
LA MASCOTA was meeting The REGAL and BOSTONIAN Shoes MULLER His after 103 a very cute GOOD PICTURE increases one interest in PHOTOGRAPHY Manning Clairmonte anoGost lower wharf, for ne using of phle, the wagesWe are pining, for want re labour of some of the most SCRANTON PHOTO STUDIO TBE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1919 PAGE THRBE in Carlise Bay under up forte Interesting News from the our roads the had to put on women to carry water for nate circumstances. He belonged West Indies sprinkling the parts more in need to the American Stesmer Bonde so as to keep this nuisance down re and was having a dip in the bit.
bring about 15 Sudden (Continued from page 2) The is carrying on the ly be conceived the ides of climb From the tone of the letter, improvement to Cooks river, ing the ship mast to the height which was shown us, we have no Scarboro, which was commenced of about 30 feet and taking doubt that the local people wean by the then District Officer header from the lotty site. it business Mr.
E, Hitchens. When this THE HOME OF work is attempted, but instead of completed it will be a striking the water first he tel We understand that the nurses boon to the health of those who in contact with the port sideal and other attendants of the Colo reside there ane also to passenthe ship and then tumbled into nial Hospital, Lunatic Asylum gers to and from Scarboro, the water. When taken up life and other public Institutions are On Monday 17th at a was exstinct and it was thought petitioning the Authorities for commenced by Mr Sorzano at that he had been killed instanan increase of wages. Their at the Court House for the purpose taneously.
itude seem very determined. of appointing sub Committee We have no doubt that their for raising funds for the erection High and Low Cut The Reception of our representations will meet with of a War Memorial, it was adopttavourable consideration, as they ed that a sub Committee be ap: Boys.
are not only deserving but hard pointed for Tobago. The most in all the Latest Styles and Prices to Meet It is an open secret that the worked lot of public servants. prominent ladies and gentlemen of the island were appointed to first contingent of Our Boys.
the Pocket of All who bravely answered the call of Labourer Worthy collect in the various districts, the Mother Country is expected Mr.
here at an early date, possibly of His Hire.
Secretary and Treasurer.
during next week. The exact date of arrival is not yet knowo, but will be made Barbados The following taken from The ade public immediPort of Spain Gazatte of Trinidad ately after intelligence is received by the Government, so as to should be read with interest:Sole Agent facilitate the Mr Edgar Tripp, in the West Seaman Sad Death carryingout of some of the proposed arrangements India Coinmittee Circular, just 37 CENTRAL AVENUE PANAMA to hand, writes as under, on the relative to the reception of the relation to the young ordinary seaman The arrangements contingent sugar industry:named Edward Johnson a nat. ve upon were made by Excellency the Governor The Madeleine Sugar of Minesota; lost his life at the instance of the Retura Company. advertise that they Soldiers Committee who are will pay for farmers canes, under looking the employment a sliding scale; rising from 9s.
of the men and the medical trest per ton if price of sugar is above ment of those who are ill, etc per cwt. up to 18s, per ton The Committee comprise His il price of sugar is above 26s. per ton. That liberal payment will Lords Shankland. Hon.
undoubtedly result in a conHaynes, C. Hon.
siderable extension of cane Neal, Revs. Elliss tivation in the Naparimas and and Cocks, Dr. Bowen, elsewhere. Of course, there will and Messrs. Johnson, ma be many who will query the wisGeorge Challenor 109 dom of the course taken by the Woodbine Ford, Evelmaw St Madeleine Company; but it we are to compete successfully with Haynes. It has been decided Cuba, Porto Rico, and other high the Committee thaty Tessible.
wage places we must attract lathe men should diserbaekpodhatud bour, and this we shall never do in agriculture ure until we are prehart eropsite Mensche Da Costa pared to make this so called most.
where they will be releases presented honourable of callings, one on with an addpeproby the Aquecer which it is possible for the work.
which is iegw under preparation sib ing man to exist in the common AL est of decency. Is it not the Call in at the by the Band ble meno world experience that where UroegewilPaPeR 4890 MENS are liberal, prosperity Loloskitisood Caoithrough the. to till lower Green up. Brand Strasfou9 fertilo Jands on earth, but we hiss no short masksgiving Service and to the shall not get it until we realise. ority er heka Alter the servibes the that the iabourer is worthy of 97 ins of Contingentomillonarch to the to bis hire.
And yet they claim that la68. Central Avenue De Hallawbere dinner will bror is cheap in the West Indies.
FAH 918 2991v fiber o Editor. Egiji2299901 rit bas biopaonds sac tos ghet 911 or 29191 iwhollowillesattutwardszibebeog 10 Tobago.
their regrectiva, chamos boni Phase 9110 The Agricultural department, 18 inte to the nten the has for the past or more years 1914 gadgeturintmenliaccerfleste other been endeavouring to encourage the greater production of food nismo9 Merchants his prende Le ground provisions, poultry, of gaizlisa fii wole nismi smsa er ked decorate they etc. and we are glad to say that their efforts have not been in Mc KENZIEqgod ad bus múlveas apie numat Briona laika perinde lise vain.
Torte Utilino 1819 10 erisorb worSivigisreprovemento Ginde 40890 The quantity of yams produced (LATE OF THE MARINE STUDIOS gia 01 31896 od sunt doua as making eropgestigos. to decoradas nos for the 1918 planting bas been Ahoes is busyno 19116 lid se ai kita 10 Jue permite Believe in enormous. The number of birds TRS 1107990809 At note toalist on the area of this condi9956 1898 also iw and eggs shipped weekly to Port of Spain during that year reachfaut. gent the Menehants will closin ed the good sum pis Orit 1990 yigit their stores bygegyestw woh 7s. 6d. The value of live stock Cool reached the sum of 11, 488 pounds 10 19 JT or ni sofia Buenya Passats dels J212 91 ban VSO Tae SS an increase on 1917 3, 000 Memorial to Commemented pounds. Vegetable and fruits 1001 SPECIAL FEATURE. wiwiud. 192kib sei rate Navy and Mercantile bad 9, 150 pounds showing an in.
JW ID orease on 1917. Peas, corn, Marine in World War bsd farine and WOR OUR VORU su da n99d yvsideroitiba starch reached ROBKSDAGENS dainos 911 01 69 2:190 pounds. The above figures Win response to an invitktion 10 not include home Dne 1915d flow ous a1979 13 Bild en oals aus TV issued by Mr. Alistair:Cunieronds: ਥ sumption which was higher; by a Represpatakiyesi long way over many years past, BRITISH OFFICIAL WAR PICTURES TOE 100B 13. WHAT EVERY WOMAN lof the dai cand coklame owing to the 1979 Tdi mon bsvomot 916 279 Tinas 3251 asus OUGHT TO KNOW papers of the island met bimo of the imported foodstuffs sold.
Our Agriculturists are still on doj edinisip 995 Just on bagi Tuesday at his officer dore the past the important move of keeping ha Baging Wirely to the tándabren pose of discussing the zergeticbns of Socal production ahead.
te principle of Economy jednosmerale che non The optog dry weather has given oppor.
2009 uve me do your shopping and you the British Navy and Mercaniaftos tunity for the preparing will 2000 realise the immenses Marine Sath Worla Wat 90101 yd w lands for the 1919 crops which we are certain willexceed les swing that can be made cogu. Mtosateod to this actie et sa 90 98 boota toda Barona tons 10 Drenerel hkCotton his zemerlok (Badde hue ameetinkl to 9810 910 alid 920 Slobokodel and Wolea fabrics Our sugar factories are in the too aisain sles De bojidid et ovat lagioco silatua Biyles! am an expecomposed of inArensias miembege of of this 08 heart of crop, and Suwar making The poed shopper lands know, how weld u allen og Borda bloota yodigaland Where to busii sastid 19 redding a memoria bon wel the desirabilpot of the AN foder APIA Adpour mist labourers are on the estates xinest boon de solmitrdi niw 1996 yas The Novelty Lousine Silk the Sailors and he was gebuiallyban ing labour. this being sbg term MONT Tidades 92 19 used bere when the metayers are selon os bosc. MRS ANN THOMAS, Solice where reerda unda mana berdooh od talis, beauty die degrees formt would be are reaping their canes, They are ed turn out to belp each otherioxanthod agoon HOT ab 1974 frák Street deatoliselisi tot could bel pare ting and manplecturing the caneloia vsing iedt Dressmaker. Kaps of hidukingo Vilocou hodation provided for Saldars bons into yalue of Beast TB and mulasgestarted Tåst gear au gwbl flouges Neli Il Bauphaly Jahe Morcanule, Maring and Narest had io 45W was 1, 192 pounds 128. 118. to say to whom the color over au Was Consecued sexy so 295 list debt of gradtude for the securu Rothing you the large timestyibdo gomfortu whichu shares Sell seroiding reis no doubt that this 109 of the Wat do Jeix9 jou bluoy yada output wiºBe greater, the al R9 charitietentent and the Viela biw on the flaring the leading The ohject of son fergies britanit UAB beinkimagnjdieertpand thene sate yule on the subject 1941 diel orchestra Turnished for all really we give Plug se Mure Ah mam mae toube reapedia Dona Joaob kinds oferta forherits, pusaps oli 101 n95W NEILSON ered and delike SEORA15A.
heard on Monday the 17th modroupon ing by many. The thinks gwene. donates your soios gnom glugtntis Hepatikanstad prominent men had already for therain, which felis Esgeb ELEV noop Re Remu91Bhguis MSBB Us de 18aaie getallt 14th St. stigi itirbo Et se Hous: Bearn about laj000 pávadu as normals to erening. We have also had rain on Tuesday lliw 1901 ban guia bis dguel garisbliwsd es vontadontod slland obendove ho mysler ADVERTISE eontributed the remainder: The evening and on Wednesday for His Majesty presenting Medals to Zeebrugge Heroes. Admiral Sir David Beatty cost of erection and maintenance we are all Owing to the dust trouble on is seen on the night.
In the Workman Continued on page Next served presentation Test will following Fiturun the And you are sure to be interested in having to buqete dhe le barbati your Picture taken by the genial proprietoriogeas odio et bilang of 2, 245 pounds Printing, Developing and Enlarging 760 of 109 do conמנוע השמע קו ווסו שני ay the high rates of the با اون ulate last year output the is tbe orde day.
the pro bicona ed than the supplied most desirable man stand Lessons Given. more inferioritate to organ 9513 also Lareerjare good for

    SpainWorld War

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