
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, APRIL 26, 1919 PAGE THREE ĆA GOOD PICTURE increases one interest in PHOTOGRAPHY served with Call in at the SCRANTON PHOTO STUDIO 68 Central Avenue drowning against been bu And you are sure to be interested in having your Picture taken by the genial proprietor McKENZIE Printing, Developing and Enlarging interesting Nous. From Trust Sea Will Not West Indies.
Give Up its Dead. Continued from page Tragic fate of Father of Lady ST. LUCIA Continued Baden Powell zer in which he had performed the work in each case; and we are glad to set the INSOMNIA VICTIM recognition takes of the weiers le has reludered by bia promotion to British Monday, where his walary will be 7001 Pathetic Message to His Wife, per year. His mediate predeorepor am Only Hindrance Tereved 2800 sually Is St. Lucja, Mr. Walton departure will be deeply regretted. He came to wa In the probate of Court a few years ago Attorney General in February 6, Mr. Justice Cole succession to My.
DoBreitas, and, since ridge gave leave to presume the the departure on leave of Mr. Chief death as Justice Coller, has been seting at Judge.
since Decemaring oceured on or 26, 1918, of Me.
In both these capacities Mr. Walton has Harold Soames; Mr. Willis said that from the with credit, and in connection with the latter office it may be mentioned documents he thought the Court that, although Intely he has had jo den would come to the conclusion some rather difficult cases, no that Mr.
Soames destroyed him instance has selt by has appealed been cradle He was sixty three years of the decision arrived at by him During his period age and was staying at Bourne of service here it has his lot on three occasions to set as mouth. He had been suffering once com for some time from nervous dys officer administering the Government of the Colony, and he has in such capacity pepsia and depression.
von precommended himself as being a pains At Christmas last, his wife, taking, obliking and consciencious Admin with whom Mr. Soames lived on istrator, who was keenly interested in the the most affectionate terms, was welfare of the island confined to her room, and he last Socially, both the acting Chief Justice saw her on the afternoon of and Mrs. Walton, will be greatly missed Christmas day The having by their courtesy and hospitality same day he executed rendered themselves very much liked, will and retired to rest at and our wishes that they will both From that time he had enjoy long years of happiness and pronot been seen. The doors were perity.
locked the previous eveni and next morning they were found (LATE OF THE MARINE STUDIO)
unlocked Jamaica Apparently Mr. Soames had dressed himself, but without any collar leaving his money and trinkets behind him.
Germany had Eye His estate was worth 250, 000 odd, and he left a widow and on Jamaica.
son, and two daughters one of whom is Lady Baden Powell.
Had Prepared to Capture lsA SPECIAL FEATURE. NO USE TO ANYBODY There was a letter left for the land Appointed Goverwife maid as follows: nor in Advance CISSIES Don alarm Mrs. Soames it opiates can no longer give the Bitter Criticism in and have gone on a long toyage Sleep am mad with Insomnia from which oh shall not come back Ho Had Been Busy Sizing Great Says Banker.
France unless am better, as can se Up Merchants, so as to longer be of any use to anybody.
Know Whom to Bleed. Can Easily Pay 600, 000, 000 gYearly, Over Chosing of League Return library books. like good must try to drown, Writing under the above cap London advice states that Capital of Nations.
too many out, and librarian might tiens the Jamaica Gleaner Herbert Gibbs, a well known sufer.
quotes the Canade West Indian banker, in address here recent Another letter to his wite Magazine for the following: ly declared that having mades The Garage where every one is treated alike. direct West India Cable, from The Paris Matin. in winterswing special study of the subject, he In case can no longer bear arabolo done with the plane while she was able to say that the envinge One Price Good Service Paris dated April 12th, says. the misery of years of nervous Eleorman had arranged in meetion of Bitter criticism has been have to sako my life when my dyspepsia and insomnia and with the Waal Ladies, parlarly the Germany were very great could easil, day Right Prices Abby 600, 000, 000 yearly, the burdan aroused in France and Belgian endurance fails leave this word keland of Jamsios, which was simply of which, he asserted, would fall.
quarters over the choosing of of love to you, with my will, tº jonadated with trasy roode of German Geneva a the Capital of the thank you for all you have been manufacture, and which inland ww pre not on the wage, carnors of League of Nations. The fact to me in our life together and moeting place for had made the war. He believed but on the people who of Germany, that President Wilson commercial. Ashare, the milon were a activo if they were an Allied Commission should sit a behalf of Genere was holl. Jask forgiveness for all our shortis donquerred territori come flet marks at the gold rate of exresponsible for the choosing of ominga de at Berlin to receive the money have borne all my miseries recity resenteart Brou as long as felt could be of any the declaration of war, an officer sels is greatly. is changesig quite possible, Mr. Gibbs will not dare to choose a Uity as use to you, dearest and best, but and others in the Carribean would soon be in German bands when the culoured said that, for the first three or feel that am only an Capital of League of now folk could not put on the site they inso four years, Germany would find Dr. CONNELL like best darling!
mity between into ill health lently great difficulty in paying, owing really can tell love there was has been The doubtless, but choly Parisian SURGEON DENTIST paper viver some details to her economic and political Such relat al fine once it was dificule which makes a reconciliation be thing to you in my will, as you am leaving nearly eversof the frustrated scheme, which included condition, and he suggested that indoed to select the best!
tween the peoples of Europe governor for that colony, whoe kad these yearly amounts should at Can be found at 175 been everything to me, and actually been chosen in the person of the Grst be received in merchant Time flies don it Emily?
it has suffered, President Wilson know you will dispose of it German consul in that island. Moreover, ships to the value of 600, 000, 000 Central Avenue Oh yes Georgo, especially when you Delegates in arguing against the is reported to have said to the justly.
he had a prepared list of the resources of and from the earnings of the trust my body may not be Opposite Station are at the Pacino movie pistiuro abow. selection of Brussele.
who merebants and capitalista on the railways found to horrify you but, if it is island, o to be able to bleed them of let it be buried in one of the their cash, or, if that failed, to keep thom It needs no hostages sutil the money onlled for BRITISH OFFICIAL WAR PICTU wna delivered up. It is well know that the German servants for your past kept the government au courant with all enterprises And the money required for the troops which were havo invaded the Lale of Springs wa aurred from these sour have gone. It is only that CONSUL WAS THE MAN. Germany Savings Very THE DIFFERENT GARAGE Not INDIFFERENT Goodbye al.
said:the vically German come CHALMERS GARAGE officer in the generate as the Pacife did you to be which incarnated the chiedere tutte le and Teliable oktyexbibited.
wronged dod more distant by have vaa, marais Demerara The revenue of Duteh Guiang for the year 1918 fall short of the expenditure by F1250, 766 chiefly owing to expensee incurred in the importation of foodstuff by the Government, cost of combating of epidemie, ate. The core ment suggests increased taxation under certain heads of revenue, including importa, income tax, liquor license, ote, from all of which it is expected the revenue would benefit to the extent of A280, 000 Theme a.
Ho Now Bal, didn you promise at the wou Altar, to love, honor, and obey me?
would The Goodness knows what promised, France I was only listening to hear What you promised!
great Powers as the seat of the mier Orlando, of Ita for only two minutes, sa.
ADVERTISE IN ADMIRALS ASSEMBLED WITH HIS MAJESTY. The King is seen in conversation with Sir bound by the decision of tu.
David Beatty. Towards the right Rear Admiral Strauses, Other Admirals seen lo Committee. When the voten The Workman the hack ground are: Vice Admiral Evan Thomas, Vice Admiral de Brook (who was called fer, Great Britain, the fervested by his Majesty with the Roar Admiral Nicholson, Rear Adopiral United States, Japan and Italy.
IT PAYS Bodenough and Roar Adel Lavoron, Tb (Canlived en page 7) rder to


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