
PAT FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1919 LADY MALLET LEAVES PANAMA THE WORKMAN Central Drug Store FOUNDED IN 1881 Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applicaWALBOND, at the office Central Avv. tion. Correspondence on all matters nub and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited. de Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, and RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the oame of One Year 82. 40 Cs, the writer, not necessarily for publicaSix Months 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
Three Be.
we do not undertake to return Ona 25. rejected correspondence.
Headquarters for all Articles Associated with the Drug Trade.
PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED BY QUALIFIED PHARMACISTS The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of ourrights JUNIUS SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1919 MANUEL ESPINOSA Central Avenue, 33 Opposite La Merced Church Panama.
Our Loeal Strikes. The Different Garage.
Not INDIFFERENT CHALMERS GARAGE The Chemical Hall Lady Ne e battle. She tields men war, Visit The The economic conflagration which, for the past few months has been sweeping over the other parts of this hemisphere has at last reached the big cities of this Republic and for the past week the dock laborers and workers at the coaling station in Cristobal have walked out.
Whatever may be said about the cause or causes of strikes the universal significance is that they are the indication of dissatisfaction on the part of the employed. In The Garage where every one is treated alike.
dividuals do not walk out when they are paid good and reasonable wages with favorable conditions of labor One Price Good Service because the necessity to grumble does not exist.
Right Prices Dissatisfaction with labor conditions arise from poor wages, unfavorable hours and intolerable treatment.
Here, labor cries out against all three as with persistent force they enshackle and enslave the ebony skinned sons of Ham.
The police records of the Panama Canal show that LADY MATILDE MALLET men here have been jailed for stealing in the commissaries, and every body, whether he has been brought up in a Lady Mallet is the daughter of Fund for which she labored un Sunday School or not, knows that stealing is wrong, but the late Don Gabriel de Obarrio ceasingly in collecting from JUST OPENED of Panama could there be any real surprise at the record of thefts She spent the among West Indians on the Isthgreater part of her youth in the mus donations of moey and when the wages of the men who committed the acts are United States where she received other gifts for the boys from the taken into account?
her early education, her advanced Islands while they were serving studies having been taken in the thir country at the front. This Men have been sued by their wives for non support, 122 Central Ave. Panama Convent of the Sacred Heart, inspired work created a tremen but, be blest! if ever the higher intelligences called super(near late Continental Bank)
Manhattan ville, where she re dous enthusiasm among West men could factorize the pittances the men receive and nained four years, Indians and gave birth to an make women contented with them.
BROWNE McALMON, Prop Lady Mallet was then sent to which time nor distance affection for the Good Lady Paris where she completed her can Hospital records state that scores of colored people die because of low vitality and inability to resist disease. large assortment of DRUGS and CHEMICALS education, among the institutions never remove from their be iris.
she entered there being the Mallet also busied her.
Gracious. how can the vitality be otherwise than low PATENT MEDICINES Sacred Coeur in the Rue de selt in making the New aland when the people do not earn enough to feed themselves?
TOILET WATERS, PERFUMERIES, SOAPS Varrennes where she became an ers happy on their arrival bere accomplished musician The situation of the silver employees is not only an en route to their homes on their economic matter; it is a distinctly moral and physical Returning to Panama at return from the gory completion of her education. Inici worked day question, for it is as impossible for an under rated and Lady Nallet was married to Sir night in gulering books, mage under paid community to maintain the ethical standards Prescriptions carefully compounded. of well established society as it is for an ill fed puss to DAVIDSON BROWNE clarinde Mallet med became the Cord s, Livers a seara ruohone mer mother of two children; daughter and chewing gum and other Powers and fruitscaridy guard untouched a dish of fish.
Drugglst Druggist and son whose education kept articles too numerous to Phono 939 her in Europe for several years. tion for the comfort of the boy Thefts, prostitution and other dreadfnl vices are highLady Mallet has won for her: who ly encouraged when labor is half paid and the necessities sell of place in the hearts of all who bore the scars of life denied to honest toil. These are facts and the who came to know her by hering with a committee of other ladies each ship on its way whole Panama Canal Government stands challenged by institute a change that made conditions worse than they genial disposition and suavity of the band of colored employees to dispute them. were before.
manners: and has taken part in through th Canal and distribute a considerable amount of lucal Isthmian community.
ing the generous gifts of the It is profoundly rational to premise that favorable Men with organizations behind them strike with cer. charities, Panama National strikes and walk outs; for the only man who walks out of them, while men without organized backing are usually Mallet was one of the most active tion to the fertile ainda ofoundly and humane conditions of labor are the antagonists of tainty and assurance in the institutions which lie back of Lady Cruss Society owes its Red Ma good job is the one who would, at the same time with slow in striking for fear that they would not be able to figures in the cause of the Bri Mallet and its existence and en out complaint, walk into an insane assylum and be happy hold out, and since these poor dock laborers and others tish Empire and interested her. ciency must be attributed to her there. The local strikes are not now dreams or mental quit work their situation may be interpreted by reference self untiringly on behalf of conceptions; they are history, and as such must be dealt to a mule which lay harnassed and panting at the foot of the Soldier boys in the mother wonderful gift of organization country as well as the Colonial leadership the relief of During her with. No speculation as to the result of the strikes is a hill after a long and tiresome journey, hitched up to a and West Indian troops.
country bas been incalnecessary and the only sensible discussion in connection heavily laden wagon. The poor brute could go no farther with them is the discussion of events.
and without a sniffle just lay down between the shafts.
Among the instances of most culable and her efforts received prominent concern were her in the praise of Dr. Chapman, Now, whatever might have been the origin of the If, as some people are saying, the organized institu defatigable efforts in soliciting in special delegate of the American strikes in the great cities of the greater countries of the tions of labor, here, have expressed non participation in Panama, Costa Rica and Ecuador Red Cross from Washington in hemispheres, the causes of these, here, are poor pay and the strikes, it is also a fact that the sympathy of three contributions to the Star and his visit to Panama some time of three rooms for bad treatment. Poor pay by itself is a disaster, but with fourths, if not more of the people, black and brown, are in Garter Hospital Fund for the ugo.
As a literary monument Lady it.
and sailors one of which is known Spanish Colonial Life in Panama mitted to the authorities by the dock laborers who walked beginning they are now.
out on Friday last week. It was claimed by them that It, as it is claimed their places can be filled by native as the Panama room: and the which has won world wide circuthey could not live on 17 cents an hour for hours and labor it is also true that the strikers are well backed and West Indian Contingent Comfort live that a reduction of the day work to eight hours aggra neliner accustomed to nor physically able to do the work, Editorialettes.
supported and can hold out, while the substitutes are vated the sicuation.
be happy and heaven will reThe laborers on the docks and at the coaling plants they are quitting the job.
and as fast as the blinkers are removed from their eyes joice.
and other silver employes did not need the advice nor counsel of any organization to incite them to adopt the is sheer bunk, and the negro who shows abhorrence at the Historically speaking, CapiAll the antagonistic insinuations against the strikers Capital and Labor School Examinations action they have taken. They were incited and excited There is no small stir in by a force more natural and more potent than any exter respectful and peaceable demonstrations of the oppressed tal, after having got fat and mal influence; they were actuated by the grim necessities people is a soulless pussy footer with the character of a opulent went on a bed of silk private school circles with rethe ele ferences to the examination of life and their consciences told them that the only way padded fister and an adept in the scratch my back policy. while labor stood of the schools. This is a to get their economte rights was to strike and wait till the It must be hoped that the people will keep up the ments piling up more money very commendable agitation consciences of the authorities, in turn, dictate to them the spirit of respectability they have so far exhibited. Above into the sleeping miseis coffand we think it will prve terms of consideration on behalf of these half clad and all things they should observe, strictly, the law and avoid ers.
ander fed servants of the Canal Government.
proatable to both pupils and any action that will incriminate them; they should take But labor commenced to teachers alike.
It has been stated, openly, in some quarters. that the care not to make unreasonable demands and maintain a think and felt that some of well balanced equipoise.
dock laborers took an ill advised procedure when they The strike fever is now epidemic and it is for the was really his and he was been examined on two occa the money in the missi bag There is a certain school in Walked out last week, without first presenting their grieva financial dictator to stamp it out; but the only means right. Labor got a big stick sions, and tae psychological Panama which has already ances to the authorities, but conscientious reflection would known to us of eradicating it is to break down the middle and hit on capital an whack etfect of these examinations take us farther than a merely supericial glance, and bring wall of partition that now puts the gold employes in and said, Wake up and shell us face to face with facts and nut faeies.
palaces feasting on sumptuous things, and consigns silver out, but capital being has been wonderful; the teaIt is undeniable that these meu have been repeatedly. employes to barracks feeding on herrings and green stunned at the rosolution of cher benchting materially.
representing to their immediate authorities the fact that banana in place of beef steak and good pan bread. things is answering in a half If all the teachers could they could not exist on the meagre wages they were getting and their walking out is the result of the last straw Zone is whether the authorities are so ignorant of condiWhat is now puzzling silver employes all over the dazed sort af way: come to realize the good that When Capital is fully awill socrue from the examiWorking day without any pledge, promise or proffer of an they do not care.
on the camel back when an hour was cut from their tions that they cannot sympathize, or so indifferent that wake labor will get his deserts ing of their schools not inconfucrease in the rating and the factory will hum, and siderable woulu be the inThe authorities themselves, whether demands were among colored employes are fully known to the heads of the earth will smile, and the We can hardly think that the real conditions existing the corn mills will squeek and terest stimulated in this connection.
frst made or not, were as familiar with the circumstances the various departments, for if they are familiar with books will grow fat, poverty Perhaps the expenses of of the men as they are with the alphabet, and it was no these conditions then their attitude is both nonsensical will vanish and nature will the exam nation would be the greater blunder, to walk out in protest than it was to and bewildering.
laugh and sing and men will suffering in this cour Continued on page


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