
P. Bok 74. Panana One Your Six Months Three Ose 20 600 rejected correspondence APRIL PAGE FOUR MB WORKMAN, SATURDAY APRIL 28, 1919 Editorialettes. inducemente to laborens in JUDGE NAMAN LEAVES Ace of Trumps Breaks unfavourable ON VACATION THE WORKMAN Rain and Mango Pool impressions existing at present, and the sooner their good faith ww ho Aboont ste Wools Away.
Now that the rainy season is pledged the better it would Months Publlobodou Soturday, by Rates for Advertisement on applica has come the side walks will, be for the peaceful operations On Tuesday 29th when the On Thursday mornin WAROWD, Senior Central Awton. Correspondence on all matters of course, be somewhat slip of their interests.
nue red corder of Street, Panama, of public interest invited. pery and may prove dangerS. Colon sails from Cristo about eleven o clock coach RP.
We learn from a recent re bal she will be taking with was seen flying around the All copy for publication must be fous to the public. ch Persona port of the Jamaica Gleaner her Judge John Haban, Avenue opposite the National As on bo ldo at paper only, and using rubber heels should ex. which we reproduce in this United State District Judge Institute. Te creature in corner of RATBS OP SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the name ofercise the greatest care in inue that the British for the Cantal Zone.
12. 40 she scritor, not necessarily for publice walking on the wet concrete Consul had advised the da ton but as good faith the shafts had ite form of During Judge Hanan we do not undertake to return to the smoothness of the rubborers to return to work, skorturi cumbrey on the Caballo but the speed of: ber makes it very easy to slip but the instances of ill treat bench he has endeared and the coach was deserted on the concrete during, or ment listed in the same re himself to all races and not even the eochero on his immediately after, a rain. The Laborty of the Proes to the palladium of ourrige JUNIUS port do not help to commend people on the Canal Zone mount.
All of this is bad enough the company to the people and in the Republic of PanaWhat had happened! NothSATURDAY, APRIL 26, 1919 and it is for pedestrians to nor make pleasant reading to ma. Those of us who have ing mnch. The horse proved be careful as to how they go any here who may have a watched his methods of ad. Trumps which was sold to to be the famous Ace ofon the side walks along our lingering hope of hearins ministering Justice cannot an Italiano, a little overs United We Stand.
satisfactory reports from but compliment him on the tactful and capable manner week But the danger is usually Bocas town.
aggravated by the lawless in which he succeeded in business much and as the He didn like the orach The slogan of the present era in all circles. business, throwing of mango peel on APRIL RAINS getting the real facts of a Italiano knew him not well, labor, political and racial is one for all and all for one the side walks by thoughtless The April rains have broken case Judge Hanan believes and he (the horse) feeling like and the colored race, at least, that section of it on the persons who have absolutely the long dry season and in inflicting punishment acregard for Isthmus is determined now, more than ever, to focus the public, and very little for everything is looking green cording to the amount of in going on a sprint made the telligence possessed by the ning and dashed up the culcurve like a streak of lightits strength on the well being of their own.
their own.
and pretty. If the people on a strict the Zone retained unmolested offender. He is de sac in front of the National That man is belated who continues to blow his time There is, however, a statu possession of their gardens moralist and the great efforts Institute like when he losed worn old horn with its mysterious blasts to be interpreted tory enactment against this how fine it would be for them he was exhibited in trying to by the scattered initiates who felt that the whole world nuisance and prompt punish now!
raise the standard of Moral to make the leading finish at ityf ramollig those who have Juan Franco. It was a gloribelonged to the few of them and that all else was a ment in cases of violation But in Gatun and other Regligible factor in the count.
may aid materially in reduc places the gardens have been come before him calls for the ous exhibition, but the ItaliThe world is whirling now swifter than before, and pro ing the danger.
ordered shut down and greatest commendation and ano is suffering from a heavy gress moves on so fast that it takes tonly men with sustained by the fall he open around the Silver quarters praise, and we are glad to blow in his back which we al The Bocas Question eyes to see and appreciate the changes as they come.
the plots have been turned say that his efforts have in made up his mind (or his feet)
Despite what may be said au contraire, there is a de Quite considerable is the into a paddock for the mili great measure borne excel received when the animai.
lent results.
to shoot, and the worst of The Workman, as the lead. all is that the coach was discided and deliberately devised scheme to establish fac agitation here over the Bocas tary mules which have been tonal differences between the people of the various no palpable indication that Last year it was a sight on the coloured people wishes the while the Ace is as firme els Labor Question and there is designated new neighbors.
ing and only mouthpiece of sected at the front wheels islands. This propaganda is being worked out covertly it will die down immediately. which to feast the eyes to see ceniul Judge and his family piston.
and is thrown on the nerves of the people rather than on Now it is a fact that Jamai from the passing trains the Bon Voyage and hope their reason, as the latter method would easily be exploded cans and other West Indians beautiful gardens of the in: after he shall have settled his are for the most part indus dustrious colored residents of professional business in his HYMENEAL and the disguised wolf come to light, Wesleyan Jim crowism and racial suppression stare at us and trious and hard working Gatun and other towns on the home State, he will return to challenge our very existence as an independent people. people. None of them have Zone, but this year the rain the Tsahmus to carry on the Church. on Tuesday ethernetist The voice of opposition is stronger now than ever; yet the migrated here on pleasure will descend upon the uncul good work of administering at o clock with Rev.
guest; they have come to work tivated soil and waste its Justice with mercy to all Evers officiating, the hand of chances of defeating this opposition have never, before, and make themselves inde properties on idle fields.
those who may be brought Miss Mabel Blanche Palmer, been as great as they are at present.
pendent whenever the chance Perhaps the people did too before him for punishment. was given in holy wedlock to well last year and reaped too We believe in the doctrine Unity is strength for it is offered them.
Mr. Wellesley Clifford DeDier.
Consequently, there are great results from their is more than a doctrine, it is a maxim attested by univerBoth parties are connected with the Church choir, and sal experience. But unity must be real, it must be solid, very few people who will be labor, and in consequence of Reggiving Money Under False Pretences.
lieve that those of our people this fact no mas jardipes.
well known among the West it must be lasting.
in Costa Rica and Bgcas are on Thursday Jast, a Panama Indion colony, having for If some sections of the colored population believe that so doggedly indolent as not to nian named Daniel Delgado, 28 many years Select Dance years old, was sentenced to 26 themselves as first class vocaldistinguished they can get along successfully without the co operation care to work, or so blindly Jdays in jail by the police court ists, and ready respondents at of the rest of the vast crowds let them bolt out of the pigheaded as to resist legiti The Promoters of the for receiving from one Violet course. What difference will it make if we believe other mate and rational conditions. Select Dance which comes Foster, a Jamaican, the sum of all calls for benevolent purwise? We would not be able to deflect their line of thought, The United Fruit Company, off to night, at St. Anthony 8 dollars under false represen poses.
by their alleged treatment to Hall, Calidonia Road, have Delgado, feeling the need of tation The Workman joins with nor could we stem the course of their actions.
But the plain matter of fact question is this: Is a troyed the confidence of the the best of everything for the the plea that a friend of his was ers of the couple, in wishing West Indian laborers has des spared no effort in providing money, approached Foster with the many friends and admirpart greater than the whole? The attitude of the Isola whole body of West Indians comfort and enjoyment of in jail and that he wanted the them a happy and prosperous tionists says yes even when this is contrary to both fact and their effort to recruit the invited guests. money to bail his friend, future.
Violet Foster being rullible and logic, and is indicative of the presence of the seed of labor from among the unem. money ployed, either in the West tra has been secured, which Strolled or in high spirits, con Judgo Hanan Temporarily to disintegration.
We should not be surprised to hear of this new party Indies or Central America is will set all feet to waltz time Rratulating Bimself, but on Moleases San Blass an uncertain proposition.
of Isolationists as there is never a great movement withi precisely at pm. there learning of the deception poster out internal troubles and for us to get along in our strug make a tremendous change in joy what promises to be the Department and detectives were Thursday, Judge This Company will have to fore be punctual and so en reported the matter to the Police At the Ancon Court on: gle without discord, here and there, would be a feat too their policy and offer large best function of it kind.
Hanan wonderful and too brilliant for the annals of human fellow who was quickly brought ordered the temporary reto justice when he received the lease of the Steamer San Blas.
This steamer as will be reBut what we do expect and are laboring fór is the soli we could. We accept with racial pride our color, whether membered by our readers has darity, reality and permanence of our aims, efforts and de we be called negro, colored, or mulatto, and we want with been held up for sometime CRUEL ACT.
terminations. We are already in the fight, not because we it the accompaniment of the freedom and justice which at Cristobal, by the Marshall texniga to be, but because conditions have made it so that all the other races of nature children so lavishly enjoy: West Indian woman named suit brought by one John of Canal. in the we can do no otherwise, and we find it necessary to pro We do not wish the crumbs that fall from tables, Watts was taken before the po McCathon and wife against pose to ourselves and all others the questions: How are we want the real bread of life, like the rest of men, for lice content contra charge of cruelty the steamer, for damages to little girl child.
we fighting? What are we fighting for? How shall we our families and ourselves.
The statement of the little covering alleged loss of perfinish the fight In this demand we are supported by some of the best girl is to the effect that the wo sonal effects, and injury to Nothing but solid co operation can strengthen our plans brains among our white neighbours on the Zone and in tied her to post in the the health of Mrs. McCathon Kouse pd beat her with a shoe as the result of the sinking in the campaign in which we have enlisted; a high morale the terminal cities of this Republic.
in beraad is dependent on high efficiency and high efficiency is im The liberal mindedness of the business men and the the body and face and all over of the steamer at Bocas del possible without general We are either high sense of equity of those on the Zone whose religion Hospital where she lo receiving while letigants were passenThe child is now in St. Thomas Toro about two years ago, ready or unready for the clannishness.
Those who are unready and practice are coterminous, have placed their sympathy medical treatment can take no profitable part in the cause; but the race does with us and they do not hesitate to say that we are deserv was done because the child lost It is alleged that the cruel act Port Limon to Colon.
gers, on board the ship from expect the fit and prepared to take part and act in ing of more than we get. Thank them! and weđaffirm dotlar bill with which she was The order for release was concert. The Isolationists are the unready and as such that such men enjoy the respect and esteem of all the color sent out on an errand. The followed by a further hearing they can contribute nothing, anyhow.
ed people here. We respect their high intelligence which fined 25 dollars wicked and inhumaa woman was upon the question of jurisdietion urged by Dr. Armodis The reality of our daims is so patent that it is un contrasts so strongly with the approbrious littleness of Arias Council for the Repubnecessary to discuss it. We know that whether we be the empty tin pans knocking about steel desks and Salling Facilities lic of Panama; when Council British or French we are the subjects of the first powers swivel chairs like scare crows. They may scare the crows filed and read in court the of the earth, transformed in these parts, into objects of but be ggered if they can scare West Indians.
affidavit of President Porras. discrimination and oppression. Our children do not get We want to see everybody who is anybody in line. The fast sailing schooner and Dr. Alfaro, Sec. of Jenevaexpects to reguJustice on the best in the schools; our women are not yet respected with us. Parson. doctor, lawyer, teacher, policeman, a trip bebrate the portered question of ownership of the as ladies; our capabilities are still spurned by illiterate mechanic, artisan, craftsman, farmer. Jamaican, Trini Colon, Bobas del Toro, and Port ten days, returning crackerism and we are still receiving the mouse share dadian, Demerarian, Barbadian, Grenadian, St. Lucian bujno by for doing the lion part of the work. There is nothing Vincentian, Antiguan, Monserrattan and everybody from The Jeneva is a large and com.
vague in our demands; we are not hellering out for the the biggest islands to the tiniest specks in the Carribbeanfortable schooner of about 56 Lessons Given tulilment of secret pledges made to us by a few and This is no ephemeral campaign designed to entreat and sup. Colón, Bocas and Limon, in on the Clarinet. The leading English tons trips between ignored by the majority whose vote is cast against us; plicate the gods of the Isthmian Paradise who may on greatly facilitate passengers to Band Instrument. Band or but we are demanding a heritage granted to all men alike may not listen to our earnest petitions; it is permanent and from these places, and at the Orebestra furnished for all same time afford an opportunity kinds of engagements.
by nature, but denied us because we are not Caucasian nor force inevitably created by circumntances and destined of a regular service. This school Mongolian. We are neither, and we don want to be. under the approval of heaven to last alongside all other er is equipped with a 50 NEILSON We are satisfied with nature hue, because she never movements that have as their sanction the indellible im engine and is expected to start Clarinetist Republican Band Sher route as or about the middle blundets and we don wish to change her work, even if pros of righteousness, of May.
Phone 8850 10th St. Went, Howa 27, PARTIR the her history.
punishment mentioned above.
Limo same ronto.


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