
employee up a at his church alid as Mischief, a of Jamaicans catering to all concern.
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1919 PAGE FIVE Canai Zone Notes All roads will lead to the Club Where the Work SIR. CLBUDE BIDS Hall on Thursday night 15th inst.
The Open Forum organizations which claim to ret where a joyful time is in store for all; that wonderful drama called man can be Had shouid be more active; they (Continued from page TO THE EDITOR THE WORKMAN should get busy and organize LA BOCA the Wedding Performance has The claim has always been such a committe to deal with never been segon at this town; The Workman Newspaper periods of construction until the SACRED CONCERT.
and along with the sweet voices can be bad at the Medical Hall, work was completed in August that no complaint was regis. matters through proper chan tered grand sacred concert will be men when the curtain is raised Osborne, agent, who is also au Sir Claude had hoped that he existing among silver employees the Panama Canal Government have no knowledge of grievances ployees Association, with which St. up to platform will dis communica Friday 16th under the auspices play a selected choir that will tións, advertisements matter for might have been able to spend the facts name thiese endlowcos treats at least two or three week more complaints to bosses are not lis submit that so many thou.
of the Choir. Songs, Solos, and gladden the hearts of all those publication and Jub Printing with Recitations will be rendered tick. who intend coming out to have a Miss Forbes sc. new st Juhas become arriving from tined to; in other words the silrev sand employees should have Jamaics learnt after Thomas Ho pital, ets are being sold in La Boca and good time.
who has backbone eno cognised representation.
row boat he might not get aruch Mr. Fuller jewelry Swre, 122 other opportunity before two either ignored or looked upon as Panama and mattery two ugh to take is will also be sold at SILVER EMPLOYE the doors which will be opened at Labor Union Held Important Central Avenue.
mooth time and as he is due an undesirable who is trying 30 Prices 25 and 15 cents CANAL ZONE in Meeting Admission for adults. Mr. O Brien Agent for than to arrange to sail by the every effort Never before has Gatun Silver Red Tank and Paraiso, who will present opportunity month he could do no better to create dissatisfaction in the Bir:of the silver employees; and children is made by bosses Silver employees of the Pan THE HOME OF WEDDINGS. Employees answered such a just receive news for publication and cause, as the one which is on foon Job Printing to discourage legitimate com ama Canal and the Panama RailWhile we congratulate Sir plaints in many instances ex road have been for some time There appears to be some ir that is the new labor question, Claude upon his change and pro amples are made of those who convinced that the intolerable eeresistable charms in St Peter the Club Hall was packed to its w Berey Holder segent fee Gee motion to a larger field of opera complain. Thus the silver em onomic conditions obtaining here bearing fullest capacity and some very tan who is authorised receive tion we regret to lose so faith ployee is always burdened with could on persons desirous soon the taking inatrimoniel vows. With livered by the two representa tion and job printing of important addresses were de all count unications for publicarul and conscientious a represengrievances, having no one to sub and throt be borne much longer hour would in the last fortnight there has tives from the states along with Nr. s Crawford, corner 8th our midst, the testimony of all which was the cause of the strike ting at ease at Balboa Heights, tative of the British Crown from mit them to the accumulation of strike when the authorities sitbeen no lessàthan one dozen mar, our popular employees. D Street, Colon.
British Subjects here being that in 1916. and a repition (tho on would be again brought face to riage. and address ceremonies performed there. The parties al of whom Forsyth took the cha in other ngents will be published be was always active and alert smaller scale with the likelihood face with a serious labour situs with the present reside in Panama and the lines place of the ever ready District later: far as the Silver Employ.
In spite of the distance they turn Chairman who was indispused, all the affairs affecting the Brito spreading) at ish colony here.
time. Intelligent minds fail to see that such as are concerned; and now art atoot.
to La Boca as naturally as they and surely struck the nail in the head for the five dollar bills and EDITORIALETTES Although there has been unan of affairs will continue to exist When a year would to home.
yenr ago, after progold pieces simply rooled for the sewing class for the chais: cause that need resistance.
imuus satisfaction at the consu: ling the grievances of 19, 000 em increase averaging three cents until a better method of hand tracted delay and much fuss, ar (Continued from page 3) Inr and diplomatic duties of his dren of the town is being kept biggest bug bear, but entire adininistration, yet it is ployees is devised.
on certain evenings by ladies of ers that be evidently thought true that the greater part of hia Lery our District Elec willingness on the part of tea efforts Since there is little possibility that the ghost which had been the Life Problem Club. This is one among the many activities of trician sailed for the States on chers to meet such expenses West and energies on behalf of of securing an individual hearink baunum sem since 1916 had Indians this club. The lack of sewing Thursday 8tb inst, where his remains unknow why not have a GRIEVANCE several laid for good and all. Pres classes can be felt as one comes family and self will be spending would bring a maximum of but it is sufficient to say that his COMMITTEE? The ent day events prove the contrein contact with children of the a long vacation, Mr Levy was profit from a minimum of activities are known in quarters where the largest ineasure of Is it unreasonable ry.
to Zone schools. In the majority of very much liked by the colored outlay.
preciation has been shown and throught Jamaica, His services sume that then Governor Hard cases parents are hard pressed residents around Gatun during valuable to Jamaica and ing knew the increase was inadein the homes and can find no his hard work in repairing the ADVERTISE IN whence the greatest results have throughout this trouble never quate to meet the over time to devote to their girls in lights.
for a inoment has the position of demands of the high cost of liv that direction. It is therefere a The Workman his escap very noble and self sacrificing Windsor Boyd is now residing maica Sir Claude visiied the ed the zealous attentiɔn and dence that concurrant with the work that have. but at Legislative Council when he gave active aid of Sir Claude Mallet. increase, the price of nearly der kaffeat. The arents shoula study Gatun, during his stay at house as good as paying every pay day, calveable information in connec. it follows therefore that Jamai: every necessary commoditya Flix tion with to send their children regularly. case of for his comrades and was there Paraiso, LuBoca, Colon and other cas and, Casta Rica, and on this to whom the Honourable Mem ver trade, took a skyerang series of special Evangelistic sith services will be held in the Wes whenever a good cricket gamne sections see that Gatun is the top leyan Methodist Church La Boca was on hand; the young men of section of them all, pay your ad high tribute from His Excellen here allude, is one case which has or was it a case of giving never been overlooked by Sir one hand and taking away with Commencing Sunday May 11th houses and 57, join in wishing to Holder, and your papers cy the Governor of Jamaica for Claude Mallet, and am sure the other? Of course, as has been There will be various speakers. bim all success in his new sphere will be delivered without delay. his untiring zealous and tactful that the Council agrees with me hitherto, when it was thought of life and hope in the near interest in Jamaicans, as the fol of the great value of the zeal and expedient, the argument will be Sankey hymn books will be future to sip that cup which Mr. Messers O. Laurie, Smel of the 9th, ult. will show lowing clipping from the organer skill which Sir Claude Mallet advanced that the Commissary is used.
Barton and his friends sipped a lie and several others were visihas exercised in favour of the an organizatlen separate and few weeks ago.
tors at Colon for the week end. In the Legislative Council of Jamaicans.
part from the Panama Canal, EMPIRE.
The little babe of McKennon Jamaica, on April 9th last, durWhat has been said of Sir and the government as such has Mrs McD. Green, the real Residents of Gatun and Sub. who was ill at Ancon Hospital is ing the debate on the alleged ill Claude in connection with Ja no identity of interest (with this ous Red Cross worker was stop scribers, here goes a good ad McKennon join in thanking those dians at Bocas in the recent reference to other West Indians out better Mr. and Mrs. treatment of British West In. maicans can also be said with ping this.
vice to you, the Workman The wages doled out to the The Garrison lads are now sailing under the name Pickaper wbich is well known all who sympathized with them strike, the Covernor stated as and one and all join in wishing silver employees by the local during the illness of the little follows: our esteemed and distinguished represeetatives of the nation over the world as a Representa one.
wicks. They can be seen practive paper giving news from your would like to take this op maend, and lady Matilda bon vos claiming to be the world.
Sare tising every day to meet the dear homes, bas made it clear portunity of calling attention to age and a happy and useful ca most exponent of the principles Pedro Miguel on the 18th. that an advanced payment of Quibe a number of our young tne fact that not only in this reer ih Weir new field.
of Democracy and right are woeinst. Willie (Green the popular 60 cents gold you will receive men are losing their jobs at the Council bat oatside it, we recog The Workman adds its warm. rully inadequate to meet detailor, known as Colonel, will good news for three months and Commissary here of late. The nise the great services which Sir est sentiments of good wishes wands of present conditions, pilot the Empire lads to victory it will reflect on Gatun Resi. reason why cannot tell. most of Claude Mallet who has had 40 for the honourable couple, and and the authorities are cogni Representative of the United dents if they do not comply with these men are old employers and years service in that part of the hopes that thwy will remember zant of this, nevertheless have Brotherhood of Maintainance of the cause which is placed before should be looked out for by the world has rendered to Jamai the Isthmus with an occasional not adopted any remedial cans. This fact is well known visit. ures. It may be that the sullea Way visited here on Wednesday them, what is the reason its just government be will be here again on the 15th silence of the empioyees has inst, to finish the task of organbeen mistaken for satisfaction, ising a local lodge. Fall in boys!
SSR or it may be that Governor Harding is obsessed unite to uphold the interests of with the labour. Let Labour in Empire idea that the silver employees be 100 strong.
are receiving sufficient pøy for the class of work which they Post and Headly with the perform. The silver employees 18sistance of Teach and Mapp have their own ideas on this huve organised a Basket ball matter and the Governor is ce Club. Post says that he intends Lainly welcome to any consolagiving a trouncing to the Paraiso tion this thought may afford hia lads as soon as they feel strong but the hard fact remains that enough to take it. What say remains that the declidesing you, Paraiso.
power of a dollar has base ball nino from Empire such an extent that the wage Colored School journeyed over earner has a daily struggle to Red Tank last Saturday and make wo ends meet. It does again defeated the Red Tank Inds seem to be a most humiliating We are willing to take you on and terribly aggravating position Paraiso to be working day in and day out and yet just keep on eve on even terms with abject poverty, RED TANK The Silver Employees Associa.
The Pedro Miguel after tion has time and again called an interesting meeting on May the attention of the Governor to 7th with the majority of its matters which bear much too members, agreed to start into upon the colored Emactive practice for their first ployees, but in very few instalmatch in the competition, on ces have there been essential reThe ElecMay 18th when the new skipper sults, and even in these few intric licn is will show the public that his stances the concessione haus the concessions have men are there, with everything day in thousards of been so grudgingly granted and pertaining to the game good dissurrounded with so mar so many annoy.
cipline, behaviour, and superfipe herres. Have you bought one ing conditions that their useful Cricket. The good old yourself. ness has been reduced to an al.
FAN mnost negligible quantitity. So unbending has been the attitude of those in power, and so incon GATUN of and indifferent to the being andcomfort of its good time is in store for both gov young and old on Decoration Day, way 30th inat. when a left ernment, that perforce the organization has had to arrange for handed batting and bowling team representation in will be selected from the Gatun Cricket Club to try conclusions Contributory also to the pres Call and ask about these with a team of ladies from this ent labor situation is the feeling The gentler sex wil of insecurity induced by the un Liberal Terms.
the reasonable and unwarranted play right handed while bostility manifested towards the bat, bowl and field left handed.
silver employees by certain white Vanderpool wiil captain the gentlemen while Hall will labor organizations here.
There can not be the majage the ladies team that if the ant)
authorities had perthe slightest DANCE Phone 602 Phone 150 mitted themselves to be guided Next Saturday night the 17th the dictates of humanity and inst another delightful evening equal justice; if they bad is anticipated at the Colored Club persisted in blundering along not Hall, When Messrs. Geor Compañía Panameña de Fuerza y Luz blinded by senseless tge OPS Phillips and Sterling of Colon race prejndice, treating the si will pull off their second dance.
ver employees with supercilious Tickets are now on sale, and Sta. Ana Plaza, Panama.
Bolivar Street, Colon.
contempt and regarding thern can be had from exher of the as only niggers, the entbar above named parties at Colon or rassing situation with which from Harper at Gatua, Continued on page the mereARE YOU GIVING YOUR WIFE SQUARE DEAL. GE cocco ELECTRIC FLATIRON heavily No more discomfort bending over a hot stove, no fumes as from other irons. You can iron anywhere that there is a lamp a socket.
the hand.
The handle is always cool and will not burn or blister lost in changing Irons. It stays hot as long as wanted.
No time lost in waiting for irons to heat and no steps Usel tosiderate in Washington Section men by Colon Electric Ice Supply Co.


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