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GOOD BYE TO PANAMA Has 12 Lodges Of Work. Was Second Vice PresiOUT LAST WEEK ing Men.
dent of Panama.
One of Panama most Leaves to Take up Pobition at Saters winterview with Me Severs who is here from the noted and respected sons Commissary and Cold Storage Motevidio, Uruguay States organizing labor, a rep passed away on Thursday resentative of this office learnt night when at a few minutes Follow Friday Morning SDA this week that he has already past six Señor Pedro Diaz het, moen. until recently u. and Minister Plenidotentiary of working men and hopes ma after a few days illness hit the Isthmus in the vicinity of bal Commissary had walkedhetet On Wednesday Sir Claude Mal appointed Envoy Extraordinary organized iwelve (12) lodges died aate his residence in Panalast Friday, the striko dawb Silver Employees at the Cristo s Envoy Extraordinary and Both Sir Claude and Lady soon to Inve over iepen (16) during which time he devel the Cristobal doces when all the and that the remainder demanded Minister Plenipotentiary to Pan Mallet returned looking in the all through the Islamus.
oped paralysis.
went to work in general to 75. 00 per ama and Costa Rica, returned best of health and show evidenfrom Jamaica where he had gone ces of a profitable and enjoyable tablished according to crafts vice pres pent of the present from nine to eight hours without missaries along the line and on These organizations are esSeñor Diaz was the second morning to meet their working month and other ratings and day peremptorily redwood that the men at the other con a to vacation. During tor and son in law and to meet thousaashana vagesterday others and is considered the most administration and was re intimation of an increase in the the Pacific side have intimidated Lady rd him on a vacation prior to their were kepe un usually bugs packs logical method of organizing. Hearded as one of the most il gating to offset the loss effected their intentione ha remonti viated them, and quit it their claims final Isth their belonings in prepregister by the change.
mus to take up residence in Uru aration for their voyage which too small a number of men Roublie.
Without any noisy protest the are ignored, guay where Sir Claude has been commences to morrow. for independent classification The funeral ceremonies wen quietly and orderly returned Balboa Sliver Employees troll. thin such cases, will be official committee and orders cuss the situation. At this teeb ta abas been learnt that on and the system of amalgama were arranged by a special meeting in the evening to disto their homes and called a mass Send In Demand followed.
were it decided that Thursday Mr. Severs is connected Porras for a state funeral.
be addressed to the Superinten meeting of the silver men at to the Federal Labor Union The body Iny in state all dent of the Panama Railroad in Balboa Machine shops was held and presented his credentials day yesterday and the funer which their grievances were to when be submitted verious divisions discussed the for inspection which show al service took place at p.
from the that he is the recognized or in the Cathedral.
The reply to the petition for general conditions of labor and warded that the hourly rat detachment of US. Ma ing would be increased from 17 or the Governor with a request a delegation to ganizer of labor in the United wait States, Canada and Central rines, the National Police, the cents to 20 cents and that the for his consideration for an inAmerica, Fire Brigade Corps, and the ill treatment from bosses com crease of 25 cents an hour in In his department there are members of various institu plained of would receive the their rating, deciding to quit over two hundred thousand tions as well as detachments attention of the Department. The work in 24 hours it their request. 200, 000) members and his from the leading schools in equitable by the men and so they increase was not considered was not granted, From what can be gathered headquarters are in Detroit, Panama were placed in the did not return to work.
here and there, it would appear Michigan.
procession and the RepubliA number of natives from the that the agitation for better Mr Pacific over coming general appreciable knowledge of la batids played in the proces work on the dooke bur te throughout the bor conditions on the Isthmus sion. It was one of the larg, learnt that many of them walked might not be with and has been more than sur est funeral processions ever out in groups as soon as they conceivable 100g every prised at the deplorable state witnessed in Panama and court hoat pestoken the work in reaching this ticee Vapores learnt a was. They to of things, and from what we very many prominent officials ansatisfactory manner, any way, classes of labor in Colon and understand of his position it from the Canal Zone among as they were both unaccustomed Panama such as bakers and but is his intention to place the whom were Governor Hard to, and physically unfit for the chers are also planning to strike.
entire situation before the ing and General Kennedy upon to work they were called Dock Checkers Fall in Labor Union of the United attended.
States and the War Depart The National Assembly has that their quarters would have to Line The strikers were informed On Tuesday the hourly doek ment of Labor.
decreed that for a period of be vacated, that they would not checkers in Cristobal working for three days the flags in the be able to purchase commissar, the Panama Railroad and the PACIFIC THEATRE various publie offices be flown coupon books and that they would private companies having formed at half mast, and that the not be eligible for reemploy instrong working organization Popular is becoming a poor National Police and the Firework in a given time, but these ship Checkers Association made not return to under the name of The Steamword to apply to this theatre. Brigade wear mourning for threats only served to inflame arrangements to The crowds that gather every the same period.
them and made them more de work. ng at the old rate of pay.
discontinue show night speaks highly of the shown. At present the terx. ined and resolute.
In an interview with the presiserial The Brass Ballet is en Coaling Plant Men Walked dent of this association it was joying a full run, the last two Thanksgiving Celebration.
learnt that the men made repreOut Monday steamla SIR CLAUD COVENTRY MALLET, The 15th and 10th will screened tonight This serial The Members of the Grandi On Monday morning a large ship companies some time about Sir Claude Coventry Mallet these Republics, appointments is one of the biggest the Univer United Order of Odd Fellows Cristobal Coaling plant who had Thorable reply was received.
number of Silver Employees of the 21st of April, bet no appointed delegates was bucated at Brightose rotolo tas turwhen he was transferred a new star for Panama their Annual Thanksgiving on pressing dissatisfaction at the exepti bearing from all wish out for some time being city of Panama, cate celebrate their work record forme et le content com perspeiles atera. Entered the Civil Service to Uruguay in 1878, receiving an appoint recognition of ment in the Post Ofice, and Sir Claude was made a Compan, friends and he is certainly en cording to General Rule No. expenses.
his services Malhall, Jack has made many Sunday the 11th inst. ac rating which they found could the exception of the United Fruit enable them to meet their work for all the companies exCompany, and they continued to was sent to Panama to be em. ion of the Distinguished Order of titled to them, his work is 1. 99.
cepting the United Fruit Comployed in the British Packet St Michael and st Mr. McFarlane, the Superin: pany whose attitude they reGeorge in Agenci civil service examination in 1888 he also received the coronation numbe Mom screen, Chris Champ 8243 and King George 6th were, wall paid at 20 cents man in that year. Passed a 1903, and was Knighted in 1905. Tomorrow night will be a big Green Energetic Lodge No. tendent, claimed that the men stored.
Mr. and and was appointed a Vice Consul Medals when King Edward and Mrs.
Since however, no amelioration hour in the Consular service with King George were crowned.
lin in Borrowed Clothes Lodge No. 9017 will congre: creet for making greater de, in conditions bas been offered by Jewel Production of the first gate in their Lodge Hall at mands, but the men thought any of the companies the men residence at he served at Coloma dence in this Republic to the Chaplin in one of his big come marching over the Calidonia for better wages.
Sir Claude owes his long resi magnitude and Mr. Chartes 24th Street, Guachapali. otherwise and are holding out quit work and are now in army the The aranquilla, Columbia. at. Practical knowledge he gleaned is show the during the French period of was rapid and Canal Construction. and it was that you will see for 21st Street where they shall coal mera claim It is said that over twelve ey not miss is to the their steamers are tied up at the Cristhe age be Consul. This was a record his former post when the his wife. The story is beautiful Household of Ruth No. 961, are determined that the proper with a few West Indians (1) work was promoted to on that account he returned to the first time the big actor and meet the Juvenile Branch, chasses of labor are the best paid tobal docks and that there are in all of the world and they several promotion as vice Cenwalen Gove acquired the Canal Zone in and well presented. Make it and 19 so that to be made a Con 1904. Sir Claude my be said to point to be present. Next week Lily of Paraiso Lodge No. consideration be given then an expert on all the problems we will see the beginning of 8714, Green Bud Lodge No. here.
at 25 was a fact worthy of connected with the Panama Can another big Universal Seria: 7779, Star of the Isthmus Laundry Employees May sul note. His Diplomatic duties did al and probably no living gov. The Purple Mask See the pro Lodge No. 2166, Past Grand not begin until 1902, when he ornment has a wider or gram.
Master Council No. 406 and Join Strikers IMPORTANT NOTICE Lima Peru. Later being trans of this territory and the French Past Mort Venerable Patri There has been a persistent We beg to inform our Subferred to colombia. Den som he and American enterprise which British Consulate archs of Patriarchy No. 323. Sumer durpinos les week ebatishe was returned to his for mer duties at 1914. With the completion of The procession will con Silver employees at the Cristo scribers that it has been decided bal laundry are preparing plans by the management of Panama as Consul General. betinúe up 21st Street, passing to join the strike and have made Workman that subscrption to Notice ing promoted in 1908 to Minister the Canal his work in this Re.
through Central Avenue to demands for increased ratings the paper must be paid for quarResident in the kepublic of Pan publie terminated, but he re on their salaries. Their plans terly in advance. This step has ama. his Diplomatic and Confmained on until the end of the The British Consulate the Wesleyan Church.
will be effected today, sular duties been taken after careful conextend war. He can lay claim to having would be glad of any inforto theie Republic of Cos been present at the ceremony mation regarding the whese Atlantic feet which visited the That part of the United States Cold Storage and Commis sideration to ensure delivery of ta Rica the following rear. In of turning the first sod of the abouts of Miss Ida (or Ada West Indian Islands recently, sary Men Cast in their the paper and to save considera1914, Sir Claude was again pro. Panama Canal on January 1, 1880 Lot ble amount of time wasted in moted to be Envoy Extraordinary serving throughout the entire Edwards) who is required to consisted of 13 dreadnoughts, 50 destroyers, and 12 Submarines, call at that office.
News from Colon yesterday csllecting the monthly subscrips and Minister Plenipotentiary to (Contiued on page with air detachments.
afternoon stated that most of thotion.
ment films sentations tarbeg In in a men 100 and that (Continued on page 8)
Bogota. In 1904 the ed


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