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West Indian Islands Want Representative Government LABORERS WERE ADVISED PRESIDENT PORRAS BIG DEMONSTRATION COLONIES MAKING MOVE PROVES POWER IN ITALIAN CAPITAL TO RETURN TO WORK TO ACHIEVE OBJECT By British Consul Murray Mean business this Time Addressed Mass Meeting of over Petition Forwarded to His Majesty 700 Laborers at Guabito King George Trounces Blatchford and Washington Uneasy Over Wells For Freshness Itialian Crisis.
In at case are. saying that ministers, tended lonies, doctors, Wo Consu worthier vindicator of Rome, April 25 large crowd the honor of this Republic thronged the streets of the city could not be found than in last night to applaud the decisthe person of the Chief Exe fon of Premier Orlando to reFurther details of the labor strikes at Bocas del cutive of the country. turn to Rome. The public From late West Indian newspapers to hand we Toro, during the week, as taken from the Central appears below, addressed to the orators mentioned the highly interesting news concerning the stern fight In an open letter, which cheered frantically each time are able to give our West Indian readers further American Express in its issue of February 22nd, says: Senator Thompson, Presi name of Italy, Fiume and Or being put up by the majority of the Colonies for dent Porras excoriates Bri lando. On the 27th of January last, work with thein; and he served gadier General Blatchford All the shops were perma island which started the flame and now it is blazing Representative Government. Grenada was the plucky at a Mass Moeting helu at Gua in the capacity of contractor for and Major Wells for their nently closed during the eveConsal, stationed at Colon, in his bananas in the farms until Fri remarks and ascertions received from all the large cities the following report :bito, Mr. Murray British fruit cutting, forking and circling ill advised and dishonorable ning and telegrams were re throughout all of the islands as will be seen from inted person the secompanied by fermare marrested by the consta lating to the cities of Pan saying one free faanifestas interview, with day afternoon, Feb. 14th the Rev. o. Norman, outlined Rican policemen and taken to ama and Colon.
GRENADA: Grenada has the been numerously signed by tions were celebrated as a kind honour of making the first move citizens and forwarded his views to the people regarding Bridgefoot. Wint was then re. General Blatchford, late of protest against the attitude for Representative Government the Labour Strike existing at quired, it is alleged, to give Commander of the of Wilson relative to the claims in place of tne barbarous and sion in favour of Representative DOMINICA. The first expres.
feeling of sympathy towards the the li hijere ayd pa resow abras de the one is the moment kelamipped Scott Troops on the Zone, inventa o Italy on the Dalmatian Coast. Coconiis advernment we Dominicanense contained hoopiles. com who was from condition of the labourers. Panama territory on the night of ing the only notion which he We in a Chainbar The Consul showed the neces January 22nd last, by a band of seemed to frave in his mind, Washington, April 25. Conti the trick of șity, and persuaded every lawless comprising Kress delivered a scathing tirade dential dispatches received from We think sometimes that Grena of Commerte in which it hendist and MeQuiddy, German and tinctly stated that Federation borer to return to their wohe American respectively, from the on what existed in his own Paris state that the Italian SS backward place and Grel a hopeless lot, but we must be based on popular repre.
because, without which action he a think that simply because we sentation in in local and Federal could have no say with the action Costa Rican division, assisted by mind as the immoral con crisis has overthrown the plans endian of Panama and of the Conference and that the want to inspire ourselves to the councils. We hope soon to hear or the Management of the United two Panamanians and one West ditions Fruit Company on their behall. Indian, all residing in this Pro Colon, gave uncontrolled li return of Wilson to the United achievement of greater things that the Dominica Representa asked the laborers to have vince. Scott was taken on motor berty to his tongue and States has been considerably the fact is that we are a progres tive Government Association is him and good recai that night across the unenviably placed himself delayed.
sive people possessing large formed. The people are closing Cilte vehce surely follow.
la to Bridgefoot, Costa Rican reserve of latent democratic in in upon the idea: removing before them tory, respecting the these cities with infamous official circles that Italy Will Association speaks for itselt. fave before information that on record for comparing The belief is expressed in stinct. The formative of our ANTIGUA. News from Antithe bitter and overlowing serious wine is ignorant not that but Sodom and Gommorrah of Hinally be oboli card to edit motilo fa that broßherhood ol serious the people there are looking on the Sixaola Spur.
gua scrappy, nevertheless requested to them in writing and hand in same: spite of his pleading, was asked Bible times.
of her claims on the Dalmatian and far reaching effort we see with admiration will give false statement against The of Major Coast. since it is now all classes. in of the better undergo thorough wing met Securita. who, Jikace o boletounia Pre Wells referred to in the Pre known that Orlando has to me parece represented. The an Asso obolen gelenie cand that there is be rea be reasonable may also prepared to support importante in contem: Win was kept under sident letter was as non maln Arm In his attitude sociation boasts as members sym. any freak of politics as the the inPolice mattigersprie Federation of Crown Co.
course of procedure, and that the until Monday the 17th inst, to deserved less attention than repudiation of the Italian of the Legislative a Soliciters, in modern colonial history. thing without precedente final result is expected in some the quay of the borboue oot Port was given it in the dignified public.
Co. future day. suppose the sman Limon. one of omny apologia of the First Man in Paris. April 25. In oficials, Justices of the Peace, colonies, does not ment are sure that Antigua, like other who had struck work were fool cases wich ocurred clal North American circles et artisans clerks the will be more disastrous to the desire to bring Murray We again Panama.
ish to do so, and through the in. My peasant about a federation tion of evils, whick Ruence of the Consul, with bis ask the question: What guaran. Major Wells was responsassurance for better wages they use or protection have Jamaica Jible for the statement that went back to work, was any time labourers on the Costa Rican out of all the women he met many days Intormed Premier thinking reputable element in which of necessity are less tixed for this raise of wages? Noli mit? What has the populatiou of the Orlando of the contents of the The success that has attended scattered and detached.
acute from the fact of being Was any guarantee given the to one evening on Central labourers under declaration which the President the the Association ehief management of the com such strained circumstances? No. Avenue, the leading street pany for better treatment from thing! The new scale or increase of Panama, only two were published last night. Orlando which will be brought to a close, ST. LUCIA The people of St.
Elle overseers on the forms? None of wages laid down is: Il a day, not willing to take him to discussed the case afterwards within a fortnight, constitutes a Racing have formed the St. Lucia whatever. Now that the laborers Labourman is short of one day their home for imkorai put with Colonel House and made record in the history of popular Representative Government As West Indies sociation have all gone back to work at the out of the average twenty days poses.
at that time a declaration re Mais vareetings have been here the lines of ours in Grenada has held same price and some of them on in one month, that labourer The President letter fol futing the ideas of President all the same farms on which they remains the same one dollar gold over the island, in the started. We have special cause Wilson. Pa to rejoice over this, St. Lucia were already illtiteated, is parishes of St. George. St, is enough per day, but it by reason of lows:proof that the laborers are still strength he to fulil the Panama, April 2nd. 1919 Willing serve the con may if obligation of carrying out the Senatorn This explanation has been trick, St. John St. Mark, st. being our sister in the united Andrew, and St. David, at all Howard made in order to demonstrate which the resolution för Repre to the people of St. Lucia We stretch hands across the seas conditions for twenty days, made better war that to the Italians they are nentative Government been in will pay him one dollar this since the intervention of Consul company Murray.
and twenty tive cente guld pur Washington, DC mot scared as much by the opted unanimously by a large great work. not so much for our. Mr. Senator. The publica but for day.
As proof that local result is Heury Robinson laboured on at lottor addressed to you by is the inducement? lsion ig Ine Congressional Record declaration as they say.
Where representative audiences. At all come atter us. We hope heart of these meetings men who have more terrible for farm laborers Virginia farm until Friday great stakes in the colony, have speaks to heart, and soul to son particularly on the Costa Ricafruit contractor for two and the commanding General of the Slxaota division is explained in Ball weeks and a contracbor for Canal, Brigadier General moved, or seconded, or spoken when we tell them to Fold British Consulate to the Resolution. The parish of ST. VINCENT It was a thril time of the strike Samuel Wint bush casting Blatchford, and of a statemont (7 and months Judgo Advocate Notices by the Association, and there of delight we read in our reegat and Henry Robinson both laborald. he cleared off five hectares by Major Wells, o per. General, about alleged immoral yesterday attornoon the seal of St. Vincent exchanges that big un on Virginia farm, e. bax but was compelled to quit work conditions din the Canal Zone and completeness was put on Grene meeting in the Carnegie Hall, ing at. of. like which his friend Wint is residents, and so as to avoid imprisonment the Colon bas been received by all would be glad of information covered, the Association intends the Vincent Representative The British Consulate da demand. After Grenada is resolution was adopted to form at the latter place on January ses now undergoing: hiu contract in indien de la tine public, for the regarding one Cladius Carriacou which the under the Agricultural and Commercial campaign in Island of Association who consequently.
attempted to force the embed cont inducements for Jamaica country would posibly receive Excelmost tataie insult that this Guy of St. Thomas, Jamaica gorernment of Grenada. The Society there has voted for bridge: both labourers sutonomous having stoutly refused to from any source.
sent to Bocas and, after serving Case of John Smith. The indignation caused by ltember 1917, when his adand was last heard of in sep da is now abluzed in other Isuite enthusiastio over the ques.
a short tertii of imprisonment Thank God, the liberated. As must be naturally John Smith, a Jamaican, labour such action de not principally dress was Ancon ST. KITTS NEVIS. The Windward Islands are united in understand. Wint and Robertson or cone who was released with due to General Blatchford compeople of St. Kitts. Nevis followed this matter. We only hope that others from the Port Limon ments on the morality of the after their tiberation, went back Criminal Cay on the 27th of people of Panama, since his reThe British Consulate in the way of Grenada people non of thought to their homes at Guabito, January last visited West Vir narks on the subject have alrea would be glad of any infor They too formed a Representa of light and leading, men of Through the advice of Consal ginia Farm on Monday the 10th dy merited the protest of the mation regarding the where tive Government Association and status and infuence, wilu unite as Murray, coupled with unbounded inst, to collect money due him lending bodies, political, social abouts of one measures of inducements from from one Joseph White. On his and commercial of the places Ebanks, of Stephens Run, St. Hon was adopted at Representa a successful issue in St. Lucia James bave succeeded in carrying in Grenada with others of the things through.
timekeeper Lynch of the said yir gioia faras; Pad Mr. Atwood and way through the farm he was attested, but because those re Elizabeth Jamaica, who came to Ratherings and the petition and St. Vincent Hintz, Wint agreed to undertake Rewed on page 8)
aggravated by Major (Cofilinued on page 8)
to the Canal Zone in 1914. to His Majesty the King bas (Continued on page)
planters done the company Colony satisfy the campaign of the th able Islands government.
ef were William Thompson, pas The to go were tion.
Bay and action, men barks


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