
Head Office, National City Bank Building, New York Capital, Surplus, and Undivided Profits Over 9, 000, 000. 00 Cy.
RESOURCES OVER 100, 000, 000. 00 CURRENCY Depository of the Panama Canal Interesting West Indian News Friendly Societies Directory. 250 ml dohnathan Loyal No. Daughter No General meetings ist Tuesday 3rd Thursday, Miss Williams Seoty Court Broek No. 6725, Ancon Bolivar SL Colon General meetings Ist. and 3rd. Wednesdays Seety Lily of Paraiso Lodge No. 6714, Samuel Crawford Grove Hall, La Boca, Meeting Court Land, No. 8448, algbte 2nd and 4th Thursday each month. Land Holl. Higino St, San Miguel Secretary Fita Bowen, Box 701: AnGeral meetings ist. and 3rd Thurs con, Canal Zone dove Seely. George Alleyne, Adoon B, Perseversace, No. 229, Dreide Hall, 20 St. Central Avenue. Meeting Dourt Jobo wallace No. 9111.
Ah se Gaachapati Generaj night, ist and 3rd Wednesdays and 3rd wings List and 3rd Saturdays Seety, Saturday. Per Secty. Brown.
Alexander Banches, Aneon Ancon Box 1017.
CZ Guiding Star Lodge, No. 2322, Druide Court Mizpah, No. 9198 Hall; and and 4th Mondays and and oration Sering Indards and Lodge 2481 Guachapali Saturday, lecty. Mr. Esther Fletcher, Seety. Claud Vincent Box 338 Ancon Box 1036.
Britain Pride Lodge, No. 2343; 2nd Court Minerva No. 9284, and 4th Pridays. Druids Hall, 20 St.
Samaritans Hall San Miguel General Central Avenue. Secty. William Bene Meetings 1st and 3rd Saturdays Seety, dney McClean, Becretary Box 866. ksn, Anoon, Box.
Anton Canal Zone.
Rising Star Juvenile Lodge, No. 2341; THE INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION IS INCLUDED IN THE ZORGANIZATION OF Court Paradise No. 3282, 2nd Tuesday each month. Secty. land Hall San Miguel General Headley.
seetings 2nd. Tuesday and 3rd. Satur day. Seety. Rouget. Balbos The National City Bank of New York 20 Royal Victoria Lodge, No. 2344, Odd Fellows Hall, 10 and St. Colon.
Groves Hall ist. Ave La Boca The Canal Press, Mt. Hope.
Court Pacific, No. 9751 Alternate Fridays. Secty. Frank MacLean AND IN CONNECTION WITH THAT INSTITUTION AND ITS DIRECT FOREIGN BRANCHES General meetings 1st and 3rd Saturdays.
Pythian Pride Lodge No. of Thomas Headley, Ancon Box tar Convention 2nd and 4th Wednesday. 1011.
Keeper of Records and Seal Green Areen Superior Lodge, No. of Court Brock, Bolivar Street, Colon, de Panama Star Lodge No. Regular Convention 2nd and 4th Friday MORRICE, ROBERTSON, Ladd Hall San Miguel Encamp nights osob month at p.
Sub Manager.
Acting Manager.
mes Ist. and 3rd. Tuesdays Jarvis Seribe, Anoon Isthmina Star Lodge, No. 18; meeting Loyal Pacifie JU. nights 2nd and 4th Saturdays. Loyal Grotes Hall La Boes General meet Victor Hall, San Miguel Secretary o.
sig ist. and 3rd. Thursdays Yearwood, Ancon BorMester Seety. La Boca.
Loyal Pride 21 St. Star of the Esthmus Lodge No. 2166 Central Avenue. General meetings Grand United Order of Odd Fellows every two weeks wednesdays) regular meeting nights 2nd and 4th Lawrence, Secty, Ancon Tuesday, Secretary Wilkinson Loyal Progress No. 8, Box 411, Panama.
Caledonia General moeeings 2nd Tuesdays and Saturdays Blades Household of Ruth No. 961 Seety, Box 974 Ancon. Convening nights Monday each Trinidad enemy impossible. And what is acquire 75 per cent of the cona bosses do their share, and we Loyal lonica, No. 12, M, month; Worthy Recorder Martyn more, this can be achieved.
mon stock of the Haiti Company appeal to them to do so.
2012 y, Guachapali General meetings Box 198 Panama. In this initial attack aircraft which controlls a contract for Ist, and 3rd, Mondays J, F, RallonBuekner, Secty. Ancon will play the principal role, and building the National Railroad The Panama Canal Lodge No. 1410. From the Port of Spain Gazelte)
since commercial aireraft can be of Haiti, 400 miles in length, of Major Bertie Harragin st, Mitchell LodereNon bis Way Employees and Railway Shop Li Battles of the Sky that counter wishes will be being stock of the West Indian United of easily converted to military uses which 110 miles is completed, the most three G, Samaritan Hall and of San Miguel General meetings 1st 2nd borets. Regular cessions second and and 3rd Wednesdays Martin Seety fourth Fridays each month at Grovels Great Distinction For Trinidad Anoon, O, Will Determine best equipped for attack or de. Development Company which Hall, La Boca fense.
similarly controllscoal and Soldier Future Hope No. 2104 Isthmus of Panama Lodge No 2151, Wars of Future 20 St, Cen, Ave. ineral meetings 1st In other words even a brief copper deposits and proposes and 3rd Mondays, bau Ruggles Secty. United Brotherhood of Maintenance fo analysis of the weapons of the erecta 100, 000 ton central sugar The many friends of Major Box 1061, Ancon Way Employees and Railway Shop Lanext war show that the life and factory at Cape Haiti to take off Harragin, better known as Lily of Panama No, 2756 L, O, A, Iborers. Regular cessions first and third Four Weeks Set as Limit property of nations are now 840 miles squere. The cost of learn that he has been given the cane grown on an adjacent traci Bertie will be delighted to 20 st. Cen. Ave, General meetings 2nd Mondays each month at St. Anthony of Combat Under Operthe mercy of each other and that machinery equipment, building. and not the in are and 4th Tuesdays Mr. E, Boyer Seety, Hall, Caledonia Road.
the best protection for the safety is estimated at 2, 259, 000 cent letter to a friend he weites Ancon, ation of Up to date of peoples lies in the air.
Star of Chorillo, No. 635 Aeroplanes.
Loyal Johnathan No. 2841 plane and the annual net profit at with his manaldo becoming is well worth a regi: 87. 034. 365.
8, 20 st. Con. ve, General meetings U. meeting nights 2nd Tuesday ment of soldiers and a day may. You will be glad to 2st Friday and 2nd Wednesday Pod Srd Thursday each month, Secretary (that have been come when a regiment will be awarded Grant, Seety, Panama, 1A. Samaris Anton Post Office, The next war will not last more simply so many men for slaughter An Appeal From Non naturally am very peased, instead of the and than four weeks.
It will be decided in the air.
unless supported by the proper number of aircraft.
Strikers though thoroughly undes arving That country which has the The development of aircraft, of it. The distinguished ser WILKINSON larger and better supply of com both military and commercial is to the Editor of the Port of Spain Ficer Orderes van die next to the mercial air craft because these therefore the problem of the Fourth Class of the Royal VictoGazette cau be converted easier to mill day.
rian Order and was founded in Contractor Builder tary purposes will be the winSir. Now that the burning 1886 by the late Queen Victoria question of the hour is The to Living wage, wish to make officers of Army and Navy. The Smart Boy special service by First Class Workmanship These were some of the state another appeal on behalf of com Military Cross is a decoration ments with wbich Leon Cammen, Lovelace Hart a little young mercial and office clerka who instituted in 1915 by his Majesengineer, electrified his fellow ster cited in the case of Rex vs. have families to support and ty George to be worn in.
Plans and Specifications Free of the Aeronautical Society of eulogy from both Bench and Bar, years have either remained the before put all decorations in 15th Street West, House 90 Society Building in West 39th manner in which he performed creased.
yesterday, for the creditable same or have been slightly in. meduls the Victoria Cross alone Street, New York.
alone being excepted. Thus the his part. He made his first imEmployers ought to realine by distinction now conferred upon BOX 411 PANAMA, dent of the Aeronautical Society, Honour query, as to what will an unfortunate one undoubted higher than Mr. Cammen second vice presi pression when in answer to His now that our position is rather Major Harragin Sis very much wwwwwww discussed The Weapons of the happen if he told a lie, the nine ly the most unfortunate one announced. The exihibition of that originally Next War. After reviewing the year old responded, in accents to day For while the employer bravery in the field which methods and the instruments of clear and loud.
has his large surplus from won him this distinction must, the war recently ended, he said. will go to bell, sir. Laugh which to meet the increased cost therefore, have been of an unNEED We always have on The real revolution in methods ter. hand a complete of warfare is coming with the That reminds me, observed Mr. boving, and the ordinary lausual conspicuous kind. So far bourer can well afford to strike, as as is known Major Harragia adequate use of aircraft both Savary, of a late judge who, the poor clerks can think of no is the first Trinidadian is the line of reliable lighter and heavier than air. All when he received a similar an such thing.
Great War to have got such other developments in the meth swer, would remark Swear him Employers expect to see their a signal honour as the low priced ods of warfare are predicated on at once, he knows more than clerks at work regularly: they It is highly probable also the proper employment of air do. Renewed laughter. must be honest and, above all is the first West Indian, boy to Under cross examination, the they must take an interest in, have been thus decorated for The destructive power of air youth exhibited a through know and devote all their time to the service in this war. Sir John craft bombardment has never ledge of the cardinal points.
are quite Chancellor, our present Gov.
Give us a call before going elsewhere.
been tried out in full. Dropping You keep it up, said His prepared to continue to do. But erancer. and a companion, that You are sure to be on time if your a few shells may make good news Honour to the witness, as the whildert the possessering a step dedesi and se dion Col An WATCH was repaired by US.
say. derson, until recently much in the way of results.
box, school REMEMBER WE MAKE WEDDING RINGS AND OTHER the next war we should stick to your lessons and your mained loyal to us, they have a lary here, Our Coastaba thing on books and ways interest JEWELRY TO ORDER a vastly greater scale, trom wich Shipset. you may win a scholar and devote all their time to the fence Force is certainly fortunate 200 to 300 planes used night after business. This we are quite in having had connection with nigt on euch objective, in batches the case, we may state, that the why don It transpired in the course of prepared to continue to do. But such distinguished men as offiof forty to bosses go a the at a riods of one to two hours. Bom. C. commonly known as time, at pe youth is a pupil of the Woodbrooks further and say: During the pers, Major Harragin who is an Inspector of our Constabulary FULLER is the MAN you want to see. baru ments on this scale will be rington School. Cod. awłal times our clerks have re left with the first public Coatinmade possible by the greater mained loyal to us, they bave gent in September 1915 for the 122 CENTRAL AVENUE always taken an interest in us seat of war. He has seen much pacities of the planes and the Central Factory For let as now take an interest in service in Egypt and Palestine range and greater carrying caHalti noiselessness of their engines Corner 22nd Street, Panama, Phone 939 them. Prices have certainly and is now in command of a batand propellors gone up quite abnormally, and talion of the British West Indian But. But the point to bear in mind (Prom Port of Spain Gazelle)
iti is only fair, that we should Regiment at the latter place. stretch our a little fur We congratulate both bimself is this: The next war it there be any. will be planned far more issued in Philladelphia of a Com without some of our luxuries. tion so nobly won.
The prospectus has been ther even it we have to do and family on this rare distinccarefulls. The destructive wa pany to be called the American Our business has been fairly chinery used artillery, poison West Indies Corporation for prosperous and alter deducting gas and especially atrcraft win developing the industrial and working expenses, we shall give We are in a position to state more tremendous proportions island of Haiti, which bas been of the profits which they have local Labor Trades Union, to be be prepared and scalportions commercial opportunities of the Our Clerks a reasonable portion that negotiation are well on the for of a FOR than any thing hitherto con under the protection of the helped us to make.
United States since 1915. The The American Consul quite zation, the latter body Internaaffiliated to an American organiRENT RECEIPT BOOKS The aim of the attacking party capital comprises 10, 000, 000, recently expressed the hope tional Federation, to do every.
will be to cause such a tremen percent. preference stock, that there will be a better un thing to help the aspirations of SPANISH AND ENGLISH dogs destruction of life and prop. 500, 000 shares of no par value derstanding between Capital the Trinidad and Tobago menerty in the first four weeks as to and give notes of 200, 000 re and Labour. So we do all hope.
make further resistance by the payable over five years. It will We are doing our share, let the bo Der recognise WATCH that he WATCHES and JEWELRY craft farther and Porce which fifty hands The Workman Printery (Continued on page


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