot water hoged with a loud they must bear the blame of bioeking able breeziness and nerve, they sition or even the recognition that scientious one at that.
The Seriousness of badly damaged. The Leeds Thund its made and which would be beneficial to success and forced their audien thom to notwithstanding however of sugar on board and the sugar was arrangements which were not hastily have helped at each nightly ability and qualification entitle the Situation.
jilboom broken, and the skid was all concerned were they put into opera ces to conclude that the combi manifest those qualifications may smashed to bits from the hammering the tion.
nation is and be St. Lucia dat received while anchored near the complete down to the last detail. that a son of the We shall be willing to give accorded the high Whart. It had to be towed further out ra correspondent from one of the large and awchored beyond the Zone of dan. THE KLARK URBAN should it visit us agaib, provided, Legislative Council of his counof hearty greeting to the Company being appointed a member to the Wesleyan Synod.
Os growing districts writes The working people of this distrieter. The Countese, which had att DRAMATIC COMPANY long returned after exrrying lond are now face to face with a food famine. the Ormiston, was sunk, only the spar!
of course, that it is not inferior try which is a Crown Colony Ito to the present combination Government, besides, we thinx Ckurek of the Barbados and Trinidad The Synod of the Wesleyan Mothedist They are dependent on two shops only This fat has remaining above water.
The Barbados Standard of it our bounded duty to make it for their daily supply of food. Both shop since, however, been bailed out and set of the 15th ulto. speaks in Save run out of rice, four, saltfoli, coco right. Chief among those who rendered the highest terms of the as widely known as possible district was held this year In the Trans wat and porkthe of valuable service in order to save FIRE among members of the Negro quility Chureh, Port of Spain, Trinidad, the articles have been lying in the wolanica ele secuál es lancere corporat Klark Urban Dramatic Com fire occured in Tudor Street. refer to the following article February with. There were promont race. lo this connection we commencing on Pebruary 5th and ending good shed in town since Friday last; and 21 Ministers and 11 lay.
in the other, in the merchants store for Anos Black and his men of the local Godagn of Speightstown, Barbados, Harbour.
assurance the railway BRITISH OFFICIAL WAR PICTURES.
was absent through illness.
authorities that the will be desThe work of the Church, retrospectiveand prospeclively, came under review.
Since that letter was written, an at Barbados There was much in the past to create tempt has been made to move goods, but thankfulness, and much in the future to it is, nevertheless, an example of the inspire hope.
mriousness of the situation and the urgent Amalgamation.
Three of the Ministers of the District, necessity of settling the labour situation, vis. Revds, Godson, S. Burrow, at the Trinidad Government Railway, and Biuns, will be returning to with as little delay as possible. copy of the Barbados Standard England.
The Revd Gardner, who a just to hand dealing editorially few years ng laboured in St. Luciu, and The Stock with a Bill before the Legislature afterwards, owing to ill health returned of that island to amend the Police to England, will be coming out again.
Magistrate Act, comments thus. pleasing feature in connection with BK 40 amalginate: three police the Synod, was a presentation made to e tijgistrito dist riets the two, which has Revd. and Mrs. M. Hawthorn, on the The Usine Ste. Madelaine Stock Fatmauert med livorous Plebate it and out of celebration of the silver jubilee of their located at Harmony Hall Esuite, North the polasej only proposed to carry into wedding Naporima, promises to be quite an effect tlie Krdings seven years ago of the Rev, Meanwell, has been re appointed important institution in the near future. Comietide oir the Duties and Salaries for another year in Et. Lucia In (net, the progress, which has already of Publio Oficers. There was a sharp eptiunism for its future. The veterinary when the question was raised in Combeen achieved, encourage the greatest division of opinion in the House it 1912 His Honour Chief surgeon in charge, Dr. Shannon, mittee, and it was negătired by the who, by the way, is a San Fernandian casting vole of the Chairman the pros Justice Walton by birth, has already demonstrated his and cotus insving been equal. As amatimportant position gamation of of public offices, especially in evidently loves his profession, and. small island like this, is generally a His Hon. D. Walton, Acting Chief Justice of the Colony, has we good thing, the Executive very properly to be never so happy as when die Pears sanitters understand accepted the appointment of pretaining to the rising, and gave the House another chance to considfit tondition, of stock. As er the matter. The opportunity to do Chief Justice, British Honduras.
of the Harmony Hall establish so has arisen from the manager of the In addition to his official duties, Mr.
possibility that ment, he has introduced several someone of our country magistrates will be Walton, during the war, rendered valuable what novel methods which are said to shortly tran transferred to another office, services as chairman of various commithave proved most beneficial. For the the Executive in putting the matter into tbes, such as as the Recruiting Committee, improvement of their cattle four pure the hands of the House has been able to the Food Committee, the Red Cross bred Zebus (2 bulle and cow) are show that money would be saved by the Mules of a Transport Section showing native Drabies (drivers) Mohammedan. Committee, ste. and received warm momently expected from India. Other proposed amalgamation which affects Mules are in dugouts so that if subjected to shell fire fcommendation from Mr. Labb, the then patre bred stock, too, is on order. One Districta and good deal of the effects will be localised.
asting Administrator, for the able mAh of the Managing Directors of the Com the opposition in the House to this Centinued en page bop: want of an wan ly putebed!
Stuess for the He keeping in fit and


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